"Hey, isn't this the skill loading opportunity? This thing is invisible, how can you let us take it away?" Looking at the final reward in front of me, I really It's a bit crazy.

The computer didn’t hesitate at all, so he said: “This thing is like this, and I can’t help it. Players who are going through the normal process should bring the mission scrolls and use them here. The scroll absorbs this light group, and then the scroll becomes a skill scroll, which can be attached to the equipment at any time. But for you, because you did not follow the normal route, you don’t have this scroll."

< p>"What should I do?"

"In fact, it makes no difference whether there are scrolls or not." The voice said: "Scrolls are just temporary carriers, which are convenient for transferring this skill to equipment. Although you don't The method is taken away, but this thing is actually in the activated state now. As long as you touch this thing with any piece of equipment on your body, the skill will automatically attach to this piece of equipment, so the only difference between you and a normal player is that you must be on-site I can’t wait for additional skills."

"Is that so? That's really not a problem. Okay, I just need to find an equipment to add skills."

In Adding high level skills to the equipment, in fact, there are only three points that need to be paid attention to. The first is that there should be no conflict with the skills of the equipment itself. This does not need to explain why everyone knows why. The second is to choose a kind of equipment that matches the skill effect. This is also very simple. The main point is to pay attention. If it is an offensive skill, it is best to attach it to the weapon, and the defense skill is best to attach to the armor. Of course, auxiliary skills are better to attach to the jewelry. In addition to the above two points, one more thing to note is that when adding skills, try to choose high level equipment. Because as the player's level grows, many people's equipment needs to be replaced. You wear this equipment when you are at level 100, can't you wear this equipment at level one, right? Therefore, try to choose higher level equipment to ensure that you can use this skill for a longer time.

The third of the above three items can basically be ignored for me, because the whole thing on my body is a set of suits, and it is a top-level Divine Item, which is itself a growth equipment, and it is Set, and after adding it, it was added as a third national device by system. There is simply no possibility of replacement for such a thing, because the impossible still has equipment that can surpass it. Even if it can be surpassed, it will not be surpassed too much. If considering the problem of using habits, even if there are equipment that surpasses it, I am impossible to replace it. Otherwise, not only will the battle strength be improved, but it will also cause Decline in strength. Of course, although I won’t change equipment, I don’t have to worry about equipment being eliminated. The characteristic of the growth type equipment is that it will grow with the owner, you upgrade it to increase the attribute, and as the level accumulates, the more the later stage, the growth type equipment will be more powerful than the equipment of the same level.

For example. When I was at level 200, if I didn’t look at the attribute that I could grow in the future, the magic dragon suit at that time could only be regarded as the better attribute among all the equipment that has appeared, and the attribute alone is more powerful than it. Yes. However, by the time I reached level five hundred, the equipment that could be equal to it was very rare in other players' hands, and by the time I reached level one thousand, the number of equipment that could surpass it could be counted. And when I surpassed the 1500 level, there is no more equipment with attribute better than it. Moreover, as my level increases, it will become more and more exaggerated in the future.

You can say so. The equipment level of growth equipment is not actually used to measure its current attributes, but to measure its growth rate. Before the 200th level, the growth equipment can only be regarded as white equipment. After the 400th level, the growth equipment is the attribute equipment. The 600-level growth equipment is the golden equipment. The 800-level growth equipment is basically the same as the elite level. The equipment is flat. After the 1,000th level, the growth equipment is the Holy Spirit-level equipment, and the growth equipment after the 1,500th level, even if its equipment level is written in white, its basic attribute will not be lower than the ordinary Divine Item. The difference is just the number of additional attributes.

Since I don’t need to change equipment, I don’t have to worry about which equipment lasts longer, just pay attention to the first two.

The first thing to note is that it cannot conflict with the equipment attribute, but time-returning is a rule-based skill. There are six pieces of equipment with rule-based skills on my body. The first is eternity. It has the law to cut off everything, which can cut off all matter, energy, and even cause and effect in the world. In addition, there is a ring of commandments behind the law. However, this thing is just like hitting the big luck, the function is completely unreliable, and there will be some rules. Of course, there is generally no law that reverses and pits oneself. At most, it is useless. However, because the law of this thing cannot be determined, that skill must not be attached to this thing. As for eternity... In fact, it is better not to attach to it. The rule is too powerful, one piece of equipment with one rule is almost the same, too much is sometimes not a good thing. Moreover, eternity is a weapon, and sometimes I throw it out of my hand. In order to prevent the situation in which I want to use time retrospective but find that eternity is not in my hand, it is best not to add this skill to eternity. In addition to the above two pieces of equipment, I also have four rings with four High God law abilities, but these are all special equipment, it is best not to add attributes.

After excluding the six pieces of equipment, there are still a lot of things left, but there is only the second rule that needs to be paid attention to, and that is to choose the equipment corresponding to the skill effect.

The skill of Time Retrospect is obviously not an attack skill. It seems a bit reluctant to speak of defense. Of course, it does not seem right to be classified as auxiliary, but it feels that this skill is still mainly biased towards the auxiliary class. Then, according to this situation, the most suitable equipment should be jewelry.

Although the scope is determined for jewelry equipment, this choice is still very large, and the most important point is that the jewelry equipment on my body is actually not complete, except for a complete set of ring attributes. Besides, the attributes of necklaces and bracelets are very general, so I don't want to attach them too much. Finally, I checked the equipment list, and I suddenly found that there is something very suitable for this attribute, that is-the ring of love, which is commonly known as the wedding ring.

This equipment is not strictly speaking a formal equipment, but it is especially suitable for this attribute because it is not a formal equipment, because as far as combat attributes are concerned, it actually has no attributes, so there is no conflict. said. Moreover, unless I plan to change my wife in the future, this ring of love will not be replaced anyway, so this attribute is the most suitable for attaching to the ring of love. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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