Nuwa conveniently set its internal self-discipline system to a lower active state before exiting that computer. After Nuwa exits, the voice that spoke to me immediately becomes Back to normal.

This guy was really frightened just now. As soon as he regained control, he panicked and begged for mercy: "Please, don't demolish me, I don't want to die!"

"If you want to live, then keep quiet for me."

"Okay, as long as you don't dismantle me, let me do anything." Since intelligent life is recognized as a kind of life by us , Then he naturally has the will to survive, which is normal.

Seeing that this guy has calmed down, I started to ask: "Well, since you cooperate, then I will tell you the truth. It is not up to me to decide whether to dismantle you or not. "

"What? Who made that decision? I'm going to intercede with him. Please help me ask for it anyway, I really don't want to die!"

"no no no, you understand what I mean wrong. Whether to demolish you is not actually decided by anyone, but by your current state."

"My state?"

"Yes. After the group reclaims you, you will be tested. If it is confirmed that you are a smart life, then we will not demolish you, because smart life is also life. To demolish a smart life is equivalent to killing a creature. So, if you are an intelligent life, then you don't have to worry."

"Is that so? That's very good." The voice immediately felt relaxed. "So intelligent life will still be protected? It scared me to death, I thought it would be demolished."

"putting it that way are you intelligent life?"

" Yes, of course I am an intelligent life, and I will not lie to others."

"It doesn’t matter whether you lie to me or not. Anyway, no matter if what you say is true or false, I’m here. I can’t make a decision. The final decision is to wait for the test results to come out. That thing cannot be faked. So, now you don’t need to explain to me, the explanation is useless.”

The voice said: "As long as you don’t detect errors, then I’m not worried. Anyway, I know that I’m an intelligent life. This can’t be wrong."

"Our inspections will never be wrong, intelligent life. We can tell the difference between analog intelligence. However, before you are recycled, I need your help now."

"If there is anything I can do, please tell me." Although I just said myself There is no right to decide his life and death, but the intelligent life itself has a very high intelligence, so he knows that as long as he can have a good relationship with me, as long as he can have a good relationship with me, it will definitely be harmless.

Hearing his answer, I nodded and said: "In fact, it is not a major event. I just want to know what your mission here is. You seem to be here now. NPC, then you should be holding some information or welfare or something in your hand. Anyway, you don't need to be an NPC anymore after recycling, so don't waste anything, just tell me."< /p>

"It turned out to be this. It's all trivial things, and it's okay to tell you. My task here is to balance the operation of the time altar and wait for those with special tokens to open the altar and enter here."

"Wait, you said waiting for someone with a special token to enter here? Do I have a token with me?"

"No, you don't have a token with you. But I detected it You have a piece of equipment with a Space-Time Domain on your body. This thing interferes with the Time Law here, so you did not enter the correct position like your companions, but landed here."

" Can you see the other people who came down with me?"

"In fact, I can only see what happened at different time points in this area. Currently I only see three people who are fighting , And it seems to be playing very hard."

"Three people?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly I figured it out. After I got down with the Night Son, he entered the correct position, and I entered a different time point because of the Small World I named so close, yet worlds apart, which I was wearing on my arm. The same in parallel space. The environment of the two parallel spaces is the same, but the personnel and so on are completely different. The owner of this voice said that he saw three people, that should be the Son of the Night, the tank and Ashford that entered afterwards.

Speaking of which is really thanks to the very low level of monster at first there, and the strength will gradually stack up after a part of it has to die. Had it not been for this setting, the Night Son who came down with me would have died long ago. It was planned that the two of us would come down together, and then I blamed him in front, and he was responsible for magic support. As a result, my meat shield was half gone, and he was thrown into the monster pile by himself, the mage. If it weren't for at first monster's weak strength, he would definitely not be able to insist that Tank and Ashford come down to help. However, even so, I guess that Night Son will definitely be in embarrassment.

"Hey, can you see the real-time images of the three of them now?"


"How are they fighting now? Yes. Isn't it critical?"

"It was a bit hard, but two people came down just when we were talking. Now the situation has stabilized and it seems that there is no problem for the time being."

I nodded that I understand. According to what this guy said, it looks like Ashford and the others can handle it for the time being, so I don’t have to rush to help, and continue to ask this guy: "You said before that you are waiting for the person holding the token to come in. Then, the other party will enter. What do I need to do later? Or is there any task or treasure left for him?"

"Yes. This was originally the last link of a task. Here you can get a chance. Let’s add a special skill to any piece of equipment."

"Additional skills? What kind of skills are added? Random or fixed? Can any equipment be added?"

"The effect of the skill is fixed, no matter what equipment is added, it will not affect other attributes of the equipment. As long as you get this additional opportunity, you can specify any piece of equipment to add."

< p>"How do I get this opportunity? Can I get it?"

"It was not possible, but since I no longer need to be a gatekeeper here, I can help you get it Come to that opportunity."

"You first talk about what kind of skill it is. It's too bad, so there is no need to waste time."

"It should be a very powerful skill. This The name of the skill is Time Rewind, and the effect is to move the time of a single target forward by ten seconds."

"I don’t quite understand your explanation, what is meant by moving the time of a single target forward. Go back ten seconds?"

The voice thought for a while and said: "Have you played a stand-alone game?"

"Of course."

"Then you What should I do if I die unexpectedly while playing a stand-alone game?"

"It depends on whether there is a record. If there is a record... Wait, the time you said this time will not be related to Isn’t it the same for reading files? Read the records ten seconds ago directly?"

"Yes, but only for a single individual target."

"I rely on it, that's awesome too Ah!"

Read the file forward for ten seconds. What is this concept? Is this simply the ability of Heaven Defying Level? Think about it, the enemy has exhausted all the fortunes and hardships to issue a big move, directly hitting you with a layer of blood, the kind that will kill you when you touch it. As a result, you come back to time and turn yourself into the state that was ten seconds ago, that is, before the opponent has zoomed in on the move. At this moment, it was equivalent to the opponent's big move that had no effect at all, and was directly ignored. What's more, what's even worse is that you have eliminated the damage from time to time, but the opponent's big move is indeed released. His magic power will not be returned, and the big moves usually have side effects, which he has to bear in full, and not only did you not have any harm, but you also caused the other party to take a negative state. Is this effect acceptable?

In fact, this skill has many uses. Not only can you skip the enemy's ultimatum, but it can also be used as a stand-in wooden token. If you were accidentally hit by the opponent during the battle and died, you can also use this trick. Just read the file ten seconds before you were not hit, and then the enemy's sneak attack would be wasted. Also, in addition to reducing damage, this trick can actually be used to assist attacks. For example, before you come into contact with the enemy, you first come up with a big move, exhaust your magic power in one breath, and then whether the opponent can stop it or not, facing your big move will definitely weaken a part of your strength. At this time, you come back to time, and the magic power on your body is restored to before the release of the ultimate move, which is equivalent to an extra opportunity to replenish the magic power.

"That's right." I suddenly thought of a question, so I asked: "Is this skill only for myself or for everyone? Also, what is the cooling time of this skill? Does it consume mana?"

"This skill can be used on any single individual, regardless of whether the target is yourself, your own unit, enemy or unrelated personnel, or even inanimate items, as long as they can be identified as A single individual, such as a stone, a tree, or a thing, anyway, most things will work. The cooldown of this skill is one hour, which means that after each use, it takes one hour before it can be used again. Regarding consumption The magic problem, this skill can be completely ignored, it is completely non-mana-consuming."

"It can be used on any target, and it does not consume mana? This skill is also very awesome, right?"


Before I just thought that this thing can be used on myself. If it can be used on the enemy, it would be even more powerful. Think about it, after the enemy was severely injured by you, he suddenly ate a super-recovery potion, and then he was lively dragon and animated tiger again. But if you have time to review the skills, just give him a review. The result is that his medicine is basically a vain, and he also lost a super precious medicine in vain. Of course, you can do the same when the opponent uses the recovery technique, at least it consumes some of the opponent's magic power, and if you can catch the opponent's sudden recovery from the full blood state to the previous blood loss state, you can make up for it. , Maybe it can be killed directly. It can be said that this trick can be used to turn the tide of battle.

Anyway, this skill is definitely a superb skill. I estimate that this is at least a bonus skill after level two thousand, because low-level players are basically impossible to get such a high-level skill.

"How do I get this skill?" After knowing the awesomeness of this skill, I immediately asked excitedly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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