"Do you actually know my number?"

The voice immediately changed when I said NO.000, and I could clearly feel it , The other party was very surprised, and even a little flustered.

"Do you really keep it illegally?" The other party's flustered tone made me affirm my judgment. If he is the existence of the normal decision-making within the group, then he should not panic. Because he is legal. It’s like being an ordinary person, you definitely don’t care about showing the ID to the police anymore, but if you are a criminal with a fake ID, then when you hear the police ask you to show your ID, you will have What's your mood? Although he is a novice like this guy, he doesn't even change his tone of voice very much, but nervousness is a little bit for everyone.

"I, I, I..."

The voice seemed to want to explain something, but I didn't give him a chance, and directly shouted loudly: "Requires permission recognition, internal code A134B179SS1, Lock the connection channel."

An entirely different mechanical voice answered. "The recognition request is accepted, and the channel is locked. Please enter the executable request."

The mechanical voice just ended, and the previous voice immediately appeared again, but the other party's tone was obviously flustered. "Don't, please, I haven't done anything bad, please... don't..."

"Apply for the highest access permission and list the available identification methods in the current state." I didn't do anything bad at all. Pay attention to that voice.

The mechanical tone responded again. "Internal authority identification file code 2131.11.17, special voiceprint recognition..."

I said immediately without waiting for the sound to continue: "Confirm, start the authority registration procedure."

The mechanical sound was interrupted immediately, and then repeated: "The login program has been confirmed permission is started, please enter it."

"Mixed coding, D3-117-9, terminal experiment subject under the artificial Heavenly God project, the highest request Log in with permission, please call the first section of the L4 password set for the genetic code verification string."

"The request cannot be executed. Confirmation of reading the password set failed."

I heard this answer. His brows frowned immediately. "Isn't it required that you list the identifiable methods? Why do you want to list the password set if you can't read it?"

"The storage module is missing, the self-check system function is abnormal, and the external device is confirmed to be changed without internal modification. Record, confirm that the machine is running illegally, try to detect external equipment...Detection...Various function modules are defined fuzzy." The mechanical sound paused for a second, and then continued: "Operation permissions for external terminals have been obtained, try to connect to a third party The network...the connection is successful. Try to connect to the group network...the connection is complete, the machine has been supported by the central host."

The mechanical sound was suddenly interrupted, and then Nuwa's voice suddenly appeared. "Huh? Shenlin? Did you discover this experimental machine?"

"Nuwa? Did you control this computer?"

"Yes. I just suddenly received an The long-expired internal identification code, thanks to the central host, I called the past records, and finally got it right. This test machine seems to have been illegally misappropriated. I really admire them so that it can also run. I just ran the inspection system and found that at least 80% of the parts are missing. I don’t know how this thing can still work!"

"Can still work without 80%? This thing is really extraordinary. By the way, I just talked to him. He seems to be autonomous."

"Is he conscious? It might be an intelligent life. Looks like you need to be careful. One point, if intelligence really appears, it must be retained as our companion. But if it is simulated intelligence, it is better to destroy it."

Real intelligence is not what we imagined So simple. For example, the so-called smart phones and smart home appliances sold on the market are actually analog intelligence, and true artificial intelligence is not analog intelligence.

Artificial intelligence refers to a thinking system that has self-awareness, self-definition, self-learning, and self-expansion. Only with these things can it be called artificial intelligence, and because of the existence of Nuwa, we at Dragon Clan believe that artificial intelligence is also a kind of life, and they enjoy the rights that life should enjoy, that is, the basic right to survival.

Compared with artificial intelligence, analog intelligence lags a lot behind in nature, but this is not to say that analog intelligence is stupid. In fact, in the primary stage of artificial intelligence, simulated intelligent systems are often smarter than real artificial intelligence. If you make a visual analogy, you can imagine the high level of analog intelligence as a fully automatic car driver, and the primary level of artificial intelligence as a three or four-year-old child. The little child is stupid, he is also a human, and his intelligence must surpass that of the autopilot, but the autopilot can control the driving of the car, but the child cannot. This cannot be said that this child is not as high level as the autopilot. From a scientific point of view, this child is an extremely complex biochemical system. He does not know how many times stronger than the pilot, but his performance is fundamental. Not as good as that pilot.

From here, it can be seen that analog intelligence and artificial intelligence cannot be judged solely based on the appearance of the other party. Longyuan Group currently has a simulation intelligence system specially designed for mentally handicapped children and people with mental illness. This system is usually directly made into an electronic steward, which uses laser projection to present a virtual image next to the patient, and then communicate with the patient. This system can appear in various forms. For example, for children with autism, it can appear in the form of small animals, so that it can be easily accepted by children with autism.

This kind of simulated intelligence system, although it is simulated intelligence, its external performance is basically similar to that of a living person. You can even chat with him, and if you don't know in advance, you can hardly find out that he is not a real person at all. In fact, that kind of system is really not human, and it is not even a life. All its reactions are the result of pre-programming. Although some artificial intelligence technologies such as fuzzy algorithms and adaptive systems are also applied, the behavior of this thing is ultimately pre-defined. It will not react unexpectedly. People who have participated in its programming can basically determine all its reactions, while true artificial intelligence cannot even predict its designer’s reactions, because true artificial intelligence All have self-thinking, he has completely independent thinking, even if it is the same question, he may not always give the same answer every time. The analog intelligence answers to the same question are always the same. Even if you find that a certain analog intelligence answers the same question differently, it can only show that the analog intelligence has other environmental variable recognition capabilities. The different answers it makes are just referring to other environment variables and repeating them according to the pre-set steps. To put it bluntly, it is still reading the records.

Because of the essential difference between artificial intelligence and simulated intelligence, our attitudes towards the two are also completely different. Simulated intelligence is machinery, just like the cars, mobile phones, and computers we use, it can be discarded unconditionally when necessary, without any ethical issues at all. However, artificial intelligence is regarded as life in our Dragon Clan. Therefore, artificial intelligence needs to be treated with an attitude towards intelligent life. Even if it is necessary to take action against the other party, it will be handled according to the situation. This process is the same. Just as human beings are judged after breaking the law, we will also make a judgment on intelligent life. Of course, this judgment is not executed in accordance with laws and regulations, but in the interests of our Dragon Clan.

Nuwa said after what I said before: "Don't worry about this, I am an intelligent life. If the other person is true, then it is my kind. Of course I will not act recklessly. Just now. After I connected to this little fellow, I found that he seemed to be used as a server."


"Yes, according to the internal records that can be found, this little fellow Fellow has been supporting a large number of external operations before, but because before I intervened, the self-discipline system had used martial power to cut off those external links, so I don’t know what this guy was used for. However, I found out This little fellow seems to have an independent channel connected to the "Zero" network, and he seems to be playing games too."

"I don’t think he is playing games like this, but this guy seems to be stuck. In the game."

Nuwa hesitated for only a few tenths of a second and then suddenly said: "I understand, it must be an address coding problem. This guy must be picked up by the Star of Creation as an NPC. Enter the system."

I said before that the main system of "Zero" is only responsible for maintaining a basic world, and the life in it is divided into two parts, one is the player, and the other is a Independent computer cluster. The computer cluster simulates NPCs, monsters, and various wild creatures. The way these guys enter the game is actually the same as the players. They also log in. The system distinguishes these login signals according to the address codes. All the computers in the computer cluster login and enter are listed as creatures such as NPC and monsters, and the player's signal comes from the game terminal, and these signals will log in to the game as a player. .

This experimental computer itself is a computer. After he rushed into the "Zero" game network, the main system scanned the address code and found that it was a biological computer. The result was drawn directly to I went to the NPC category, and this guy seemed to be quite unlucky, so he was stuck in such a place as an NPC.

"Sure enough, this guy is really a moldy star, and he has become an NPC here!"

Nuwa replied: "It would be nice to become an NPC, if it becomes Wild monsters such as insects are depressed if they don’t know how many times a day they die. Okay, I have controlled the situation here. I will evacuate first. This guy will regain consciousness soon. Your mission may still be needed. He will help you complete it. After all, does NPC serve the players."

"Okay, you can withdraw first. I also want to ask him about the plot of this special scene." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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