Longyuan Group’s technology is not entirely derived from its own research and development. In the eyes of an ordinary person, there may not be much, but a high-level person like me can see obvious problems. All kinds of technological products that can be seen in modern society basically have a complete development process. Just like the history of biological evolution, you can dig up the fossils of the biological changes that have changed from generation to generation to prove the existence of the evolutionary chain. The technology products you can buy on the market, from a car to a small smart watch with equivalent to personal computer functions, have their own development processes. You can easily find their previous generation products. Maybe that product and what you have now are not the same brand at all, and you don't even see much connection, but as long as you check it online, you can easily discover the evolutionary law.

However, these are all products on the market that can be seen by ordinary persons, and the technologies I have seen inside Longyuan can no longer be described by human technology. That is something that has completely spanned several eras. For example, Dragon Clan, we must know that humans have just completed the human genome map more than 100 years ago, and that is still a simple map, without any detailed research, just know that there are so many genomes, and which genes are useful for what. simply don't know. And now, our Dragon Clan has appeared on the world like this, and from the information I have learned, it can be known that the first gene sequence of my individual has been completed, in fact, it has been more than 80 years.

Can you imagine what kind of progress this is?

This is just like giving the primordial an electronic Microscope to allow him to observe the existence of molecules and atoms, and then the primordial suddenly created a lot of synthetic chemicals. This is not called technological progress, this is a technological explosion, it is cheating.

Most of the technologies inside Longyuan are like this. Many things are so advanced that they are too advanced to sell, and even the news is completely blocked, even if they know it, they can’t even be known.

All of this is because the Dragon Fate’s technology was not researched by ourselves, but came from the Fourth Special Zone and the relics of extraterrestrial civilization similar to the Fourth Special Zone in the hands of other countries. What Longyuan is doing is not scientific research and development, but reverse engineering analysis. Basically, it produces tractors according to tanks. No matter whether it can meet the other party's standards, at least get it out first.

Because it is not its own technology, and the other party’s things are finished products, everyone is very cautious about these technologies and did not rashly copy alien technology like in the movie, and then bring humans themselves into the abyss . Longyuan and some other organizations that are qualified to participate in the research have all adopted a cautious approach, that is, a simplified restoration of alien technology first.

Like the Dragon Clan gene in me, the original model is not like this. The biological gene code originally extracted from the Fourth Special Zone was abridged into several paragraphs, and then combined with Earth biological genes. This is how the Orc genes from the Butterfly and Big K in the B1 unit came from. My B13 gene is a complete copy of the super biological gene in the fourth zone, but that was not at the same time when the B1 gene was produced, but it was a full ten years later than that, and the original B13 gene has been completed. The one hundred underground floors of the Longyuan Group’s core experimental base were sealed in, that is, the man-made world that I had accidentally entered. The gene sequence like mine was actually started after the B1 type and subsequent B2, B3 and other gene sequences were thoroughly verified for safety before starting the proliferation plan.

Because of the influence of American film culture, many people initially thought that the bloodthirsty monsters bred by the B series genes would be bloodthirsty monsters, and this kind of culture was the reason for being so careful. However, the final results of the experiment gradually made researchers realize that, instead of being brutal creatures, the genetically produced creatures are highly intelligent creatures with absolutely calm thinking. Like Big K, although his appearance is almost the same as the werewolf in the movie, his character is simple and honest, and although the butterfly looks cold and glamorous, he is actually an enthusiastic elder sister. It can be seen from this that the genes of the B series are almost non-aggressive.

Actually, calm down and think about it to understand. The B13 gene on my body and the B12 gene of the previous model are all genes of the alien cyborg soldier. On the premise of not changing other characteristics, you think it is a group of monster soldiers whose heads are feverish and go crazy as soon as they fight, or a group of basic attributes are the same as monsters, but they are absolutely calm, and can be analyzed and optimally executed by virtue of their superior intelligence. Are mission soldiers more popular? The answer is obvious. A calm and obedient soldier is definitely better than a group of monsters who are on the verge of losing control at any time.

Since aliens can have that level of technology, it means that their brains are not stupid at all, and they are even much smarter than humans. They can also naturally understand problems that we humans can easily figure out. I want to understand, so it is normal for a calm biological weapon like me to appear. Of course, the crazy monster is not without its advantages, but relatively speaking, that kind of thing can only be used as cannon fodder, and the final decision of the victory or defeat is still done by people who can calmly perform the task.

I have said so much, in fact, I just want to let everyone know that because everyone doesn’t understand extraterrestrial civilization, everyone is afraid that the other’s technology will harm mankind, so even if it’s reverse engineering research No one dared to directly copy the finished product. They were all deliberately lowering the standard. First, we formed a part, and experimented to see how it functions. We only dared to go after we determined that it was indeed safe and what effect this part could have. Copy higher Level 1 devices.

The computer in front of me, which is suspected of being a Nuwa experimental model, is such a transitional product. Of course, he is not a first-generation product, but a finished product that is close to Nuwa.

If Nuwa is defined as a finished product, then the owner of this voice is the product of the previous generation. Although it is not completely perfected, it is infinitely close to completion. However, speaking of which, this is the most amazing.

As far as I know, Nuwa's previous experimental model is divided into two parts. One part is the incomplete host accessories. This part is because the researchers were afraid of problems and deliberately only experimented one part at a time, so they came up with a bunch of unfinished products. In fact, none of those things have complete functions, and they can't even operate independently. The second part, which is the part to which this voice belongs, is a complete group of them.

The so-called complete product is that all functional parts are complete. However, although the components are complete, we are copying alien technology after all. We are not up to the level of alien technology for many things, so there are almost no complete products that we originally produced that can really work properly. This state was not resolved until the two or three generations of products before Nuwa was really born, but these two or three generations also had problems of one kind or another, and Nuwa was the last product that was basically no problem.

Since the owner of this voice is Nuwa's previous experimental type, that means it should be flawed. However, shouldn't all the defective experimental models be destroyed? How did this guy stay? It should be impossible to say that it is negligence. The management system in the base determines that there is no such probability. Then, if it is not a loophole in the work, it can only show that he was deliberately retained. But, for what purpose was he retained by whom? Is it a normal decision within the group, or a conspiracy of some kind? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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