"Let’s talk about yourself first."

"Well, since this is your wish, then I will talk about myself." The voice began to say: "First of all, the definition of my existence should be like this. My existence, or name, should be-neutral meson reduction pretreatment body system imperial equipment. You can also call me a prophet. Of course, I still have a name, but it’s useless if you know it."

"Why do you have so many names?" I asked in surprise: "It sounds like a device, not a creature. Are you not a computer? Oh sorry, you shouldn't know what a computer is."

This sound, no matter what it is, is something in the game after all, and there is no computer in the game. Although there are computer-like things like artificial souls, they are magical technology, and they are completely different from computers in reality.

"You mean a computer?" The voice froze for a moment, and then said: "What you said is not bad."

"Huh? Do you know that you are a computer?"

The game’s NPCs, including high-intelligence NPCs that can communicate with players, as well as some non-intelligent or low-intelligence creatures, are actually computer simulations, and the "Zero" system uses a Very special architecture, that is, the main game program does not directly generate NPCs and intelligent units. All creatures with judgment, including almost instinctive insects, are connected to the system in the same way as players. .

To put it bluntly, for the main system of the game "Zero", players, monsters and NPCs in the city are actually the same. We are not created by the system, but uncontrollable units connected to the system by external devices. The only difference is that the player is a natural person and uses various game terminals including game helmets and game warehouses to access the game network, while monsters and NPCs are all generated by independent computer groups and then connected by a dedicated network. Enter the system. For the main system of "Zero", the only difference between us and the monster is that the address code of the access device is different.

If we visualize the server system of "Zero", we can basically define it as three parts. One is the game world hosted by the Nuwa host. This part is mainly responsible for the simulation of rules, that is, a virtual world is created in the electronic network, but the only problem in this world is that there are no high level creatures. In this world, there are only natural environment and plants and bacteria, without any animals. This is the main system, which is the foundation and core of the game "Zero".

There is a system besides the main system, which is called the star of creation. Genesis Star is an independent program that runs on the Nuwa host at the same time as the main world, just like two programs running on the same computer at the same time. However, these two programs are interrelated. The function of Genesis Star is actually to act as a game manager. The reason why the game "Zero" declares that there is no GM is because there is an idea of ​​Genesis Star that GM is automatically managing. If the main system is regarded as a stand-alone game, then Genesis Star is like a game cheater, cheat, modifier, and plug-in. You can call it whatever you like. Anyway, it is the existence that can modify the settings of the main system at will, and it runs on the same host as the main system, which is regarded as two parallel programs, but the authority of Creation Star is significantly higher than that of the main system. system.

In addition to the above two parts, the game "Zero" has a third part, which is the biological simulation group. This group is actually a huge computer cluster, they are responsible for simulating all the higher life in the game, except the players. This higher life refers not only to humans, but to all life forms that have basic stress responses.

Of course, because the game system is too huge, there are many creatures in it, and many of them have high intelligence like Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, so ordinary computers alone are There is absolutely no way to simulate such a large biome, not even a computer cluster. Therefore, the computer we use is not a normal computer, but a biological computer like Nuwa running the main system. Of course, what we use is not the powerful biological computer like Nuwa, but some relatively simple biological computer. Not all creatures simulated in these computers are treated equally. Among them, life forms with high intelligence, such as Divine Race, are all individuals occupying a computing unit, and like ordinary NPCs or wild monsters with low intelligence, they are usually a few or even thousands. Tens of thousands of existence share one unit.

The voice talking to me in front of me obviously possesses human-level intelligence, so I can be sure that he occupies at least one computing unit, and one computing unit is actually a biological computer, although the actual volume is very small, But that is a complete computer after all, so it is not wrong for the voice to say that he is a computer. But how did he know that he was a computer? Ordinarily, life in the game shouldn't know the information from the outside world? Even the player is called an adventurer in the NPC, and in the NPC's cognition, an adventurer is a group of special creatures, so the game and reality should not interfere with each other.

I thought about it so much. In fact, in an instant, the voice immediately replied after hearing my question: "I knew I was a computer since the day I was born, because my Ability determines that the more I know, the more powerful the function. I am a prophet, a prophet who can Forecast Future! Although, I still can’t compare with the elder sister."

"elder sister? "

"Oh, that's the same existence as me. She is called Nuwa, but you know it shouldn't be. You don't need to care about this."

Although this voice Tell me not to care, but I don't care now. First of all, this voice claimed to be a prophet, and he said that he could Forecast Future, then he said that this elder sister has stronger abilities than him, which means that this elder sister also has the ability of Forecast Future. Secondly, this guy admitted that he is a computer, and he said that the elder sister is the same as him, that is to say, this elder sister is also a computer. Finally, he said that this elder sister is called Nuwa.

Combining the above information, I came to the conclusion that there is a computer capable of Forecast Future, named Nuwa.

There should be many people who can analyze this information, but the problem is that there are not many people who can guide the meaning of it, and I happen to be one of them. More importantly, after I learned about this, after starting the electronic brain to visit the group's internal network, I actually found an even more amazing piece of information.

"You are the Eye of God, ZSNO.000? Nuwa's previous experimental model? Wasn't the previous model destroyed because of unstable simulated personality? Why did you appear here?" (unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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