"You said this thing is powered by Magic Crystal?"

"Of course." Daddy Hill was very sure nodded, and ended up bringing me and Ashford Dedu was taken aback.

"This thing is powered by magic crystals?" Ashford ran over excitedly and wanted to get one out to open it, but as soon as I reached out, I caught it.

"What are you dragging me for?" Ashford looked at me without knowing it.

I gestured to Old Hill, and then said, "Do you want to see other people’s technical achievements without asking the owner’s opinion? Anyway, you can be considered a long time, kind of Is the image good?"

Ashford also reacted, and then turned around to apologize to Old Hill: "Is it right? I'm so excited!"

Actually, I can understand Ashford’s reaction. If it weren’t for Dragon Clan, I’m not easy to get agitated by nature, I guess it would be more exaggerated than Ashford’s reaction. Although the magic crystal power itself is not an exaggeration, it would be a little scary if you said that this spider-shaped magic puppet had magic crystal power installed in its body.

Although Magic Crystal Power is now considered a relatively popular technology, the technical level of the guilds is uneven. Among them, our guild and the Iron Crusade have mastered the core in this respect. The guild of technology, and our magic crystal power equipment is leading the world in terms of energy utilization and output power. However, whether it is us or the Iron Crusade, our magic crystal power equipment is as big as a cantaloupe in its smallest size.

A magic crystal power device the size of a melon actually looks very small, but the problem is that there is only one power device inside the impossible spider-shaped magic puppet, and other devices need to be filled, which determines that the power device absolutely cannot It’s too big, so if this spider-shaped magic puppet really uses magic crystal power in its body, then that means that the old Hill has definitely mastered a kind of magic crystal power miniaturization technology, and it has already entered practical use. Stage.

"Excuse me, how big is the magic crystal power device in your spider-shaped magic puppet?" After Ashford apologized, I quickly asked.

Daddy Hill stretched out his hand to give us a gesture, and then said: "It's that big."

"Only this big?" We looked at Daddy Hill in surprise Because the size of his finger is definitely not more than the size of a longan. According to our understanding of the magic puppet, if this spider-shaped magic puppet really uses magic crystal power, then the volume given by Mr. Hill is actually the most normal volume, because only the power part of the magic puppet is guaranteed to be compressed to Within this volume, there is enough space to install other parts of the spider-shaped magic puppet. Therefore, the volume mentioned by Old Hill should not be fabricated.

"That...Excuse me...What is the conversion rate of the magic crystal power core you designed? What standard can be achieved in terms of output data? For example, peak output, instantaneous output and energy output. Response time and other data, have you tested these things?"

After hearing what I said, Mr. Hill looked at me again with a little surprise, and then asked: "You are also a mechanic "

"No." I quickly replied: "However, our guild has invested a lot in this area, and we have already achieved a lot of results. As the president, my understanding of the magic puppet is quite comprehensive. Some, that's why I'm so interested in your magic puppet."

"What about him?" Old Hill pointed to Ashford.

Ashford said quickly: "I am Ashford, the president of the Iron Crusade. You should know that we are right."

"Iron Crusade?" Xi Daddy Er was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's no wonder. Your technical level is indeed very high. Then this..."

"Daddy Hill, this is our president Purple Moon, he is the president of the Frost Rose League." Auresia introduced.

"People from the Frost Rose League?" Father Hill looked at me in surprise and said to Auresia: "Didn't you lie to me before? They are really from the Frost Rose League? "

"What did I lie to you for?" Oresia explained: "These three are all members of the Frost Rose League. If you don't believe me, look at their guild badge and President Purple Moon. The badge on the chest, you see, this kind of three-dimensional logo is only available for the president. You admire the technology of the Frost Rose all day long, is it fake? Why don't you even recognize the Frozen Rose badge of the Frost Rose?"

"I thought it was you little girl who was joking with me again, who knew it was true." Old Hill came over and said, "Sorry! I didn't know that your old man is so big." . I’m actually a mechanical hobby who likes to study machinery. After entering the game, I studied some golem-related technologies. I have admired your Frost Rose League’s technology for a long time."

didn't Expect Daddy Hill is actually our admirer, which makes me happy. After a few words of politeness, I asked the previous question again.

Daddy Hill immediately replied this time: "Oh, do you mean this magic crystal power core? The conversion rate of the power core I invented is only 47%. With the addition of some auxiliary devices, the conversion rate can be stabilized between 53% and 56%, but this conversion rate needs to sacrifice the volume advantage, and the gain is not worth the loss."

Ashford and I, who were originally quite excited Similarly, as soon as he heard this data, he frowned, and then Ashford asked: "The conversion rate is so low, is it a problem of volume compression? Or is this conversion rate the core of your design?" /p>

Daddy Hill immediately said: "It's not the reason for miniaturization, but the core of my design is the conversion rate."

Hearing this answer, our faces immediately It is back to normal, because if this is the case, it means that the low conversion rate is not caused by miniaturization. If this is the case, then there is still room for improvement. No matter how good Mr. Hill is, he is also a personal inventor. Everything is designed by one person. Various auxiliary equipment and inputs are impossible to compare with us, so it is understandable that his power core is flawed.

I don’t know what the power core conversion rate of the Iron Crusade is, but the power core conversion rate of our guild is generally between 85% and 91%. Some special models, such as Aixin The total core of the grid, its conversion rate can reach 99.7% or more, but it belongs to the giant core, even a general battleship is absolutely impossible to hold. The cores that can be equipped on mobile angels and battleships are regular cores. The conversion rate of those cores is between 85% and 91%, with few exceptions. Daddy Hill’s power core may be inadequate in some other technical aspects. If we can get his miniaturization technology and integrate it with our power core, it is estimated that even if it will lead to a decline in the conversion rate, it should not be. It will be less than 80%.

"The conversion rate is indeed lower, but I don't know how the output data is?" I asked again.

Daddy Hill was very excited this time and said: "This is not my bragging. Although the conversion rate of my power core is low, the output is absolutely amazing. Like this kind of miniature For the power core, the conventional output can reach 75 points or more, and the peak output can be doubled to 150 points. How about? Is it very difficult to deal with?"

The output energy of the power core is not Electricity is magic power, and because players have magic power slots, we simply use the units on the magic power slot to measure the output unit of the power core. Of course, the Frost Rose League also has another unit system, but that one is for large-scale equipment. Externally, we still say how many units have the magic power to facilitate communication.

When I heard the answer of Old Hill, Ashford and I both felt a little weird, not because the output of the core in that hole was too high, but too low.

The reason why Daddy Hill was very humble about the conversion rate was because he knew that the conversion rate of his power core was much worse than that of our guild. The specific conversion rate of our power core is not clear, but our Frost Rose League and Ashford’s Iron Crusade have export models of power cores. These power cores are sold to other guilds. of. Just like modern engine technology, there are many countries that can build cars, but not many can build excellent engines.

Our guild and the Iron Crusade are both guilds that master the core technology of the power core, so we will also sell the power core to other guilds to assemble some of their magic crystal power equipment. Of course, the export model is artificially downshifted, which is incomparable with the model used by our guild. But even if it is an export type, our power core conversion rate can reach more than 70%, which has led to Daddy Hill not dare to say that his equipment conversion rate is very good. However, although the conversion rate can be easily found, the output of the power core is kept secret.

It’s like a country bought weapons from other countries. You can find out how much it spent, what it bought, and the maintenance cost, but people will tell you about this weapon. Range, formidable power and some other data? Whether it's a seller or a buyer, you definitely don't want others to know too much detail, otherwise the strike effect of the weapon is likely to drop a lot. Like the major arms dealers, they publish data to the public. They are all published standard data of conventional models. Actually, the specific data of the actual weapons purchased by various countries are different. These specific data are not internal personnel and you will never find it. Yes, even if it is found, it is obsolete data or false information.

Our guild and all guilds that have bought our guild’s power core have confidentiality agreements. The specific output power of the power core that you bought is only clear to us and the buyer, and it is confidential. Conducive to the interests of both of us, so no one will leak the secrets at all.

We don't leak the secrets here. Naturally, Father Hill doesn't know what output power our power core is, so he dare to say that the core output in his hole is very strong.

Although Old Hill boasted about his core motivation, he was not stupid. He quickly noticed our expressions, so he asked a little uncertainly: "What? Could it be that I Is there a problem with the output of this power core?"

Ashford is a standard German, so most of the time this guy speaks more directly, he rarely goes around with you, especially in technical aspects. s things. Hearing this question from Old Hill, he directly replied: "There is indeed a problem. Although your power core is miniaturized, the output is too low, right?"

" Ah...? Low?" Father Hill looked at us in surprise and asked: "How much output should the normal power core be?"

I wanted to show him a sample. Suddenly, but suddenly I remembered that now I was restricted by the mission system and couldn’t open the Phoenix Dragon space, so I had to sign to him: “It’s bigger than yours, and it’s also the smallest power core in our guild. It’s almost a medium-sized one. The cantaloupe is so big. The stable output is 15,000 to 18,000 points. This mainly depends on the material. The special model is replaced with precious magic materials, and it is easy to achieve a stable output of 21,000. The peak output is generally normal. 1.5 times, that is, between 23,000 and 27,000, and special models can reach about 35,000."

"Ten thousand?" Daddy Hill looked at us shiveringly and asked. "How did you do it? My stable output is less than one hundred, but yours is tens of thousands? Your power core is only ten times the size of mine, right?"

" You want us to tell us how we made the power core, we can't say it for a while, but I think there may be some key technologies you don’t have. After all, the Frost Rose League and the Iron Crusade are holding dozens of cores in their hands. Technology, this kind of improvement is not a little bit, and so many ways to improve the integration, the performance is obviously more exaggerated."

"It's so powerful!" Daddy Hill asked enviously: "Then what is the maximum power core output you can make?"

Axiu Fude directly shook his hand and said: "Don't look at me, the biggest one is in their Frost Rose League!"


Since Ashford has said so. I had no choice but to speak bluntly. Anyway, this thing is useless if someone else knows it. "At present, the biggest power core of our guild is the power core installed in Isinger Mobile Fortress, because it is necessary to support the anti-gravity formation of Isinger Mobile Fortress, to maintain the operation of the city, and to support the proliferation of the city. The output power is very exaggerated. Although we have not tested the limit power, the stable power can be determined to reach 15 trillion points. We used this power to test the machine continuously for more than a month, and the result was a little overheated Or there is no sign of overload, indicating that the output is far from the limit."

"What? Fifteen trillion? Are you sure you are not mistaken?" Father Hill was obviously frightened. arrive.

Ashford said on the side: "Don’t believe it, this value is actually quite normal. Think about it, the power core is going to make the entire Isengard mobile fortress fly, how much power do you want? That’s a city, not a remote control model. Such a big thing has to be suspended against Earth’s gravitational force, and the output is definitely not much smaller. Also, the diffuser radiation cannon for the city is a city-level weapon, one shot at a time. The city is gone, and because this weapon is directly below Isengard Mobile Fortress, Isengard Mobile Fortress must be suspended above the opponent's head to launch. You said that this must ensure the power of the weapon launch and stable flight. What is the output at this moment? Small? Besides, anti-gravity devices are not the only ones that need energy in cities. There are also protective shields, various energy weapons, lifting gates, moving mechanisms, and the mobile angels that power their guilds. These outputs must ultimately be from the power core. Extracted there, the output is actually quite reasonable."

Father Hill, who didn't believe it very much, began to believe when he heard this explanation. After all, he had heard of Isinger Mobile Fortress. In order to fight for the status of the German ruling guild, Ashford hired the mobile fortress of our guild to help them knock down several hostile guild cities. Countries in Europe are not big, many countries are only the size of a province of China, and the surrounding countries basically know what happened in Germany, so of course the old Weiminghill of Isenger Mobile Fortress has heard of it. And not only has he heard of it, but he has also seen the video of that time on the forum.

In such a big city, if you want to hover in the sky, the output power is not an exaggeration. Moreover, after doing some mental calculations, Old Hill found that the output power is not only not large at all. On the contrary, it is a bit smaller. According to this data calculation, the energy consumption of the suspension device of our Issinger Mobile Fortress must be very low, absolutely exceeding any anti-gravity device known by Old Hill.

"Too terrifying. Your power core is really amazing." Daddy Hill cry out in surprise: "What is the general output of the power core of your conventional model?"< /p>

"It's almost between 20,000 and 100,000." I replied: "The kind you said before is the smallest power core, which is the propeller module used by the mobile angels of our guild. The dedicated core only provides auxiliary power output when the mobile angel accelerates the flight. The mobile angel itself is generally equipped with a conventional model with 40,000 magic power output, but our guild has many models of mobile angels, and some of them are equipped with extra-large propulsion. This is another matter."

"I've heard of the mobile angels of your guild." Old Hill said excitedly: "I have bought two more."

"What? Have you bought it?" I was surprised this time.

We have sold a lot of mobile angels in our guild, so it is not surprising that there are mobile angels outside. In the sales plan of mobile angels, we adopt the strategy of reserve generation, use generation, and sell generation. In other words, we are using the 4th generation machine and have mastered the practical technology of the 5th generation machine. Only at this time will we start to sell the 3rd generation machine and the previous model. If we sell the 4th generation machine, that It can show that we have fully replaced the 5th generation machine, and have completed the mass production design plan of the 6th generation machine in the laboratory and have verified that it is indeed feasible.

However, although we also sell mobile angels, even hard-core allies such as the Iron Crusader can buy some of our guild’s currently-made mobile angels. Of course, this will control the quantity. of. However, no matter what type of mobile angel it is, we have never sold it to individual users. Those who buy our mobile angels are all guild organizations, and we have never sold them to individual players. Another point is... our mobile angels are very expensive.

How expensive is it? Anyway, we sold them after adding 20% ​​to the configuration and usage cost of the next generation.

How to understand this strategy? It should be said. Just like now, our guild is planning to phase out the 4th generation machine and then fully replace it with the 5th generation machine. However, our 4th generation machine will not be sold at the price of the 4th generation machine, but will be sold according to the 5th generation machine. The sum of design, manufacturing, and future maintenance costs is multiplied by 120% to obtain the actual selling price of the fourth-generation machine.

According to this price, if we sell all the 4th generation machines, then the research cost, manufacturing cost and future use cost of our guild's 5th generation machines will all be paid for. Moreover, we can earn an extra 20%. Of course, this is only a guide price, and the actual selling price may fluctuate. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, there are only upwards. It has never been lowered. If you can buy at the guide price, it is already a guild that has a strong relationship with us. . Individual guilds will even buy mobile angels at several times the guide price, which is normal. In addition, the mobile angels we sell are not only obsolete goods, but also second-hand goods, not new ones. However, one of these second-hand goods is new, and that is the artificial soul circuit. Of course, buyers actually prefer the old ones, but it's a pity that we never sell them.

The artificial intelligence circuit of the mobile angel is equivalent to the computer system of the robot, and not only the hardware, but also the software is included. Although the eliminated second-hand mobile angels are worn out and broken in various ways, their artificial souls have come down from the battlefield, which is tantamount to veterans. You said that for the same money, a group of veterans who have been withdrawn from the battlefield and a group of new recruits who have just left the training camp, which one do you want? Obviously veterans are more popular. However, we never sell this one. We will replace the artificial soul circuit for each mobile angel that we want to sell, and then use the excuse of upgrading to replace it with an artificial soul that is actually more advanced, but in fact all battle data is zero. As for the artificial souls that recorded battlefield data like veterans, of course they were upgraded first, and then directly installed on the newly produced high-level mobile angels in our guild.

We should be able to see it from our guild’s mobile angel sales strategy. The mobile angels of our guild are basically cheating on prices. They have no characteristics, just one word—expensive.

As an individual player without a guild, Daddy Hill not only bought a mobile angel that was not sold to individual players, but also more than one. Isn't this too exaggerated? Let alone where he came from, the price alone is already staggering. You must know that our mobile angel is not a Chinese cabbage, that stuff is expensive. Our guild is so rich and imposing that we don’t dare to equip it. What do you think this thing can be?

As if afraid that we would not believe it, Father Hill threw the two mobile angels out with a direct wave of his hand. The Space Dao Equipment on his body is obviously larger, so many spider-shaped magic dolls launched before are amazing enough, and this turn around actually threw out two mobile angels. The space equipment of this guy is definitely considered outside of our guild. It's rare.

"How? Look, this is the mobile angel I bought. Isn't it good?" Old Hill showed off a little excited.

I leaned over to take a look, and then frowned and asked, "What model is yours?"

Daddy Hill hasn’t answered yet, Oresia next to him Surprised and asked me: "President, aren't you? You don't even know the things in your own guild?"

Axiu Fude explained to me: "But this is obviously modified, you See for yourself, where is the original look?"

It seems that many people now like to modify various things after buying a private car. Go up with decorative strips or something. If you run into a hobby-modifier, even the manufacturer who can modify the car will not recognize it as a self-produced thing. Old Hill is obviously this kind of person, but what he changed is not the car, but the mobile angel of our guild. Although this thing can still be guessed as a mobile angel now, it is really impossible to see the model or something. This thing has completely become another thing, the shape is different from the original by million miles apart, it is impossible to recognize it!

"Are you sure this is a mobile angel produced by our guild?"

"Of course. I got this from the black market." Old Hill said excitedly.

I asked in surprise: "There is still a black market for mobile angels?"

Daddy Hill said excitedly: "Don’t you know that the mobile angels of your guild are in a certain It’s a treasure in the eyes of some technical players. Sometimes some mobile angels with special parts are simply expensive. My two mobile angels were originally bought by me and spent a lot of crystal coins."

I exaggeratedly asked: "How much did you spend on this?"

"This one is seven million crystal coins, the other one is 6.9 million."

"pu..." Ashford sprayed directly. "How much did you say you spent?"

"A total of 13.9 million crystal coins."

"You are really rich! You can play with this stuff too. Get up?" Ashford looked like he was worshipping. Although he is considered to be a super rich person, he can easily buy hundreds of mobile angels at this price, but is it not so much money to spend? If you were a multi-millionaire, would you spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy an egg? You certainly don't care about the money, but the problem is that for tens of thousands of dollars a egg, this price is ridiculously low, right?

"Ashford, please don’t be so exaggerated, okay? It’s costly. Those who like stamp collecting still throw millions and tens of millions out just to buy an original one. Pieces of paper for a dollar? So, as long as you can afford it, things you like don’t need to be measured according to the general logic. This is called money and it’s hard to buy. I’m willing. Understand?"

Ah Xiufu nodded said: "I understand, I understand, but the price is really exaggerated! Anyway, Old Hill, are you a rich man in reality?"

"Of course." Xi Elder Er said: "How can ordinary people have so much money to play this?"

"There are still a lot of people with this money, but there are not many people as crazy as you!" De sighed.

Daddy Hill said while stroking the mobile angel: "You may be wondering why Auresia wants me Daddy Hill. In fact, I am already fifty-seven years old in reality. Although It’s not the point where the old can’t walk, but it’s definitely much older than your father, right? It’s even possible that your grandfather is just my age."

"But your appearance... "I looked at Old Hill and asked suspiciously.

"Zero" allows players to adjust their appearance, but there are restrictions, not that they can be adjusted at will. For an old man in his fifties, no matter how you adjust, the age of forty should still be visible. But now the appearance of Old Hill is only about 30, which is a bit abnormal.

Sure enough, Old Hill explained: "Because my profession is mechanic and my race is a construct creature, my appearance can be stabilized in a youngster state. After all, the machine will not get old. Ah."

"It turned out to be like this."

After we nodded, Old Hill continued: "I'm fifty-seven years old. My wife has long passed away. My son and daughter don’t live with me, and I don’t want to leave them too much inheritance to let them eat and die for the rest of their lives, so in addition to preparing each of them an inheritance that can make them a little richer, I also There is a lot of money that I can’t use. So now until I die, I don’t need to save much. I don’t need to feel sorry for the money at all. When I die, if I don’t spend it all, I donate it to charity. , So I won’t have any regrets in my life."

"You are really free and easy!" Ashford said: "My dad is richer than you, but unfortunately he is a miser. Mark can’t wait to split the flower in half."

I patted Ashford and said: "When we arrive at a few of our companies of this size, they are already somewhat involuntarily involuntarily. You believe or not, you father If you spend money like this with Old Hill, your father and son will be assassinated within three months?"

Ashford nodded expressed his understanding, and then said, "Don’t tell me This is it. Daddy Hill, we have talked so much with you, but we are actually very interested in your technology. Can you sell your technology to us?"

I took another photo of Ashiu Fude slapped, and then said: "What are you talking about? Such a big person can't see it? Third-rate business talents buy other people's inventions. Even if we can't be first-class businessmen, we must be second-rate." He turned to Old Hill and said, "Would you like to join our Frost Rose League as a puppet designer?"

"Will you want me?" Old Hill asked in surprise.

Axiu Fude shouted next to him: "Yes, of course. Join our Iron Crusade, right? Good treatment!"

"Hey, let me talk about it first, OK? Anyway, there is a first-come-last-come?"

"What do you care about first-come-last-come at this time?" Ashford pulled me back, and then continued to agitate: "Don't worry, Daddy Hill. We will never point fingers at your research, and we can give you sufficient research funding and auxiliary equipment, and many people will study with you. Of course, those core technologies of our guild can also be opened to you."

"Don't listen to him. Our guild has more core technologies than them. And who doesn't know that our Frost Rose Alliance has the most technical input?"

"Don't be fooled." Ashford opened me and said, "Their Frost Rose League has indeed invested more than us, but their technical research direction is broader. Actually, they are not as much invested in the magic puppet technology as ours. Our guild is the one. Specializing in magic puppets and magic crystal power technology, your speciality is better if you join us."

"You guy will slander, when will we diversify funds? We have to study Although there are many directions, there are goals, and the cost of a single investment is still the world's first." At this point, I suddenly looked towards Old Hill and said: "Also, your favorite mobile angel is our guild. As long as you join us, you will not only have all the previous models of mobile angels, but also the fourth-generation mobile angels currently in service in our guild. By the way, there are several fifth-generation models that have been completed at the research institute. I haven't even seen the people outside."

My words are like the voice of the devil, which instantly attracted Daddy Hill. It is estimated that when the devil deceives people to sell their souls, they use my emphasis to speak, after all, the effect is obvious.

"I want to join the Frost Rose League." Father Hill shouted.

"Damn, you snatched it again." Ashford said angrily.

"Haha, we are called strength." I proudly showed off, and then said to Old Hill: "Very good, when I complete the task this time, I will take you and Auresia Go back and join us in the Frost Rose League. I promised to do it before. The mobile angels are collections that sell at sky-high prices, and there are so many horrible items in our guild, especially in the research institute. The installed model is guaranteed to satisfy your hobby."

The so-called unlisted model means that the research has been completed, but there is no mass-produced model due to duplication of functions or unreasonable cost performance. This kind of mobile angel is meaningless to the average person, but to the real hobbyists, this type of mobile angel is like the kind of rare stuff like wrong tickets and reclaimed tickets in the eyes of stamp collectors. , Just get one that you can show off.

Of course, there are a lot of unlisted mobile angels in our guild laboratory that are absolutely unavailable to other hobbyists. Although there is no installation, since it was built, it must have some specialties, otherwise it would not be designed. Therefore, although these mobile angels cannot be equipped in large quantities, it is still necessary to keep a few samples for research.

We were discussing the story of Old Hill, and suddenly I heard the pu' sound in front of me, and I woke up from the chat. On the way, we were not standing and talking, but walking and talking. Now we have unconsciously walked to the area where the cave people lived before. The sound just now is clearly the sound of a weapon fired like a grenade that I have heard before.

"Oops, everyone backs up! Don't fight back!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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