Hearing my question, Ashford’s face was rather ugly and said: "There hasn’t been a situation where NPCs did not cooperate on this task several times before, so we did more than before. A lot of things. Now we have only 20 minutes left from the longest time."

"In other words, if we can reach the monster you mentioned in twenty minutes At the gathering place, we will face more than 20,000 monsters, and if there are two remaining, those two monsters will evolve into three thousand-level monsters?" Kristina asked in surprise.

"It is true in theory, but I think we should not be able to complete it within this time." Ashford said: "Now we have to transport the people from the demon camp to the cavemen first. , And if they are willing to listen to us explain, and everything goes smoothly to regain their trust in us, it should be half an hour later by the time we get there. This is still calculated in accordance with the best state of affairs, If it’s in a bad state, then I don’t know how long it will take, so our current situation is very troublesome!"

I nodded and said: "Auresia. Go and find someone. Help us to transport this captive, the price is negotiable, and the speed is fast."

Auresia nodded said: "But I think you and Asiu Fude would better be with me. In the past." Because I had promised Auresia to join the guild, Auresia immediately began to change her name to me as the president, although her guild ownership has not changed yet.

When I heard this request, I understood Oresia’s meaning instantly. Nodded called Ashford, who didn’t quite understand, and followed. Of course, the others stayed and guarded the prisoners. NS. Although they were injected with anesthetics and tied up like mummies, there is no guarantee that these guys will not be able to break free. Someone still needs guarding.

Under the leadership of Auresia, we soon returned to the place where Auresia led us to inquire about the news. This is also a gathering place for players here. After entering here, Auresia prevented Ashford’s intention to speak directly, and then drove us to a player who was setting up a stall.

This is a very strange player. Although this guy should be considered handsome, but I don’t know why I think this guy has a very weird feeling. When facing him, you always It feels that the simply in front of you is not a person, but something else.

Although it feels weird, I didn't come to check the account, so I didn't ask much at all, just waiting for Auresia to negotiate with him.

"Father Hill, please do me a favor." After Auresia came over, she pulled the guy directly and said. Although this guy looks at most in his twenties, but I don't know why, it's really weird that Auresia called him daddy.

The guy called Daddy Hill looked at Auresia suspiciously and asked, "Didn't you never ask for help? What's the matter today?"

"Actually, it's not that I want to help. I recently found the guild and accepted me, but our guild is currently working on a task and has a little trouble, so we need your help."

< p>"It's okay to help, but the problem is that I don't have much battle strength. If you let me help, it's just to die!"

"Of course I don't want you to fight!" Auresia said: "We need porters. There are a lot of things that need to be moved. The people on our side have very strong battle strength, but the number of people is too small. Those things can't be taken, and the task is still in a hurry, so you see..."

"Oh, do you move things? This is okay." As the other party said, he rolled up his own stall, and then opened his breastplate in our surprised eyes. Originally, this guy was wearing a set of very ordinary armor, which did not attract our attention before, but after he opened the armor on his chest, we were surprised to find that it was not any physical tissue inside, but a pile of rotating ones. The structure of gears and pipes, and there is a glowing red magic crystal beside it.

"Construct creature?" Ashford and I called at the same time. Both of our guilds are engaged in technology, these things can be described as clear, and you can know what is going on at a glance. This guy is simply not an ordinary race, but a constructed creature. This is a hidden race. When I entered the game before, even if I got a rare account, I never saw this race option. This shows how rare this race is.

The other party did not express any surprise to us, but took out a square box in the hole in the chest, then stuffed the rolled floor into it, and then put the box back. That box must be a space equipment, and it's not small in size. After the stall was rolled up, it was no smaller than a quilt. He couldn't see the box, and he actually packed it all in.

After putting things away, the old Hill immediately let us lead the way, while Ashford asked suspiciously: "Don't you need to find a few people to help?"

< p>Auresia still wants to explain, but Father Hill said first: "This is not easy to explain. Anyway, it won't miss your business. Let's lead the way."

Although I don't know what's going on, but after taking a look at Auresia, we decided to believe in Daddy Hill. Auresia didn't look like an unreliable person, and the old Hill, who didn't know whether it was a youngster or an old man, didn't look like a joke.

Quickly took Old Hill back to where we were before. The other party was stunned when he saw the mummy in this place, but he didn’t ask anything. Instead, he lifted one directly. The hand was facing the front, and then a secret door was opened on the arm. The latter thing is more surprising. With the opening of this secret door, the old man’s arms are like the nuclear submarine launching vertical missiles. The puff puff puff sounds endlessly. With every pu' sound on his arm, an apple-sized spherical shape will be shot out. object. After the object flew out, it began to deform with a creak, just like a Vajra deformed one by one. If it's just deforming, it doesn't matter. The key is that these things are not only deforming, but also getting bigger. When they were launched, they were obviously only the size of an apple. When they landed, they became spider robots about 30 centimeters high, about the size of a large ocean bowl, and with four crab-like mechanical legs.

The size of these spider robots is not too big, but with their current size, let alone an apple, even if it is a watermelon, if it is hollowed out, it can only be forced into one. This must be that Plant more than 20 kilograms of large watermelon, the average watermelon can't hold it. Although this thing looks larger after it is stretched out, I think it must have a certain compression space technology in it before, because this thing I think is completely squashed and it is impossible to be only the size of an apple. Besides, the mechanical design is even more precise. , You are also impossible to achieve a little space without wasting, so this thing is definitely not simply relying on mechanical folding to reduce the size.

Hundreds of these little things were shot out in one breath, and then I didn’t see the old Hill’s talking, I saw the spider robots automatically divided into groups of eight and rushed to those Next to the people who were tied up, they worked hard together and lifted them all from the ground.

Eight robots carry one captive, so that although the human body is much larger than their size, they can easily move these people quickly. After all, the power output of constructing creatures is higher than that of ordinary creatures. , So although their size is small, their strength is great.

Looking at these spider robots lifting these guys, although we were surprised, we didn't hesitate to let Ashford lead the way and run quickly.

As soon as we moved, the little robot of Daddy Hill immediately ran up. Although these little fellows are relatively small in size, they are metal after all, and the noise from the start is quite loud. It feels like a group of crabs are playing a race, and the crash-bang sounds are very dense.

We are also very impressed with this amazing little robot. Our guild is an authority on large constructed creatures, but we have never touched such a small, insignificant constructed creature before. Of course it's not that it can't be done, but because it's unnecessary.

Small size means low battle strength and can only be used for investigation. However, the giant mosquito outpost of our guild can release scouting mosquitoes, which can fully meet our various detection needs. Therefore, small construction creatures have no development significance for us, so naturally they have not been studied.

"This man, your name is Daddy Hill, isn't it?" I leaned over and asked politely.

The other party nodded asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

I pointed to the little robot that was carrying the captives and said: "Are these robots or magic puppets? Or simply golems?"

Robots, golems, and golems, these three things look similar, but in fact they are quite different. Needless to say, the robot is a technological product. The working principle of magic puppet and robot is similar, except that the power and transmission method, and the control aspects use magic system. As for the golem, this one is quite different from the previous two. There is basically no mechanical structure in the golem, and it is an integrated magic product. If you use the psychic shock wave to destroy the central demon array of the golem, you will find that the golem is actually a sculpture, without any mechanical structure at all, but whether it’s a golem or a robot, it will have various special features when broken. The functional parts appear. The mobile angels of our guild are basically a combination of golem and golem technology. There may also be some design principles of robots, which can be regarded as mix-up. The guild’s technical philosophy is that there is no such thing as a technology, as long as it is easy to use, it can be used for reference, and there is no need to stick to a certain system. Compatibility is the best development path. Admitting death will only lead oneself into a dead end.

Father Hill didn’t conceal anything about my problem, and he said directly: "I should be considered a magic puppet."

"You said this thing is magic crystal power Of?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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