The reason why I yelled for everyone not to fight back is simple, because it was the NPC cavemen we were planning to talk to who attacked us. They have some misunderstandings with us now, and if we attack them again at this time, it will be even more unclear!

"Daddy Hill, take all the prisoners behind." I shouted to Daddy Hill.

Daddy Hill returned to complied and at the same time began to command those small magic figures carrying the captives to bring all the captives to the cave behind, Ashford and the others did not dare to run away watching the captives were not finished. , Because he was worried that the prisoners would be killed accidentally as soon as he ran away. Although we plan to let the cavemen kill these guys in revenge, the problem is that we want them to kill these people after we make it clear to the other party, rather than let them kill them directly as we do now. In this case, even if they let them kill all these captives, the other party will not accept our affection at all. Wouldn't we be in vain in the end?

The tank that had been following saw that Ashford and I were not running. He also realized that we were going to cover the prisoners, so he quickly ran up and blocked the gun with us. Of course, we are not really standing there and being beaten. The kind of explosive launched by the other party uses a delay fuze, so as long as we look at the opportunity to shoot it down in the air and prevent it from exploding around us, it will not cause much harm.

"We're done here, you guys should withdraw quickly, too?" Alice saw that Old Hill had already evacuated the passage with the prisoners and then came back and called us to go together.

As soon as he heard it, Ashford would pull me away, but I waved his hand to let him go first, and then said: "You guys withdraw first, I rush over to see if I can talk to them. "

"But President Purple Moon, will you become a living target if you rush over like this?" The tank looked at me in surprise and asked.

I nodded and said: "Because I know, it must be me."

After the tank heard what I said, immediately said with a big chest: "My defensive power is also very good. High, let me come."

"Are you more capable than our president?" Kristina walked over and said: "Don't fight anymore, quickly withdraw, Purple Moon's defense Even if they are set on fire, they don’t think about what to do with him in less than one or two hours. If you have the ability to keep the opponent from attacking for one or two hours without dying, then you go."

The tank heard this. It wilted immediately. His defense is high, but if you want to hold on for an hour or two to attack, that's the end of stability. In fact, it doesn't take an hour or two. If he doesn't hide, he will be finished for no more than ten minutes after being concentrated by the opponent. Of course, I can't really stand up under the opponent's vitality for an hour or two. Although my defense is very high, it is not as exaggerated as Kristina said.

Kristina’s one or two hours’ time actually means that I can last for one or two hours under the other’s concentrated fire attack, not that I can stand still and let people continue. Strikes are fine for an hour or two. Even if my defense is abnormal, it is not there yet.

Compared with tanks, I am not only strong in defense, but also in reaction speed, fighting skills, and various myriad skills. These are the things that support me in surviving the opponent's attack.

Kristina has said so, the tanks are not good at it anymore, they all left the cave here with Kristina, after all, standing here can only be bombed, or let It is better for me to stay alone. Besides, after they have all left, if I find that I can't communicate with the cavemen, I can leave immediately. With my ability, the cavemen can't help me if they want to run.

After confirming that they were all gone, I turned around and moved towards the direction where bombs flew from time to time in front of me and rushed over.

The opponent at first may just want to push us back, so when we start to evacuate, the opponent's firepower is actually weaker. But when I saw that I didn't leave, but rushed toward them, the cavemen on the opposite side immediately increased the firepower. As soon as I ran two steps, I saw explosives like cans flying in front of me, but this time I didn't intercept or destroy these things. I just bowed my head and dived under the bomb. Those bombs didn't hit me and flew past my back. After landing, they bounced, jumping up to a height of more than a meter before exploding. Unfortunately, I was already not in the killing range at this time.

The speed was not very good when I first started, but my speed was completely let go when I ran. I rushed up quickly, seeing a bright line flying in front of me, I leaned my head and flashed over, followed by raising one arm, and elbow flying a can bomb that flew straight forward, and finally hit the spot. Roll, avoid a steel cone falling like a torrential rain.

This series of actions looked a lot, in fact, the whole process added one piece in less than two seconds. I almost rushed through this dangerous area with lightning speed, and rushed directly into the passage. area.

The passage just now was relatively narrow, so I couldn't see the situation here, but after I rushed out, didn't expect loaded a large piece of cans flying over.

Probably realized that the original delay fuze setting was useless for high-speed moving objects like me, so this time they directly changed the detonation time of the delay fuze. A row of cans gathered towards me in a fan shape, and when I was still looking for a breakthrough, they suddenly air-exploded, spraying out a large number of prefabricated fragments, and instantly overturned me to the ground, and the armor was even more jerky. I don't know how many hits were hit. Fortunately, the dragon soul suit was very powerful. Although the plan was to withstand the attack head-on, there was no place on the armor that was penetrated, and even no trace was left. The growthable Divine Item suit really has a metamorphosis level of protection.

Although I was not penetrated by the shrapnel, I was still a little dizzy by the shock wave, but I knew it was not time to rest, and quickly turned over and rolled out to the side, following me just lying down. A bunch of small steel cones turned into a bushy state where the position was shot, and the ground was full of steel cones standing there, just like small grasses standing there.

"Don't open fire, I'm not here to fight you!" I yelled and supported the ground with my hands backwards, and at the same time, my legs were lifted up in the air and rotated. Using inertia, my body suddenly lifted off the ground. An inverted body in the air becomes a posture of standing on the ground. But I don't think that just shouting someone will give me face and stop shooting, so the first thing I did when I first came together was to raise the shield.

Sure enough, a huge force came from the shield raised in the next second. The thrust generated by a golden distance explosion directly sent me back five or six meters away, but Because the shield was blocked again this time, I had little effect except for feeling a little numb in my hands. I quickly rushed forward holding the shield, and then moved laterally, avoiding a bunch of bombs shot by hiding the sky and covering the earth. I thought I could rush into the opponent’s position. Who knew I had just moved it and I felt like I guessed it. what. When I looked down, I immediately felt weak. "Oh, damn it!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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