Boom...A sudden low and loud blast sounded in the passage instantly, and the sound shook the entire passage, but this was only the beginning. Immediately after an interval of less than one second, a second explosion sounded. The loud noise this time was not only much louder than before, but also mixed with fire and shock waves. I only saw the sudden fire flashed in the front of the skeleton group, and then the sound of The earth shook and the mountain quivered and the real earthquake, and then I was blown away with Kristina.

Half a minute later, in the calm passage that had recovered, a large pile of broken stone mountains suddenly shook, and then oh la la, a silhouette stood up from it.

"His grandfather actually uses cannons in such a place, are those little dwarfs Berserker?"

"Fortunately, I am immune to some physical damage, otherwise I have to follow You are unlucky together." Kristina emerged from the wall without any damage, as if the attack just now did not affect her.

"Are you okay?" The two of us just came out when we saw Ashford and a few others running over.

"It’s okay, it’s just being bombarded."

"It’s okay after being bombarded?" Ashford looked up and down. I seemed to be trying to find some wound. And so on, of course he will be disappointed in the end. Don't say that the cannon didn't come at me at all. Even if it hits me directly, it will lose some blood. I haven't been hit by a cannon before, but it's just a drop of blood. It's not really terrible.

Alice curiously asked: "You said that you were bombarded by a cannon. Does the other party have a cannon?"

Kristina nodded and said: "My scout elf saw it Those guys are just like the modern regular army. The bomb that attacked us before was actually a kind of grenades, but the explosives did not seem to be chemical explosives. Later, the flames were sprayed out by flamethrowers, and then our president was still caught by them. I hit it with something similar to a rocket launcher, but it was nothing. In the end, the guild leader let the skeleton soldier rush forward, and the opponent felt that he couldn't stop it, so he moved towards the skeleton soldier and fired a shot. That’s it."

Ashford thought for a while and said: "Those guys were very good at making all kinds of small props before. It’s not surprising to have such weapons, but now we have to do. What to do? Is it going to fail again?" Ashford looked at the completely blocked passage behind us and said gloomily.

Everyone knows that when explosive weapons are used in a narrow place, the formidable power will be much larger than in an open place. Because this kind of place is closed, the shock wave cannot spread quickly and can only bounce back and forth in a limited space. Not only will it cause secondary and tertiary damage, but more importantly, the continuous shock wave generated by the explosion is prone to resonance, and finally destroys the overall structure of this closed environment. Now this cave is obviously unable to withstand this kind of resonance and collapsed directly. Even if we know the solution to those NPCs, it might take a little effort to find them in the past. If I can summon the Familiar, I will use the Trailblazer to dig it. But the point is that this ghost place restricts summon creatures, so the only thing we have left is to find another way or dig in.

In addition, a guide is needed to find a way. Unfortunately, our guide lady has not yet come back. As for digging in the past... Look at this thickness, and there is no special machine, even if the cave behind does not collapse, every three to five hours We don't even have to expect to be able to dig through. Of course, there is actually a faster way, and that is to use fried.

Although no one of us carries explosives here, we have Kristina here. She is known as the number one fort in Europe. The explosion is of course not a problem, but we are worried that if the cave is not exploded and then this passage will collapse, it will be the end!

After much deliberation, I still don’t know what to do, but when Ashford was in a hurry, Legion, the undead behind us, suddenly gave way, and then saw Auresia take it. A group of people came over.

"How did you do this? Was attacked again?" Although Oresia didn't see the battle, but in such a confined place, the sound of explosions could be heard far and wide. Looking at my embarrassed look and the cave tunnel collapsed behind, it is not surprising to guess a pretty close.

I didn’t answer Oresia’s words, but looked at the few people she brought back and asked: "Are these players invited?"

Ya nodded said: "They know what's going on?"

As soon as Ashford heard this, he turned to the few people and asked excitedly: "Really? Do you know why those little fellows? Suddenly become so violent?"

Oresia said immediately after Ashford finished speaking: "Um, they do know it, but they say they need to be paid before they say it. That, I It's not easy to agree, so I brought it back and let you talk about it by yourself."

Oresia finished speaking, and walked out with a female player among the few people behind her. Obviously, even if this is not Captain, he is a kind of think tank.

"Hello, my name is Anatis, I do know your doubts, because we also had to do a task before and needed the help of the cavemen. As a result, not only did we get help after we passed, We were also attacked. We spent two days after that, and we also killed three people to figure out why this happened. Seeing that we paid such a high price for the face, you want to share information and pay reasonable Shouldn’t the cost be excessive?"

As soon as I was about to ask about the price, Ashford couldn’t wait to nodded and said: "It’s not too much. We can pay the compensation. How much do you want? Let’s talk about it. "

Since Ashford has said so, I can't ask any more, just wait to see how the other party answers. Fortunately, it seems that the other party really only wants to receive reasonable remuneration, not intending to slaughter people. "In terms of price, we don't want to ask for anything. Do you think this is okay? Pay us 500 crystal coins in one lump sum, and then if you want to continue the task, you will bring us and work with us to solve this problem. Is this feasible? "

Five hundred crystal coins are not a small amount, but it is not a problem for Ashford and I. After all, it is a national-level guild, and this little money is really nothing. As for cooperation, this is not a problem at all. We should be happy with the cooperation of people like them who know the situation. Of course, the premise is that the other party does not intend to deliberately mess with us with the intention of cooperation. Of course, I think this probability is not great, because Ashford and their Iron Crusade are the dominant guild of Germany after all. If others conflict with their mission, it’s okay to say, but you take the initiative to mix into their team and make trouble. , This is easier to enmity. If it's just a task confrontation, everyone's fight this time will be over, but it will hurt feelings if you get into the team and make trouble. This kind of thing usually turns into a mortal enemy. Therefore, the average player will not consider this kind of play of breaking into the enemy. After all, playing games is not a reality, and no one wants to go too far.

After listening to Ashford, as it should be by rights, he accepted the other party's proposal, and after signing the system guarantee agreement, we formally became a temporary partner. The other party first briefly introduced the personnel, and then began to explain the specific situation of the matter to us.

According to that Anatis, those little dwarfs are cavemen. They were recently attacked by a group of foreign players. These players not only attacked and killed their people, but also destroyed their food production areas and mines. It seems that this posture is no longer just a matter of killing a few cavemen, but the meaning of completely destroying this race. .

At first, this behavior only aroused the cavemen’s vigilance, but then another group of people pretended to help these cavemen against foreigners who attacked them, but in the end they gained the trust of the cavemen. However, they suddenly turned against the water. Not only did they destroy the cavemen’s base camp, they also stupid the old and weak women and children of the cavemen who were close to one third. This behavior caused the cavemen to be extremely vigilant against foreign non-native creatures. At the same time, they were forced to move to a new place that no one could find, and within a few days after that, this technical race who was good at handicrafts Suddenly from a technical nerd race who likes to make trinkets and gadgets into a complete arms group.

It can be said that these cavemen have never thought about using technology to make weapons because of their innocent nature, but they themselves like to invent like goblins, so they have very rich technical reserves. Once such a race decides to transform and develop arms, it is basically where water flows, a canal is formed, so they can transform from a group of cute dwarfs to future warriors in just three or four days.

I figured out the reason for the NPC mutation, but the solution was still not found.

These little fellows have now completely lost faith in outsiders. In their eyes, we outsiders are all enemies and do not have any contact with you at all. There is simply no way to negotiate. Moreover, a more troublesome problem is that we don't even know where they live. The original residence of the cavemen has been destroyed, and now they have moved to a place no one has ever visited, and that place is said to be in the deepest part of the cave.

This underground cave group actually includes many sub-regions inside. For example, the place where we are now is usually similar to a transitional area. It belongs to a relatively safe environment, and the cave people used to live in this way. In the environment. However, the current cavemen have all moved to the deepest part of the cave, which is basically the monster area, and the lower the monster, the higher the level of the monster.

"Damn, in this way, isn't your mission becoming a level-breaking mission?" Kristina asked as they looked at Ashford.

Ashford hadn’t even reacted to Christina’s question, and the Son of Night poured cold water on. "Kristina, you are wrong. We have worked so hard to find the caveman. It doesn't mean that the task is completed. Even if we find it, it is just an opportunity. Whether the task can start or not is still a matter of opinion. !"

The hit Ashford would look like an eggplant that Frost had beaten, completely sluggish. I think he looks like this and I had to be comforted: "Don't worry about it. With me, monsters are not a problem. As long as you can see those little dwarfs, there is hope."

"But they don’t follow Let's talk, how can we convince them?" Tank asked.

I was hesitant to be asked this way. After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly realized something. "Anatis. You said that the cavemen killed many old and weak women and children after being attacked, and then they began to show hostility to the outsiders?"

Anatis doesn't know why I am I asked this, but still nodded and said: "Yes, I said so."

"Then, do you know who attacked them?"

"You Want to catch them back and send them to the cavemen for disposal to disarm the cavemen from us?" Everyone is not stupid, I put forward an idea, of course others will be able to get the result.

Ashford frowned: "The other party did this kind of thing. It shouldn't be any clues?"

"No, the other party left a lot of clues." Anatis said: "They didn't hide anything when they did this, so you can find out after a little investigation. We found this thing before because we found out that they attacked the cave first, and we know that the cave people are guarding outsiders because of this thing. ."

"Do you know the identity and current location of the attacker?"

Anatis said: "I only know who attacked the cavemen before and then pretended to help. They are actually members of a guild. The name of this guild is called Demon Camp. There are only fifty people in the guild, and they are basically active in this area, but we don’t know where they are now."

After listening to Anatis’s words, I turned my head and looked towards Auresia. Sure enough, Auresia immediately nodded and said: "Although I don’t know where they are now, this group The guy is very famous in this film. I can ask someone familiar with it. It should be easy to find."

"Then please."

Anna Tis followed: "In this case, you should catch the people in the demon camp. My battle strength is not as good as yours. I can't help much if I go. Let us find the law of the cavemen's activities and the passage to the past. , So that when you come back, you can directly find the cavemen to negotiate this matter."

We all think that Anatis’ proposal is pretty good. After all, their strength can be seen at a glance, although the equipment Complete, but just normal players, battle strength should only be considered normal. Asking them to fight with others might be able to make a thousand enemies and eight hundred, but we have to catch those people and take them to the cavemen for disposal, that is to say, we need to catch them alive. The difficulty is a bit high, so they won't be able to help if they go, we have to do it ourselves.

After reaching an agreement with Anatis, we did not stay here anymore, but left with Auresia. After investigating the intelligence, we have to arrest people. Because of the timeliness of the news, it is obviously not appropriate to wait for Oresia to find out the whereabouts of the other party and then come back to inform us of the past, so we can only follow the investigation together. However, although we can follow, but my gang of undead is really taken away.

In the short fight with the cavemen just now and the team players we dealt with before, the undead Legion has lost a lot, but most of the dead are skeleton soldiers. The real high level undead has almost no loss. . It's just that there are more than two thousand undead around us now, this number is still too scary. This means that I did not deliberately preserve my strength. Otherwise, if I directly let the high level undead go up to fight, and then pay attention to the command, and wait until the enemy is dead, then turn them into undead, then my undead Legion might not shrink now. Will hit more and more people. The undead army is called natural disaster, because they will fight more and more, so it is very difficult to deal with.

We are looking for people, and we will only arrest people. High-end martial power is the unit we need, and low-level skeleton soldiers are useless at all. Besides, bringing so many dead souls is indeed inconvenient. After thinking about it for a moment, I still said that these undead have all stayed here. We said hello to Anatis, and then temporarily handed over the command of these undead to Anatis. In addition to the skeleton soldiers, there were a large number of undead Knights and zombies. Of course, the most amazing thing was that I left the Spirit Dragon and a huge skeletal beast that didn't know any creatures. The shock of these two things made Anatis stunned for a long time after hearing the news. After all, before this thing, let alone the command, they will run away when they see her, these things are too powerful for them. The Spirit Dragon alone could kill their team more than a dozen times.

Although I have left a lot of undead creatures, I am not left alone. The low-level undead is useless. The Spirit Dragon and the giant bone beast are too big to carry. The passages in this place are a bit big and small. Giant beasts and You Spirit Dragon can only move forward in the wide main passage. They can't get in when they encounter some small branch roads, so it must be inconvenient to bring them. However, Spirit Dragon and giant beast are not convenient for drilling small holes, and those big Lichs are fine.

In the end, when we left with Auresia, there were twelve undead with me. Four of them are Big Lich, six of the remaining eight are Knights of the High Dark Templar, and the other two are Lords of Plague. Although the battle strength of these two goods is not as high as that of the Dark Temple, they have two great abilities, one is aura and the other is curse.

The plague lord is a command unit with a blood light ring. The battle strength of all nearby melee units has increased by 5%. It is an absolute battlefield engine. As for the curse, the plague lord will be different according to his own development route. One of the two plague lords I brought out was the development route of the disease system, and the other was the energy suppression system. The main feature of the disease department is to let the opponent get sick, and then slowly consume the opponent's HP, and make the opponent's attack and defense decrease overall. The most important thing is the very difficult to deal with that agility will decrease. As for the energy suppression system, this is basically the mage nemesis. As long as a sorcerer encounters such a plague lord, it will have a headache, because from the moment you see them, your success rate is only 80% of the normal value. Don't think that 80% is already very high, in fact, it should be very low. Imagine that the wizard loses every five spells in a battle. What will happen? What's more important is that failure is a probability. You don't fail one at an interval of five. Sometimes you fail as soon as bad luck comes up. Sometimes there are six or seven consecutive failures. This is all inaccurate. This uncertainty will drive the mage crazy. Experts are compared to the victory between the sizes. This kind of sudden drop of the chain is definitely a battlefield killer.

With these two plague lords, the opponent's battle strength has dropped by at least one-fifth, plus our group, it shouldn't be a problem to catch each other alive.

After arranging the staff, we left here with this Oresia. Along the way, I discovered that Auresia has a strange habit, that is, she doesn't like to walk the road. The internal structure of this underground passage group is very complicated, but very regular. Some of these passages are very wide, just like those passages that I can pass through with the Spirit Dragon before. They are all large roads, tall and wide, and usually relatively flat. However, just like the roads in the city, in addition to the main roads, there will be some lanes and other passages.

There are similar paths in this cave. These paths are holes in the wall of the passage. Some of these holes can be more than three meters high, and two cars can be paralleled inside, which is relatively wide. However, some people can only climb over and can't stand up, and the entrance of the cave may not be on the ground. The openings of some passages will be several meters above the ground, and some are simply above the top of the hole, and there are even entrances like sinkholes on the ground. These passages are not only narrow and curved. They are not easy to walk inside, but they are particularly short. As long as you walk through these passages, you can at least get out of one third faster than taking the big road, because these small passages can often reduce the time for you to go around. is the most important. Of course, we were able to get up quickly because of the guide, and we would simply not dare to go here without Oresia. I have never known which passage is the correct route. Secondly, there are some passages without Oresia that we can't even find the entrance.

After quickly passing through a series of passages, after crossing an underground gorge, we finally arrived at a huge cave group. There are four large caves connected here, and there was a noise before entering. The cave environment is full of echoes, and there are many people gathered in this place, so the noise is naturally loud.

After entering this cave group, we discovered that this place has actually formed a market-like gathering place for players. There are many people selling things here, and there are many player teams here for supplies. Something, or someone is leveling here and doesn't want to go back and forth to the city, so they can dispose of the spoils of war here, free up the package and buy some medicine to continue leveling. Anyway, this place has everyone, and it's almost catching up with the free market.

"Where did you get your news?"

Oresia nodded and said: "This kind of place has a lot of news. Don't worry, that demon camp is here. Very famous, I can definitely ask.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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