"In this situation, I think others might also want to talk to us." Kristina said, "The reaction of those NPCs is obviously abnormal. The NPC tribe here is impossible. It only involves the task of our side, so if they have a problem because of something, I think other players will definitely be in trouble."

"Then go find someone to find out. Olesi Ya, this job of finding someone will trouble you."

"Don't worry, I'm good at this job." After Oresia agreed, let us wait in place and wait for her to find it. Other player teams will come to notify us again. In this way, the speed can be increased, and the second time it will not scare people away. After all, we are carrying a large group of undead here. If this happens suddenly, normal people will definitely be worried.

After arranging the plan, we could only wait in place, and Auresia quickly got into a hole in a wall and disappeared. According to her, there are a lot of players in this place, and they can find someone in ten minutes at most. Even if they bring the opponent back, it takes less than half an hour.

"What could cause these NPCs to betray suddenly?" Anyway, when I was idle, Kristina asked, let us all think about what was going on.

Axiuford shook his head and said: "I can't think of anything. Those NPCs were originally a group of very hobby and peaceful creatures. Their personalities are very simple, just like little children who are still ignorant, yes. People are very kind and sometimes do some pranks, but overall they are considered to be very easy to get along with. As long as you give them some gifts at first and behave kindly, their attitude towards you will be very good, even if they are If you really offend them because of something, it’s probably just because you ignore you. Such an active attack has never happened before."

"If you exclude the internal problems of the race, That should be an external factor." I said aloud.

Alice turned her head to look towards me and asked: "President Purple Moon thinks someone caused this change for them?"

I nodded and admitted: "You too Having said that, every time you do this task, there will be a team of players making trouble. No matter how bad your luck is, you will not crash with others every time you do more than a dozen tasks? Of course, unless someone is deliberately fighting against you, deliberately Destroying the mission. But although your Iron Crusade is not a tolerant guild, it is not so full of enemies, right? So I think the most normal inference is that your mission actually has hidden obstacles, maybe every time Every time you do a quest, a reverse quest will be sent out simultaneously, which will cause you to run into hostile players every time."

Ashford asked: "Could it be that there is a group of players from hostile forces this time? Affected the attitude of that group of NPCs, making them no longer friendly?"

"It’s not necessarily just a matter of attitude, of course this probability is the greatest. If they do something and then blame you, then this It’s understandable that the group of NPCs become violent. However, in addition to this, what about the use of large-scale black magic, such as blood sacrifice?"

"Blood sacrifice What kind of magic is sacrifice?" the tank asked aloud. This guy is Paladin and doesn't know much about magic.

Kristina explained to me: "The sacrifice of blood is a large-scale group magic, to be precise a magic array. After it is arranged, it can have a very large range of influence, and then Let the creatures in the range gradually become grumpy, irritable, warlike, and bloodthirsty. Anyway, it is emotionally unstable. If you set up this thing in the city, it will easily become a riot. But this kind of sacrifice demon In fact, few people use the array alone. As long as it is combined with several other magic arrays, it can become a very sophisticated conscription array. All free NPCs in the city can be converted into combatants, and then dispatched after listening. There is also this kind of large array under the grid, and it is also mixed with various auxiliary magic, which can strengthen our own battle strength."

After hearing this, Alice sighed: "No wonder they say Ai Singer is the most impossible fortress to fall, and this defense is too exaggerated! Your Isinger’s free NPC is tens of millions, right? If all of this is transformed into soldiers, this is more than the entire population of many countries!"< /p>

"In fact, the number of Isinger's free NPCs is not tens of millions, but 200 million." Kristina suddenly broke the news and shocked Ashford and the others. "The number you calculated is the number on the ground floor of Isengard, but Isengard does not have only one floor. Besides, we still have an Isengard Sky City that is upside down above the ground city of Isengard?"

"It is true that two hundred million is not too much to calculate."

Isinger’s area is larger than the actual Shanghai, and the actual city is flat. Even if there is a building, it is just that the inside of the building is multi-layered, but Isinger is different. Isinger itself is divided into several layers. Although some layers are not inhabitable, there are more than one layer where people move. Secondly, Isinger’s buildings are generally tall and large, and the internal space of public buildings may be relatively large, so there is no impact, but the interior of the building where people live is like a skyscraper. There are many rooms inside. More importantly, there is something called hyperspace in the game, which is to place a large space in a small space. This technology is already a popular technology in the game. Although the cost is relatively high, our guild has been criticized by other guilds as a typical extravagance and waste. The use of hyperspace in civil buildings is a small waste. It's not an issue for us.

Because of the characteristics of this series, the actual space area of ​​Isengard is much larger than it looks. Besides the players, there are more than 200 million free NPCs in Isengard. But even if you count them, players, and various creatures, Isinger’s per capita area is still much wider than the current standard of most cities, which means that Isinger packed more than 200 million people in. In fact, It's still very loose.

We were chatting here, and suddenly we saw something flashing in the hole in front of us, and then we heard a sound like opening a champagne cork, followed by a clinking sound. Then I saw something hit the top of the passage in front of us, then bounced off and fell right in the middle of our group.

"Huh? What is it?" When Ashford saw this situation, he still wanted to pick it up, but I reacted to it and kicked the thing out, but the thing was just fresh Flying to in midair is a loud explosion sound. The skeleton soldiers around us fell down in an instant. Both Alice and the tank were blown away by the shock wave when they were closer to the explosion point. Alice was injured more severely. The tank was defensive. High, so I just fell, shook his head and got up again.

This sudden attack completely confused us. Many people didn't realize what was going on, but they were all old players, even if they were not elites, they were expert. The reaction was not bad. After a brief panic, a line of defense was formed immediately, and the attack on the opposite side was not slow in the slightest. After a continuous string of pēng pēng pēng sounded, I saw several jars that were exactly the same as the one just now flying over.

"The mage retreat." I yelled and ran forward holding the eternal, turning the eternal into a structure like a badminton racket. I jumped up and swung it in the air for a few consecutive times. All three of the jars were knocked back, but I couldn't stop two of them.

One of the tanks fell in front of Kristina, but this girl reacted super fast, and directly threw an extremely effective quagmire technique to the place where the bomb fell, and then quickly pulled the son of the night next to it. Shouted: "Quick flash."

The Night Son took Kristina and moved away in an instant. The bomb exploded after being submerged for more than half of the mud, but it was so soft. The mud has a very strong ability to absorb impact, so the formidable power of the bomb has dropped a lot, and it did not cause any damage.

The other side tank blocked a bomb with a shield, but unfortunately the rebound angle was not right. It actually fell into the undead pile next to it and blown up a large group of skeleton soldiers. Fortunately, the skeleton soldiers were originally cannon fodder units. , There are several thousand behind, no longer care about these few.

Two consecutive attacks have worked. The attacker on the opposite side probably realized that this thing is useless to us, so he directly changed the attack method. Because of the interception of those bombs, I am now standing at the forefront of the team. Because this passage is relatively straight, my line of sight is still relatively far away. The sound of opening the bottle did not reappear in the passage in front, but a sudden squeaking sound, and at the same time, a Fire Dragon was seen spreading along the passage, very fast.

"Damn! All down!" I yelled and fell forward and fell to the ground. The undead behind are all under my command. The speed is fairly fast, Ashford and the others. Although it was a little slower, but it still fell down in time. After we all lay down on the ground, we saw the Fire Dragon rolling along the top of the tunnel towards our back. The whole tunnel was instantly illuminated red, and at the same time, we could feel the billowing heat waves from above.

"Um..." As soon as the Fire Dragon rolled over, I suddenly felt depressed for a while, and suddenly remembered that this is a passage. A large-scale flame burning like this must consume a lot of oxygen. In such a confined illusion, there is not enough oxygen. How much oxygen can be left after such a burn? Suffocation is just an Early-Stage symptom, and there will definitely be a suffocation afterwards.

When I realized that it was not good, I hurriedly shouted to Ashford and the others behind: "There is no oxygen. If you have the ability to adapt to the anaerobic environment, you can stay behind. If you can’t hold on, I quickly retreat. The air in the back area It will be better."

When I heard my call, Alice and Al hurriedly turned their heads and ran away. Ashford gave me a helpless look and turned and ran. The Night Son and the tank were finally forced to leave, and Kristina and I were left here.

"It's terrible. Fortunately, I got a bunch of undead before!" After putting on the mask, I suddenly felt a breath of fresh air filling my lungs, and I felt much more comfortable. Although there is still a small amount of oxygen in the surrounding air after the burning, just like altitude sickness, it is really difficult for ordinary people to adapt to the low-oxygen environment. The most important thing is that it feels very uncomfortable, like a block in the chest. Like a stone, although it can breathe, it feels super strenuous every time.

My dragon soul suit helmet comes with air filter, which can be unaffected in underwater or toxic environments. It can also guarantee six hours of oxygen supply in a complete vacuum or oxygen-free environment, so I have no problems in a short time.

Compared to my side, Kristina is obviously more relaxed. She has now directly transformed herself into a big flying light bulb, a pair of beautiful flashing butterfly wings spread out behind her back, occasionally fanning twice, bringing the countless luminous crystal powders to float down. This is Kristina's elemental wizard mode, in this mode she is no longer a human body, but an elemental wizard. The most important ability of this elemental spirit itself is unlimited mana. Although it takes time to recover magic, the recovery speed is super fast. As long as you don’t take one big move after another, you can basically ignore the magic limit. But what Kristina needs now is not the magical abilities of the elemental elves, but the special attributes of this race.

Because the magic elves are energy creatures, they do not consume oxygen, and do not climb into extreme environments such as high temperature, Extreme Cold, and toxins. To put it bluntly, it is the three-line immunity of ice, fire, and poison, and the physical damage is halved. There is no oxygen demand, no care about atmospheric pressure or water pressure, and various extreme environments will not affect her survival. The only thing in nature that has a greater impact on her race is thunderstorms, because thunder and lightning are energy, and have a powerful damage to her energy life. Of course, she also has the ability to control lightning, so even the wizard of the lightning system does not say that she can restrain her, but can only threaten her.

"Who the hell attacked us?" Kristina floated over after completing the transformation. In this mode, she also has the ability to levitate. This levitation ability does not need wings to assist, as long as she doesn't want to land, she can keep floating without consuming anything, just floating. Moreover, in this state, she can still move quickly. Although she can't keep up with the running horse, it is much faster than most players' running speed. The most important thing is that this movement method does not consume stamina at all, even if it keeps flying, it doesn't matter. Of course, this is levitation, not flying, so the maximum ground clearance is only about 1.5 meters. If it is higher, she will fan her wings and enter the flight mode. Levitating is not enough.

"I don't know who attacked us, but I definitely didn't want to be friends with us." As I said this, I saw another Fire Dragon rolling over here, scaring me Hurry down again. Compared to my side, Christina is much simpler. She didn't care about the flames at all, and even reached out and touched it. In this mode, she is not afraid of fire. In other words, except for the damage caused by the magic elements in the magic flame, the pure high temperature has no meaning to her.

"If you are not afraid of fire, find a way to detect it. I can't rush forward like this!" I looked at Kristina and asked.

Kristina heard what I said was only nodded, then folded her hands in front of her, and then slowly opened it up, releasing a little elf from her palm like a bird. This little elf looks almost exactly the same as Christina herself, except that the whole body is less than ten centimeters from head to toe plus one piece, which is truly dainty and delicate.

As soon as the elf appeared, it immediately flicked the colored transparent butterfly wings on its back, and then flew forward.

The wings of a generally speaking butterfly are actually not suitable for flying, because the area is too large and it is very soft. It is nothing to a small butterfly, but its fragile nature will not change. The huge pair of butterfly wings on Kristina's body are not so much entities, but rather energy reflections, so there is no strength problem at all. You can destroy wood, metal or even diamond stone, but you cannot destroy a shadow. Kristina's wings are the projection of positive energy in the positive material space, so it is indestructible. But even though the wings of the elf are projections like Kristina’s, they show a flight ability completely different from that of normal wings. They simply slap the elf twice and shoot straight ahead at a speed. It's almost faster than birds flying at extreme speeds. Looking at the light and shadow, there is at least a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. You must know that few birds can fly at this speed, and even if they can fly at this speed Most of the birds are in a dive mode to create this speed. If they fly horizontally, I haven't heard of any natural creatures that can achieve this speed.

Within two seconds after the elf flew out from here, Kristina was stunned for a while, then turned to me and said, "It was the NPC race we saw before that attacked us."< /p>

"Are they again?"

Kristina was nodded, and then asked me: "Do you want to fight back?"

I frowned thought about it and asked: "Is there an attack that does not cause harm? I want to catch a few live and ask the situation."

"I'm afraid not." Kristina replied: "There are a lot of people on the other side, and my method can only Contain one or two people. If the other party has fewer people, we can still think of a way, but there are a lot of them. If I control one or two, the others will also save them, and will not leave their companions and let us arrest them. If you want to catch a prisoner, it seems that you can only catch it by yourself."

Since Kristina said so, I had to do it myself. After informing Kristina to follow, I suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then rushed forward with the extreme speed I could play, but I hadn’t run ten meters before, I heard a sudden sound from the front. It roared, and then I saw something gleaming and flying towards me.

Because I am sprinting, the speed of that thing is not slow, so the relative speed of the two of us is even more exaggerated. I ran into that thing almost within a second, and it was simply too late to dodge.

It's okay to get hit, but the thing in front of me is obviously some kind of attack weapon, so I also realized that I can't touch this thing. Unfortunately, this thing is completely different from the previous can-sized thing. The previous thing was a timed fuze. If you react quickly, you can wait until the thing hits the ground before kicking it out or choosing to escape, but this thing is triggered by a collision. Almost at the same time we hit each other, the thing exploded with a bang.

Kristina just saw me charge ahead, and before I ran forward, I saw the fire flashed in front of me, and then I tumbling with smoke and falling back.

"President, are you okay?" Seeing me rolling past her, Kristina hurriedly turned back to pull me, but I had been helped by a bunch of undead.

I shook my head to make myself awake. I took a look at myself. Fortunately, the Dragon Soul suit was very powerful, and there was basically no problem. "What weapon did those guys use to attack me?"

"Something like a rocket launcher." Kristina replied. Her scout elf is still in front, so she can see things we can't see clearly.


Kristina is also nodded and said: "It's just that the launcher is very similar. The ammunition is a spherical thing that looks like It is a combination of plastic and stone. It will glow after starting up. You should have seen it before."

I nodded and said: "Before I was hit, I did see some light. It turned out to be this thing. "

Kristina continued: "Those little men have a lot of weapons, and they all seem to be hot weapons."

"Hot weapons?"

"They all look alike. In fact, they should all be mechanical or magical devices. My elves felt some magical fluctuations during launch."

I frowned and asked: "Just hit Mine is something like a rocket launcher, what about the previous one?"

"The first thing that was launched, the canister was launched with something like a grenade gun, and the way it was loaded was similar to a shotgun. , The barrel of a shot must be opened downwards, and new ammunition can be inserted in order to launch a second time. And the Fire Dragon just now is actually a flamethrower, but it is actually a handheld, without a fuel tank. It's just like a water gun that a child plays."

"My God, is the opponent a regular army?"

"Eh...President?"< /p>

"What's the matter?"

"They pushed a cannon out from behind."

"Cannon?" Upon hearing the name, I hurried off the ground. He jumped up and shouted at the surrounding undead: "Charge, kill!"

What is the cannon fodder? It is used to blow the opponent's cannon into ashes. The dwarves over there directly pushed out the cannons. I can't get bombed here, right? So now I can't shut down that much, and I directly order the undead Legion to charge.

The skeletons didn't get the order before, and now they ran right away as soon as they heard the order. This bunch of bone frames has no load, and runs fast. With so many skeletons moving together, the movement was naturally not small, and it was discovered at once. The gang of dwarfs on the opposite side noticed that the undead Legion on our side had begun to charge, and immediately fired a row of grenade-like objects here. Those can-sized objects fell into the skeleton group and immediately exploded. Almost every bomb can completely empty the skeletons in a small area around, but the skeleton soldiers never care about casualties. The emptied area will soon be filled with more skeletons. They will not feel sad for their companions, nor will they fear the enemy's weapons. Skeletons only hate living creatures, hoping to kill something for fun, so the grenades seem to be quite powerful, but when they encounter the skeleton soldiers, they can't do anything at all, and they are directly submerged by the Skeleton Sea.

The first round grenade didn't work, the flamethrower immediately started the second round attack, but the skeletons were obviously not impressed with the flame, and they rushed up against the flame. Although some of the skeletons were blackened by the flames, they did not affect the actions of the skeletons at all, and the sea of ​​flames was directly filled up by the sea of ​​skeletons.

Probably found out that their weapons were ineffective. The dwarfs on the opposite side finally activated the 3rd line of defense, that is, the weapon that blew me away. Although this thing looks very similar to a bazooka, it is not a bazooka at all. Although it is carried on the shoulder to launch it, the speed of this thing is much faster than that of a bazooka. It can even shoot at a speed of three seconds.

Just listen to the constant voices of pēng pēng pēng over there, while the skeleton forward on our side is booming and exploding, and the charge of the charge is finally stopped for the first time. Although the damage of explosive weapons to skeletons is much lower than that to humans, the explosion of huge might can destroy the skeleton structure after all. The most important thing is that these are all low-level undeads. The soul fire in the head is very fragile and easy. Being shaken by the shock wave, these skeleton soldiers are still very afraid of these weapons. Of course, I'm afraid that the skeleton soldier will be hurt by this thing, not that the skeleton soldier supervisor is afraid of this weapon.

Although a large number of skeleton soldiers rush forward one after another, it is a pity that the attack mode of this weapon is continuous, so no matter how hard you try, the skeleton soldiers can't rush forward.

Although the stalemate on both sides shocked me, it did not last long. After only ten seconds, the explosion on the other side suddenly stopped. Kristina immediately reported that one of the rocket launchers had finished.

Although this kind of bazooka-like shape can be fired continuously, and it launches a ball that is much smaller than a rocket, but in any case, there is always a limit to the ammunition. It seems that the opponent’s weapon can store a certain amount of ammunition, and then maintain continuous firing for a certain period of time, but the ammunition consumption of this continuous firing method is really too large. Even if there is a design similar to a magazine, it is when it is used up. Fortunately, the opponent's weapon is not only one, but there are several, otherwise, once the firepower is interrupted, the skeleton soldier's spirit of not afraid of death will definitely rush over and drown the opponent immediately.

"Good opportunity, rush fast." Seeing this, of course I shouted loudly to let the undead Legion speed up the charge, but it was a pity that there was an accident at the critical moment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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