"Where do we start?" Looking at the players coming and going here, we didn't know how to say hello for a while.

As a resident player here, Auresia knows more about the environment here than we obviously do. After we asked, she immediately pointed to a few stalls and said, "We asked separately. Those stalls are all old stalls here. The information is more reliable, but their information needs to be bought. Other stalls Maybe you don’t need money, but the news may not be accurate."

"The problem of money or not is not big, let's just buy information." Ashford Rich and Imposing doesn’t care about this at all. I directly chose a booth to inquire about it.

Since Ashford made the decision, we separately asked someone to ask about it. The news about the location of the demon camp’s personnel is not very important in itself, and it is not precious at all. Therefore, after we split the questioning, many stalls provided information, and the selling price was only a few crystal coins. Whatever it is, there is even a booth that only asks us to buy some medicines and can tell us.

Because the prices are not expensive, we did not compare them. We bought the news and got it right. The information provided by everyone is basically the same, which means that the news is very accurate.

According to intelligence, the people in the demon camp are now divided into three parts. Some of them are in their base camp. This base camp is located in a small city in France, and this city does not belong to their guild, but a guild city of another guild. The demon camp itself is a small guild, but there is a gathering point here, not even the manager. Except for some personnel in this camp, the remaining demon camp players are divided into two parts. There is a small group, about four or five people, who are now at a certain leveling point in this mission area, but the specific location is not sure. There is also a group of about two dozen people, almost accounting for more than half of the guild's staff. This team is now also in France, but the news we bought only knows that they are in a general area of ​​France, and there is no specific information.

"What should I do? The opponent is divided into three groups, how do we catch it?"

Auresia raised her hand and said: "I am familiar with this place, the small team asked me Take someone to catch it? But my battle strength is not very strong. It’s okay to kill them, and you can’t catch them. You have to arrange for someone to assist me."

I looked at Ashford. I want to see what he has to say, who knows that this guy actually kicked the ball to me and said: "You decide how to group, anyway, you are a mission expert."

"True, it seems like I did it. The task is the same." After a helpless complaint, I still assigned: "So let’s do it. Ashford, you and your wife stay here to help Auresia capture the players here. Tank, Al , You are in charge of raiding the camp. Son of Night, you are with them too."

"Are we enough?" Night Son asked uncertainly.

I thought about it for a while and said: "This group of undead is all for you, is this always enough?"

"No problem."

Klee Stina looked at me and asked: "Then what should I do? Come with you? You don't need to be with us to deal with that person? It's too much to praise them!"

"Of course, we don't need to be together. Your task is to act as a liaison and reserve team here. You will be responsible for supporting whichever side you encounter a problem."

"That's it? That's fine."

"There are so many people in the team outside, are you busy here alone?" Auresia asked a little worried. "I know that your battle strength is very strong, but this is to capture prisoners. After all, you only have two hands!"

"He has more than two hands." Ashford played said with a smile: "Don't forget that Purple Moon is a beast trainer. Because we have accepted the task, we will be sealed with summon ability as soon as we enter this area, so there is no way. Purple Moon can create a Legion by leaving this place. Coming!"

Alice said next to him: "He still pulled out a Legion of the undead here?"

"That's it!" Olexi Ya Nodded admitted that she was indeed wrong.

After assigning a battle plan, we will be separated, and then we will find our own targets according to the intelligence.

My target group is very large, and because I have a rough target range, it is not difficult to find. Leave the mission area first, and after the seal is lifted, Summon Asuka flies directly to the target area. Feeling that the position is almost the same, I take off the bird and glide and land on the ground.

This target area is not a city, but a mountain forest. The vendors who provided information said that they had heard that the demon camp was hired by an organization to do missions here, so they only knew the approximate area, but because they didn't know the content of the mission, they couldn't judge their specific location.

Although I don't know the specific problem, the place where they do the task is good, that is, there are many people in this area, not only the players, but also the NPC. There are three leveling areas just around this place, as well as an underground tomb group that is popular with adventure players. The four areas are not far apart, and the center point is just a small valley, so a lot of people appeared over time, and a place similar to a market town was formed. However, this market town is artificially gathered, and there is no real village and town, it is not protected by the system, and it does not have any territorial rights or anything. However, there is already a system store in this place, but it is very small, just a few small sheds.

The player's intelligence is relatively expensive, and accuracy is not guaranteed, but the NPC is much better. Although the NPCs in the game also have their own emotions, at least these guys rarely dare to tell lies in front of me. After all, my coercive attributes are still very deterrent to the existence of those big bosses. .

I just found an NPC shop, I just made a few words with the other party and bought some medicine, and then I asked about the team's situation by the way. Although I haven't seen this group of people, Allezia has shown me a video before. This video was originally for a BOSS battle, but most of the people in this demon camp were accidentally captured in the middle, so it was taken out for us as a comparison photo.

With the screenshot from this video, I took the memory crystal and showed it to the NPC in the store.

The people in the demon camp are said to be a group of gangsters in reality, so even if they enter the game, their temperament will not change. This kind of person's image is often more profound, at least compared to most normal people, it is quite different, so the NPC here recognizes a few of them at a glance.

"Oh, what do you mean these people? They just passed here at noon today, and they were more than an hour earlier than you."

"Do you know where they went?" There are four accessible areas around this place, so I need further information. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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