"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it!" Looking at poor Ashford, I no longer know what to say. The situation was so urgent at that time, I didn't have time to care if he landed safely, so I threw him down and flew over the arrow. In the end, the NPC's life was indeed hugged, but it was a pity that Ashford was unlucky.

Axiu Fude supported the ground and said with a mournful face: "I know you didn't mean it, but you help me get it out first! If this is sent to the forum, I won’t be alive. "

"Yes, I forgot this!" I said and quickly shouted to Lich, who was idle next to him, who was doing nothing. "Here, give me a fog of death."

A layer of white mist soon surrounded us, and now Ashford's image has finally been preserved. Fortunately, everyone was in a melee just now, and the opponent should not have time to take a video of the battlefield.

After temporarily shielding the environment here, I began to think about how to help get the arrow out. According to general practice, arrow wounds passing through the body are best dealt with, and it is OK to go directly to the treatment. A little more complicated is the kind of shot through, but the arrow stuck in the body. For this kind of arrow wound, the better way to deal with it is to observe which side of the arrow's tail is more exposed, then cut off the less exposed end, then take out the other end, and finally heal the wound with a treatment.

If it is the first two arrow injuries, it is not a big problem, but the trouble now is that Ashford obviously belongs to the Third Type, that is, the arrow went in, but it did not go through completely. That kind of situation. Moreover, what is even more terrible now is that the entire arrow shaft is actually in, and only a small section less than one centimeter long is left outside. Let's not talk about how to pull it out with such a length. What is even more annoying is that the location of the shot is Ashford's chrysanthemum, and the inside must be the rectum. Considering that the human intestines are not straight, the arrow impossible goes forward along the intestinal tube, but must penetrate the intestinal wall, and it is likely to penetrate more than a layer of intestinal wall.

If it is in reality, even if this kind of injury doesn't die right away, it will be absolutely laborious to treat it, and it will definitely not work if you don't open the mouth. It’s a little easier in the game, because there is no need to worry about infections and the like, and there are more physiques in the game than in reality. Problems such as excessive blood loss or heart failure do not exist here, and various treatments The effects of the surgery are amazing, so it is not difficult to cure. The key is how to get that arrow out.

Feather arrows are used to kill people, and their design goal is to cause more damage. In addition to the aerodynamic design of the sharp arrow, it is more important to strengthen the armor piercing ability and make it easier to penetrate into the body after being injected into the human body. The angle of inclination behind the arrow creates two barbs on both sides of the arrow. What does the barb mean? The barb means you can poke it in, but if you pull it back, it will be more troublesome. If the arrow was shot on the butt egg, or some other meaty place, at worst fiercely, cut a big hole and dig out the arrow. Anyway, there is a cure, which can suppress even the pain, so there is no need to worry at all. But the problem is, Ashford has penetrated into his stomach, and the whole arrow has gone in. If this is to be dug, it is tantamount to an open surgery.

I know all about surgery knowledge. When I first became Dragon Clan, I will instill knowledge in the base. So let alone in the game, even in reality, I can do something for people. Simple surgery. However, I cannot do it for Ashford. It's not that my skills are not in place, but because my level is too high.

Surgery must not be done in conjunction with the armor. Removing the armor is equivalent to removing even the defense. Now that the game has been upgraded many times, most of the teammates’ accidental injury exemptions have been cancelled, especially this kind of direct physical damage is absolutely impossible to exempt. In other words, even if I am currently in team mode with Ashford, I am basically attacking him at High Level when I perform surgery on him. And with my attack power and Ashford’s lack of armor, which reduced a lot of defenses, then I might just cut his stomach open, and then just reach out and touch him, and he would just hang up. You should know that although the game "Zero" uses a real physics engine, theoretically what can be done in reality can be done here, but the game from the very beginning has not set ordinary players to perform operations on others, except After the skills of medical professions are turned on, the secondary damage caused by this treatment can be reduced, and ordinary players cannot be exempted from this kind of damage. Therefore, I cannot perform surgery on Ashford at all. In contrast, if I pull out that arrow directly, the damage may be lower.

Axiu Fude waited there for a long time, only to see my feet spinning around him, and finally couldn’t help asking: "What are you spinning there? Hurry up and help me get the arrow out!"

"Then what...I don’t want to do it, but how do you let me start with your part? Seeing this, the arrow must have entered the abdominal cavity , Maybe even the diaphragm is pierced. If I grab the tail of the arrow and pull it out, maybe even the intestines will be pulled out for you. How do you let me start?"

"Even if you pull the intestines out, it's better than that?"

"Then bear with me, I'll just pull it for you."

"Wait." Ashford As soon as I heard what I said, I hurriedly called to stop.

"What are you doing?"

"What did you say to make me bear it? Didn't you give me healing?"

"Of course, but After all, I am not a therapeutic profession. I only have a few ordinary therapies. The pain relief effect is definitely very mediocre. If you want to pull out a half of the internal organs in the entire abdominal cavity, the pain must not be completely suppressed, so... "

"Okay, you should call someone to help me! I'm afraid you can't do it yet?" Ashford really frightened me. Originally, Chrysanthemum's trick was enough to infiltrate, and he was even more scared when I said that.

"If you are not afraid of embarrassment, I will call someone."

"Wait." As soon as I said this, Ashford began to hesitate again.

Looking at him so entangled, I am also a bit sorry, after all, at least one third is my responsibility in this matter. When he was struggling, I was thinking about it, and let alone, it really made me think of a way.

"I have it."

"What has it?"

"I have a way." I started to activate the skills while talking, and then Shi Zhan explained: "I have a way to make you get that thing out without hurting or hanging up, but it's a little troublesome."

Ashford was not happy to hear it. . "Damn, are you afraid of trouble when it's like this?"

"Isn't I already preparing for this? What are you anxious for!"

"Put your butt in the root Arrow, I see if you are in a hurry!"

"It's done, it's done, come over and I will help you deal with it." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( qidian.com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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