"Okay, it's done, come over and I will help you deal with it."

The way to rescue Ashford is actually very simple. First let Ashford Fude stood up, then used the skill Tai Chi Soul Locking Array on the position under his feet, and then walked over and hit his forehead with a palm. A faintly translucent white Ashford staggered and fell out of the soul-locking array.

"What are you doing?" Ashford, who was slapped by me for no reason, asked angrily.

"It's just doing you a favor." I said indifferently, and at the same time I canceled the Soul Lock Array, and then put the Ashford, who was still standing there, to the ground, while the one sitting on the ground Ashford also reacted after seeing the other himself.

The ability of the Tai Chi Soul Locking Array is to separate the soul from the body, and it is a non-lethal separation. As long as it does not destroy the separated fleshy body and soul, it will not cause death. This ability is very useful, especially in dealing with some special problems. Ashford had been entangled because he was worried about the pain before, but now that the soul is out of the body, there is no problem. Although the body still feels pain, because the soul is not in the body, Ashford himself does not feel it. As for the damage afterwards... as long as the wound is treated before the soul returns.

Move quickly to put Ashford’s fleshy body or corpse on the ground, and then turn Eternity into a small pliers to clamp the small piece of Ashford’s chrysanthemum. Cut the tail of the arrow, and then pull it recklessly. With a sound of puchi, along with a lot of blood, a large group of purple red intestines were forcibly dragged out of the body by the barbs on the arrow. If it were in reality, it would basically be declared dead. But this is a game, so it's not a big problem.

After throwing away the arrow, I picked up the weapon that dropped someone else and stuffed Ashford’s intestines back into my body. After throwing away the blood-stained weapon, I started to use the healing technique. Had it not been for this damn task to restrict summon, this kind of work could be handled by Xiaochun. With her ability, a single resurrection technique can completely deal with all the damage, but unfortunately there is no way to summon now, so I can only do it by myself.

Originally speaking, the battle method of the animal trainer is that the pet rushes to the front, and then the animal trainer brushes auxiliary skills, curses the enemy unit, and heals the injury of the pet and gives it to the opponent. sneak attack or something. Therefore, the healing technique of the trainer is generally quite powerful. Of course, I am not in the general situation. Because the development process is slightly different, my healing technique is more troublesome.

First of all, because there are powerful healing units like Xiaochun in my familiar, I haven't practiced much healing skills.

Secondly, because our guild has built a world-library, a civilized miracle-level functional building, my healing skills are not comparable to that of animal trainers, even if many priests of other guilds are There are not as many types of treatments as I do. It's not that they don't want to learn, but that the learning of therapy requires certain attribute restrictions, and at least you have to find someone who knows this before you can consider learning. The guild’s world library can not only automatically include the skills of all players and NPCs in the guild, but also can teach skills that the guild members would not have learned at all, and more importantly, the world library can be greatly reduced In addition to the learning requirements, skills that were originally demanding can now be learned as long as the attribute value is half or even lower than the normal attribute, and this learning process can be repeated many times.

There are three restrictions on skill learning. One is that your own attributes must match the attributes of the target skill, and your attributes must meet the attribute requirements of that skill. In this regard, the world library of our guild can help players directly skip and lower the threshold. The second restriction is that you must find someone who knows this skill, or a carrier that records skill information such as a skill book. In this regard, the world library can also help players decide, because our library can automatically include members of the guild and NPCs belonging to the guild who have signed a skill sharing agreement. As for the laymen and other NPCs, as long as the other party agrees to teach, world The library can record it, and this record is 100% successful, will not fail, and can be passed on to other players indefinitely.

This third restriction is also the most annoying restriction. Even if you find a player who knows this skill, others are willing to teach you, and your own attributes meet the skill requirements, you still cannot guarantee that you will be able to learn it, because skill transfer has a failure rate.

The failure rate of the generally speaking skill transfer item is the lowest, generally not more than 5%, and there are even 100% successful types. However, the occurrence rate of this skill-carrying item is really low and unimaginable. Basically, it can be regarded as non-existent for ordinary players, because it is unlikely to encounter one in a lifetime.

The one with a slightly higher failure rate is the skill book. The output of this thing is relatively large, of course, it is still very small compared to other skill-carrying items, and it is difficult for you to hit the skills you need by yourself. You can only type out the skill book yourself and then take it. Auction, and then exchange the skill books you need.

This kind of skill book is divided into levels. The success rate varies according to the level of the skill book. Generally, it will not be less than 75%, and the higher one can reach 95%. Yes, it is a pretty good probability. Of course, considering the price of this skill book and the difficulty of obtaining it, in the unlikely event of a failure, it would be really depressing.

The last way to learn skills is to teach them among players. The failure rate of this teaching process is the most exaggerated, or it should be said that the success rate is very low, because the success rate of this method of teaching is usually less than 20%, which means that you may not succeed in learning five times. Moreover, this teaching mode cannot be interrupted in the middle, and the time is generally longer, and a lot of additional materials need to be used. In short, it is troublesome, time-consuming and costly, and success may not be guaranteed. What's more terrible is that you can't continue to learn, and there is a certain time limit after failure, and you can't repeat learning in a short period of time.

In contrast, the world library of our guild is much bigger. Although learning skills also have a failure rate, the failure rate is very low, generally only 10% to 20%, and it is even easier to use than skill books. Moreover, although it costs money to study each time, the cost is really low. Compared to buying outside or finding a way to exchange it, the actual cost may only be less than one percent of those two methods. In other words, for the price of buying a skill outside, you can learn a hundred skills of the same level in our world library.

In addition, although there is a chance of failure when learning library skills, you can re-learn immediately after failure. There is no cooling time, and as long as you don’t leave the library, you can immediately re-learn what you just failed to learn. Skills, as long as you pay half the cost of the last time. Of course, if you fail again, you can still learn immediately, but the cost will be stabilized at half the price of the first time, and you will not be discounted forever. However, even so, it is much simpler than learning skills elsewhere. Taking into account the highest failure rate of 20%, people who can't even learn it three times are probably out of 100.

Because our guild has a world-defying functional building such as the world library, the players in our guild generally have a lot of skills more than the players in the laymen's guild. It's not how hard they are, but the price is too low and there are too many choices, so most players will unconsciously learn a bunch of messy skills.

As a guild president, compared with general members, I not only don’t have to pay, but I can also free the guild’s contribution points. More importantly, as the guild president, I even have learning requirements. addition. Skills that others need 50% attribute points to learn, I can learn them as long as I meet 30% or more of the skill requirements. Of course, this is completely meaningless to me, because my attribute points have not yet been acquired. When encountering skills that cannot meet the requirements, they cannot be learned. In addition, in addition to the much lower requirement for attribute points, my learning success rate is also close to 100%. Although there are occasional failures, the probability is very low and can be almost ignored.

With such good conditions, how could I not make good use of it. Therefore, I know a lot of skills such as healing, but the problem is that I have never practiced them. I also have high level skills, but the proficiency is all zero.

Because I don’t have proficiency skills, I can only use the large skills to brush once, and then continue to use small healing arts to restore a little bit. Fortunately, although the level of the large healing arts is zero, after all, the skills The level is placed there, the effect is still very good, and the effect is immediately reflected after the brush is over.

With more than a dozen small healing techniques in a row in conjunction with that large Recovery Technique, Ashford’s injury was finally dealt with. Smoothly dragged Ashford's soul back into his body, Ashford immediately jumped from the ground. Of course, the first thing Ashford did after the recovery was to threaten me not to talk about this matter, and no one would do it. Of course, I promise to keep my promise, otherwise, do I still expect to become enemies with Ashford?

After removing the fog, the outside battle hasn't ended yet, and to my surprise, not only the warriors' battle is not over, even the archer on the other side is not completely dead. Of course, the archer is incomparable with the warrior, so now there are only seven or eight archers still resisting, and they are all close to their limit. The situation on the warrior's side is only slightly better than the archer. Although the warrior is more capable of carrying it, these warriors take the battle earlier than the archer. The medicine on the body has already been used up, and more importantly, the physical strength is almost reaching the limit. So they are not much better than archer.

"In this situation, we still have to take action by ourselves." I looked at the two battlefields here and over and asked Ashford: "Which side do you choose?"

Ashford didn't answer, so he took the weapon and headed towards the archer. Of course I knew he was going to take revenge. Shaking my head helplessly, I had no choice but to turn around and head towards the warrior over there.

On the warrior here, there are only ten people left, and all of them are injured. Obviously, they are all an arrow at the end of its flight. After I asked the skeleton soldiers in front to give me a way out, I walked directly over. The other skeleton soldiers around me stopped attacking after I entered the encirclement, but formed a line of defense to prevent the people inside from running out.

Because there was a short gap in the battle, the warriors noticed my arrival, and then these people showed a generous expression and revived and rushed towards me.

I didn't express any doubts about the reaction of these guys, and of course I didn't show any mercy. Standing still in place, I just took the eternal left and right and slashed ten swords back and forth, and the battle was over. There is such a big gap between the level and the attribute, and the other party is exhausted. If this can turn into a protracted battle, wouldn't I be despised to death?

After getting the warrior here, I turned around and walked towards Ashford. Compared with the clean and neat resolution of the battle on my side, the situation on Ashford’s side is obviously not so good. There are three remaining archers, but what surprised me was that Ashford had three arrows stuck in his body, and he was still sitting on the ground, and in front of him was a group of skeleton soldiers resisting the archer's counterattack. With the protection of the Skeleton Soldiers, Ashford had to stop those archers from killing them.

I walked towards Ashford in surprise. Before I had time to ask him what was going on, I suddenly saw Ashford turned and shouted at me: "Be careful, there is an enemy in the dark! "

"The dark place?" After reaching this warning, I immediately looked up puzzled and looked towards the top of the cave. This place is full of my undead Legion, which can be described as densely packed. Such an environment is basically impossible to hide people, no matter how powerful your Invisibility Technique is, the entity does exist after all. Even if it can not be seen, there are so many undead here, it is almost inevitable to be hit, besides, undead creatures are not affected by Invisibility Technique at all. They mainly rely on the induction of living things aura to chase the target, vision is only an aid, so in front of the undead, the Invisibility Technique is almost useless.

Because I was sure that the ground would not be in danger, I turned my gaze to the top of the cave, but when I looked up, I suddenly felt a sense of crisis. When I lowered my head again, I saw a bright line flying over from the front. I was so frightened that I quickly lowered my head, and with a click behind my back, a skeleton soldier exploded directly into broken bones and scum on the ground, and the flying things did not stop. Down, but continued to shoot forward with one finger into the ground behind, the depth was so high that the entire weapon was invisible, and only a flat, about two-inch-long gap was left on the ground.

"Damn, what kind of weapon is this?" I muttered to myself and stood up from the ground again, and I directly focused on the direction where the hidden weapon flew just now. A black silhouette can be seen over there jumping towards the depths of the cave, obviously shifting. I thought for a while and didn’t catch up immediately. Instead, I turned around and whistled to call two big Lichs, and then pointed at the archer over there: "Kill them." Watching the big Lich float past, I turned around and moved towards that. The guy chased up in the direction where he disappeared.

Before, I was blocked by a large number of skeleton soldiers. After I came over, I realized that the floor was covered with bones and scum. Obviously, a lot of skeleton soldiers were broken. The only blame is that these undead are converted in batches using the conversion array, not as high as my own summon's intelligence, and even if I am attacked, I will not get any notice. Besides, the chaotic scene just now, even with the system hint. It may not be noticed.

Because the opponent had a battle with my skeleton soldiers, many skeleton soldiers chased them. Following these skeleton soldiers chasing all the way, I soon separated a long distance from the previous battlefield. After running forward for a while, I saw a group of skeletons digging a stone in front of a rock wall. It was obvious that the guy got through here and sealed the hole.

"Go out of the way." After the skeleton soldiers stepped away after the command, I directly turned Eternity into a Warhammer, and when it was rounded, I knocked it on the rock wall. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the huge boulder blocking the way was directly broken into a pile of rubble and flew out towards the other side of the wall.

Because the boulders blocking the way no longer exist, the passage is straightforward. After I drilled through, I found out that this side was a strange cave. The wall of the cave looks very smooth, and it feels cold and watery to the touch. Looking at the downward inclination angle of this passage, 80% of this passage can be used as a slide.

Because there is only one road here, I didn't hesitate, so I just jumped down. The slope in front of the passage is relatively gentle, and in some places it is even necessary to use a little effort to glide, but after more than 50 meters, the passage quickly starts to slope downwards, and it becomes a distance of less than three meters. The inclination angle of almost sixty degrees, this angle and the slippery cave wall, is simply more exaggerated than the water slide of the playground. I just feel that my speed has suddenly risen, and a real person slips and slips down at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. Fortunately, this slide is not very long. After falling for a while, it suddenly turned into a spiral shape. Then I took a roller coaster and went three 360 ​​degree loops in a row, and then passed a short distance. After decelerating uphill, he left the relatively narrow passage and entered into a larger space.

After flying out of the tunnel, I immediately felt a sense of weightlessness. After instinctively spreading my wings, I immediately slammed forward and stabilized my body shape. It’s just that on my side. Just after stopping, there was a sound of flapping wings.

The sound of my own wings flapping, of course I know that the sound of the flapping wings is obviously not mine. The other party rushed directly at me at a very exaggerated speed, and I could even feel a heavy breathing sound from the air fluctuations.

Although there is no light source in this underground cave at all, my perfect dark vision allows me not to worry about any visual problems, so I don't have any visual obstacles, and I directly found the target that hit me.

This is a very large creature. It is estimated that its head may be a bit bigger than a human. It has a pair of huge wings and a hideous face. It looks like an Archfiend. But this thing has no horns, and the devil's face is actually not so ugly, especially the high-level devil, like Ling, even said to be very beautiful.

In any case, the enemy has rushed forward, and I did not hesitate. The Eternal Sword shook open in an instant, and then shook it casually. The Eternal Sword, which was transformed into a whip sword, broke away from the long whip, and then threw it horizontally. Because the impact speed was too fast, the creature on the opposite side did not avoid eternity at all, and was directly drawn on the chest like a whip for eternity.

Eternity is not a real soft whip, it can be controlled by my will, so after encountering that guy, Eternity immediately entangled like a snake and wrapped around this guy several times. , I pulled back violently, and with a loud bang, the guy was dismembered into several segments by eternity directly in the air, and then crackle fell to the ground below.

I thought it would be over if I killed this guy. Who knew that the death of this guy was like the Charger. As the guy’s corpse fell to the ground, there was a strong smell of blood in the surroundings instantly, and then the surrounding cave walls seemed to come alive, and various grotesquely shaped creatures were large from the surrounding cave walls. And small drilled out of the hole and moved towards the corpses below. That's not a big deal. On top of my head, among the hanging stalactites, things exactly the same as the creatures that had just been killed rushed out one after another. As soon as I saw this posture, I quickly got on guard with a weapon, who knew that the guys just moved towards the same kind of corpse below and rushed over as if they hadn't seen me.

The next situation is a bit alarming. I myself often mess around with piles of corpses, so I am quite comfortable with this scene, if most people estimate that I will just collapse. I saw the fastest killer of the monster's kind first rushed to the corpse on the ground, but to my surprise, these guys did not go down to cry, but prey.

The first guy who rushed to the ground grabbed a piece of the body of the same kind in one bite, then turned around and kicked the ground and wanted to take off, but it was a pity that he had just jumped up to more than two meters high, leaning into it. Suddenly, he threw out a creature with six legs, like a mutant dog. The creature hugged the monster directly in the air, and then bit on its neck with one bite. After that, the two creatures fell to the ground due to their weight and fought each other.

The two creatures over there have just landed, and there is a small one, which looks like a lizard, but the creature with more than a dozen legs rushed to one of the pieces of meat, then grabbed it and wanted to run. But another monster of its kind rushed down and bit the back of the monster with one bite. The monster immediately threw off the flesh in his mouth and twisted and attacked the demon-shaped monster on his back. The two monsters also immediately fell into a bloody battle.

The scene after that is basically a true reproduction of the Asura scene. Various monsters were attracted by the meat and rushed together, then bite each other and twisted into a ball.

The monsters inside were in a melee, flying all over, but the monsters outside did not have the slightest stage fright. On the contrary, the fresh blood stimulated their fierceness, and they rushed into the circle even more crazily. Regardless of whether you are of the same kind, as long as you meet, you will immediately twist into a ball and fight hard to separate. Some more powerful monsters killed their targets, and they were pushed to the ground by the new monsters immediately after they got up. It seems that the monsters here will not stop fighting if they die.

I was stunned by such a chaotic scene, but I quickly recovered. Anyway, those below are not my subordinates. If they want to fight, let them fight. It’s better than them. It's better to attack me together, right?

After recovering from the shock, the first thing I did was to look for the person who ran away before. Sure enough, the other party did not run far. At this time, I was quietly facing a distant one behind a stalagmite. The hole moves. Obviously he intends to take advantage of this opportunity to run away.

After discovering the target, I didn't immediately rushed forward, but with a brainstorm, I threw eternity away. The eternity that turned into a whip shape suddenly pulled out, entwining an injured monster, and then suddenly pulled it out of the battlefield and threw it to the ground in front of the guy over there. Because I used a lot of strength, the monster fell half dead immediately after landing, and blood was sprayed everywhere.

The guy was also taken aback by the creature that suddenly fell in front of him, and from his reaction I saw a very interesting thing, that is, this guy does not have perfect vision.

He should be able to see things in the dark, but the range of sight should be very small. In a completely dark environment, I have the same vision range as under normal lighting conditions. After the star pupil is activated, it can even be used as a telescope, and this guy’s vision range should not exceed ten meters, because the monster fell in front of him. He actually hesitated for a moment, and then carefully moved forward for a certain distance, and then moved with confidence after getting closer. Obviously, he had only heard the sound of the monster landing before, instead of seeing the monster directly, and the monster was only about ten meters away from him at that time.

Although he relaxed after seeing that the monster was dead, his relaxation only lasted for less than a second and then disappeared, because just after he found the body, the wall in front of the cave Suddenly, there was a whistling sound from the upper hole. Sure enough, less than two seconds later, I saw a creature with four crab-like legs, no head, and a tortoise shell-like creature emerged from a small hole.

With the appearance of this monster, a large group of such small things sprang up from the hole behind**, and then they only paused for less than a second after appearing here, and then started to move towards the front The monster corpse rushed over.

The player almost immediately started to back up instinctively, but then he felt something approaching behind him. With his excellent reaction ability, he quickly squatted down, then rolled to the side, dodge a fatal blow. But the monstrous who attacked him didn't intend to let him go, but stared at him and slowly moved towards him.

The guy didn't get up immediately after avoiding the attack, but squatted on the ground and immediately stopped moving. However, his gaze has been fixed on the monster in front of him, only to see that the monster did not leave, but when he walked towards him, he suddenly propped up his body, then lowered his head to look at himself, and finally saw the splash on his chest. After the few drops of blood, he jumped up directly without the slightest hesitation, and then quickly moved towards the other direction and ran away.

It was like getting the start signal. As this guy ran wildly, the monster over there also changed the slow image and accelerated the moved towards the player in front of the player galloping away, even faster than a lot of ground There are a lot of blame for the devil beasts on the mounts.

The player's specialty is not straight-line speed. The monster quickly caught up with the player, and then another claw attack. The player panicked and flung his hand immediately after avoiding the attack. I heard a very faint sound, and then I saw something flash past, and then the monster made a mournful scream sound. A lot of blood spurted from this guy's body. At the edge of the monster group fighting over there, a few more monsters turned their heads and ran over here, at no slower speed than the previous monster.

The player didn't attack after hurting the monster, but got up and ran, very fast. Although the monster behind still wanted to chase, it was a pity that the monster who had left the main battlefield before had already been killed, and directly ganged up with him to prevent its pursuit.

Although it has been less than 3 minutes since I entered the cave, I have basically figured out the situation here. First of all, the monsters here are very bloodthirsty and can hardly control their desire to attack. It can be said that they are even wild beasts than wild beasts. The second finding is that the monsters here basically have no visual ability, and their senses should mainly be smell and hearing. Relying on the sense of smell in the case of finding the enemy at a long distance, through the recognition of the smell of blood to achieve the purpose of judging the target, and once they are within a certain range, they will switch to the auditory mode.

The player just came here obviously, at least he knows the behavior patterns of these monsters. After being chased by the monster, he did not immediately get up and continue running after avoiding the attack, but stopped in place, which was actually to avoid sound. He thought that the monster would move towards the corpse according to his sense of smell after losing the sound target, but the monster passed towards him, which made him realize that something on his body attracted the monster, so he lowered his head to check I, as a result, saw the blood spurted in front of me. Knowing that he could not hide, he just turned around and ran away. Although the monster was able to determine through smell that the target was in front, because the opponent suddenly stopped moving, he could only slowly and tentatively hear no sound. Forward. When the guy ran up, the sound signal returned to normal, and the monster immediately entered the violent mode and began to run wildly. This is the behavior pattern caused by their special senses.

The behavior of the player who later attacked the monster actually took advantage of this. After he kills a monster, he will attract other monsters, and the fresh blood will definitely taste heavier than the blood on his body. With the noise of the injured monster, it will naturally attract other monsters to attack it, so that the player himself You can take the opportunity to escape.

I have to say that his method is very targeted, and the actual test also shows outstanding results, but he didn't expect that I have seen his behavior in the sky, not only confirmed the monsters’ Behavior patterns, even his characteristics have been discovered.

The moment this guy just attacked the monster should be the same way he attacked me before. Although I still didn’t see what was going on this time, I knew that he needed to shake his attack. arm. Just as the expert who avoids bullets is not to avoid bullets, but to avoid the opponent's muzzle straight line, I don't have to avoid what he fires, as long as I can avoid his swinging arm.

After knowing this guy's approximate attack pattern, I immediately fanned my wings and swooped over his head. In order to reduce the probability of being discovered, I didn't even flap my wings during the fall, but glided over relying on the buoyancy of the wings.

After all, I am not a silent killer. Even when gliding, I still have a certain sound. More importantly, my wings are too exaggerated. When I dive down, there will be a lot of wind pressure, so As soon as I approached, he immediately felt the cool breeze behind him. It was a lazy donkey roll that was a repeat of the same trick and quickly dodged to the side. It’s a pity that the target of his dodge this time is not monster but me, and more importantly, I have perfect dark vision, so his reaction has no effect at all. I directly put away my wings and smashed to the ground. At the same time, the eternity in my hand has turned into a three-meter-long hook and slashed towards him on the ground. .

Although the guy was wrong about the type of enemy, he still noticed the peculiar noise of the weapon breaking before my hook and body, and then he bounced on the ground with his hands. My eternal hook spear slid directly from his body and cut a big ditch in the ground without hurting him.

The guy didn’t stop even after landing. He just stood on a series of backflips, and he moved away from me in a few clicks, but he just listened to his feet. There was a whistling sound, and even though he responded quickly and gave way to the side, a wound was cut out on his arm. Of course this is not bad. If he slows down, his entire arm will have to be taken off.


Suddenly injured, the opponent screamed out of control. Obviously, this one also opened the bloody mode, and the level of the adjustment is not low, but This scream made me stunned for a moment. I didn't expect to attack for a long time. The target was a female player, and the voice seemed to be young.

Although it is found that the other party is a female, this time is not the time to carry forward the style. If you encounter a female in the game and stop playing, how can male players still mix? Of course, there are such male players, but that kind of people usually won’t have anything to do. After all, if they give up fighting when they encounter a female, the probability of being killed by the opponent will increase a lot, and because there are fewer kills. , So there will be gaps in your own experience gains, and more importantly, most of these players are of the type who can’t walk when they see beautiful women. As a result, when female players act like a baby, all equipment, training grounds, and monsters will let you Give it to others. But isn't that what the player upgrades and strengthens? I have given it to others, how can I become stronger?

Although I maintain respect for women, I think the best way

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