As more and more skeleton soldiers were thrown into the defense line, the opponent's defense line began to fluctuate more and more sharply, and the initial chaos was only hit Those warriors, but as the skeleton soldiers flying into the camp began to attack the surrounding players, the battle inevitably broke out in the room. And once fighting occurs within the defense line, the front defense line can no longer be maintained.

"OK, it looks almost done." Seeing that a small-scale chaotic line of defense has begun to appear on the opposite side, I looked back at the small group of undead Knights who were ready behind the eye line. This is a group of assault forces that I have specially transferred from the back of the team, and now is the best time to use it. "Let's get started."

As my voice uttered, the front line suddenly separated a channel, and then the undead Knight, who was already ready, began to drive the undead warhorse under the crotch to start. Since there is no endurance limit, this group of undead war horses does not need to save power at all. They burst out with all their strength, instantly boosted their speed to the limit state, and reached the highest speed in the blink of an eye.

The opposite group of players who were entangled with the skeleton soldiers were fighting in the dark, but they suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes. After taking a time to look up, they found a large section of the undead of the skeleton soldiers in front of them. Knight moved towards this side rushed over.

Although the skeleton soldiers on our side have given up the passage for the undead Knight to charge, this passage is not directly in front of the gang of warriors in front of them. The row of skeleton soldiers fighting the warriors did not separate, so the warriors are still being entangled. Only when they smashed the stalking skeleton soldiers in front of them did they discover the undead Knight who had rushed in front of them. Unfortunately, it was too late at this time.

With a scream and the sound of tearing flesh and blood, the warrior in the first row and the skeleton soldiers who have not been crushed were knocked to the ground by the undead horse, and then trampled underfoot, but The undead horses did not stop, they were still rushing forward. The undead Knight on the horse held the sword of the undead in his hands, slashing left and right, and anyone who was not hit would be made up for it. You must know that the undead Knight is not a skeleton soldier. The battle strength of these guys is still quite good, especially on the frontal battlefield. Anyone with a brain knows that when Knight starts charging, standing in front of him is definitely a courting death behavior, no matter what Knight you are facing.

Although only less than twenty undead Knights were called, there was no problem with the team's assault ability. This undead Knight formation easily pierced a channel on the defense line formed by the warriors. , And after this, a large number of skeleton soldiers and zombies poured into this passage, first to kill the enemies that had not been trampled to death by the undead Knight, and then began to forcibly squeeze the defense line to both sides, forcing the loopholes in the defense line to expand.

The separated line of defense can no longer function as a line of defense at this time. As more and more undead enter this crack, the line of defense is gradually compressed into two semi-circular defenses. Circle, basically the warriors are just defending themselves rather than the people behind the defense.

The warriors in the front are still putting up a desperate struggle, but more undead enter the back area through the holes opened by the defense line. The opponent's archer and wizards quickly filled the area with firepower in an attempt to block the passage, but unfortunately I was prepared for this. Two high-level big Lichs ran to the gap with the bone beasts, and a large green poison mist began to fill the space. This poison mist is not used to kill, but to block the line of sight and weaken the magic formidable power.

Although the fog is invisible, but because the poison cloud used by Lich has a magic attribute, it is equivalent to a magic entity, so scream, the other party’s magic hits the poison mist before it will be advanced Detonated, it turned out that some of the undead on the opposite side other than the poison mist were burned, but no damage was caused. On the other side, those archer arrows could still start to work, just because the uncovered undead could not be seen, so the head was accurate. I can't talk about it at all. Although there are many undead here, random shooting can also hit, but there is always a difference between aiming and random shooting. The killing effect can be said to be down immediately.

Without the long-range strike interference, the skeleton soldiers on our side immediately rushed through this death passage, and then killed the archer and wizards in front.

The previous Knight who was commanding the battle while fighting the bone beast rushed over at this time, seemingly intending to seal the passage with his own strength, but what he didn't know was that I had noticed it a long time ago. Him.

The undead will determine the attack intensity according to the enemy's power and breath. This guy is besieged by so many bone beasts, and everyone is in the formation of an array of defenses. He alone will only be behind the battle line. This is not clearly the command. Official? You said, what if I don't make trouble for this kind of person?

Just as the guy rushed to the gap, a huge black silhouette suddenly flew out of the gap here. Knight was kicked off his horse before he knew what was going on. Then he heard the neigh of a war horse, and his mount was instantly knocked down by a group of skeleton soldiers and almost dismembered.

Knight without the mount landed after a roll and removed the impact and stood up again, but the creature that just attacked him didn't give up, but went around and killed it again.

Before he thought it was a flying unit that attacked him, but after seeing it clearly, he was surprised to find that this was actually a dead Spirit Beast.

Death Spirit Beast is different from ordinary bone beasts. Structurally, they are closer to zombies. That is to say, these guys are like animals or zombies transformed from devil beasts. However, western zombies are characterized by slow action, high defense, and possibly poison. But the zombie that this devil beast becomes is a different situation. I don’t know if it’s because devil beasts are inherently stronger than human bodies. After they become zombies, these devil beasts will not be as slow as humans, but they will be faster. Moreover, these guys also inherited the usual characteristics of the zombie family-amazing power. The strength of these guys can generally reach three to six times the strength of their lives, and some of them can even reach ten times the strength of their lives.

In addition to the substantial increase in power and speed, the characteristics of Spirit Beast also include: enhanced defense, carrying heavy poison, disappearing weakness and ignoring damage. As long as there is no loss of limbs, these guys will not be affected even if they are cut and injured. The battle strength can be maintained steadily from the start of the battle until the battle strength of themselves or the enemy is killed. There is no problem of the battle strength falling after being injured. , There is no need to rest or add food or the like. These guys are simply perpetual motion machines on the battlefield. Unless one of the two sides dies, or the other flees, the battle will continue.

The Knight obviously knew the Spirit Beast this thing, and his eyes became serious after seeing this monster that looked like a polar bear with its skin in front of him. But he couldn't help it. Now they are on the defensive side, not the offensive side. Except for surrendering or fleeing, they have no probability of ending the battle voluntarily, but neither of those two methods was what he hoped.

The dead Spirit Beast moved towards warrior and rushed up again at a turning point after landing, but the other party didn’t hesitate at all, and swept across the side of the dead Spirit Beast’s forearm. But the dead Spirit Beast didn't dodge in the slightest, trying to get his leg cut off and bit Knight's shoulder in one bite.

Feeling the sharp pain on his shoulder, Knight endured no screams, but shook apart to get the dead Spirit Beast hanging on his body off, but what made him terrified, The dead Spirit Beast hadn't been removed yet, and his left hind leg hurt again, and then there was another hit on his waist without a second interval.

The three dead Spirit Beasts bit Knight in a rogue way and did not move. No matter how he attacked and beat them, those dead Spirit Beasts just didn't let go. But after a stalemate without fighting for two seconds, the real ultimate move finally arrived.

Knight, who was twisting and struggling, suddenly felt a cool breeze, followed by a tingling sensation from the back of his head, extending all the way to the cudal vertebrae, and he felt the hairs all over his body stand up. This is a feeling, an instinctive fear of death and powerful enemies. In reality, this human feeling has basically disappeared. Except for those veterans who often go to the battlefield to regain this ability through battle, it is actually hard for normal people to feel this thing. However, this thing in the game is very common, because the system settings will create this feeling for the player. In the game, Sixth Sense really exists, such as the induction of murderous aura, death, Spiritual Qi, and magic fluctuations. These can all be called Sixth Sense. The system will realize this feeling of illusory and give it to the player in a passive skill, so the player basically has similar sensing abilities, and as long as you are strong, the system will strengthen the range of this sensing effect. And accuracy, so now players can rely on this kind of induction to fight accurately.

"Ah..." The fear made the Knight roar for the first time since he was attacked, but it was also the last time.

pu... After a clean sound, the roar stopped abruptly. A Knight with black heavy plate armor was slow and majestic, inserting a very special sword weapon back into his waist. In the scabbard between. This is a high-level dark temple warrior. The pitch-black armor looks at least half a ton in weight. The armor is sealed from head to toe, without any body parts exposed. The large cloak with blood red inside and pitch black on the outside hangs on his shoulders. As he walks, the cloak will oscillate in an imposing manner. Most people don't talk about resistance, as long as they watch him walking towards him, they will feel like they want to turn around and run away.

The dark temple warrior that received the sword enters sheathe did not return to the formation, but slowly turned sideways and pointed forward with one hand. The three Spirit Beasts who were looking at him immediately turned and moved towards the front. The division he pointed at rushed over. The first dead Spirit Beast was bombarded by a mage’s bursting Fireball halfway, and the second dead Spirit Beast was hit by a ring of ice and was frozen on the ground, but the third died. Spirit Beast has rushed to the front of the wizard group with the cover of the first two companions. When the dead Spirit Beast flew up and jumped, a wizard finally hurriedly completed a big dimension cut off its two front paws, but the dead Spirit Beast still fell into the wizard group and successfully bite Lived in the neck of a mage and died, and no longer let go.

The mage quickly died, and Spirit Beast died with it, but it caused chaos in the mage group. Big Lich, who didn't need to resist the opponent's magical attack, freed his hand and threw a foul bomb into the crowd. Then the mage who was chanting a spell coughed, and the unfinished spell was also interrupted.

The group of wizards who could not form a firepower net quickly became a lamb to be slaughtered. The dark temple did not leave, and after assigning the dead Spirit Beast to be the vanguard, he rushed forward. This guy’s battle method is exaggerated. He simply did not draw the sword, but directly grabbed it with both hands.

As a high-level melee warrior, these mages are really fragile in front of him, just like little chickens. Perhaps given them enough distance and time, they can easily kill this dark temple, but when they are close and unable to cast spells, these mages are really inferior to the ordinary person. The dark temple directly squeezed the necks of the two wizards with one hand, and then exerted a slight force, only to hear a click, the heads of the two wizards immediately slanted to one side abnormally, and then he was like two torn sacks. He discarded one side at random, and then he continued to rush to other wizards nearby.

With this dark temple in focus, the French division is completely turned off. The narrow cave terrain originally limited the distance between the wizards and the defense line. After this time, the skeleton soldiers had already rushed through that distance, and now they finally came into contact with the division.

Some wizards resisted the stench and used spell to kill some skeletons, but compared with the sea of ​​skeletons in front of them, it really feels like one hair from nine oxen. The subsequent skeletons quickly filled in the vacancies, and then all the mages in front were submerged in the sea of ​​skeletons. Of course, the archer was not well recovered. After the mages were over, they were also besieged by the skeleton soldiers. Of course, archers are not the same as mages, they also have a certain melee ability, so they won’t be killed as if they are chopped melons and vegetables once they get close like the mages, they can at least resist them for a while. Of course, this situation shouldn't last long. After all, even the warriors didn't block the skeletons, and the archer was even worse.

Looking at the battle that was about to end, I directly moved forward with Ashford and the others. Of course, to facilitate the command, and to be afraid that the NPC suddenly came out from where it was accidentally killed, so I have not let Ashford go down, and always carry him in my hand, so that I can immediately find the NPC and take over the undead near him to protect the guy.

In fact, I was not too cautious at all, because just ten seconds later, on the wall of a cave near the War Zone that no one noticed, a slightly protruding rock suddenly He sank in, and then a head came out of the hole.

"There!" Ashford has been searching for the location of the NPC. Fortunately, his eyes are pretty good. He saw the target at once. However, although he saw the target, We are even more nervous now.

The reason why we are nervous is actually very simple, because this guy's position happens to be in the middle of the battle between the two sides. A little bit under the wall of the cave where he is is the undead warrior, and there is a group of archers not far away, and our undead are full of pits and valleys everywhere. Thanks to what we discovered earlier, if it is a little bit later, I guess that guy will definitely be dead.

When I found that guy immediately, I started to take over the command of the nearby undead, and at the same time remotely control the dark church over there to come back to help. The two big Lichs who were purging the archer also turned around immediately. Flew over here.

The already precarious archer Legion suddenly felt a lighter pressure. Although they don’t know why the three powerful undead creatures that attacked them suddenly left, they quickly started to regroup and want to fight back. One of them was cute. The elven sister of's unexpectedly took the time to put a guide arrow at my side.

I was commanding the undead, and my attention was completely off there, so I didn't notice it at all. Although as Dragon Clan, I can do multiple tasks, but now I am just playing games. Most of my electronic brain is in a dormant state, so there is not such a high processing speed. As a result, I did not expect to be sneak attacked at all.

Although I did not notice that I became a target, Ashford did. Because I was instructing the undead to protect the NPC, he was a little relieved, so he had time to look around, and he happened to see the opponent throwing arrows at us, so he immediately yelled to remind me.

Originally, I was focusing on directing the undead to fight. When I was suddenly interrupted, I heard Ashford yelling to be careful with bows and arrows. I immediately moved my instinctive hands to protect myself. This is an instinctive reaction. Normal defensive actions, but that's fine in normal times. The point is that now I am not empty in my hand, but holding a person.

"ao..." A terrible cry scared me so much that I almost threw Ashford out with a flick of my hand. This kid's call was really oozing. However, after clarifying the situation, I didn't say much. After all, it should be called this way, and it seems that I caused it.

Before, Ashford had been carried in my hand, just raised his hand to block, but accidentally picked him up, so Hu Ashford became mine unfortunately shield.

As the president of the Iron Crusade and the most powerful player in Germany, Ashford, even if he is not the number one in Germany, can’t get away with his good equipment, let’s talk about the experience of guild wars. Commission, so the level will not be too low, in this way, Ashford's strength is actually very good.

The girl opposite is just an ordinary archer player, and an arrow will not cause much damage. Even if it hits Ashford, there is not much major event in theory. The key is that the position of the arrow this time is really clever. The deadly guiding arrow hit the middle position of Ashford’s buttocks on both sides of the ass, in other words, the legendary chrysanthemum.

It's strange that Ashford doesn't scream when someone gets an arrow. In fact, even I felt pain at that moment. Of course, I still want to laugh more. It's such a coincidence that it is estimated that there may not be one among millions of people. Didn't expect Ashford to be so unlucky that he happened to hit that place.

"Aiya, I'm sorry!" Seeing the fluttering arrow feathers stuck in Ashford's ass, I endured a smile and quickly apologized.

Axiu Fude grinned and yelled: "Purple Moon, you bastard, you used me to block your arrows! Ouch..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. "

"I know you didn't mean it, but let me go and help me deal with it, or I will never finish with you!"

"Oh, okay, okay!" Sleep This is my fault, and now I can only be as polite as possible to Ashford. After all, they are wounded, and the injury is a bit sad.

I originally planned to put down Ashford, who knew that when he was about to land, Ashford suddenly pointed at that side and exclaimed: "Quick, dangerous!"

I followed Ashford’s fingers and saw a feather arrow flashing red light flying towards the NPC over there. Although the other party had found the feather arrow hiding in the hole, I don’t think he will be spared this way, because that is obviously a magic arrow, and if my induction is OK, it should be a detonation arrow, basically like an RPG, if it makes it hit No matter whether that NPC is dead or not, the hole in the wall must be blown down anyway, so I can't let it hit anyway.

"Damn!" In such an emergency, I can't manage Ashford. As soon as I let go and drop him, he directly activates the skill, and the figure suddenly rushes forward, as if moving instantaneously, in the blink of an eye Just in front of the hole over there. Before he could draw the sword, he could only pinch the shaft of the arrow, and then stopped.

The one who shoots arrows is the little girl who exploded the Ashford Chrysanthemum before. It can be said that this Little Sister has quite good eyesight. Actually, we can see from our actions that our target is actually that NPC, so we changed the target. It's a pity that her battle strength is too weak. It can't be compared with us. Even if she shot the arrow first, I still caught up and intercepted it.

I felt a little relieved here, but within a second, I heard another scream where I was staying. This scream made my hands tremble. The arrow of the detonation arrow hit my shoulder accidentally, and the result was a bang. My whole body flew out like a cannonball, and then hit the hole in the wall with a bang, and then fell off the wall again. He fell directly into the crowd below. You must know that the warrior below is not dead yet, and there are still ordinary people resisting.

"The enemy!"

"Quickly kill him!"



Since I fell, all kinds of yelling have not stopped, and I still feel a little dizzy. I only feel that countless knives have been hit on my body in an instant, and I have been stepped on several feet. But... Doesn't it seem to hurt?

"I rely on, don't break the defense!" a strange voice shouted.

"Who is this?"

"Looking familiar."

"Day! Purple Moon!"

"Which Purple Moon?"

"How many Purple Moons are there besides that?"


The surrounding area was quiet for a moment, and I also Got up on the ground. The group of people big eyes staring at small eyes with me, and after looking at each other for two seconds, one of the guys suddenly shouted: "What are you doing standing stupid? Anyway, it has already been chopped, keep beating! Do you still Do you want to solve it peacefully?"

This guy's voice reminded others, so the crowd moved again, but the shouting guy sighed with relief and whispered, "It’s okay, it’s okay, so Many people, Purple Moon probably didn't know that I stepped on his feet just now!"

I was not polite when looking at the players who rushed up again. Everyone is hostile, so you don't have to be polite. The Eternal Sword instantly moved into my hand, facing the various weapons that were stabbed indiscriminately, I waved it vigorously, followed by a clank, and the people who attacked me stopped again because they found their weapons were gone. No, it's not that it's gone, the handle is still in his hand, but the front part is missing.

"What's the situation?" A player stared at the half tomahawk on the ground in a daze. To say that he was holding a sword, and it would be cut if it was cut by a better weapon, but the problem was that his sword was a double-edged battle axe. The distance between the two cutting edges of this thing is more than a foot, and the thickest metal in the middle of this thing is more than six centimeters thick. Such an exaggerated solid metal is cut off by cutting tofu. What's the situation?

Although the player was very confused, somebody reacted and remembered my eternal attribute feature that I had seen on the forum before, but before he called it out, I had already started the massacre. Although attacking unarmed talents is called massacre, but now this group of people really only has an inch of iron left in their hands, so this can basically be regarded as massacre.

There is no armor in front of Eternity that can play any defensive role. After using some small skills, my lethality in the crowd can be described as meat grinder, and I instantly knocked down a circle of people around me. The warriors who were blocking the skeleton soldiers on the periphery were forced to turn around and fight back, but unfortunately they were thrown down by the skeleton soldiers outside before they had time to fight me, and then they were besieged.

The battle formation here is completely finished because of my joining. The archer group and another warrior group on the other side are still resisting, but the most important thing for me now is to look at Ashford. .

"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?" Ashford stared at me bitterly, seeing my hair straight.

I pretended to look at Ashford, who was lying on the ground, and asked: "Where is that arrow? Did you pull it out?"

Ashford did not answer, and It pointed to my ass. After I took a closer look, I was stunned, because I saw an arrow tail. "Damn, won't that arrow go in all?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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