Ashford reminded it was too late. This undead Legion is transformed in batches using the undead transformation array, and I only rely on the synchronization of breath and the additional attributes of leading the undead to command these undead Legion, compared to the devil or the summon creature, these guys’ The difficulty of command is obviously much higher. If Ashford at first tells me that there are NPCs in front that cannot be attacked, I may be able to give orders to change the target, but now the first troops have already set off, even if I give orders here, the skeleton soldiers in front will listen. No see!

"Really, why didn't you say it earlier?" As I said, I opened my wings and jumped up, slammed wings, and the whole person passed over the undead army at high speed thinking Flew to the front of the cave. All I can do now is to pray that the NPC is located at the back and won't run into the undead army so early. Of course, if that guy is good at strength, he might persist until I arrive. After all, the vanguard is mainly skeleton soldiers. The real high level units are all behind. The only thing I have to worry about is the group of undead beasts I sent out. I am worried that they will attack that NPC, and if that NPC is very weak, maybe this will have been killed. It might be.

Flying over the undead army in the moving area, I quickly entered the slightly narrower passage ahead. Of course, the narrowness is only relative to the rocky hall just now. The next section of the road is actually quite spacious, at least the skeleton soldiers below me are running in ten columns, and there is still a large gap from the cave wall on both sides. If it is completely occupied, this The aisle is enough to drain a queue of fifteen people side by side.

After flying over the heads of the undead, I quickly caught up with the undead ahead. Although the entire undead Legion is running forward, the two legs cannot be compared with my two wings after all. I caught up with the vanguard in less than one minute, but it seems that the situation here is a bit of a headache. .

"Resist the front." A Knight on horseback used a sword to chop the surrounding undead bone beasts that tried to pounce them off the horse. A row of warriors are arranged in an array.

Just less than five meters in front of this guy is a large group of warriors of various colors, and these warriors are now at war with my undead Legion. The skeleton soldiers rushing to the front have been killed a lot by those warriors, and the bone fragments all over the floor are the best proof. However, although the skeletons have lost a lot, the actual situation is that the warrior's front is in jeopardy. The undead don't know what fear is. The average human army loses its battle strength if it loses more than two troops. The army that can survive the loss of more than half is the elite of the elite, and it must be the kind of army with strong beliefs. The so-called battle until the last soldier is a slogan preached by commanders, and basically no unit can do that kind of thing. Of course, troops that have been brainwashed may break this law, but that is a special case. From the perspective of the world, most troops cannot withstand more than 20% of casualties, otherwise they will lose their battle strength and be able to reduce their troops. Those who don't run away before 30-40% are basically well-trained.

However, that is the human army. The undead are not afraid of death at all. As long as the commander gives an order, they are an army that will fight one after another until the last soldier comes. Because of this, once you confront the undead Legion, you have only two results. One is to kill all the spirits in front of you, leaving no one left, and the other is that your own line of defense is destroyed. Repelling the enemy is very common in wars between humans, but basically don't expect that to happen when fighting the undead.

Although the warriors in front of them have killed many skeleton soldiers, they have to say that the skeleton soldiers they killed were really one hair from nine oxen. The skeleton soldiers behind me who haven't walked over are not counted. There are at least two or three thousand skeleton soldiers in the cave here alone. Such an exaggerated amount does not mean that you can kill all of them. However, even though those skeleton soldiers have low battle strength and all attributes are rubbish, it can be said that they are typical representatives of the fighting five scum, but the fighting five scum is also an enemy, and you always have to work hard to cut it. Although it is impossible to expect this group of skeleton soldiers to polish the defensive power of the warrior in front of them, it is very possible to consume their energy.

This is actually the case when the ancient high level War General was killed after being surrounded by a group of minions. Each of those War Generals is superb martial power. As long as he can move, the surrounding minions are basically close. Not their bodies, but even martial arts first under the heavens, there are always times when they are tired. When these generals were so tired that they couldn't even hold their weapons, a small soldier who came over could still pick him with a single shot.

The defensive power of this group of wartimes in front of them is very high. The skeleton soldiers attack them almost without breaking their defenses, but if they continue to fight like this, sooner or later, their physical strength will be exhausted. According to the system setting, when the player's physical strength drops below 60%, a mild fatigue effect will appear. At this time, the player's critical strike chance will drop to nearly zero, which means that there will be no burst damage. . Moreover, in this mild fatigue state, the player's actual attack power will also tend to the left side of the attack power range, which is a lower output range. If you don’t get a rest, when the stamina drops to only 30%, the player will enter a general fatigue state. At this time, the player’s agility will begin to decrease, and dodge, block, and hit will also decrease. Moreover, this At this time, the player’s physical exertion will begin to accelerate, and vision will decrease, hearing will decrease, perception will become dull, and even the failure rate of skill activation will increase. If you still can't get a rest, when the physical strength drops to 10%, the player will enter a state of excessive fatigue. At this time, the various attributes of the player will be significantly reduced, especially the agility and strength output will be reduced to a very low state, and at this time the player's health will begin to slowly decline, which is basically High Level, so it is almost exhausted. The lights are dead.

According to these settings, players generally try to control their physical strength to more than 60%, that is, within a completely normal range. Even if participating in large-scale battles and other actions that require a lot of physical energy, players will try to keep the physical fitness ratio above 40%, so as to ensure their own safety.

In fact, the player's physical strength in "Zero" is one of the most difficult attributes to add. The reason for this may be the intentional guidance of the system. On the one hand, because there is no profession that emphasizes high physical fitness requirements, in the initial stage, the precious basic attribute points are usually not added to endurance, which determines that the player's physical fitness will not be too exaggerated in the later stage. On the other hand, attributes such as strength and agility in the game can be improved in the later stages through various task rewards, equipment, additional attribute points, and the like, but this endurance attribute seems to be rarely equipped with equipment. The endurance-increasing equipment I know so far is either Divine Item or growth-type equipment. Both of these equipment are notoriously rare. Therefore, the equipment is basically impervious to ordinary players.

There is no endurance bonus in the task reward, and the equipment does not add endurance. The initial endurance setting of the players will not be too high. In this way, the endurance of the later players is basically the same, and, As the level increases, the physical consumption of body refinement and skills used in the battle will continue to increase. This increase in physical consumption basically offsets the increase in physical fitness brought about by player upgrades to a certain extent. As a result, That is, if there is a battle, high-level players will not last longer than low-level players.

If you want to maintain a high continuous endurance in battle, there are only two ways. One is not to be a warrior, and the other is to find ways to prepare more physical potions. The battle between the mage and the trainer consumes very low physical energy. Of course, it is not completely unnecessary, but it is not used much. However, the endurance of the mage is limited by magic power, and you will often find that the mage usually consumes first in the battle. The physical energy of the warrior will be exhausted only after the light magic power, which means that the endurance of the wizards is actually not as good as the warrior. The endurance of the trainer is generally better than that of the mage and warrior, but the trainer is born to be a professional character. The trainer who does not have a good pet is equivalent to driving a civilian car on the Formula 1 tournament. , Even if you are a world champion, don't expect to win this kind of competition, because the gap between cars is so big that technology can't make up for it. Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to be a beast trainer with a good familiar, it is nothing more than a slightly longer battery life than the average player. Although the pets can replace the beast trainer to fight, the pets themselves have endurance. Of course, the endurance of the beasts is generally higher than that of the players, so the endurance of the beast trainer is much better than that of most classes. Good endurance can't withstand the brutal impact of the undead Legion. Fighting with these bone sticks, any profession and race can only obediently squat around the corner and draw circles.

Looking at the precarious line of defense in front of me, and then at the players who are fighting, I am a little hesitant now.

Ashford means that there are NPCs here that cannot be killed, but the group in front of them are obviously players. Ashford and the others said before that they had done this task many times, and each time it was because other players made trouble and failed to complete it, so according to the general situation, it is better to kill all these players. It's just that I don't know where Ashford's so-called NPC is now. If he is also in the crowd, and the line of defense collapses for a while, even the NPC is killed together, that would be terrible.

Fortunately, Ashford and the others also know that this matter is very important, so they didn’t dare to delay it. I just saw Ashford and they ran along the side of the passage just after a while. come over. Thanks to the undead Legion lined up neatly, and there was a gap on both sides of the passage, otherwise they would really be unable to get through if they were blocked behind.

"What's the situation now?" Ashford asked from below, looking at me flying in the sky.

When I heard Ashford’s question, I directly turned Eternity into a whip shape and threw it around Ashford’s waist. De pulled up. After catching him, I just lifted his belt and asked, "Is the NPC you mentioned here?"

Ashford simply swept it, less than five seconds. He immediately said: "these all are players, kill them all, that NPC is not here."

I was relieved to hear Ashford say this. Directly used the command skills against the undead below, and then began to take over the control of the undead.

This kind of undead Legion transformed with a transformation array has the ability to act autonomously, but I can also use other methods to command. Using language to command the least effort, and can issue macro commands. However, this method is not very easy to use on the battlefield of melee, and is generally only suitable for pre-war combat missions. On the battlefield, there are two most suitable ways of command. One is the soul whispering, and the other is the command skill I use now.

The whispering of the soul is actually the language of the dead, but it is enough to directly shake the soul without making a sound. In this way, as long as the opponent does not have undead units, it will never be disturbed, and it has a wide range of manipulation and high efficiency. It is more magical and cannot be too precise.

The command skill I use now is not specifically for the undead, other creatures can also command, but it can also be used on the undead. The benefits of this skill are high efficiency, uninterrupted and precise. The disadvantage is that the command range is quite narrow and can only be used in local areas.

As I took over control of the small group of undead at the front of the battle line, the tactics of this group of undead changed immediately. In the past, these undead were basically fighting by instinct, and the instinct of the undead is to go straight, otherwise, relying on the current number, they should have already dealt with the players in front of them.

After I took over, I naturally couldn't be as stupid as the instincts of the undead. As a player, the most important thing is to learn to use my brain. I saw a group of skeletons suddenly stopped some distance away from the crossfire, and then they grouped two by two, overlapping their hand bones to form a tic-tac-toe structure. Then I saw that the skeletons behind these two-by-two groups of skeletons suddenly separated a two- to three-meter-long passage, and then the skeleton at the end of the passage suddenly accelerated forward, and suddenly jumped when they reached the two skeletons. , And then stepped on the overlapping palms of the two skeletons with one foot. The two skeletons squatted along the gravity of the jumped skeleton at the moment they were stepped on. Then, when the falling impact was cancelled out, the two skeletons suddenly pushed their waists and stretched their legs together and lifted their hands upwards, and stepped on. The skeleton on their palm had already bent its body and was ready to take off. While the two skeletons are exerting their strength, the upper skeleton also suddenly leaps off, with the help of the lower two skeletons. The skeleton soldier above flew directly, and then in the surprised gaze of the opposite warrior, he passed the skeleton and warrior in the front row and flew directly into the center of the defense line.

As the first skeleton soldier took off, the skeleton soldiers at the back followed like a group of fleas, and on the opposite line of defense was a large group of skeletons falling down with rustling sound. The originally stable line of defense is now completely messed up. The warriors in the crowd didn't dare to chop and chop indiscriminately. They were afraid of hurting their own people, but the skeleton soldiers didn't care. They just wielded their weapons and chopped them all at once. The result naturally came out immediately. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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