"Now no matter why the other party wants to go to our destination, it has been a long time anyway. What we need is not to waste time here but to go there quickly, right?" Ye The son asked.

His words remind us. I directly nodded and said: "Everyone speed up to the destination, I hope that the other party's purpose has no effect on our mission."

Axiu Fude said more worriedly: "In fact, I think The other party's purpose is most likely to be related to us."

"Why are you so sure?"

Axiuford said to him before he could answer Alice next to him:" We have talked about this can be considered experience. In fact, we have tried this task many times, and almost every time we failed because of interference from other players. This time we invite you to participate in addition to the hope that your abilities can be In addition to some help, it is actually more important to hope that your reputation as President Purple Moon can shock some people and let them back down."

"Is interfered by other players?" I asked a little surprised. Said: "What's the specific situation?"

"This one-and-a-half meeting is not clear. In short, we are disturbed every time, so we can't complete the task. It feels like this task is taking advantage of the surroundings. The players set up various disturbances for us, and the monster in the mission is not a threat."

"It's really a terrible mission." I said, urging: "Okay, don't Stupid standing, time is running out, the delay is terribly delayed. Everyone moves fast and runs."

"Okay, all run up, don't delay time." Ashford also followed me to give orders. , Alice and Tank immediately began to turn around and head towards their destination, and Al even jumped out first.

The Night Son itself is teleporting forward. In terms of single-player movement speed, he is actually the fastest. As for Kristina, although she is a mage, she is now in melee mode, so the speed is not bad. .

Although most of the attributes of high level players are skewed, they are high level players after all. The attributes will not be too low, so our average speed is very fast. Running in the woods is actually not your physical strength. Of course, physical strength is also one of the key factors, but the more important thing is your reaction ability. In such dense woods, it is impossible for you to move forward in a straight line. You have to keep turning left and right to avoid the big trees in front of you. We must also pay attention to what is buried under the dead branches and leaves on the ground. Sometimes it's just soft leaves when you step on it, but sometimes you will step on quite a large piece of rock. When it is more unlucky, there are some offensive animals hiding under the leaves. Of course, I think the real threat is actually the mud pits. I don't know why there are always mud puddles like swamps in the woods. The surface of these mud pits is buried by fallen leaves, and it is almost impossible to find them without stepping on them. If you walk normally, step on at worst, turn around and climb out. Anyway, you are on the edge of the mud pit. It is not difficult to figure it out. However, this is a different matter once it runs. Based on our physical stamina, once we run, we are naturally fast, and we often take four or five meters away in one step. This is a state of avoiding trees and not daring to speed up. But at this speed, we were already at least three meters away from the shore when we found it was a mud pit. Such a distance is fine on land, of course, but in a mud pit it is really so close, yet worlds apart, and you can't climb over if a normal person is exhausted. We are all high level players, and there are too many people to help each other, so there is no need to worry about being trapped in the mud pit, but it will take time if we get stuck, so this mud pit is super annoying, and you haven’t The only way to avoid it is to pray for good character.

First started running for more than ten minutes, Ashford stepped into a mud pit. Fortunately, this kid reacted quickly, and he rolled forward and jumped past, but less than two minutes later, Christie Na stepped on another one. Even if the melee mode is activated, Kristina is still a mage, and her physical flexibility is not as good as those of our combat systems, so she sinks half of her body directly after this step, and the mud has not passed her in an instant. At the waist, Kristina screamed in fright.

As soon as I saw the situation, I had to turn around and pull her back, but her reaction was really bad. Kristina usually uses mounts to move, so running with her legs is really rare, so she simply has no experience in solving this situation, and as a result, she starts to struggle as soon as she gets stuck. Originally, if you didn't move this mud pit, you would just sink slowly, but if you move around in it, it will be troublesome. Kristina started to sink like a big iron mound, even if I walked around as soon as I heard the sound, when I arrived, she only left the part above her chest. It's outside. If I were to slow down, she would have to sink in. Of course, even if I don't care about her, she won't drown. At first, she just panicked. As long as she calmed down, she could still come out. But the key problem is that this is too long a delay.

"That won't work!" Ashford said, looking at Christina, who was just pulled out of the mud by me.

"This way." I loudly said: "Al, you are the investigator and go to the front, I am second, and you line up in the back, everyone line up in a straight line, one after the other, try to step on Running in the footsteps of the person in front. Al is an archer. He has a little bit of path-finding skills, and his ability to distinguish traps is better than you. She drags her out, and the people behind you can just avoid them one by one. This should reduce the trouble."

"I have no problem." Al said.

"Then it's decided." Ashford said: "I'll follow Purple Moon, you can arrange it by yourself."

After the plan is set, we will finish it quickly. The whole team, and then start to run forward. The path chosen by Al, a semi-professional pathfinder, was indeed much better than everyone who ran out by himself. I clearly felt that the speed was much faster afterwards, but it was a pity that I still couldn't reach my limit in terms of speed. After all, Al's level is there, and no matter how high the experience is, it's still not as fast as me, especially if she wants to find the way, I just need to run along.

The effect of using this method is very obvious. After that, we ran for nearly half an hour without hitting a mud pit, but halfway through a giant beast wild beast that suddenly ran into it, but This thing is too slow, Al directly stepped on the head of the thing and stepped over. I followed up and flew the guy’s head with a sword. When Ashford and the others came, the monster had fallen to the ground and pumped. NS.

"Slow down, slow down." I was running well with this Al, when suddenly I heard her calling in front of us to slow down. Although I don't know what's going on, I still gradually slowed down. When I caught up with Al, who had completely stopped, I found that the forest in front of us had suddenly disappeared. The trees in this place did not have any gradual changes, but as if they encountered a fault, the forest suddenly ended here. What appeared in the front was a fragment of slightly yellowed gravel ground, about a dozen meters wide. This pale-yellow area can almost be said to be barren, and the further part is a very obvious surface crack. From us, we can’t see the situation under the crack for the time being, but we can be sure that it should be connected to the lava below. Things like that, because I can smell a faint sulphur smell even from this far away.

"That's the goal?" I asked aloud.

"The target is under there." Ashford walked over and said: "Wait a minute, I'll give you something." As he said, he asked the tank to put down his backpack. , And then Ashford plunged in and turned it over for a long time before he came up with a big bag of white powder. This is the kind of powder we saw on the battlefield before.

"Is this what you said?" Kristina asked.

Ashford nodded and said: "This is the thing. You all come here. Everyone gets a little and sprinkles some of their equipment."

"Me too Do you want it?" I asked suspiciously. What I have is the growing Divine Item suit. Divine Item itself is already very rare, and the suit is even more terrifying as an attribute, especially the exaggerated one-piece attribute suit like me is in ten-thousand does not have one. Besides, I am still a growth type equipment, then It is Divine Item in Divine Item. With such powerful equipment, could there be anything that could hurt this equipment? But listening to Ashford’s words, it seems that this powder is not used to protect people, but to protect equipment.

Sure enough, when I said to play, I listened to Ashford’s words: “There is a substance in the air below that we don’t know for the time being. It has no effect on people, but all metals will be corroded. Even fine gold and mithril are no exception. You don’t need to worry about the gems or fabrics, silks, leather armor on your body, but as long as they are metal, you must get some powder and sprinkle it on. Otherwise, you just wait for the equipment to be scrapped. ."

"Damn, there is such a perverted thing?" After listening, I quickly got some powder and started to sprinkle it on the armor. Although I think the dragon soul suit may not be affected by these things, but To be honest, I really don't dare to take this risk.

Those powders are obviously special protective products. Before they are applied to the metal surface, they are white like flour-like things, but once they come into contact with the metal, they will quickly become a liquid. Something that feels like grease. Originally I thought that smearing this thing would make myself feel like Bai Wuchang. After smearing it, I didn’t expect that the white powder turned into a highly transparent liquid, but instead of turning us into “whites”, it seemed After spraying the surface of the armor with brightener, the entire armor looks shiny.

"So what kind of powder is this?" Kristina said while applying this thing on her earrings: "I will get some back and put it on the jewelry. After applying this, I will equip it. It looks much more beautiful than before."

Ashford said with a smile: "You still don't know."

When I heard this, Christie and I Na immediately guessed that this thing is probably not a good thing, but fortunately, I can't see anything now, so in line with the principle of not making trouble for ourselves, we simply didn't ask any more. Otherwise, if you smell this thing from the stool of what kind of creature, how would you say we would feel? The key is that you can't use it even if you know it, so you have to use it anyway. It's better not to ask at all, so you don't have to know it.

After wiping this thing, we didn't delay any time, and we walked directly to the barren area in front of us. Ashford said that if we didn't put that thing on in advance, we should now be able to hear the system hint that something is eroding our armor. But because we have applied the protective agent, we have not heard any hints now.

After walking to the big crack, I looked down. The crack is very deep underneath. When you stretch your head and look at it, you can feel the billowing heat waves rolling upwards, but fortunately, the temperature is still within the human body's tolerance range. Although it will feel a little hot, it will not really cause any harm.

The underside of the crack is very dark, there is no red lava as expected, but it is certain that the underneath must be connected to the underground lava, otherwise the sulfur smell cannot be explained.

"How do we get down?"

Axiuford pointed to a rock next to him and said: "Just step on that rock and jump down. There is such a protruding rock at a distance. Although only one or two people can stand on each rock, the level 1 jump is not difficult because of the small gap."

I glanced at the stones and said, "Or we will take you down?"

"Huh?" Ashford didn't react.

I shouted directly and propped up my wings. "I can fly. The updraft here is so strong, I can take two people down without even fanning."

Although the length of this surface crack is only more than 30 meters, The widest place is nearly ten meters, enough for me to spread my wings and float down.

Ashford looked at my wings and suddenly realized, then looked towards Kristina and asked: "Can you take people down too?"

Kristina nodded and said: "But my wings are not strong enough to fly, I can carry one person at most, and it can't be of the tank type."

Ashford thought for a while and said:" Then, can you help me take Alice along to withdraw?"

Christina nodded and said: "This is no problem."

See Klee at Ashford Nodded, Stina said to me again: "Then you can be responsible for me and the tank?"

"I'll forget it?" The tank knows his own situation. Although he is not a Big Fatty, nor is he the type of a freak, but after all, his muscles are very toned, and how can he be lighter even if he is a thin man at a height of two meters? The key is that he is still a Knight in heavy armor, that armor defensive power is nothing to say, but this weight is indeed a bit scary. It can be said that a person like him can at least top three or four weights like Kristina. After all, a little girl and a light gauze gown will be nodded by a hundred catties, but his light armor is only two. More than a hundred catties, this weight is indeed a bit scary.

Of course I can understand the embarrassment of the tank, but instead of letting him go down by himself, I said: "You too underestimate my flying ability. Tell you the truth. My pair of wings is a Divine Item class thing, and it doesn’t affect my flight within three tons. If it’s just a buffer for the falling speed, I can still move the six or seven tons. What is your weight? "

"Is it so strong?"

Kristina said next to him: "Don't worry about him. If you use a combination technique to combine his jet pet , He also brought up twenty or thirty tons. The updraft here is so fierce, we just glide and land, it is not a problem at all."

"Then I can rest assured. But what about my wife? "

"I'd better jump down by myself." Al knew it was unlikely that I would take her with him. It's not that I can't move it, but because there are too many people, I can't maintain my mobility. After all, even if the weight doesn't exceed the standard, the volume must be limited.

"You don't need to jump down by yourself." I pointed to the son of the night and said: "Let him take you."

"This...is it possible?"

The Son of Night walked over and stood beside her and said: "No problem, I will take you down and make sure to be more comfortable than them."

The Son of Night is not a big talk, he is teleportation, one step Step into the next step and reach the destination. We have to withstand wind pressure when we fly, and of course it's not comfortable for him. And it's not comparable in terms of speed.

After dividing the team, I first took Ashford and the tank and jumped out of the big pit, then Kristina and Alice, Al and the Night’s Son at the end, but after they went down, they The two ran ahead of us. The Night Son is a visual teleportation, and all the locations that can be seen can be teleported directly, so his speed is quite amazing, almost a few turns to the end. Of course, we did not slow down much, after all, the depth is not very large, at most it is only a drop of two more than a hundred meters.

After successfully landing at the bottom of the crack, I discovered a very strange phenomenon. Before, I felt a lot of heat wave transpiring from the crack above, but when I got to the bottom, I found that the bottom of the cave was actually cold. It's not that the temperature is so low, it's just that it's not as hot as expected. Originally I thought this place should be at least 40 to 50 degrees high, but after coming down, I felt that the temperature seemed to be only 20 degrees. Not only was it not hot at all, it seemed to be a little bit lower than the surface temperature.

"Why is this place colder than above?" Kristina also noticed the huge change in temperature at once.

Ashford explained: "There is a huge glacier below here. It is still hot here, and the temperature will be lower further on."

The Night Son sucked. The nose said: "It seems that the sulphur smell is gone."

I nodded and said: "Yes. How does the air below this feel better than above?"

"Actually, you guys The sulphur smell that I smelled before comes from the rocks on both sides of the channel that came down, and the temperature of those rocks is not low. We flew directly down, so it doesn’t feel anything. If you jump down at Level 1 You will find that there are many places where the rocks are very hot, so that's why updrafts are formed." Alice explained.

"so that's how it is. Which side should our mission target be?" I asked, looking at the eight aisles spread out in a radial pattern. To be honest, it is amazing that there are so many side roads. I thought I just had to follow the road after I got down. I didn’t know there were so many side roads.

"This way." Ashford walked directly towards one of the passages, and explained as he walked: "Although there are many passages here, it doesn't really matter which way you go. In the end They all lead to one place, but the things you encounter on the road will be slightly different."

"Then why did you choose this one?" Kristina asked.

"Because you are again today." Ashford said with a smile.

Soon we understood the reason for Ashford’s words, because we walked a short distance and entered a relatively huge underground space, and then we saw a big A mess of bones and corpses filled every corner here.

"What's the kidding? Is this a cemetery?" Seeing the corpses and bones full of pits in front of me, even those who specialize in dealing with corpses like Night Son and I were a little surprised.

Ashford said with a smile: "This task has a limit on the number of people, but it does not limit the use of the environment to create servants during the task. You have two people who will resurrect the dead. Wouldn't you make good use of it? Isn’t it a waste?"

Looking at Ashford’s so proud look, I directly reached out and stopped the night son who was about to start the summon servant, then turned my head and looked towards Ashford and asked: “I need it very much in front. Cannon fodder?"

Ashford nodded and said: "In a while we will enter a large underground space, where we will encounter the first batch of guard monsters in this mission in the true sense. .It’s okay to take your battle strength hard, but from the perspective of saving magic power, it’s better for summon a bunch of minions to rush in front."

I nodded and said: "Then bring a little more. . How much do you think is appropriate?"

Ashford said with a smile: "Of course it is the more the better."

"Are you sure?"

Ashford was confused by my question, but in the end it was nodded and said: "Yes, the more the better."

"Well then." I just rubbed it after I said it. I took a look at the guardian of the evil dragon on my finger, followed by a thick cloud of purple that couldn't melt away, and flowed out of my guardian ring of the evil dragon. This fog is not like a normal fog, but like a living thing. As soon as it appears, it starts to swell and expand continuously. It only takes one minute to make the large area in front of you several times larger than the large school playground. The space of is completely covered with a thick layer of fog, and the fog has not stopped there, but it is constantly creeping and spreading upwards. It is estimated that if I don’t call to stop, they can grow to the top of the cave and spread to the surroundings. Other caves. Of course, I don't need so much fog, so just let them cover the whole cave and control them to stop growing.

"What are you doing about this? Summon, the undead don't need to be so big, right?" Ashford obviously didn't understand my behavior.

My hands kept moving, and my mouth was explaining: "Of course you don't have to be so troublesome if you only have a few skeleton soldiers, but if you say the more the better, then you can't help but trouble. "

"Then are you...?"

"You will understand in a while." I snapped my fingers as I said, and the fog that had already calmed down before Knowing what to do, suddenly it boiled again. As the fog continued to roll, Ashford and the others suddenly heard a humming sound, and the sound began to grow louder and louder, and finally gradually turned into a rather loud and messy rumbling sound. Ashford and the others turned their puzzled gaze to me again, but I didn't look at them, but frowned and shouted: "What are you going to do? Get me up. Line up. Line up according to rank."

Accompanied by this roar of mine, the sound below suddenly paused, followed by a burst of more intense noise, but this time the sound was slightly more regular than before, and everyone found that it had already risen. The fog, which was more than two meters high, was gradually sinking and lowering, and as the fog dropped, the scene ahead finally became clear.

"My God!" Ashford and the others screamed when everything in front of them was revealed, because the hole in front of them was full of moving undead creatures. Of course, the most are skeletons. During the period, there are zombie, death Swordsman, undead Knight, and even high-level undead like Necromancer, Nether Soul, and Lich. There are even many undead creatures of animal type, of course the most eye-catching. There is the huge Spirit Dragon in the center of the cave. Although this thing is not as powerful as the real giant dragon, it is a high-level undead creature after all. Although the direct battle strength is not good, the halo effect attached to it is super disgusting. People with low magic resistance would rather follow. The living giant dragon does not want to encounter the dead Spirit Dragon in the battle, because encountering the cursed aura of these guys, even if you were originally strong like a superman, you may instantly become an old man over ninety years old, let alone fighting. Now, being able to raise the weapon in his hand is already the limit.

Just when these guys were there making a fuss about nothing, the undead creatures in front of them were all lined up. The team is a relatively complete phalanx, with skeleton soldiers on the periphery, so the number might not be close to 10,000. The middle point is the zombie and the undead warrior, and further down there are the undead Knight and the higher-order Dark Palace guards, and I even saw a small group of blood knights.

"My God! Is the Lord of Darkness a relative of your family?" The tank guy obviously didn't know me very well, and his jaw dropped when he looked at the undead army in front of him.

Axiuford explained to me: "China’s dark lord is now his personal secretary, and our dark lord and this guy are buddies. The one from Olympus Divine Race Hades has just arrived at his side as a small land for him recently. The Anubis in Egypt has a good relationship with him like the biological brother, and he himself also has the priesthood of a god in China. But to be honest, I really didn’t expect him to have this ability."

"Don’t guess." I said to them: "This ability has nothing to do with those gods. Don’t forget, my original profession is black warrior, and one of the hidden attributes in the advanced profession of black warrior is undead leader, as long as you gather enough evil value, you can order undead creatures that don’t belong. My This evil dragon guardian ring comes with a large-scale undead transformation array, which can directly transform bones into undead creatures, and there is a certain probability that high-level undead will appear. The high-level goods in the center come from this way. In addition, I do have them. A Divine Race buff is present, and this is still a permanent buff. As long as I am close to the undead creatures and the opponent's strength does not exceed me, as long as it is not a matter of principle, they will take the initiative to move closer to me. To put it bluntly, it is my affinity for the undead creatures. It's 100%. Normal undead see me as if they see their relatives. Do you understand?"

Tank nodded and said: "Understood, you are the Great Demon King of hell!"

"Hahahaha..." Kristina was amused by the tank.

"It's all right, isn't it just right to have more cannon fodder?" Alice said. "There are so many undead, we don't have to worry about not completing the mission this time. If someone makes trouble again, use the undead Legion to trample them to death."

Axiuford nodded and said: "So many The undead ran together, and it’s really not a problem to trample the player to death. By the way, Purple Moon, can you command so many undeads?"

"Nonsense, if I can’t command, I'll do a fart Huh?" I said, beckoning and shouting: "The undead Knight is going to divide the pair and form a strategic phalanx. The beast-shaped undead go to the front to find the way. The past few Nether Souls will help, and other high-level undead will give me the support. The end of the team came to press. After finishing the whole team, the front army assaulted forward."

Hua hua, two neat sounds, all the undead moves neatly twice, and then began to line up again, but said yes In fact, platooning is also dividing into teams, so the speed is very fast, and most of the undead don't move much. It took two minutes to complete the team. The undead over there are all looking to me. I am just nodded. A big Lich over there flew up and made a sharp scream, and the surrounding undead immediately Moved. The undead Knight who was closest to the gate exit on the opposite side ran forward, and the skeleton soldiers behind immediately followed along with a neat pace.

In fact, no matter what it is, as long as it looks similar in appearance and moves neatly and uniformly, there will be a very amazing imposing manner appearing with a little more. These skeleton soldiers were pretty scary at first, but as soon as they walked up after their movements were neatly organized, they immediately made the sound of hua hua rushing footsteps like regular troops walking in unison. The imposing manner was really amazing.

"Accelerate." Looking at the skeleton soldiers walking normally, I felt a little slow, so I shouted loudly, and the skeleton soldiers immediately entered the running mode. Undead creatures are good at two points, one is that they have no physical strength, and the other is that their personal consciousness is weak. Without a stamina, it means that you won’t be tired, so the undead Legion can travel a thousand miles a day and 800 nights, and even if they charge tens of thousands of meters at full speed, they can join the battle immediately after running. Any drop in battle strength occurs. If there is a living army, the physical strength will naturally decrease after running. If you don’t take a break, you will inevitably experience a decline in battle strength if you go directly to the battle, and these undead creatures don’t have to worry about it. As for the lack of personal consciousness, this is also an advantage, especially when you are a member of Legion.

For the regular army, the obedience of soldiers far exceeds intelligence. A bunch of obedient fools are definitely more suitable for soldiers than a bunch of monkey spirits and mischief. Of course, this is only limited to regular Legion ordinary soldiers, such as scouts and technical soldiers, of course it is another matter.

Because the undead creatures are very weak in self-consciousness, they just fit the characteristics of a silly soldier. When fighting a war, he doesn't care about personal gains and losses, and can accurately execute every order, even if he is asked to die without hesitation. This kind of soldier can be said to be the best soldier of all generals yearn for something even in dreams.

As the supreme leader of the Iron Crusade, Ashford is naturally very clear about the benefits to undead creatures. It's envious to see me easily summon such a large group of undead creatures. "I said Purple Moon, can you transfer your undead creature Legion?"

"No." I shook my head directly: "These are not regular undead resurrected with the resurrection technique. Although they look similar, in fact The battle strength is First Rank than the regular undead, and if they cannot absorb the enemy’s soul in the battle, these guys will not exist for too long. If they do not absorb the soul, they will begin to disintegrate for up to eight hours. The long one should not last ten hours."

"That's it!" Ashford was obviously a little disappointed. Seeing what he meant, he was thinking about taking these undeads over to form one. Legion, a huge undead is coming. It’s important to know that undead creatures are the most prone to violence. A Necromancer can easily pull up tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers when they encounter a large cemetery or ancient battlefield. Although a single skeleton soldier is useless, it doesn’t matter. What kind of arms, as long as the number is tens of thousands, there is still some formidable power. At least 10,000 holes can be used to pile up a slope with bones in front of the city wall. If it is wrong, just step on the bone mountain and rush up. Isn't this an advantage? Even after the battle is over, these dead skeletons can be summoned again, removing the broken bones, and putting together the rest, at least 80% of the skeletons can be resurrected, and in the process What needs to be paid in is only some mana of a Necromancer. Do you have any complaints about this type of unit?

Although Ashford, who didn’t catch the undead army, was a little disappointed, he didn’t care too much. Their Iron Crusade also didn’t lack this miscellaneous soldier. They just thought it was cost-effective, so they wanted to reserve some of them. Cannon fodder is used, there will be no if there is no, it is not worthy of sadness.

"That's right." The recovered Ashford suddenly remembered something and asked: "Why do these undead creatures of yours contact you?"

" Contact?" I looked at Ashford in surprise and asked: "Why do you want to contact?"

Ashford looked at me in surprise and asked: "If I don’t connect, how do I distinguish between other creatures? The enemy?"

"Distinguish the enemy from the enemy?" I stared at Ashford and asked: "Why distinguish between the enemy and the enemy?"

"Doesn’t tell me if I don’t distinguish between the enemy and the self?" What to chop what?"

"Of course not. As long as it is alive, it will attack, of course the dead will not care." I explained.

Ashford heard the sudden discoloration of his face, pointing to the front and asking: "Then those undead of your summon will attack all the living creatures they encounter?"

"Of course."

"Quickly, stop them!" Ashford and Alice shouted almost at the same time: "There is still a task NPC ahead! You can't cut it!"

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier, I thought it was all monsters and enemies ahead!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for it. Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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