"Is there anything worth studying about this insect?" Ashford asked me curiously as I walked with an insect.

At first, Ashford just asked casually, but my answer surprised him because I was nodded. "Have you never paid attention to this kind of insect before?"

"What's the point to pay attention to?" Ashford asked me suspiciously.

I stretched the insect in my hand directly in front of him, and then pressed the chest cavity of the insect with my thumb to push up, and as my fingers moved forward, the sharp mouth that was originally folded in the chest cavity of the insect up ahead The device was forced to pop out.

"Did you see this?"

"en." Ashford nodded in confusion. "What's wrong with this?"

"You said that this thing can penetrate all armors, which means that this thing is very hard. Don’t you know that high hardness means that this thing contains some kind of special Does the substance or itself have a special structure? Even if it can’t be extracted, it’s okay to collect these needles directly to make arrows for weapons."

"So you said this." Ah Xiu Fude said with a smile: "I advise you to give up as soon as possible. We Iron Crusaders have studied this thing a long time ago."

"Then you still..."


"It’s not that I’m wasting things, but this one is useless at all."


Axiuford directly explained: "This kind of Insect’s mouthparts contain a special magic metal. So far, we have not found any similar metal in nature, which means that there is no natural mine. If you want this kind of metal, you can only extract it from the insect’s mouthparts. "

"Then extract it."

"But the question is, do you know the proportion of this kind of metal in the mouthparts of this kind of insect? Less than one thousandth of a milligram Ah! There is only this kind of metal in the mouthparts of this insect. An insect is so big. The collected mouthparts are only half the length of a toothpick, and they are as thin as a hair. How much do you say I want to get? Only insect can get one gram of this metal?"

I already understand what Ashford means when I hear this. This metal is not useless, but the price is too low. The investment is too large and the output is low. If you use this kind of metal to make weapons, the cost will be too high. Moreover, even if it is collected at any cost, how much does it take to make a weapon? Killing all the insects in the entire forest is only enough to get one or two weapons, right? No matter how good something like this is, can it still be impossible to equip troops on a large scale?

"It's really tasteless to hear you say that!" I frowned and asked, "Do you know the mixing ratio of this thing? Seeing that this mouthpart is so small, it can have such a high level. Hardness, and I heard you say that the content is very low, then if we extract a little bit and mix it with other metals, can it produce a very powerful effect?"

Ashford heard Here is frowned: "The situation you said may be possible, but we Iron Crusaders don’t have so much money to research. This is only possible a little bit, and in the final analysis, the collection of these insects is always a problem. We don’t have so much energy. To deal with this matter. In other words, it’s too much investment, we can’t afford it."

When I heard Ashford’s words, I thought about it a bit, and then asked: "Then if I let Study it in the guild. If results are achieved, can we contract this place?" Although it is said that this is a public leveling area, and it is just next to the German border, it is not a possession of the Iron Crusade, but I still have to ask Now, after all, this is the resource of allies, even if they don’t want it, you can’t take it casually, right? It's okay to say the worthless things, but if we decide to mine, it must be profitable. Without saying good things first, when the time comes, it will hurt our feelings.

Ashford probably really didn’t want this thing, so he said readily, “You have to mine. This insect is basically the same as the disaster species on our side. You have to be able to We are happy to collect insects."

"Can this insect be farmed? What do they eat? Do you choose the environment?"

Axiu Fude directly shook his head and said: "I know We haven’t paid attention to it if it’s useless. If you want to, just study it yourself, but I don’t have time to care about this."

Axiu Fude is obviously not interested in this thing, and I don’t bother to work with it anymore. He said. First record the location of this place, and then notify the military god to send someone to help with some insects and go back to research. I don't need to intervene in this kind of chores. The Frost Rose League is so big, can't I let me do everything, right?

Seeing that I no longer study that insect, Ashford is finally relaxed. He seems to hate this kind of insect, and it is likely that he has been bitten before, so he doesn't like anything that touches this kind of insect.

After my side was quiet, Al, who was in charge of exploring the way in front of me, suddenly jumped from a nearby tree. "President, I found some things over there, I think you better go and have a look."

Axiu Fude nodded greeted us to go there together. What Al found was not on our path, but some distance to our side.

After going around the more lush bushes, we saw what Al said.

There should have been battles here, and it was not very long. Behind the bushes is a small forest clearing. In the center of the clearing is a big tree that is broken into three sections. Near the broken trunk lies a devil beast the size of an Asian elephant. This devil beast should be something close to reptiles, and it may belong to some kind of lesser dragon. The scales of the whole body cover from head to tail, and it seems that the defensive power is very high. The smaller head and mouth indicate that this is not a carnivorous devil beast, but this guy has three forward horns on his head, and they are all sharp. It can be seen that the battle strength of this thing is actually very good. However, now it has become a corpse, with a not very long but very deep incision on the back of the neck. In addition, there are many battle marks elsewhere on the body, but most of them have not broken his defenses. Only the one on the neck was cruel enough to almost cut off this guy's neck by one third.

Because that thing is lying with its back to us, so I want to go around and look at the wound that is not quite clear. As a result, I just turned this guy’s body and found him underneath. Actually still pressing two bodies. One of the corpses was a creature that looked a lot like a dog, but was slightly larger than a dog, but it was definitely not a demon wolf. There are three holes in this guy's body, which are obviously the masterpiece of this giant beast. The other corpse is a person, but because it has already died, it is not very easy to determine whether it is an NPC or a player.

This guy's legs are pressed under the body by the giant beast, and there are no obvious injuries on his body, but his head is bursting all over the floor like a rotten watermelon. It looks like it may be this giant beast. Stepped on.

I walked over carefully and picked up a giant axe lying horizontally on the ground, and then jumped over his corpse, carefully avoiding the blood and brains on the ground, and got closer to observe the giant. Wound on beast's neck.

"Can you see anything?" Ashford and the four of them are not good at battlefield analysis. Except Al, they know a little bit. The other three are really laymen, so they I can only ask for advice humbly.

We can't count on Kristina and Night Son, but fortunately I have more experience with this.

"The canine devil beast should be that person’s devil. It attracted the attention of this monster with its own sacrifice, and then took the opportunity to cut open the arteries of this monster with an axe. Afterwards, the monster counterattacked before dying and knocked him down and stomped his head. Afterwards, the monster died due to excessive blood loss. However, this is not the point. The point is that this monster is also a favorite."< /p>

"How do you know that this thing is a familiar and not a local monster?" Ashford has been here more than once, so of course he knows what monsters are here. This can be done from his understanding of those insects I can see it. He asked this because he wondered how I knew.

"Actually, this is very easy to confirm." I directly grabbed one of the front legs of the monster and separated the two toes of its big paws. A very clear fin is displayed in front of everyone. "This place is inland, and there are no lakes or large rivers nearby. How could this thing be a local creature?" Alice said: "Two familiars fought and died here, and killed a player. . That means..."

"At least one player left alive." Kristina said first.

The son of the night said calmly: "Didn't you say that this is a public area before? Maybe it's just a conflict between two players and a PK. There shouldn't be anything worth noting, right?"

Compared with the ease of Night’s Son, Ashford was frowned and said, “No, the guy who survived is the same as our destination. Although I’m still not sure what his mission to us is It is not influential."

"How do you know his destination is the same as ours?" I don't understand this time.

Ashford walked to the ground next to it and twisted a handful of white powder, and said, "This is a special medicine powder. The taste is very special. I can tell it by smelling it. I brought a lot this time. Although this area is a public area, the only place where we need to use this medicine powder is a small area where most people don’t need to go there. There is this kind of place here. powder, but I didn’t see the bag, which means it was taken away by the other party. This powder has no other use except entering the place. If you don’t need to go there, the other party will not take this powder away."

When I heard Ashford’s words, I could only frown and sighed: "I now have a preliminary understanding of the annoying part of this task. If I can summon the Familiar, then let the white waves come out and smell it. All problems are solved!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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