After understanding the situation with each other, you can go to war, but this task is not directly transmitted to the task location to start, but you need to go to the task location to complete it yourself.

"About the mission location..." Ashford said hesitantly: "It should be said that it is a very troublesome place. Especially for us."

"Why? "Christina didn't understand what Ashford meant.

Alice on the side explained: "Let me explain this. The reason why this mission site is said to be a relatively bad place is mainly because it is a public mission area."< /p>

Common mission area, a special map in the game. You can understand it as a copy task, that is, a special space independent of the main map. However, the general copy task will be divided into several situations. Some copies are unique, and when someone or a team enters, other people or teams can no longer enter. This kind of copy is called the only copy. Another type of copy is the most common copy, which is a parallel copy that can be split infinitely. This kind of dungeon is actually the same as first for the players or player groups who enter the dungeon, because for those who have already entered, no one will come in to disturb you, and you can complete the dungeon task with peace of mind. However, if someone is outside and wants to enter the dungeon, this dungeon will not refuse him, but will open a parallel dungeon for new players to enter. No matter how many people come, this kind of dungeon can open as many parallel dungeons without limitation, and everyone can play at the same time without interfering with each other.

At present, the so-called public mission area we are going to enter is the Third Type copy-the open copy. This kind of copy is unique like first, but it will not restrict the entry and exit of personnel. In other words, after you enter, others can enter at any time, and you can meet and interact with each other inside. This kind of interaction is sometimes a good thing, because it can communicate and cooperate with each other in intelligence, item, or personnel. However, sometimes this kind of interaction will also produce some relatively unfavorable situations. For example, if you do a task inside, and then a group of enemies come, the other party may not even do the task, but will make trouble with you, which invisibly increases the difficulty of the task. So, this kind of task is not necessarily a bad thing, but in most cases players don't like this kind of task, because the probability of being destroyed is very high, and once it is destroyed, it will be very depressing. After all, this situation of being sabotaged by others is entirely a failure caused by other people, and whoever will not be happy.

Alice just said that this is a public mission area, which is an open copy that we don’t like, and immediately followed by Ashford said: "Originally, the public copy is nothing, but the problem is now Yes, the public dungeon where our task is located is a large-scale dungeon, where hundreds of related or unrelated tasks are often carried out at the same time. Recently, there are two groups of people I really don’t want to see. The dungeon area is active, so..."

"That is to say, our mission process will definitely be disturbed, right?" I spoke out to prove.

Ashford nodded helplessly: "When we first entered, the other party didn’t know the news and it might be delayed for a while, but after that, it’s uncertain. But it’s certain that the other party will know that we’re going in. , And the interference will definitely be executed."

"Is there a way to resolve it?" Kristina asked. "How did the conflict between you arise? If the problem is not big, even if you suffer a loss, an apology, and obtain a temporary peace agreement."

Ashford pointed directly to the mission scroll. Said: "This is what they snatched from."

"When I didn't say it." Kristina gave up helplessly.

"Well, the enemy is inevitable anyway, but we don't need to be too pessimistic." I encourage: "With so many experts here, even if the other side interferes, we can How is it?"

In fact, I seriously underestimated the destructive power of the other party, because after two hours, what I said could turn us into a joke.

There was no problem when Ashford took us to the entrance of the dungeon. We didn't encounter any trouble just after entering, but after walking out of a small forest, trouble came.

The area where we are now is the piece of mountain valley, with sloping hillsides on both sides. Although it is not sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, the slope is also as high as 70 degrees or more. If you use both hands and feet, you can be dexterous people. It can climb up, even professional mountaineers would be very strenuous to walk without hands. However, what bothers us now is not the mountain slopes on both sides, because our mission goal is on the opposite side of the valley, not on the top of the mountain, so we don't have to climb the mountain. What really bothers us is the ground in the valley. This place was supposed to be a valley full of dead branches and fallen leaves, but now it has become a swamp. According to the information inquired from several players who came from the front, this place should be relatively easy to go before, but now it suddenly changed like this an hour ago, it feels as if someone is looking at this place. Used a wide range of mire technique.

Those players just guessed because they didn't know the reason, but we immediately looked towards Ashford after we knew the situation. Ashford also directly confirmed nodded. Needless to say, this is a good thing the two so-called enemies did. We entered this quest dungeon for a total of only two hours, and this place became like this an hour ago, which means that it only took less than an hour for the other party to discover that we entered the dungeon and set a trap here.

"It seems that our situation is not so good!" I looked at the road ahead and asked Ashford. "Can we consider going over the ridges on both sides?"

Ashford also looked up at the ridges on both sides, and then nodded and said: "Although this is not mentioned in the mission, but I think it should be possible."

"So what are you waiting for? Climb the mountain." I said, I started to climb the mountain.

Although the slopes of the mountains on both sides are great, they are not smooth planes. In fact, the mountain is also impossible to be really smooth, especially this kind of rocky slopes, where the protruding rocks can carry a considerable amount of weight, so as long as the hands and feet are used together, it is no problem to climb up. Moreover, we don't have to climb up here at all. I took a rope directly and threw one end to them, then I carried the other end and spread my wings and moved towards the top of the ridge and flew over. As long as I land on 0, I can pull them up again.

In fact, although this section of the road is difficult to walk, it is the copy itself that really limits us. If it is not for the limited number of personnel in this dungeon mission, then we can bring mounts in. Not to mention Ye Ying, even getting a few high level horses wouldn't be so hard.

At first, I thought it would be easy to take a rope to the top of the mountain, but... it seems to make things easier.

As soon as I gradually separated from everyone and flew above the height of the ridge, I suddenly saw a golden glow shooting from behind the ridge. I was almost instinctively on one side, and I felt a tingle on my face. A thing with a lot of electric charge wiped my face and flew over, and then fell on the opposite hillside, followed by a loud explosion. sound, a large pit was directly blown out on the slope on the opposite side, and a stone weighing several tons was lifted up to a height of more than six meters and flew directly to the slope of this side. Fortunately, the angle is wrong, no one hit us.

After confirming that I was attacked, I immediately wanted summon. Fenglong appeared on the spot to help me grab the rope, and then went to fight by myself, but before calling out, I suddenly remembered that this place can’t be summoned. Fenglong's, in desperation had no choice but to throw the rope and moved towards the ridge and flew over.

Originally, my purpose was to fly to the ridge and kill my guy in the sneak attack, but didn't expect to be dumbfounded when I landed on the ridge. Behind the ridge is not the sniper in camouflage I imagined, but an archer phalanx standing neat and tidy with at least a thousand people.

"Fuck me!" When I found such a large group of people, the other party had already pulled the bow away, and then before I could react, I suddenly heard a bowstring vibration, followed by The flying arrows all over the sky flew toward me like a meteor shower. "Damn Ashford, who did you offend?" I just sighed in time and squatted down and curled up into a ball as much as possible, then put the dragon Soul Shield in front, and opened my wings. Surrounded by an upside-down semicircle on the ground, he firmly protected himself in the middle.

Almost as soon as I finished my defense, the rain of arrows like migratory locusts also fell down at the same time. I could only hear a dong dong dong bang from my wings and shield, and through the soles of my feet, I could feel the ground around me shaking.

Although I was covered by sword rain, the archers on the opposite side did not get well. Just as I was hit by the first arrow, a large cloud of black clouds suddenly appeared above the heads of the people on the opposite side. The cloud is very low, and the height above the ground is at most a hundred meters. The clouds of ink-black rolled, like a large mass of dyed black cotton, instead of normal clouds, because they are too dense.

As soon as this cloud appeared, the archers below collectively noticed the changes above their heads. Although it was dusk now, but the sky was still dark, this large group of clouds was flying so low, and just covering them, it was obvious that the visitors were not kind. If this is not noticed, the alertness would be too bad.

However, although they noticed this cloud group, those guys did not notice the horror magic that was brewing in the cloud group.

Ding. Immediately after the formation of the cloud, an arrow hit my shield, and the arrow was directly blocked by the shield, and the arrow shaft broke and fell to the ground. However, almost in sync with this, the cloud cluster over there suddenly lit up, and someone immediately discovered that a circle of light in the cloud cluster gathered in the center of the cloud cluster, and then directly converged into a winding lightning snake from The sky hits the ground directly.

Boom. The meandering Razer did not directly mount on the ground, but accurately landed on the head of an archer. However, the whole person seemed to have become a big cannonball, and the bombing body was blown into the sky of blood mist. , There is nothing left.

This lightning strike seems to be just the beginning. As my shield and wing blade continue to be hit, the thundercloud on the opposite side is also launching lightning down at the same frequency, and it will be accurate every time If a person is hit, the person who is hit usually bursts directly into blood mist in the sky, and the next thing is to become a charcoal-roasted living person. The most cattle is just falling on the ground while pumping and spitting bubbles, but at least people can survive. Also considered as ability.

In fact, this continuous strikes is a kind of magic that everyone is familiar with—thundercloud storm. This magic is divided into two types: offensive and defensive. Attacking thundercloud storms are actively released by the mage. Usually, a large thundercloud will form on the mage's head, and then move with the mage. As long as a hostile unit enters the attack range, the thundercloud will automatically attack. Although only one lightning bolt can be released each time, the speed is very fast and the formidable power is very large. As long as the spell duration is not reached, or the enemy is destroyed, this attack will not stop. Of course, the defensive thundercloud storm will be slightly milder.

The defensive thundercloud storm will also automatically attack, but instead of attacking all enemies within the attack range, it only attacks those who attack the subject. Such defensive thundercloud storms are usually passive skills attached to equipment, and some mages can also cast thundercloud storms on others. After being used with this skill, the person with a big cloud on his head will become a hedgehog. Whoever attacks him, the thundercloud will float on his head and attack him. However, unlike the offensive type that is endlessly attacking, the defensive thundercloud storm will not keep hacking endlessly. The defensive thundercloud storm will only counterattack based on the enemy's attack. Once the enemy hits you, he will fight back once, and once the opponent stops, he will stop immediately.

This thundercloud storm on me is a defensive thundercloud storm, and it is a skill with equipment, so I don’t need to consume mana. In addition, since the Dragon Soul suit on my body is the Peak in the Divine Item, and it has been strengthened so many times, this additional skill has become a bit exaggerated. Although the formidable power of other people’s thundercloud storms is not small, a thunderstorm has never happened before, but I killed dozens of people in one breath, and many more people were rolling all over the floor. The straight pumping.

The other party set up an ambush just for us to look good. As a result, didn't expect didn't do anything to me, but they themselves were miserable. A good archer phalanx, it became sparse after a round of arrow rain, and it seemed that there was at least 30 to 40% downsizing. According to this efficiency, in the next two rounds, they all doubt that there is still someone alive among these archers.

"What's going on here?" After a round of arrows, I spread my wings and stood up again, and Kristina just came up and fell by my side. Because I just dropped the rope and flew over, Kristina had to take over the task of transporting the rope up the mountain. The Night Son teleports fast, but if he brings a rope, he will be teleported to the top of the mountain together with his head and tail, and Ashford and the four of them are all ground troops. The high flying ratio of our guild is absolutely unique in other guilds. Ashford and the others are actually normal.

Originally, Kristina just came up to deliver the rope, but when she landed, she saw the archers below. Before, she saw the thundercloud on this side and heard the continuous thunder strikes and knew that there must be a fight on my side, but now she figured out that the attacker was actually a reorganized archer phalanx. Even though my thundercloud had chopped it like a bald head and had several missing pieces, the outline of the square can still be seen. Kristina was also taken aback by the enemy's great generosity. I've heard of people ambushing archer yin people halfway, but I haven't heard of ambushing an archer square at a time. This can be considered as an early adopter. Of course, I would rather not taste this.

"I'll leave it to you here." I said directly looking at Kristina who was a little dazed.

Kristina, who was a little bit slow just now, immediately reacted to what I said, and then quickly nodded and said: "No problem, leave this to me."

Just as we speak, the archer below who has not been struck by lightning has started the second round salvo. Watching the locust-like arrow rain lift off again, Kristina waved at a moderate pace. A whirlwind blew across in front of us, and then we saw the flying arrows directly deviating from the direction where we were moved towards our right back and flew past.

Before the archer below had time to react to what was happening, he saw a large swath of magic bullets from various departments rushing over without any rules. Even after being combed by Thunder Cloud, the archer phalanx, which had maintained a complete formation, was finally messed up in this horrible wave of magic. The archers began to scurry around, but what flew over was not ordinary magic bullets, but Kristina’s magic bullets. Although both Kristina’s magic bullets and ordinary magicians fired are magic bullets, anyone who knows them knows that Kristina’s magic bullets are the real horror magic, and the ordinary magician’s magic bullets can only be called Magic tricks, because Kristina's magic bullets are not only many, but also track.

The archers who fled around did not cause any trouble to the locking of the magic bullets. The magic bullets turned at an extremely strange speed, and then stared at the nearest target and ran into it directly. The next thing is to bloom everywhere, a ping-pong explosion sound like an accident at a fireworks show, all the fireworks exploded on the ground. Fancy magic bullets of various colors of red and white bloomed, and then among the people on the opposite side were also red and white, with human stumps flying around.

"OK, finish the work." I glanced at the hillside below, and at this time it has become a place like a slaughterhouse. Originally, the ash-gray rocks were all dyed the color of flesh and blood, but because of the brilliance of the setting sun, the color of flesh and blood was brought on with a little bit of golden red. As a result, it became a beautiful and terrifying abstract painting. Those who can't bear it may just vomit when they see it.

"Damn, what's the matter?" Ashford and the others finally came up with this skill, and when they came up, they saw the picture in front of them. Because the bombed was so broken, they only knew that many people died here, but they couldn't tell the specific situation anyway.

Christina doesn’t care about replied: "Your enemy ambushes a whole team of archers here, but I have solved them all."

"You can break through restrictions. Use big moves?" Al looked at Kristina in surprise and asked.

Kristina shook her head and said: "It’s not a big move, it’s my magic technique called Elemental Burst. Using this technique, you can use many small magics to splice a large magic, but in fact It’s still a bunch of small magic, so the launch speed is fast and unlimited. But what I’m most proud of is that this technique can save a lot of mana."

Kristina was known as the number one in Europe before. The fort is now promoted to be the first fort in the world. At most, people are self-propelled in human form, that is, one person can top a cannon, but Kristina is a fort. A turret is not just a cannon. A turret should only be called a turret with a double-digit artillery. Otherwise, too few cannons are meaningless, isn’t it? Therefore, this turret is at least a collection of artillery.

Others can only mount a cannon, but Kristina can mount an artillery position alone because of her elemental explosive skill. Her technique was thought of by herself, and it has been recognized by the system, and has been thoroughly attributed. Because of this technique, Kristina can release a wide range of magic at a very low cost. Although the total amount of magic power of Kristina is indeed much more than that of ordinary wizards, this extra amount is definitely not enough for Kristina to squander freely. Magic washing looks very windy, and when you are on the scene, you will even have a sense of suffocation that you can't breathe. That kind of shock is definitely the ability that every mage expects to get, and it can be said that that is the ultimate dream of magician. However, to complete this dream requires massive magical support. One magic cannot wash the ground, so not only must you be able to release many kinds of magic at the same time, but more importantly, you must have enough of them, otherwise you are watering the flowers instead of washing the ground.

The biggest feature of Kristina's technique is that it solves these two problems at the same time. On the one hand, this technique allows Kristina to release all other magics at the same time, which means that as long as she uses her magic power, all spells will come out, and all magic systems will go their own way without interfering with each other. In addition, while not interfering with each other, these magics are still helping each other to breed, and what is finally produced is a cycle similar to the principle of intergeneration in the theory of Five Elements. Each kind of magic is helping another kind of magic to increase the energy level, but this increased magic power is not provided by Kristina, but it is increased after they breed each other. It is the natural magic power, not Kristina. The magic provided by Na.

In the process of this magic breeding, Kristina only played a guiding and starting effect, and the subsequent magic power was filled by them naturally. Take Kristina’s favorite and the simplest entry level magic missile of all departments as an example. If a general mage uses this magic missile, he first needs to input a different kind of magic power, and then agglomerate the magic missile. In this process, he needs to provide the full amount of magic power, and then shape, and then release, and after the magic missile hits the target, the energy that bursts out is the magical power that the mage has gathered.

But, the same process, Kristina's use is completely another matter.

First of all, the magic missile is generated by inputting magic power, but others need to choose a system, while Kristina directly inputs his own magic power without choosing a system. Assume that other wizards need to input ten units of magic power to use magic missiles. Kristina saves a certain amount of waste because she doesn't need to convert attributes, so she only needs to enter nine units.

After the magic is input, other wizards will form a magic missile corresponding to his input magic power system, but after Kristina inputs less magic power, the result is not a corresponding system other. Magic missiles, but a bunch of magic missiles. This among which is included all the magic types contained in the system settings, and it is one for each type. In other words, Kristina used 90% of the magic power of others to produce more than ten times the number of magic missiles.

This is not over yet. After the magic missile is produced, Kristina's special skills will continue to work. At this time, the magic missiles that have been produced will start to nourish the magic that they assisted each other, and then all these magic missiles will be charged with more energy. These energies all come from the mutual moisturizing of magic elements, not Kristina's supplement, so Kristina did not add any extra burden in the process. However, at this time her magic missile has become a kind of enhanced magic missile, not only the number is ten times more than others, but the formidable power of a single magic missile has also increased several times.

This is still not the end. After the formidable power is added to the magic missile, the nourishment will not stop, but the magic missile itself has an upper limit. You are impossible to turn a magic missile into a forbidden spell-level magic of the Doomsday Fireball. Even if you have so much magic power, you can’t plug it in, or the magic missile will burst out directly. Therefore, although the magic missile can be strengthened, it can be strengthened. The doubled energy will reach the top, and it will explode after recharging. However, the mutual nourishment of these magical elements is a cycle, and they will not stop, so at this time Kristina has two choices.

First choice, Kristina can launch the magic missile directly, as long as all the magic missiles explode, or as long as the launch starts, no matter whether there is a hit or not, the nourishing process is over. This method is generally used in small formidable power attacks, because there are not many magic missiles, so the lethality is not too strong.

The second choice is not to launch, but to guide the magic missile to copy. There is an upper limit to the magic power carried by a magic missile. Wouldn't it be enough to double the magic power with one more? As long as the number of magic missiles is continuously increased, theoretically the upper limit of the magic capacity can be expanded unlimitedly.

This second method is the scariest part of Kristina's technique. Because there is already a set of magic missiles, the new magic missiles were not shaped by Kristina, but copied directly. That is to say, no matter how many magic missiles are made, Kristina doesn't need to be distracted to shape it anyway, because this process has already happened, now it's just a copy, no need for human manipulation.

In addition to shaping, don’t worry about it. What’s even more frightening is that the newly created magic missiles don’t even need to be filled with magic power. Because these extra magic missiles were produced by using the previous set of magic missiles to nourish each other's superfluous, unabsorbable magic power, Kristina didn't need to give them all the magic power at all. All she needs to do is to input the magic power of a unit, and then generate a group of magic missiles of the whole system, and then the magic missiles of the first group will fill the magic missiles generated by them to form a new magic missile. In this process, Kristina It only needs to consume one unit of magic power to bounce the new magic missile.

The newly created magic missiles are still not one, but a group, that is, one for each of all magic systems. The first group magic missiles can nourish each other to produce excess magic power, so of course the second group magic missiles are the same. Therefore, when the second group magic missile was produced, Kristina’s magic missile did not solve the problem of excess magic power, but instead had more excess magic power. However, because there is an additional set of magic missiles to share the pressure, although the total amount of excess magic power has increased, the magic missiles are still stable and will not explode due to overload. However, because these two sets of magic missiles are nourishing and regenerating that cannot be stopped and reversed, their magic power will continue to increase, and then they will still exceed the standard.

When the newly generated magic power reaches a critical point, Kristina will face the previous choice again, either to launch magic missiles or continue to generate new magic missiles. Of course, because two sets of magic missiles are accumulating energy, the new magic missiles cannot only generate one set, but can generate two sets at one time. Then, the cycle will continue to reciprocate, and the newly generated two sets of magic missiles and The first two sets of magic missiles will be overloaded again, and then eight more sets need to be generated, the next step is sixteen sets, and then thirty-two sets and continue to do so.

Although I have said a lot, the refilling speed of magic missiles is actually very exaggerated. The time interval between the first group and second group magic missiles is usually no more than 0.5 second, which is half a second. Because this cycle will continue, and the interval is the same every time, the last thing everyone sees is that the magic missiles around Kristina will appear first, and then continue to double at a rate of twice per second. Increasing upward, and more and more. Theoretically, the total number of magic missiles will exceed one thousand after five seconds, and over ten thousand after nine seconds.

It is also the release of magic missiles. It took another wizard one second to consume ten units of magic power to release a magic missile with normal formidable power. However, Kristina can use the same one second to consume nine points of magic power to release a dozen magic missiles each with several times the formidable power. Moreover, as long as Kristina wishes, she can increase the number of magic missiles by extending the preparation time. The price she needs to pay, in addition to time, is to consume two additional units of mana per second. If it can last until the tenth second, then Kristina’s magic missile will take ten seconds to consume 27 units of magic power and produce more than 10,000 magic missiles that have strengthened the formidable power several times.

By comparison, it is not difficult to see the difference between Kristina and the general mage. With the same magic power, or less magic output, Kristina can produce more and stronger magic. Isn't such a mage really good?

In fact, Kristina’s magic formidable power is not limited to this.

Among my familiar familiars, which have both light and dark attributes, the most representative ones are Ling and Xiaochun. Because they were the Goddess of the two former temples, their Light and Darkness attributes are both pure. Later, in the process of doing the task together, we gradually developed the compound magic of even the individual, that is, the magic of the two attributes of light and dark was temporarily suppressed with spirit strength, and then sent to the enemy before contact.

It's like the annihilation reaction of positive matter and antimatter, and then release huge energy. When the magic elements of the two attributes of light and dark come into contact, unimaginable formidable power will erupt.

What Kristina’s magic releases is actually a magic ring, on which all magics are arranged in order. These magics can gradually nourish the next magic element according to the way of One gave birth to Two Two gave birth to Three, and then produce magic power. However, if you draw a diameter line within this ring, at this time, set the two ends of the diameter line The combination of magic elements produces not nourishment, but an annihilation reaction in the magic world.

When the magic elements of the two major systems of light and dark come into contact, they will produce an annihilation reaction, and then release ten times the lethality of their single explosion. However, this is only the annihilation reaction of the lowest. The high level annihilation reaction actually touches all the corresponding systems on the magic ring at the same time, and then produces a large annihilation reaction. The formidable power exploded at this time will be equal to a thousand times the sum of the original magical lethality. This is the explosion of elements.

Christina produces so many magical elements at once. In fact, many large annihilation aggregates have already been produced. However, according to needs, Kristina will decide for herself whether to let the magic missile attack a certain person alone, bursting out normal formidable power, or pairing attacks to form a small obliteration attack, and if it encounters a strong enemy, it can gather all the elements. Directly destroy the entire space.

It can be said that Kristina can play all the combinations of attack methods and attack formidable power with a single magic missile. This is why Kristina’s auxiliary skill is Magic Missile Specialization. Because as long as the formidable power of normal magic missiles is increased a little, the actual lethality of her magic missiles can be increased thousands of times. This is Kristina's powerful way, relying on a magic to deal with all enemies.

Of course, a magic to deal with all enemies is only in theory. In fact, different magics have different effects. Although the formidable power of the combined magic missile group is very large and the consumption is very low, it takes time to gather energy, and it is not suitable for any occasion. If the enemy's spirit strength is very strong, it can even directly intercept and destroy these magic missiles in the air, which is a drawback. Kristina knew this, so she never thought that she could defeat all enemies with a single magic. Therefore, she also learns other magic, just using magic missiles as the main attack, and at the same time learning as many types of magic as possible, and try to be familiar with all magic release principl

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