"Let me introduce it." Ashford introduced: "This is Manstein von Bertelsmann."

"Hello. "The bright Knight in heavy plate armor stepped forward and shook hands with us, and introduced himself: "What Ashford said just now is my real name. We have known it before. In the game, I don’t call this name. Call me a tank."

"Hello." Christina and I stepped forward to shake hands with him. To be honest, although his attitude is very good, and listening to him, he feels that this person belongs to the type that is easy to get along with, but to be honest, standing in front of him is really a very stressful thing. It's not that this person looks fierce, on the contrary, this guy is not only very handsome, but also not the kind of butter niche handsome, but a truly masculine and masculine beauty. However, although he is handsome and sunny, this guy is actually over two meters tall. Although he is not a full body, he is also a relatively strong type. Coupled with that armor, it really matches his name. The same, the whole is a one-man tank.

After our handshake was over, Ashford pulled the elf girl over again. To be honest, although these two people didn't speak much or did anything since they came in, I saw at a glance that she and Tank were not husband and wife but also lovers, because these two people are so good. The tank is more than two meters tall, almost two meters tall, but the elf girl standing next to him is not shorter than him. It is estimated that the height may be less than two meters and it is almost the same. In addition, in addition to the exaggeration of height, this elf girl also has an extraordinary and refined divine aura. Although she only wears a green short armor, it gives people a feeling of shining all over her body. Believe that if she changes to a white gauze like this, the Europeans will directly call the angels come.

Sure enough, as soon as my conjecture appeared, Ashford immediately began to introduce: "This is Tank’s wife. Her name in the game is Tara, but we prefer to call her The nickname-assault gun."

"Assault gun? It's not like the girl's name." As I said, I stretched out my hand and held her together.

Tara said with a smile while shaking hands with me: "Actually, I am not a girl anymore."

Ashford saw my expression in amazement, so he came out Sheng explained: "Don't be confused by her face. These two are recognized by our Iron Crusade as monstrous talent level figures."


Look I was so surprised that Alice next to her explained: "Their age and appearance are a bit out of proportion. How old do you think the tank and Al are?"

When I heard this, I looked at the tank again. Appearance, and then said: "If the appearance is not modified, the tank should be around twenty-eight to thirty years old, Al may be... twenty-six?"

"hahahaha, I would say they are evildoers "Axiu Fude smiled and said to the tank: "You can say it yourself."

The tank smiled and broke the news to himself: "Actually I am forty-four years old this year, Al 39, we My eldest son is just 20 years old this year, and two twin daughters are also 16 years old."

Kristina and I dislocated their jaws directly after hearing the news. "Aren't you kidding me? Or did you change your appearance after entering the game?"

Ashford said to them: "I promise that they are just like this in reality, and they haven't moved at all."< /p>

"Damn, this is too unfair. Uncle, who is in his forties, looks about the same age as me. How can we mix in ten years? Would people think we are older?" I This is of course joking with them smoothly. It is possible for Christina to look older than them in ten or twenty years, but nothing for me. I am Dragon Clan, and my DNA is different from humans. As long as there are no accidents, in theory my lifespan has no end, so let alone ten or twenty years, even if one hundred and two hundred thousand years pass, I certainly still look like this.

"Okay, okay, don't be jealous." Ashford said to me: "Purple Moon, if you are really handsome guys like you are jealous, how can you be like me? Live?"

Ashford’s self-deprecating laughter aroused laughter. After everyone laughed, they started talking about the tasks. Because we need to cooperate with each other in the battle, the first thing we need to do is to understand each other's battle method, so as to facilitate our cooperation for a while.

Axiuford first introduced himself: "I don't need to introduce more about my battle method, right? Standard MT, offensive and defensive attributes are very strong, the top blame, output is no problem."

< p>Alice followed introduced: "I am a Teutonic warrior, the main output and assault operations. If you want to charge or break through, I can do arrows, but my defense is weak, so I need the main tank to help carry the monsters whenever necessary."

The third tank said: "My battle method is known by the name, the standard main battle tank. But my attack power is not good, the damage output is average, but my defensive power is very Peak, even if it is the enemy's big move. It’s okay to just pick one or two. Also, because I’m Templar Knight, I can still work as a part-time nurse, but if the battle is fierce, I can only use myself as a shield, anyway.”

Al followed: "I’m the archer, Peak’s kind. I’m good at long-range strikes, precision kills, and my face-to-face kills are also very difficult to deal with. I can provide fire support. The defensive unit can also call me. My single-kill skill has a great formidable power."

After the introduction from Ashford and the others, it was our turn. The Night’s Son first said: “I’m Necromancer. I have average skills and everything, but my teleportation ability is very strong, unlimited times, no mana consumption, no cooling, and if you are willing to consume mana, you can also take others to teleport, including me. You can teleport up to four people at one time. If you teleport the distance, you can teleport without limit. The invisible area can only be within 50 meters, and it will not be far away. Also, if it is an ordinary magic barrier, I can also directly teleport in. Of course, there is no way to strengthen the transmission method."

"Wow, so speaking of which your teleporting ability is simply against the sky." Alice said in surprise. "Unfortunately, you are Necromancer, if you chose assassin at the beginning. To save you this teleportation ability coupled with the instant output of assassin, Purple Moon may not be your opponent."

Yezhizi smiled Said: "But if I didn't choose Necromancer, I wouldn't have this ability."

Alice laughed and didn't speak any more, Kristina introduced herself to this. "I don't need to introduce more? Top fort, you just think of me as the artillery position behind you, if there is anything that can't be gnawed, or if there is no danger, just call me for artillery coverage."

Kristina can speak such domineering words. Generally, a mage doesn’t have as much magic power as her, and can be covered by artillery fire at every turn. If someone throws a big Fireball, it will be considered as a consumption of magic power. How dare you play like this?

After they all introduced, I stood up and said: "My ability..."

Ashford interrupted me directly: "You don't need to introduce it, we You know. You can play in all positions. Anyway, you can be a mobile unit. If there is a problem, you can make up." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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