The follow-up action plan we arranged for Masaga Matsumoto can be said to be very successful. As the initial players who revealed the facts of attacking Masaka Matsumoto's team appeared because of guilt, the follow-up The situation gradually tended towards our script. First of all, according to my plan, Masaka Matsumoto began to publicize how much they paid to get the Divine Weapon Sifang Zun. Then when Japanese players felt it was a pity, Masaga Matsumoto suddenly pointed the muzzle of public opinion at the Divine Race in Japan.

Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race were almost lying down and shot. The unfathomable mystery was drawn into the cusp of public opinion, and there was a very interesting situation in this, one that we didn’t I have noticed that Divine Race does not seem to have many public opinion windows.

The player's guild can use many methods to guide or create a certain kind of argument that it wants. This behavior is similar to the real situation, and the execution methods are diverse and the results are outstanding. However, it seems that Divine Race can only interfere with players' public opinion in a limited number of ways. Therefore, it can be said that Divine Race is almost an innate vulnerable group in the public opinion battle. We guess that this may be related to the system's restrictions on Divine Race, but in any case, Divine Race is unable to respond to Matsumoto's accusations.

The Baqi Orochi and Takatenhara Divine Race, who have fully accepted the accusations, were just a little bit sorry about this, because the war between them did affect the expression of Japan’s external battle strength, so they also felt a little bit of themselves. No, I just didn't care much. However, Divine Race doesn't care about it, but the players do. During this period of mutual attacks, Japanese players have always existed as the main force, and because of the disparity between the Divine Race and the player’s battle strength, in the conflict, the player who sacrificed the most was the player, which resulted in the Divine Race civil war. Among them, the Japanese players did not actually get the benefits, but lost some of them.

For players, Divine Race in the game is completely different from belief in reality. Therefore, players rarely believe in a Divine Race in a game. They follow Divine Race. It's just for equipment and various rewards. To put it bluntly, it is a mercenary. If you give money and let the mercenaries fight for you, then it's okay, but this won't bring you benefits, and you have to pay for ammunition. Which kind of mercenary employer is willing to do with him?

Originally, if there was no such thing as Masaga Matsumoto did this time, the opinions of Japanese players on Yaqi Oochi and Takatenhara Divine Race would just stay at a simple tendency stage, and there would be no real outbreak. come out. However, after Masaga Matsumoto clarified this matter, many players have begun to realize that this kind of war is a very bad phenomenon for Japanese players, and because most of them have actually been caused by this war. Some things were lost in the war, so the backlash at this time became extremely strong.

Because of this kind of player's emotional rebound, coupled with Matsumoto's intentional guidance, this time it can almost be said to be a state of response.

In the beginning, in order to make Matsumoto Masaga the leader of Japanese players, we have specially equipped him with a team that specializes in propaganda. These people are professionals, not amateur players. They are in reality. It's just a media player. In the game, it's just a new kind of information media carrier, but those basic concepts won't be a problem. Therefore, these people have done a very good job of propaganda and offensive. Not only can they accurately control the direction of public opinion, but they can also grasp a general range of strength.

With the cooperation of such a sophisticated team, Masaka Matsumoto almost instantly regained the Japanese player's right to speak because of the excessive intervention of Takatenbara Divine Race and Yaqi Osna during this period. After getting the right to speak, Masaga Matsumoto did not stop there, but continued to use public opinion offensive to encourage Japanese players to find the mysterious force that first attacked the fleet of transport national equipment, and expressly expressed the hope that it could be possible. Find out why the opponent attacked the convoy.

If you let this attitude go, there is actually no problem, thinking that if this is true, Matsumoto should have such a reaction. Of course, this is not the case. The fact that the convoy transported Chinese national equipment and was attacked is just a lie we made up, so Matsumoto's actual purpose is to use the majority of Japanese players to help us find the cause of the leak.

China was very fond of mobilizing the people and launching a people’s war right after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. At that time, when the country was just established and the domestic situation was still unstable, this measure did indeed play a huge role. . Many professional spies lurking in the country are often discovered and reported by old man ladies. This shows how powerful the effects of the People's War are. As long as people across the country are willing to cooperate and actively implement it, it is too simple to investigate something.

Now Masaga Matsumoto has successfully regained the attention of Japanese players with this fictional lie, so his wish was quickly implemented by Japanese players everywhere. With the efforts of these players, the hidden news in each was soon dug out.

"Chairman." After returning to Isengard for more than half a day, I suddenly received a communication link from Masaga Matsumoto.

I saw the projection of Masaga Matsumoto immediately after the communication was connected in the conference hall. "What's the matter with this very late at night contact me?"

Although it is already past four in the morning in Japan, Masaga Matsumoto is obviously quite excited. He said excitedly: "President, you are still awesome! The method you taught me is really effective!"

"You contacted me most of the night to tell me this?"

"No, no, I just want to tell you that the reason for your leak has been investigated."

I was stunned when I heard this result. "Is the investigation out? So fast?"

"Well, I didn't expect it to be so fast, but I can't stand it. Now players all over Japan are helping us to investigate."

I nodded and said: "Then how did we expose it?"

"It's actually very simple." Masaka Matsumoto said: "After you got off the car and entered the mountain forest, you were caught by a high level player. I found out the familiar. That player's level is relatively high. Recently, it seems that he intends to enter the mountain forest over there to level up, but you also know that the place is more dangerous, and he can't help it, so he sent a high level familiar. Go in and help him see what's going on inside. Is it possible for him to level up there safely."

"So the monster didn't find the monster, but it found us, right?"< /p>

Masaga Matsumoto nodded said: "The other party just knows you, and through the eyes of the pet, I also saw you all person."

For being close by the opponent's pet, I didn't find the other person. , I'm not surprised about this. Although Kristina used a large-scale detection technique at the time, you must know that the place was originally the monster area. During the detection technique, the monsters in the detection range did not know how many times they entered and exited, so unless a certain monster Really rushing towards us, generally Kristina will not care too much. If a player approached nearby at that time, we would definitely find that the key was the familiar. As long as there is no battle and the player information of the system hint is not seen, we are basically impossible to know whether the familiar or the monster is approaching us.

"It is understandable to be discovered in this way, but even if the other party found us, why did they attack the convoy you sent?" I asked.

Matsumoto Masaka explained: "This player not only saw you. It was his familiar who entered the mountain and saw you, and he himself was on the road outside the mountain, and he I happened to see our team. Because they wanted to cover you, the team's whereabouts were a bit weird, and the strength of the Asian Games team was a little bit too high, so it aroused his suspicion."

"If it's just a suspicion If so, It shouldn't be to attack your team rashly, right? You are the leader of the Japanese players anyway, and you attacked your team because of suspicion. This is a bit too much, right? Besides, the attacker seems to be a ghost. Nobunaga, right? How did he get in there? Is this the person who found us Nobunaga oni?"

"No, but it's almost the same." Masaka Matsumoto explained: " That player is not a member of Onizu Nobunaga, but he was once one of Onizu Nobunaga's supporters, and even now he still maintains a relatively good relationship with Onizu Nobunaga. He is a hard-core supporter of Onizu Nobunaga. , It’s just that he still has a bottom line, and has never joined the Guishou League of Guishou Nobunaga. After discovering your whereabouts, he happened to see Guishou Nobunaga, and he told the strange phenomenon he encountered this time. I’ll listen to Nobunaga Guishou."

At this point, Masaka Matsumoto said, "That is to say, Nobunaga has heard about the strange team of your guild from this player, and then I discovered our existence again. Although the player himself was a little skeptical, he didn’t think in that direction at all. However, Nobunaga Onizu had already suspected that we had a connection before, so he would connect the two things. Get up, and ordered an attack on the convoy you sent."

Matsumoto confirmed again: "Yes. Nobunaga Onizu was originally a little skeptical, but we deceived the past several times by tricks. So now he is not sure if we are in contact before. However, as long as he has doubts, he will not give up. It is not a major event if he wants to attack our convoy. He did not know the convoy transportation at the time. It will be the Chinese national equipment. Of course, the team did not transport the national equipment, but it is certain that he was definitely not going for this. If he knew that the outcome of the matter would be so serious, he should not do it."

I nodded agree. Matsumoto's analysis makes sense. Nobunaga Onitou originally suspected that there was a relationship between us, but this time it was just stealing a sneak attack to hit a team. It was originally not a worst thing, so naturally he would not take seriously. Therefore, he has no burden for the assigned personnel to attack the convoy, but now after the attack, he knows that the matter has become serious, because Matsumoto Masaka publicly declared that the convoy was transporting Chinese national equipment. As long as players who understand what Guoqi represents will not treat this as a trivial matter.

"Now that I know that it’s not an insider’s leak, don’t worry too much."

Nodded, Matsumoto Masaga immediately asked: "I’m not worried about this. It’s just that this time, how to deal with the incident of the convoy being attacked? Let it go down?"

After thinking about it for a while, I still feel that this matter is not easy to decide on my own. I asked Masaka Matsumoto to make matters worse, but I wanted to investigate clearly why our whereabouts were exposed. Of course, the more important goal is to extract ourselves from this matter, and not to let the connection between us and Masaka Matsumoto. be found. This is all event handling. As the president, I can decide this kind of thing by myself. However, as to whether to quell this incident, this is not a matter for me to decide on my own. This is an issue related to the situation in Japan as a whole, and it is a strategic issue. I can decide on tactics alone. Of course, it’s better to let the staff to discuss strategic issues.

"Wait a moment, I will contact the staff to ask what to do."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Through the army After God got through the communication of the staff, I briefly talked about this matter. The staff of our guild were fast enough to discuss the result in a matter of minutes. After listening to their opinions, I sighed with Rose. Of course, Hong Yue and Ying I also contacted. After agreeing with everyone, I contacted Masaga Matsumoto again.

"Have you decided?"

"en. Our opinions are more consistent. Oni Te Nobunaga, you are not suitable for killing with a stick, but this time I can’t just leave it like that. I have to teach Guishou Nobun a long lesson and get the practical benefits."

"Is there a plan for how to do it?"

"Nothing too The specific plan, anyway, you can figure it out by yourself. But remember, must let Oni Shou Nobunaga publicly admit that he did this time, to further blacken his image as a player in mind in Japan. Yes, I want him to apologize publicly."

"Why must he apologize publicly?"

"This is the meaning of rose. The main purpose is to combat Nobunaga's diehards. His blind worship. Asking him to admit that he has sent someone to do this will only allow brainy Japanese players to see his true face, but those diehard loyalists are indiscriminate, and the reason for their loyalty is often just personality worship. Regardless of whether the person is doing it wrong or doing it right, this kind of worship is often hard to be hit. However, if Onizu Nobunaga himself admits that he has made a mistake and apologizes publicly for it, then it is tantamount that his own behavior is hitting him. Personal image. If Japanese players continue to worship him blindly, they will fall into an infinite loop. If they want to be loyal to Nobunaga Kisou, they must admit that Nobunaga Kisou is just an ordinary person who can make mistakes, but if they admit this, then He doesn’t have the value of loyalty. Therefore, these loyal loyalists must change their way of thinking, and as long as they change their way of thinking, then they will have at least 50% of the probability that they will lose their loyalty to Nobunaga Ghosts. Our goal has been achieved."

"Sounds very complicated."

"Rose also said that this is quite complicated, mainly about psychology. You only need It’s okay to know this arrangement."

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "I understand this, but how do you take the actual benefits you said?"

"In terms of actual benefits, It’s not for you to take something, but for Nobunaga Onito to give you a promise that he will publicly guarantee that next time if you have any external action plan that needs to use him, he needs to unconditionally support you to complete this action together. ."

As soon as I heard what I said, Masaga Matsumoto screamed directly. "Boss, you guys are too dark, too? Guishou Nobunaga is really unlucky. If he is scammed by you, he still has to help you do things. This is really to help you count the money after being sold!"

< p>"What are you and us, don’t you have your share?"

"Well, I won’t say anything, I’m going to do something, right?"

Matsumoto Masaga After that, I also closed the communication, but even at this point, I couldn’t be free, so I continued to work.

Leaving the conference hall on Isinger's side, I went directly to Celestial Court. I used to trouble Celestial Court to help us fight the invasion of the Eight-Different Orochis. Now it seems that this will happen for a while, so I have to say hello. I can’t always let the Celestial Court be there 24 hours a day, right? Celestial Court is not an organization no matter how good the relationship is with us. The necessary courtesy is still necessary.

After the Jade Emperor learned about this, he told me some long-term arrangements. After all, the invasion of the Eight-Puzzle Orochi was only delayed for a while and did not stop there, so we still have to beware, but don’t have to. In a hurry.

After exchanging information from the Jade Emperor, I went to Germany without stopping. Ashford originally said that he wanted to be our reserve team, but now we don't have to fight for the time being, and this reserve team is temporarily out of use, so we still have to say hello. In order to be our reserve team, they must ensure that most players are online for a long time, and during this time they cannot accept large-scale missions or engage in guild battles. If we are about to go to war with the Baqi Orochi and let Ashford stay in this state for a while, it’s okay. Anyway, the time won’t be too long, but now, this time has become an unknown number, and we can’t let it. The whole Iron Crusade has been waiting for this, right? Even if people are willing to wait, how can we pay this favor? Therefore, it is necessary to notify that the alarm will be temporarily lifted.

"Do you mean that we still need to exist as a reserve team, but the time is not certain for the time being?" Ashford confirmed after listening to my words.

I nodded affirmatively answered: "Yes, I won’t use it for the time being. However, when the Baqi Orochi is going crazy, we are not quite clear. Moreover, I don’t think this time will be too clear. Long, he can be quiet for a month or two at most."

"In this case, at least we will be free for the time being." Ashe said, he suddenly became excited, and then asked: "Then you can be free for this period of time?"

"What are you doing?" Seeing Ashford leaned forward with excitement, I instinctively leaned back.

Axiu Fude smiled wryly and said: "That...I happen to have two Ultra Grade mission scrolls in my hand, so what..."

"Time I have , But not much. You'd better tell me the length of the mission, otherwise I can't help. Also, there are not many forces that can be mobilized in our guild at the moment. If you just let me come alone, I'm fine Question, but if you want someone to help, then I'm not sure!"

"That's it!" Ashford thought for a while and asked, "Can Christina come?"< /p>

"Christina? Do you need her help?"

Axuford nodded and said very hard: "This task has her at least two difficulty levels. To be honest, she is more useful in this task than you."

"Then I will lend her to you for two days, why do I have to take me?"


"I just said that she is more useful than you. I didn't say that you are useless!" Ashford explained: "This task is more troublesome, so neither you nor Christina can do it. You have to pay. There are others to help. Everyone has a special purpose in this task."

I thought about it and asked: "How long is the task process?"

"I will temporarily I’m not sure. But if there is no accident, it can be done in one to two days."

"What if there is an accident?"

"That would be three or four days I don’t think it will affect you much, right?"

"Acceptable. Both Christina and I can help. What kind of person do you want? I can see if there is a suitable one Candidates."

Axiu Fude thought for a while and said: "We also need a teleportation technique, the kind of short-distance teleportation is best, and the consumption is very low, and it is best to use it frequently. ."

"We also have such people. Is there anything else?"

"No, there are only seven people allowed in the mission. We have four people here. Three, just reached the mission limit."

I nodded asked: "When will it start?"

"You just need to find all the people. I want to be a reserve team for you, In the past few days, the whole guild has been settled. It will be fine if I do not need my command in the short term."

"Then I will let the military god transfer people."

< p>"I will call our people too."

After we decided to do this task, we acted immediately. Ashford rushed to find his team members, and I was watching the briefing while waiting for the personnel to arrive. To be honest, this task is really not that complicated.

In fact, this task itself is not very difficult. The key is that there are too many restrictions and the task requirements are too harsh.

First of all, this task requires seven players to participate in the task, no more or no less.

Originally, if only seven people were involved, it would be very easy. But the key point is that there are additional instructions at the end of the mission, indicating that the end of the mission requires their individual efforts to complete, which means that no one in the team can die before encountering the last BOSS. As long as one hangs up, the task is directly equal to a failure, because there is a special organ in the last place and seven people must operate it together. What? You said you can use summon creatures instead? Of course I know this method, but unfortunately it is clearly indicated on the task scroll that the task flow restricts summon and space items throughout the entire process. Neither the familiar nor the summon creature can be summoned, and even the item is restricted. You'd better take out what you want to use in advance and carry it on your body with a physical burden, otherwise you won't expect to use these things again after entering the mission.

It can be said that as soon as this restriction is released, many of our abilities are sealed, otherwise, this kind of task is simply not difficult.

I was watching the mission introduction here, and the door outside was suddenly opened. Ashford followed three players into the room. It was obvious that these were the people who participated in the mission together.

I know one of the three people Ashford found, Ashford’s wife Alice. Although this blonde beauty has a sweet baby face, her plate armor shows that her profession is a Teutonic warrior known for its super attack power throughout Europe. This profession is basically a bulldozer in my impression, not to mention defenses, anyway, few professions can compete with them in terms of attack power. Before the blood volume bottomed out, the Teutonic warrior was almost simply invincible, and the general profession encountered them and simply had no other choice but to swim.

Presumably he noticed my gaze, Ashford explained somewhat sorry: "Purple Moon, don't look at us like this! Although Alice is my wife, I am not cheating. She is really very difficult to deal with."

I shook my head and said: "I'm just helping anyway. The staff will be arranged according to you. It's not my business to complete it."

"Chairman Purple Moon, are you doubting my strength?"

"I don't doubt your strength, I just clarify the situation with Ashford."

Seeing that the atmosphere is wrong, Ashford hurried forward and said: "Purple Moon, you are wrong, Alice is really strong."

I nodded and said: "This I understand."

"Understand that you still said that?" Ashford asked angrily.

I explained: "I just said this to make your wife put down the air and realize that the people here are not ordinary people. Although her strength is very good, I feel a kind of arrogance. There is a saying in the country that the arrogant soldier must be defeated. I think you should understand what I mean."

After hearing what I said, Ashford turned his head and looked towards his wife, but Alice was He lowered his head in thought. To be honest, I didn't see Alice once, but I felt that she had changed a lot from the last time I met. When I first saw her, she was a little nervous and cowardly. Although I had not spoken to me at the time, I can be sure that she was a very shy and polite person at the time. But today, her entire temperament has changed. Although she seems to be more confident than before, and she has an expert aura, but this confidence seems to be too much. I even noticed that she felt a little unconvinced even when she saw me. Although she didn't say anything, her body language was clearly conveying this kind of information. If it is ordinary people, I would definitely not care, but this is Ashford’s woman. As an ally, I think it is necessary to remind them.

Ashford is not a fool. Hearing what I say, he knows what I’m talking about. Besides, this Alice must not suddenly become like this in one day. Should know some. I don't know why she became like this, but I can be sure that Ashford played a key role in it.

"Huh? What's the matter? Have you just fought? I seem to smell the smoke of gunpowder." Kristina, who suddenly appeared in the room, and the son of the night interrupted us. An atmosphere of depression. Of course it won't be the Son of the Night who speaks. This kid belongs to the type that can't make a fart with three sticks. Even if he finds out, he will definitely not interrupt.

"Ah, the principle is that our fort is back." Seeing Kristina, Ashford immediately greeted her with enthusiasm and shook hands.

Christina smiled and shook his hand, and then asked: "What's the matter with you? Is it troublesome?"

Christina was originally a European , Is also very famous here, Ashford and her met even earlier than me. Of course, Christina is now a member of our Frost Rose League, so we are still closer in terms of relationship.

Ashford originally wanted to answer, but to his surprise, Alice, who had been bowing her head until I finished speaking, suddenly came over and stretched out a hand to me. , And then said: "Please accept my apology. Recently, my mentality has really gone wrong."

I am not the kind of person who has little belly, although we sometimes hold grudges, but that Not with friends. I happily shook hands and made peace, and then I also apologized: "Maybe my wording is not appropriate, I'm sorry."

Alice smiled and said it was okay, and then turned to Ashford. Said: "You listen to me."

"Huh?" Ashford was stunned by Alice's words, and then came over with a little trembling and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? "Obviously, Ashford this guy has the early symptoms of "wife control". Although they are only engaged and not married yet, Ashford is very afraid of Alice for sure.

Ashford, who was called over suddenly, was still a little timid, didn't expect Alice followed and said something that made him almost dislocate his chin.

"You have listened to Ashford for me. From now on, don’t get used to me anymore. If I am wrong, you have to say it immediately, if I don’t accept it, and you are sure that It's my fault. You can punish me physically, or even hit me. I need a man who can help me, not a manservant on call."

"Uh..." Ah Xiu Fu was completely in a state of neurological reaction failure, and the whole person was stupid there.

"Okay, okay, just let things go." Kristina saw that the atmosphere was a little weird, so she hurriedly came out to make a round, and then turned off the subject and said: "What are you asking us to come out in such a hurry? Yes. Things?"

"Of course." I turned my head and said, "Ashford has a task that we need to help do. Because the task is too difficult, we need some powerful people."

The Son of the Night who has been silent for a while suddenly asked: "Boss, why do you need a strong person to call me up?"

"Because you are one of the people who are particularly suitable for this task. We need you Transmission ability."

"Oh. I understand."

Seeing that we have already begun to discuss the task, Ashford began to say to us: "Then, since people When it’s all there, I’ll talk about the precautions for the task. This task limits summon and space item, so after the monster pet enters the task, the summon will not come out."

"If you release it in advance, you can. Is it?" Kristina asked.

Axiuford shook his head and said: "The mission is limited to seven people. One or less will not work. You can't summon creatures in advance. However, what equipment you need can be taken out in advance, because after entering, Nothing in your space equipment can be taken out. The Phoenix Dragon Space of the Frost Rose League will be sealed in the same way."

"So troublesome?" Kristina said as she hurried. Take out his staff. She doesn't usually use this thing very much, and only uses it when she encounters a strong enemy. But since the space and equipment are limited, she has to take it out in advance, otherwise it will be miserable if it is useless when needed.

After saying this, Ashford continued: "Besides this, we should pay more attention to it. If you know undead magic, you can consider summoning undead creatures after entering."

< p>"Isn't it talking about restricting summon?"

"Yes, it is restricting summon, but this restriction feels more like a space blockade."

Ashford said space I will understand by blocking it. We can think of space as a room. Our summon pets or other summon creatures are like pulling a certain creature that was in another room through the door and window to this room to help us fight. Although those creatures came from summon, they actually already existed, but they weren't here before. As for taking out the item from the space item, this is actually the same situation. The space in those space equipment is actually equivalent to a hidden compartment in the room, or something like a closet. Usually we can open these hidden compartments or closets to take things out and put them in. It doesn't matter, but a room blocked by space is equivalent to locking all doors and windows. Therefore, neither the creatures in the next room nor the things in the closet in this room can be taken out. This is the real meaning of the space blockade.

Understanding the real meaning of the space blockade, what Ashford said is easy to understand. Necromancer summon The undead creatures are divided into two ways. Although they are all called summon, in fact, only one is the real summon, and the other should be called manufacturing.

In addition to summon the undead creatures from the plane of the undead by opening the space channel, the Necromancer can also use space equipment to store the powerful undead creatures previously obtained and release them when needed. This is actually the same situation as the beast trainer summon's familiar. This method will also be sealed in this mission, because it involves things outside the space, so it can't be used.

However, Necromancer is not only summon the undead, they can also make the undead by themselves. Join Necromancer and encounter a high level Knight in this mission. As long as you kill it, you can use your skills to transform it into an undead creature of the Undead Knight series. In this process, the body of the undead Knight is the Knight in the mission, and there is no space shuttle, so the space blockade will not interfere with this summon.

"It turned out to be like this." After all, Kristina is a mage, and she understands these things more clearly, and the Son of the Night is Necromancer, and of course she knows more about what is going on. As for the people on Ashford's side, they probably knew the content of the mission a long time ago, so they didn't say anything. Ashford mainly explained the situation to us.

After we said that we understood, Ashford told us a more terrible restriction.

"Well...There is a more troublesome setting in this task. That is, our magic power will be limited."

"The magic power is limited?" Kristina was surprised "Then what did you tell me to do? I am a mage. Without magic, would you let me go up and fight with monsters?"

"No, this restriction does not mean that magic cannot be used, but a restriction The speed and recovery amount of the magic power output."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"That is to say, the magic power output has an upper limit, and the magic value you can output at one time cannot exceed yours. One-tenth of the total amount of magic power."

"That is to say, all the big moves can't be used?" Kristina asked.

Normal player’s big move usually releases one-tenth to all of the player’s magic power in an instant. If the limit output cannot exceed one-tenth, it means that all that can be used is For conventional skills, don't count on those that have high output and high dama

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