"Chairman, how did you come?" At the base of the three of them in August, we finally met Masaga Matsumoto.

"He... is he ours?" It was the first time that even the highest leader of the enemy could become his own spy, and both Aphrodite and Radamantis felt that they were The world view collapsed. This thing is beyond their imagination.

"Don’t be so exaggerated. You are only surprised because you have not touched this matter. If you all knew the operation of our at first, you wouldn’t be so surprised." Kristina said to Masamoto Matsumoto again: "Do you have the task information you need? We need to choose a suitable target to start with. If you don't fight, you will get some big bosses. When the time comes, it’s not worth the gain."

The Fire Dragon who stood beside Masaka Matsumoto looked at the four Divine Races on our side and said: "Just your lineup will worry about getting too big. BOSS? Except for the existence of Baqi Orochi, I don’t see anything that can hurt you, right?"

"I’m not worried about encountering a big BOSS. What I’m really worried about is Japanese players and Japanese Divine. Race’s reaction.” I interrupted Kristina and Chi Fire Dragon. “If Japanese players, Takatenhara Divine Race and Yaqi Oro reacted to our counterattack, then we must adjust. Strategy. The worst thing is that no matter how we fight afterwards, what we lose is actually our own interests."

"Sure enough, playing the enemy between applause is not a safe thing!" Ying Yu The young god sighed.

"Okay, well, don't be so pessimistic." August Xun said: "You haven't tested the reaction of the other party. Don't be so worried and pessimistic. Maybe the other party is not as united as you imagined. "

"I hope so." After I finished speaking, I turned to Masaka Matsumoto and asked: "Do you have a goal ready?"

"en. "Matsumoto Zheng He directly activated a crystal ball, and then projected the silhouettes of three Divine Races in the air.

"This is the goal?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "These three guys were originally one of the members of the Takatenhara Divine Race. The recent occurrence of Yaqi Osna and Takatenhara It can be said that 30% of the war between Divine Race is due to the three of them."

"The key person?"

Matsumoto Masaga was nodded very hard. "It is indeed a key person." As he said, he began to explain: "These three have launched two rebellions a long time ago, before the eight-headed snake had obtained the divine force core, and of course they all failed in the end. However, because of these two rebellions, they were also caught by the Supreme God of the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race at the time... Note that this Supreme God is not the current Amaterasu. The Supreme God at that time should be a descendant of the advanced Divine Race."

"The descendants of the high-level Divine Race? Are you referring to the descendants of High God? Like my Yezuki and Princess?"

Matsumoto Masaga once again nodded confirms: "Blood may be more important than theirs More pure, but the strength is not very good. You also know that it is not that the inherited bloodline is closer to High God, the stronger the strength. This depends on which part of your inheritance. For example, your Yeyue and Princess. bloodline is relatively far away, but because the inheritance happens to be the rule-like abilities of High God, so the strength is much stronger than many direct descendants of High God. This so-called Supreme God, according to our speculation, it is likely to be Vulcan Descendant?"

"You said that guy is a descendant of Amorad?"

"Do you know the god of fire?" Aphrodite was rather unstable. High God is not something you can see if you want to. Moreover, for Aphrodite and the likes of the Divine Race in the lower realm, the reputation of High God can even more shock them. For ordinary creatures and ordinary players, the difference between High God and them is like the difference between an interstellar marine team and a primordial warrior with a Bone Blade and a stone spear. If you don't fight directly, the primordial people don't even know what the short square in the hands of the Interstellar Marines is. And if Divine Race like Aphrodite is added to this metaphor, then they can probably be compared to modern soldiers. Compared to the Primordials, modern soldiers with heavy weapons are definitely a mess, but they are more afraid of the interstellar warrior than the Primordials, because the primordials cannot understand the power of the interstellar warrior, but they can.

As for Aphrodite’s surprise performance, I was not surprised. I just asked, “Don’t you remember when we asked you to return to the Olympus Divine Race. Is it a contract?"

After hearing what I said, Aphrodite reacted clearly and said: "Yes! Since you let the Mother of the Earth come forward to help you engrave the Soul Contract, It doesn’t seem to be impossible to know another Vulcan!"

"So. This is not a surprise." After I finished speaking, I turned to Matsumoto Masaga and said: "You continue."< /p>

Nodded Matsumoto continued to explain: "The descendant of Vulcan suppressed the three rebellions twice, but during the second suppression, the descendant of Vulcan was unrecoverable. Sexual blow, although the three of them were sealed at the time, the Supreme God was basically half dead."

"And then?"

"Then Amaterasu He jumped out and killed the descendant of Vulcan, but the Amaterasu had a relatively shallow foundation at the time and had little strength. Therefore, in order to balance the internal situation of the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, he was forced to release the three sealed."

I nodded and said: "That means these three were from rebels, and they actually succeeded in overthrowing the leader of the previous time Gao Tianyuan Divine Race. As a result, they didn’t get any profit. Finally, Tao Zi asked Amaterasu to pick it up. Yes?"

"Yes, so these three are very unconvinced, but Amaterasu is more careful than the previous one, not as generous as the previous one. The previous generation Divine King who inherited the High God bloodline He has a relatively generous personality and feels a little incompetent, so he indulges his subordinates, so that a group of people have not been killed in two consecutive rebellions. In contrast, Amaterasu's management of its opponents is much stricter. Through various methods such as restricting Power of Faith rationing, Amaterasu limited the strength of these three, so although they did not want to cause, they could only submit to humiliation and did not dare to resist. But this time, Baqi Orochi didn’t know from I picked up a divine force core, and then got up. The three of them happened to know this and rushed to contact Baqi Orochi, wanting to take refuge in him and have a long and short time with Gao Tianyuan Divine Race."

< p>When I heard this, I finally realized: "After a long time, the Divine Race of Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan was opened. It was not because the head of Baqi Orochi and the Divine Race were digging a corner, but because these three anti-skeletons took the initiative to pick things. "

Pandora listened to the whole process and said: "It can't be regarded as the full responsibility of those three guys. If this eight-headed snake is not confused, he should It should be right to reject them directly. Since he is now doing what they want, he also has his responsibility. "

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "So I said that the three of them accounted for at least 30% of the reason for this melee. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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