"Damn it, what's the situation?" I ran to Isengard’s sea port, and I went around the port, but I couldn’t find the entrance to the Sea God Temple. Finally There was nothing wrong, so I had to contact the military god. "Where did I say that the Sea God Temple is? Didn't it say that it was under the harbour? Why can't it be found?"

"Just in front of you."

"In front of me?" Me He raised his head and glanced in front of him. "What are you kidding? There is water in front of me."

"It's under the water."

"Under the water?" I looked at the harbor in front of me in surprise. Then he said: "You mean the Sea God Temple is built under the water?"

"Of course. Should the Sea God Temple be built on land?"

"But... if you do this, the height of the building plus the waterproof isolation barrier will deduct one third from the water depth of the port at least. What if a ship hits the waterproof isolation barrier? Doesn't this affect the port's berthing capacity?"

"There is no isolation barrier." Junshen explained: "Sea God Temple has no isolation barrier. The entire building complex is soaked in water. You will know the specifics when you go down."

"That's all right, let me go down and see by myself." As I said, I cut off the communication and went to the side of the port to look down. After confirming that I couldn't see anything, I took a step forward and stepped directly. Into the water. After falling into the water with a plop, I immediately started to go downstream.

Isinger’s harbour often needs to berth some over-tonnage battleships, so the water depth of the harbour reaches 50 meters. This depth is quite exaggerated for most seaports, and in fact, there are usually no ships with such a large draft. Generally, large ships, even those with tens of thousands of tons, have a draft not exceeding ten meters. For battleships, because they are designed in a different direction from cargo ships, the draft will be slightly deeper, but not It will be too deep. The water depth of 50 meters is purely to prevent the insurance depth set aside in case, so the generally speaking is definitely deep enough.

Fifty meters is not too expensive, but it is almost noon now. The light conditions are good, and the seawater in the port is also relatively clear, so the brightness of the upper twenty meters is pretty good. When I dived to 25 meters, the surface of the water became a little darker, but as I continued to dive, the brightness of the water became higher and higher, and when I dived to a depth of more than 30 meters When I saw a large group of buildings underneath.

This underwater building complex and the Neptune Hall I saw at the Olympus Divine Race are almost all poured out of the same mold. Obviously, Poseidon and the others are following Neptune The prototype of the temple rebuilt a complex on our side. Of course, there is still a little difference, and this difference is mainly manifested in the disappearance of the Seven Sea God Pillars.

I’ve heard Poseidon say before that the Seven Sea God’s Pillar is a fixed Divine Item. Once it’s built, it can’t be moved. So even if they moved out of Greece, Poseidon and others Failed to bring these Poseidon Pillars out. Besides, these Poseidon Pillars themselves are very big. Even if they cannot be moved because of special attributes, I think it is not a simple matter for us to get them back.

As the height decreases, the scene below gradually becomes clearer. I don’t know if it’s because of the divine force. The sea below seems to be much clearer than above. As for the seabed silt, which is inevitable anywhere, it’s not even visible here. Except that the whole is soaked in water, the buildings in this place are no different from those on the ground.

At this time, the building complex below is already full of the various gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and the most central area among me is obviously the ones with the highest status. I saw Vina standing in the middle like everyone holding the moon and saying something from a long distance, while Xinghuo and Peacock stood on both sides behind her, fanning out in front of her in a circle of Divine Race, basically not The Poseidon system is the Poseidon system, and there are other systems, but the number of people is very small. After all, the main source of expansion of our guild is the newly dismantled Olympus Divine Race.

As gods, these guys have very keen senses. Vina, who was talking about something, seemed to feel my arrival, and when she was talking, she suddenly raised her head and looked at me. The other gods discovered my existence at about the same time, so they all looked up at me.

"Purple Moon?"

"President." After Vina called me, there was a neat greeting.

I waved my hand to indicate that they don’t need to care, and then lightly landed between Poseidon and Vina, then turned to Poseidon and said: "You Sea God Temple will not be notified if it is completed. Did I say it?"


I know their Divine Race is not used to it, so they didn't play plot against. It was a bit embarrassing to see Poseidon. Quickly took the topic and said: "Don't mind, just kidding. You continue to celebrate, I just came to find someone to help me with the task."

"Out of the task?" The help guy's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he huffed all around, but it shocked me.

"What are you doing?" I was surrounded in the middle and looked at these wolves and tigers with fear. I always felt that the eyes of these guys were full of emotions called hunger. . "Then what... Are you going to eat me or what are you doing?"

Finally realized his impoliteness, and the Divine Race screamed and dispersed. Of course, the so-called dispersal just leaves me a place to move, not really leaving.

"Sorry President, we are too excited." Hades apologized.

"Excited?" I looked at them in surprise and asked: "I'm looking for someone to do the task, why are you excited?"

"Let me talk about it." Vina Explained aloud: "Since we obtained the Power of Faith collector, our members of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order have been soaring in rapid progress. However, with the improvement of our strength, we have recently Some problems have been found."

"Problems? Is Power of Faith eating too much to support it?"

Vina's weird face was nodded and said: "I really made you right. Yes. Our situation seems to be really overwhelming."

"Damn, I have heard that I can eat a lot, but I haven’t heard of Power of Faith and I eat a lot. You have to say this. Go out, other Divine Races can't hit the wall depressed?"

The system's restrictions on Divine Race's cross-border operations are so strict. There are still constant wars between Divine Races everywhere. Why? Isn't it just to compete for Power of Faith? It can be said that Divine Races all over the world are hungry, and their demand for Power of Faith simply has no upper limit. At present, the real difference between Divine Races in various countries is only the difference between relatively hungry and particularly hungry. The so-called concept of fullness is almost non-existent for Divine Race. However, now the chaos and order Divine Race guys are not only full, but also satiated. If you say this, what would other Divine Race think? Anyway, envy, jealousy and hatred can't escape, and then it's probably all kinds of revenge. Don't take a high look at the character of Divine Race. These guys are actually similar to ordinary people. They will also become jealous because of envy, and then turn into hatred.

"That...President! Although our words are a bit irritating, this is indeed the situation now." Standing next to Hades, a Divine Race I don’t know. Said: "In the past at the Olympus Divine Race, I finally used the extractor to absorb a little Power of Faith, and I had to hand it in. Moreover, at that time, our Divine Race of the Divine Race can be said to have undertaken the Olympus Divine Race. For most of the foreign wars, its own consumption is unprecedentedly huge. The 20% quota is simply not enough. Besides, the actual control area of ​​the Olympus Divine Race is a small area in and around Greece, as you know , So a big place has a small population in total, and our income from Power of Faith is really negligible. But now everything is down. The population of this area of ​​China is hundreds of times larger than that of Greece, and our side has been there for many years. The absorption of Power of Faith has long been absorbed, and now it can only produce a little absorption. The output is really pitiful. But in this China region, it has been thousands of years, and no one has absorbed these discrete Power of Faith, this is simply putting the mining machine in the ore pile. This is not called gathering. This is simply a blowout!"

A Divine Race next to the Divine Element pushed the guy away and said, "Yes. Yes! In the past, all of our collectors could not produce as much as the output of one machine in one day, and there were so many people in the Olympus Divine Race, and there was not much left on everyone's head. But we only have this Divine Race here. This Power of Faith is collected from millions of units and millions of units, too much for us to absorb. For example, the companions you dug from Buddhism or other places Good point, the days they lived before were not too bitter anyhow, but when we came to Olympus Divine Race, we were all hungry before. Suddenly Power of Faith enriched, and we couldn’t help but absorb more. I ate a little, and accidentally ate too much..."

"So what?"

"So we wanted to exercise as soon as possible to help digest the absorbed Power of Faith.” This sentence was said by the god of the Seagod who had just arrived, but there were nodded movements around it, and it was obvious that everyone had the same meaning.

I looked towards Vina and asked: "How are you? You eat too much?"

Vina nodded and said: "Although we are not so hungry, Power of Faith is a good thing for us after all. Who doesn’t want to improve their strength as soon as possible? It’s fine if we don’t get it, but how can you tell us to bear it? Gao has no place to store it, and has to shut it down from time to time for a period of time. This feels terrible. So we tried desperately to absorb more quickly, so that those collectors can work for a while, and we can Get more Power of Faith. However, it seems that we still have too little experience in this area. Didn't expect not only the conversion speed of the divine force core, but also the speed at which we can absorb it."

After listening to Vina's words, Xinghuo immediately said: "It's not that we have too little experience in Divine Race. It's really that we didn't even dare to think about it before. I think I was in Buddhism for so long, and I was physically I’m in a high temperature, and I’ve never heard of a situation where the absorption rate of Power of Faith exceeds the upper limit. Every time everyone gets a little bit of Power of Faith, I just absorb it just a little bit. Even in my identity, I got it. Power of Faith is just half full. How can we think that Power of Faith can still support?"

"So?" I heard Xinghuo's explanation: " Now I understand why you are so excited to want to go out and walk around. But unfortunately to inform you that I cannot take too many people out this time because this is a high level task and requires Peak personnel."

"That's it!" Many gods sighed and retreated. After all, the time spent together is not short, and everyone knows each other's ability. There is no need to dispute this kind of thing.

"Then who are you taking?" Peacock squeezed up and asked me, obviously also very interested in going out for some activities.

I looked towards her directly and said: "You count as one."

"Haha, very good, I can finally move around. I used to stay in Buddhism because I was afraid of fighting. It’s necessary to consume Power of Faith. It’s not enough to eat. This will consume more after a fight, and it will not be enough. Now I know that after eating too much, sometimes appropriate activities are also a kind of enjoyment!"

Ignoring Peacock’s emotion, I looked towards Hades and said: "My Lord Hades, don't squeeze forward. You are acting as Yan Jun now, what are you scaring away?"

Hades, who was standing there desperately showing his presence, was deflated like a leaking ball by what I said. The few people next to him smiled for fear that he would be angry, but they couldn’t control it. Can bear not making a sound, but the shaking of the shoulders one by one made Hades even more angry.

"Okay, Hades, at any rate, you are also a big boss, don't be cute there. Keep our Yama Palace, chaos and order, Divine Race's powerful road is all It's up to you."

"Isn't it uncomfortable for me!" Hades murmured.

I laughed, and then turned to Pandora and said: "Pandora, you and Ladamantis, will you come with me?"

Pandora hasn't had time to agree, the one next to Radamantis screamed excitedly first, not because he was unstable, but because he was excited.

Before I said that I had to support myself, that was everyone's joking. The real problem lies in the improvement of strength. If Divine Race directly absorbs Power of Faith, the conversion rate is less than one percent, but they can absorb 100% of the Power of Faith completed by the core transformation of divine force. However, after the absorption, the strength will not be improved immediately, and there will be a strengthening process. This strengthening process is relatively slow, and the speed can't be improved by cultivation alone. If you want to speed up this transformation process by a large margin, the easiest way is to fight. This is similar to exercising. You eat a lot of high-calorie and high-nutrient things every day, and at the same time exercise a lot to consume all the energy you eat, so that your body will become strong soon. Divine Race absorbs Power of Faith. Although it will not become fat without eating just like exercising, it is indeed impossible to improve quickly without light absorption. You can only slowly improve your own strength by little by little. However, if you absorb a lot of Power of Faith every day like exercising, and then engage in high-intensity battles, your strength will definitely rise up like riding a rocket.

Because of the above reasons, getting a fighter at this time will give the chaotic and orderly Divine Race an opportunity for rapid strengthening. For Divine Race, who is hungry for strength, who doesn't want such an opportunity?

"President, please take me with you too?" Aphrodite, dressed in gorgeous Battle Armor, suddenly squeezed from behind, and then took one of my arms, shaking it with sweetness. The sweet and greasy voice of at least three plus signs murmured and pleaded.

"Stop...Stop...I've got my hairs up!" Blocking Aphrodite who was still acting like a baby, I quickly said: "Don't be like a baby, I was planning to take you Yes, if you babble again, I will change!"

"Oh also..." Aphrodite, who got permission, immediately jumped up in excitement.

"Hey, President, this is okay? If I act like a baby, I will too." Polsephone said in a deliberately pretentious voice from the side.

"Get rid of, I don't want to be chased by Hades. You have a married woman, don't mess with this!"

"Aphrodite Didn't Te also marry?" Polsephone retorted.

"I don't count that!" Aphrodite protested immediately. "Hephaestus was forcibly assigned to me by Zeus, and it was not my volition."

Medea interrupted and said: "Hey, you guys quarrel, don’t take my Hephaestus. Si also pulls in and says it’s okay? Honest people are so bullied."

Today, because the Sea God Temple was completed and the location is underwater, Hephaestus did not come. After all He is a Vulcan, and it's not impossible to run underwater, but he feels very uncomfortable. But this is Poseidon’s major event after all, and it’s not good for him not to come, so he sent Medea to represent himself.

Although Medea is a woman of Hephaestus, her personality is completely different from Hephaestus. Medea's character is definitely of the kind that doesn't suffer at all. You are kind to her, she will remember, but if you want to take advantage of her, she will immediately grab it back, absolutely not in vain.

Faced with the topic of war that might turn into a woman, I hurriedly stopped them and said: "Okay, well, I'm here to pick people out, not as a mediator of the neighborhood committee. . If you have any questions, go back and quarrel yourself. There are so many players this time, what should the others do. You guys will go with me."

"President, will there be any more from now on. Such an opportunity?" Medea suddenly remembered and asked, and everyone's attention immediately returned. After all, they all wanted to go out and exercise.

"I can’t reply to you now without me in the follow-up mission. This time there may be a conflict between us and Japan’s Takatenbara Divine Race. In addition, we need to add an eight-pointed snake, so the situation is more Confusion. I used to take people to step on it this time. If the situation is good, there will be a large number of tasks afterwards, but if the situation is worse, then maybe."

"But May the situation develop for the better!" Medea said.

Other Divine Races also expressed their hope.

I said with a smile: "If our ordinary person has any wishes, say Spiritual God bless you. Divine Race you guys are really miserable. You can't even find an object of prayer."

< p>"Who said there is no such thing?" Xinghuo said: "Can we pray to High God."

"Unfortunately, people don't care about this."

About the Divine Race After talking about the situation, when they all understood, I took Aphrodite and a few of them and left here. After returning to the shore, I asked the military god to help me inform Christina to come and meet. There will be all the people coming out of the station.

Kristina originally thought it was an ordinary task, but when she appeared on our side, she was stunned. "President, what the hell is the mission today? Why did you bring all Divine Race?"

"I will introduce you to the specific mission. Let me run to the institute first."


"Huh? This time it won't be testing new equipment, right?" Kristina asked.

Radamantis explained to her on the side: "It should be a battle of gods."

"That's good."

"Okay, Come with me first."

The first thing I saw after I took Kristina and the others to the academy was Woma. She seemed to be leading a group of people to assemble It's a machine, but I didn't come to look for her, so I didn't bother her. I just took people from the side and got into the research institute.

My real purpose of coming here this time is to see if there are any new results from the Divine Race Research Institute. Because our guild has the convenience of Divine Race, I asked them to set up a research institute dedicated to Divine Race. The purpose is to test the methods of combating and protecting Divine Race. On the one hand, it can increase the battle strength of the Divine Race in chaos and order, and on the other hand, it can also increase the self-protection ability of our guild players when facing Divine Race. As for letting ordinary players fight Divine Race... I basically do not have that kind of thing. Considered. Even if a method can be worked out, it is definitely something that is piled up with astronomical funds, and it is definitely not worth promoting.

"President?" The group of researchers in the Divine Race Research Institute was not busy with it, and saw me coming in.

"Aren't you supposed to be busy? Why are you all standing here in a daze?" I asked, looking at a room in a puzzled manner.

"It’s not the president. We just discovered a very interesting phenomenon. If it can be applied to weapons, it should have a great suppressive effect on divine force."

"What? And this thing? Then how do we mix Divine Race from now on?" Aphrodite asked in surprise.

"It’s not so exaggerated, just suppress a little divine force effect, so that ordinary weapons have the probability of harming Divine Race, but also not so easy to do. Besides, we have just discovered one now. It’s just about the principle. There is still a long way to go to make a real estimate."

I comforted Aphrodite and said: "What are you worried about? Even if this thing is made, it is something of our guild. , You are our guild Divine Race, and we will not hit you with this thing. Besides, if this thing is really useful, I will equip all the gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order with this weapon, Will you take advantage of other Divine Races in the future?"

"Yes, what the president said is reasonable." Pandora also nodded and said: "No matter how good the weapons in the guild are, they are used to deal with the enemy. Yes, there is only good and no harm to us. Of course, confidentiality work must be done well. Once the secret is leaked, it is not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing."

I also nodded and said: "This makes sense. We The reason why the guild’s research unit has to separate an area is because of the fear of technical information leakage. Although Isengard has been invaded many times, our research institute has never been invaded. In terms of technical protection, our guild absolutely What I did is not one drop of water can leak out." After I finished speaking, I turned to the fellow researchers over there and said: "We don’t care about the future technology. We will go to Japan and go to Yaqi Osna or Kotenbara Divine Race. We’re fighting against each other. Do you have any equipment that has been completed for Divine Race? We can just strengthen our strength and test the effects of weapons by the way."

"Yes." The researcher suddenly walked around from behind the crowd and shouted: "We still have a lot of things that haven't been tested. Quickly, bring them out and show them to the chairman."

"Lift? Is the thing big? "

The researcher over there replied: "Not all of them are big, but a few of them are really not small."

"Then you have to consider it. Isn't it too big? It’s easy to carry."

"You decide this for the president. We just make the equipment, and you have to decide how to use it."

I nodded and waited. They were trying to get the things out, but the researchers didn't delay long, and several things were carried out soon.

The first piece of equipment I saw was a sci-fi outfit. To be honest, this thing doesn't look like a magical product at all, on the contrary, it looks a lot like alien equipment. This item is not small, more than 2.5 meters in length, and is shaped like a flat bottle gourd as a whole. It looks a bit like a guitar, but it is not so obtrusive. The power crystal will still glow afterwards, and it looks like an electronic product. Because this thing has a weird shape and doesn't look like a cold weapon, I haven't figured out how to use it for a while.

There are a few things that follow this thing, but the volume is much smaller. At least this is not so scary. If this thing is erected, the building will be similar to the heavy tower shield used by standard mobile angels. If such a big thing is a cold weapon, it is estimated that the size of the few of us here will really not be able to play.

After everything came up, I listened to the researcher over there to introduce it to us. In the order of priority, the biggest thing is introduced first. According to the researcher's introduction, this thing is really not a cold weapon, and to match its appearance, it is an energy weapon that fires a short blue beam. Although the firing principle is the normal magic array principle, the sound and light effect is similar to the laser cannon in science fiction movies. Every time it fires, the beam will fly randomly, and it can explode when it hits something. Of course, the main function of this thing is not as simple as a handheld laser cannon. The reason why it is really powerful is that it can neutralize the divine force.

To put it simply, after this thing hits the Divine Race, it will quickly consume the Divine Race’s divine force. Although it cannot directly cause damage to the Divine Race, if it hits continuously, the opponent will soon lose the divine force. Force has a short period of weakness, and then if it continues to be shot, the effect is almost the same as that of an ordinary person. So, if this thing is used individually, it may not be a big deal, but once this thing hides and appears in pieces, it is definitely a Divine Race nightmare.

"How much divine force can this thing neutralize each time it is launched?" Pandora directly asked a more critical question.

The opponent quickly replied: "It depends on the launch power. The launch power of this weapon is adjustable, and the minimum power has no lower limit. It can be turned off until it is turned off. The highest output can knock out 100 in one shot. Fifty points divine force armor."

"One hundred and fifty points?" Pandora asked in amazement: "What is the launch speed of this thing at maximum power? What about its endurance?"

"This is a test product. We have installed a power crystal. If it is mass produced, we will use liquefied magic crystal steam as the power source. If the maximum power is launched, it will take about eight units of one shot. Liquefied magic crystal steam. For battery life, it depends on us equipped with as many liquefied magic crystal steam storage equipment. But you also know that eight units of liquefied magic crystal steam actually does not have much volume, so even if you use fuel Built in the box, this weapon can guarantee at least tens of thousands of continuous launches without reducing its size. However, the actual endurance is not limited by the supply of liquefied magic crystal steam, but some of them. The ability to withstand key components. Because this weapon produces a magical compression effect when launched, the reaction chamber will withstand repeated magical shocks, even if an absolutely magical inert metal such as fine gold is used, the reaction is The device can last up to 10,000 rounds and must be replaced, otherwise it will explode. Another thing is that you can’t shoot continuously too quickly. The problem is that in addition to the endurance of the reaction chamber, the magic resonance tube is also one of the limitations. To ensure that this weapon can successfully complete 10,000 rounds of ammunition and change the reaction chamber, it is necessary to ensure that the time interval of continuous shooting is at least seven seconds or more."

"For more than seven seconds, press eight. Wonderful calculation. The maximum rate of fire of this thing is just over seven rounds per minute, which is not slow, but it is definitely not fast. As for the aging of the reaction chamber, I would like to know how much the next reaction chamber will cost? Can the aging parts be recycled? You just said that the reaction chamber is made of fine gold? That thing is not cheap."

The researcher over there explained: "A reaction chamber requires about three hundred crystal coins. Although fine gold is very expensive, But we use coating technology, so the amount is very low. As for recycling...this can also be done."

I thought about it and said: "In that case, the price is acceptable, of course. The premise is that the formidable power of this thing is gone, and it cannot fail frequently. At least it is necessary to ensure that it is only unable to shoot after the problem and cannot accidentally injure the user."

"This can be assured. Even if there is a problem. At most it is scrapped and will not hurt the user." The researcher assured.

Aphrodite sighed: "One shot can destroy one hundred and fifty units of divine force armor. Divine Race like us seems to be difficult to mix in the future!"

Pandora also nodded and asked: "Ladamantis, how much is your divine force armor? I'm not a main battle type, maybe not as much as you."

Ladamantis Si is also nodded and said: "I have three thousand seven hundred."

Pandora nodded said: "Sure enough. I'm only two thousand nine!"

Aphrodite was surprised Sighed: "Why do you have so many? I'm only one thousand and eight!" Kristina was even more surprised next to him and said: "putting it that way if you use this thing to attack Aphrodite Didn’t it take 12 shots to beat her into an ordinary person, Di Te?"

Pandora shook her head and said, "It can’t be counted! We are not stakes, we will hide."

"That's right." Aphrodite followed: "If we dodge, the agility of the ordinary person is probably inaccurate. If we want to hit us, we have to do more Weapon crossfire can only be achieved, and the opponent must have a certain tactical cooperation. If there are too few weapons, it can only rely on character."

Kristina asked: "But Isn’t it possible for mobile angels to accurately aim?"

"It’s not possible." Aphrodite shook his head and said: "Our Divine Race has a very fast response speed. Mobile angels can lock onto an ordinary person. , May not be effective for us."

The researcher next to it thought for a while and said: "Actually, it’s not impossible. I heard that there is a trial-model for Divine Race using mobile angels at the Mobile Angel Research Center. It is said to be a sniper model. They also sent everyone a request for collaborative research on sniper weapons. This thing is actually designed to respond to that request."

Pandora nodded and said: "If it is a sniper for Divine Race If it’s a sniper type, maybe it can really hit a hundred shots. I’ve seen the second type use a mobile angel against Divine Race. The battle strength is really strong. If it’s a sniper type, using this thing might really be a threat. Divine Race. Especially the size of the eight-headed snake."

Kristina shook her head and said: "The eight-headed snake, don’t think about it. He is a demonic beast-evolved Divine Race. It's different from you."

I heard it and reacted. "Yeah. The Eight-Divine Snake is a demonic beast. If you replace it with Ultra Grade devil beast, you should have evolved into a god. Although the speaking of which is Divine Race, the Divine Race evolved by the devil beast is somewhat similar to yours. Is it different?"

Radamantis nodded and said: "This is true. The battle attributes of Divine Race evolved from devil beast are exaggerated. Their divine force armor is basically It’s more than ten times that of us, and the health is scary, but the spell skills are generally bad, and the later growth is not as fast as those of us."

"No matter whether it is good or not, take it first. Let’s talk about it later.” As I said that, I installed the thing directly into the Phoenix Dragon Space. Of course, I will ask to see if the sniper-type Divine Race mobile angel is completed. If there is one, I will bring one. Two weapons will be tested together. If they are not finished, then the second generation can only be used to make do with the mobile angel on Divine Race.

"Does the use of these things need to be introduced?" Seeing that I was so anxious, the researcher pointed to a few other things on the ground and asked me.

I nodded and said: "Of course I want to introduce, don't you tell me how I know what this thing is for? But you can make it simple."

"Okay." The other party nodded and said: "This is a defensive equipment first introduced to you..."

This researcher's expressive ability is pretty good, and in simple and easy-to-understand words, I will quickly give you all the functions of these things. Introduced it again. Because some things were not suitable, I didn't bring them, only a few things. After bringing these gadgets, I called Aphrodite and they went to the Mobile Angel Research Institute together. The work there is much busier than here.

The mobile angel unit of our Frost Rose League is now one of the special selling points, and the research funding is naturally inclined. However, as soon as the research funding is tilted, the researchers here can no l

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