"Since these three guys accounted for 30% of the cause of the incident, they are the key people. If we attacked them, would it have too much influence?" Kristina asked .

Shoga Matsumoto shook his head and said: "No, these three people were chosen because they have enough influence. If we randomly find a few soldiers to kill, it can be said to have an impact on the situation of the entire God World in Japan. It is equal to nothing. Because there is no impact, the incident can be big or small, and all parties can make a fuss about this matter. In the end, the actual reaction we see should be a manifestation of the entanglement of interests between Yaqi Orochi and Takatenhara Divine Race, not We want to see the manifestation of their attitudes. We can infer and see the entanglement of personal interests, so we don’t need to test at all. What we need to test is the reaction of all parties to our intervention, and at the same time We need to know what the Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race have about this civil war. These things are simply invisible by the casualties of a few soldiers. What we need is something heavy, which can touch the basic interests of both parties, but It won’t over-stimulate their goals."

"So the target you chose is pretty good." I nodded and said: "Attacking these guys can test out the eight-headed snake and the high Tianyuan Divine. Race’s specific attitude towards this civil war. If they want to carry the civil war to the end, then they will not care about this event, but will help us to downplay this incident, so that the Japanese players’ attention will be focused on the opponent. In this way, they can complete a thorough internal cleanup. In the end, only one side of the Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race can be left."

"Then if they themselves think that this time things are a bit weird, the result will be poor. What do you do if you dismiss us as public enemies?" Aphrodite asked.

Sakura Yushenchan answered: "If that's the case, wouldn't it be better?"

"Why is it better?" Aphrodite obviously didn't react.

Christina reacted and explained to Aphrodite: "We were already prepared to deal with the invasion of the Divine Race after the Eight-Divine Snake became the guild, and now we ran to Japan The purpose is to prevent the internal consumption of Japanese players, because the current Japanese players are actually part of our strength, but they can’t get it on the table. So, if the other party is just going down the donkey, it’s just for us, isn’t it? "

"This is true, but I didn't expect things to be so complicated." Aphrodite said and asked: "Matsumoto Masaka, you know the whereabouts of these three people." Where are we going to ambush them?"

"We have chosen the location of the attack for you." Masaga Matsumoto handed us a map directly. This is not a map produced by the system, but a hand-drawn map, so it is a bit non-standard, but probably the information can still be seen.

"This is the location of the ambush?" The location marked by the mountain on the map is a mountain area, and a closed area is surrounded by a circle of mountains. There are only three connecting passages between this area and the mountain. One of them is a small river, and in the process of leaving the mountain, there is still a cave to pass through the river, which is regarded as a semi-underground river. One of the other two passages is directly an underground tunnel, which is relatively difficult to walk, and according to the marks on the map, this place looks like a monster area with a large number of wild monsters inside. The last road is relatively best. This is a winding mountain road, a ravine between two mountains, and there is already a ready-made path in the middle. Although the road is very narrow, it is a road after all. Much easier to walk than underground rivers and underground passages. However, this road is not really safe, because there are two hills on both sides of the road, and these two hills happen to be two high level monster areas. Although the road itself does not belong to the monster area, the problem is that the areas on both sides of the road are all monster areas. This place is not clearly said to be the Safety Sector, but it is not enclosed by the monster area. Therefore, this road basically belongs to the edge ball area. If you have a good character, you may run back and forth dozens of times without any problem. But if you have a bad character, and the BOSS who happened to run into the two hills to make an appointment here for a collective filming when passing by, then you will have a lot of fun. Anyway, on the whole, it is one point-all three roads are not safe.

"There is no safe access, the area in the mountain is basically a closed area. And there is no resources and no monsters...It is not really no monsters, mainly because the monster level inside is more exaggerated, anyway Ordinary players can’t get in. Therefore, this place can basically be classified as a no-man’s land." Masaga Matsumoto said very positively: "In such a deserted area, you can go to war with them to minimize the image. No matter how bad it is, you can extend the time for those who may interfere with you to come."

"This place sounds good, but how can you be sure that the three goals will appear in this place? ?" Pandora asked aloud.

"This question is actually very easy to explain." Masaka Matsumoto said: "Because this place is where the three of them temporarily hid, and we happened to know this information."

"Why are the three of them hiding?" Radamantis asked.

"Is this not simple?" Kristina explained: "The three of them caused a large-scale conflict between the two high-level forces, the Baqi Orochi and the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race. Now it is equivalent to looking from both sides. They are both annoying, so of course they have to hide."

"I can understand Gao Tianyuan Divine Race hates these three guys. Why does the Baqi Orochi hate them?" Radamantis asked : "The battle between Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race was not directly ordered by the three of them. It was his own decision that Baqi Dao snake and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race had decided by himself. The three of them just came up with an idea. Are they to blame? "

"The specific situation is not very clear." Matsumoto Masaka said: "But from the information we have, the current Baqi Orochi hates these three guys very much, and the three of them originally encouraged When the Baqi Orochi went to dig the corner of the Divine Race in Gaotianyuan, it may not be as simple as persuasion. There may be some special reasons involved, but we are not clear about the specific situation. The only thing that is certain is that these three God World in Japan is very unwelcome, so we chose them as the target this time."

I nodded and said: "Anyway, the target will be three of them. Let's go and find them to try the water."

"Wait a minute." Seeing that we are leaving, Matsumoto quickly stood up and grabbed me and said, "Wait a moment."

"What's wrong? Is there anything else I need to talk about?" Pandora asked.

Peacock, who has never spoken before, also stood up and asked at this time: "Don’t you have anything else to tell us? It’s not important, just wait for us to come back."

"no no no, it's a precaution that needs to be reminded." Masaka Matsumoto said very seriously: "I was already worried when you came here, and I can't forget it this time."

"What have you forgotten?"

"It is the current situation in Japan." Masaka Matsumoto said: "Now because of the power of the Takatenhara Divine Race and the new power of the Yaqi Orochi Challenge each other, so there are various Divine Races running around all over Japan. If you are like you, if you run into it on the way..."

Don’t have to say Matsumoto Masakao to finish us. I already understood what he meant. Indeed, if things are really the same as Masaka Matsumoto said, then it would be really lucky for us to be able to run here in this way before.

This place in Japan is different from our country. Divine Race in China is quite arrogant. It seems that Divine Race in all countries has it, but Celestial Court is unique. From the factional standpoint of the Divine Race of other countries, as long as they obey, they are attracted, and as long as they resist, they are hostile. However, China's Celestial Court, in addition to attitude issues, also attaches great importance to birth issues. The Divine Immortal in Celestial Court is almost all orthodox immortal, while Divine Beast is a separate one, which is not the same as Divine Immortal. As for Demon Immortal, this is just a statement. In fact, there are not many Demon Immortal in the entire Celestial Court, and most of the monsters are all excluded by the Celestial Court, so that there will be an opposition between the Celestial Court and the Monster Race in China.

However, apart from China, other countries have never been classified in this way. In Divine Races of other countries, devil beasts or cultivation high level creatures are treated differently based on whether they can be communicated and accepted. As long as they can follow certain rules, most Divine Races are willing to accept these powerful non-humanoid creatures. However, despite this, Japan is still a special country.

Although Divine Races in Europe and most parts of the world do not exclude non-human creatures like Celestial Court, they can only accept these non-human creatures, and they don’t really treat them as equivalent. The existence of, in some respects, the status of those non-human creatures in these Divine Races is still low. However, Japan is a very special country. They are the only ones who directly regard all capable creatures such as demons and ghosts as gods.

To put it simply, the Japanese view is: As long as you are stronger than you are, you are a god. No matter what you are, good or evil, it doesn’t matter. As long as you are strong enough, you are a god. . Therefore, the Divine Race in Japan is actually a Divine Race that has been greatly expanded. Regardless of the strength of the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race and Celestial Court, it is completely incomparable, but in terms of the number of personnel, the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race can be said to be no less than the sky. The reason is that there are even ordinary persons in the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race. The low-level monsters of Celestial Court, and the worst among Celestial Court can reach the battle strength of at least one thousand players. This is the difference between the two.

Although the number of people may not necessarily be strong, it is also because of the large number of people in the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, so the cohesion is not strong, so the eight-headed snake has just established a monastery or sect, and immediately pulled it over. A loyal follower of the gang. These guys rebelled against the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race along with the eight-headed snake, and then formed a new force. Now the number of personnel on both sides is not low, and they are filled with a large number of low-level monsters. Although the density of so many people scattered in Japan cannot be said to be very high, it is definitely quite a lot. Maybe these guys will be knocked out if they run into any one of us here, but they are Divine Race after all, and they have their own Divine Soul Seal in the core of divine force. The divine force core is basically an airplane black box with wireless transmission capabilities. The black box of the plane can record the data and communication content of the plane crash so that the subsequent accident handlers can analyze the cause of the plane crash, and the Divine Soul Seal in the core of divine force can let the main god of the tribe know his own person. What kind of enemy was killed by it. Although this information will not be too detailed, it is enough to reveal our identity.

"Damn, putting it that way, we have to keep a low profile!" Kristina said, and asked Yingyu, "Do you have a carriage or something here? Get us one." Right. I see on the map, it seems that the place is not far away from our place. Let's take the car directly. It is blocked by a carport. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

nodded and said: "This is okay, but you can't use our car. If you want to use it, please use this Monarch car."

"Why?" Kristina looked towards Masaka Matsumoto with confusion. .

Sure enough, Masaka Matsumoto explained: "August Kaun and their car are specially made and very ostentatious. After all, you also know that the three of them are now considered national idols in Japan, so the star chasers There must be a lot of what. If their special cars appear outside, they will definitely be watched. So you'd better not use their cars. I can use the ordinary carriage of the new Black Dragon Club to send you there, and then load up the goods. To form a small convoy, you will treat it as a escort, which is easy to disguise."

I nodded and said: "Then you hurry up and prepare, we will leave in a while."

After Masaka Matsumoto went out to prepare, Radamantis asked out aloud: "Why don't you fly?"

The peacock helped me replied: "The sky is unobstructed, and most people may not see it. Divine Race will definitely find us. The divine force on you and me is almost the same as a few small suns in the sky. It is impossible to be discovered if you don’t want to be discovered!"

"That way! I should have known it a long time ago. Bring the cloak of Hades!"

"What is the cloak of Hades?" Kristina asked.

Pandora replied: "It is a special item of the underworld. After putting it on, it can block the power fluctuations. Even if we put it on, the leaked power fluctuations will not exceed one ordinary person. But that kind of It’s worse for people who are knowledgeable."

"Why?" Kristina asked stupidly.

I replied: "Because people who know how to do this know that this Pluto cloak can cover energy fluctuations, but you wear a Pluto cloak or the surging power leaks out. This is not clear to tell people if you are super strong. Why else can't even this kind of masking props completely conceal your breath?"

Kristina suddenly realized nodded after listening to my explanation: "What do I say! If you say this, we You really can’t do that."

Pandora said: "In fact, if you walk from the ground, you don’t have to worry so much. The earth has a strong ability to absorb and tolerate various forces, so we only need to If you don’t exceed a certain height on the ground, a large part of your own power will be obscured. Unless you happen to be hit by someone, most people can’t feel it."

"Now I finally understand why everyone Said that the chairperson's mount is the best." Kristina sighed.

"Huh?" Pandora didn't understand what Kristina meant.

Kristina explained: "The guildmaster’s mount Nightshade is the nightmare, and his ability is to walk in the void. It can move fast against the ground, not only can maintain the speed of flying creatures, but also Because it moves close to the ground, the power radiation is greatly absorbed, and the concealment ability is much better than ordinary flying creatures."

Pandora nodded said: "Nightmare is indeed a very good mount, and Purple Moon’s nightmare is also the best of the best, but when it comes to the strongest mount, there are actually other better things."

Kristina originally planned to ask what it is. , But Masaga Matsumoto just came back to inform us that everything was ready, so we followed him and left here.

Although it is said to take a carriage, this carriage is not from here, but from a city near the target location. We use Transmission Formation from here to directly transmit to that target city. This city is a city directly under the jurisdiction of Matsumoto Masaka, and it is very close to the target location, where Matsumoto Masaka's control is very strong. We were sent here secretly, and we covered our physical features with a huge cloak, and the people in the Transmission Formation were temporarily emptied. After all, this is a city directly under the jurisdiction of Masaga Matsumoto, so it's okay to close the teleportation hall for a while.

After we left the teleportation hall, we were secretly sent to a relatively large four-wheeled carriage, and there were several cars on the front and back of this car. The entire fleet has a total of eight cars. The size is not small, the all black caravan completely concealed the scene in the compartment, and we sat inside it can be said to be quite safe. Of course, there is a premise here that we cannot run into the real high level Divine Race, otherwise our breath will be discovered immediately. As for the low-level Divine Race, there is no need to worry about that. On the ground, as long as we don't take the initiative to exhale, it is difficult to directly feel the low-level Divine Race.

The people specially selected by Masaga Matsumoto are people who know the true identity of Masaga Matsumoto, so we are well protected. The convoy successfully passed the city gate and embarked on the truth to another city. The valley we are going to is next to the two cities, and the road in the ravine sandwiched by the two mountains is just in the area between the two cities, from the road connecting the two cities. You can turn on this road. Of course, because the monster level over there is too high, basically no one will pass.

Because the fork on the trail is closer to the city we came out of, the convoy reached one of the forks in less than twenty minutes. This place is a three-way intersection. Turn left and you can turn onto that path. To the right is to the next city.

The convoy did not stop at the fork, but Captain, who led the team, came to remind us that we were ready to get off. Because here are all high-level combatants, there are no old, weak, women, children, so there is no need to stop, we just jumped out one by one.

After we landed, the convoy continued to move forward, and the Captain pointed to the road and said to us: "Go straight from here and see a fork in the road. You continue in the direction of the road. Going forward is the road into the mountain, and another fork that is almost parallel to this road will turn back on this road. There are road signs in that place, and generally will not go wrong."

I nodded: "Okay, let's go, let people discover that we are not good together."

The Captain nodded quickly returned to the team, and then the team accelerated and left here. A few of us didn't stop at the fork, and after we separated from the convoy, we walked directly on the road over there. After advancing less than five hundred meters, I saw the fork in the road that Captain said. There are road signs at the crossing, and you can understand it at a glance. Continue along the road, the road began to narrow obviously, and the bushes on both sides were almost squeezed together, leaving only a path less than half a foot wide, and the road was very difficult to walk up and down.

"This road is not easy to walk, shall we ride on a mount?" I turned around and asked Pandora and Kristina, where they are the worst in physical fitness, and the others are basically showing Type, even Aphrodite is a brute force, so the only problem is these two.

Pandora didn’t pay much attention to my inquiry. She is a Divine Race after all. The physique is worse than our group. Compared with the ordinary person, she is basically too strong. How can you be unable to hold on to the mountain trail? Kristina was the only one who couldn't stand it. Her attributes are indeed good, but she is a mage after all, and the physique is mainly added with attributes such as spirit strength. The endurance and strength have not been strengthened much, and the sky is stronger than the ordinary person. Although she can not only fight melee when she uses the elemental body, but she is also very vigorous, but that is a skill. Now she is just on the road. She can't even use the skill to walk, right?

"I'm really tired. President, borrow your mount, right?"

"Okay, you guys wait a moment." As I said, I just put Ye Ying and Xiaoxue released everything, and then temporarily lent Yekage to Pandora, while Kristina rode on Xiaoxue. As a silver-winged unicorn, although Xiaoxue can't float around like Ye Ying, at least she is also a high-level devil beast, and after all, she has four hooves, so she is much more secure than two legs.

Seeing that summon had a mount on our side, Aphrodite also released his mount. But I think she didn't want to be lazy, but felt that walking was boring, so she summoned the mount.

Aphrodite’s mount is a white lion that has always been rare. The whole body is made of silver, shiny and shiny, and this guy’s claws and teeth are the same as diamonds. Transparent and very beautiful.

Although the lion in reality is a creature on the grassland, this is in the game. Besides, this lion of Aphrodite is not a normal lion, but a Divine Beast, so I started to walk. Not to mention the rapid speed, there was no movement at all. Sure enough, cats are suitable for sneak attacks, and their footsteps are too concealed. Of course, Aphrodite this lion is probably impossible to sneak attack any creatures. After all, this guy's color is too sloppy, let alone disguise, this is almost catching up with the warning color!

Aphrodite, riding a lion, took the initiative to take on the task of exploring the road, and ran to the front of the team. Although I don’t want her to run so fast, today’s Aphrodite Tu is a bit over-excited, and I don't know why she is so happy.

Although Radamantis and Peacock each have their own mounts, they do not have summon, but walk with me. Of course, when it comes to walking, most people may not be able to keep up even if they run at full speed. After all, we are physically fit, and we can jump out seven or eight meter away with just a little bit of the ground. There is no feeling of climbing or something, and the jumping up and down the mountain, there is no feeling of tiredness at all.

"The map says this road shouldn't be very long. We should probably get to the place after walking for a long time, right?" Kristina, who was riding on the mount, asked aloud after walking for a while. road.

The peacock looked at the surrounding environment and said: "It looks like it has entered the deep mountain and old forest area, but I don’t know how deep it is."

"Afu Rodity ran to the front alone for a long time and didn't come back. There will be no accident, right?" Radamantis asked with some worry.

"I'm not worried about Aphrodite. She is also Divine Race. It's not that easy to go wrong. I'm just worried that if she encounters a diversion, she will be in trouble if she goes the wrong way." Pandora also Expressed his concerns.

"What are you talking about me?" We were talking here, and didn't expect Aphrodite to come back by himself.

I looked at her and asked, "How is the situation up front?"

"It's a bit bad." Aphrodite suddenly said something like this, which made us all It was a stunned.

"What do you mean by bad words?"

"There are traces of battle ahead." Aphrodite said.

"Battle traces?"

"In this place?"

Radamantis and Kristina both looked at Afu in surprise Roddite asked.

Aphrodite nodded and said: “It’s not far in front. It should be the inner exit of the valley. The terrain over there is obviously flatter, but there is a large area of ​​trees nearby. It fell down. And it didn’t look like it fell down naturally, but was broken. I also saw some burn marks in the vicinity. A few big trees were obviously burned, and there were other tree trunks. The traces of sharp cutting."

Pandora frowned and asked: "Do you feel the fluctuations of magic power or divine force?"

Aphrodite shook his head and said: "This me I didn't pay attention!"

When I heard this, I almost fell on the ground. I said that Aphrodite volunteered to run as a scout before it was purely over-excited, and it was simply not that she often did it. As a scout, you must at least figure out the surrounding situation. However, even though Aphrodite's battle strength was reasonable, this battle experience was really not flattering. He didn't even know how to survey the battlefield. Analyzing the energy fluctuations left over from the battlefield can roughly determine the type and strength of the magical abilities of both sides in the battle. Such a simple matter Aphrodite actually said that she didn't pay attention.

"Let's go and take a look." Peacock's character is relatively straightforward, so he directly proposed when he saw this situation.

Now there is no other way except this method, I have to take them forward. Fortunately, Aphrodite is not an idiot, she is just inexperienced, but her head is not stupid, so she at least knows that the traces of battle in that place are not just left, it should be at least one day away.

Since the battlefield has been on the battlefield for more than a day, both sides should already not in the vicinity, so that we can safely approach.

Although Aphrodite said that the front is the battlefield, we only realized that the so-called front should be far ahead when we got there. Sure enough, we saw the battlefield after turning around a forest. The area around several hundred meters has been turned into an open space. Almost all the trees that were originally dense fell to the ground. Some trees were clearly forcibly broken by huge forces. Not only did the trunk part show obvious signs of breaking, even the trees The soil around the roots was lifted up. If the trunk were harder, the roots would have to come out of the soil.

Compared to Aphrodite, a two-knife scout, among the other people here, except Pandora, who rarely participated directly in the battle, the others were all rolled out on the battlefield, so survey the battlefield. The environment is definitely expert, and I also released the more professional king. As a hero, the king is an undead creature formed by the condensation of the souls of many soldiers who died on the battlefield. What kind of battlefield have these soldiers not seen? Their memories are good battlefield analysis data.

After our investigation, a lot of information was immediately discovered.

Ladamantis first said: "There are more than one or two creatures participating in the battle. There should be more than twenty creatures fighting here. Many different footprints were found on the ground. Among them are two creatures. The size of the tree should be very large. The trees over there were crushed by one of the creatures. I saw blood stains at the break of the trunk. That creature may have been injured, and the wound was not caused by the tree. The blood stains are very wide and the number It’s very big, it seems that the injury is not light."

Kristina also said: "There are very thin magical fluctuations in the air, and the other party uses no magic."

Peacock also nodded and said: "The other party uses magic, I can feel Monster Qi, and it is very heavy. You may not pay attention, there are some dead creatures' souls around, there may be one or a few evil factions. Demon."

Pandora said afterwards: "I also sensed a slight divine force fluctuation. Divine Race may have intervened here."

"Just look at it. Can you find so many things by looking?" Aphrodite asked, looking at us in surprise.

The king walked directly, and two green lights from his eyes met in front of us to project a picture. In the picture, two giant beasts and a group of little monsters were fighting, and one of them He was only severely injured. This picture is not freeze-frame, but constantly changing. It looks like a comic strip, but there seems to be some lack of pictures in the middle, so it is a little bit incoherent, but probably the meaning is clear.

When we had finished watching, the king took back the screen and said, "I just ate the soul of a little monster who participated in the battle. This is his memory fragment, but this guy died early. As a result of the battle, he I didn't see it."

"Don't take you like this!" Aphrodite looked at the picture that was just projected, feeling that she was a scout so embarrassed. In addition to discovering that this is a battlefield, she hardly brought back any useful information. On the contrary, we judged a lot of things with just a little trace. The king came to the battlefield to reproduce it, but the picture was incomplete.

Pandora said, "I still don’t see the traces of Divine Race in the picture."

I interrupted her and said, "You don’t understand the situation a bit. From Japan. Divine Race is rather chaotic. Gods, ghosts and snakes, everything can become gods, so some Divine Races may seem unremarkable. You can imagine that the original Olympus Divine Race would be considered genuine Divine if it even cleaned the temple. Race, what would it look like. Japan is basically like that."

Pandora asked in surprise, "Is it like this in Japan?"

Peacock Seriously nodded and said: "It is true. I heard that there is a very common Divine Race creature in Japan called Kappa. It looks like a creature that is a hybrid between a duck and a frog. The only thing that can be counted is the ability to spell. It can spray high-pressure water jets, and the formidable power is not as good as the ordinary magician's Level 1 Water Arrow Technique. When hitting an ordinary person, at most, it will make a person somersault. The Water Arrow Technique can still make a hole in the person. You can't even get out of the hole. And these guys can't take too long after leaving the water, or they will die. The ability of hand-to-hand combat is not as good as the primary level Ghost Statue that is very common on your side. As long as you are not afraid, three or five farmers hold it. A hoe can kill him. You said that such a creature is also a Divine Race. If there is a Divine Race in the creature we just saw, can you see it?"

Pandora looked down after listening to it. Weirdly said: "Sure enough, there is no lack of strange things in the world. If this is the case, then my previous experience is useless. Judging from the divine force I feel, the Divine Race participating in the battle is indeed The strength is very weak. This is closer to what you said. I at first thought that the other party did not make a move. The knowledge I felt exudes a little divine force from him!"

"If only A little bit of divine force has this strength, what strength should the body be?" I turned around and asked Pandora.

Pandora thought for a while and said: "I should have the strength of my one third."

"That's not very weak, right?" Kristina asked.

"But you said that the other party is very weak, so I think this may be the remaining divine force of the other party's skills. If this is the case, the opponent's strength may be between 700 and 800. Between the battle strengths of wild devil beasts."

"Level seven or eight hundred?" Kristina exclaimed after hearing it, "It's really not an ordinary weak!"

" What do you think is the cause of this battlefield?" Radamantis asked suddenly: "Will it be the cause of our three goals?"

I shook my head and said: "According to Masaka Matsumoto According to the information, those three guys are still quite strong and won't be so bad. So I guess this was just an unexpected battle, but it happened that the battlefield made us run into it. Let's talk about this trace. It’s been at least two and a half days since I got up."

"Three days to be exact." The king added, "That soul remembers this way."

"If If this is the case, then we don’t need to make any adjustments to our plan and just move forward.” Pandora asked, “The information provided by Matsumoto Masaka earlier said that there is a temple where the three guys are hiding. The same building, this place seems to be quite large, how do we find it?"

"About this, I think it's very simple." As I said, I turned to Peacock, and said, "Thank you. ."

Because I told Peacock about this before, she immediately started to implement it.


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