"President, he was introduced by me. He has just joined the guild staff recently." An older female staff member stood up and said.

The staff of the guild is quite large. Except for individual staff who are leading specific tasks, most of me are familiar with them. I also know this female staff member. He is an old man in the guild. , But I don’t know the name, after all, I’m the president. All members of the guild can remember my name, but I was impossible to memorize the names of the people in the guild deliberately, at most just by the way after listening to it.

"Your thoughts are very thorough, and you are very unique in looking at the problem, but it seems too shy."

The female staff officer said: "President, Xiaojun is autistic. The disease is only initially cured, and being able to communicate with people normally is already a huge improvement."

Hearing this reason, I was nodded. If you have autism, being able to talk to people like this is indeed a pretty good, huge improvement.

I waved my hand for them to sit down, and then I said: "This analysis is very useful, so do you think it is appropriate to execute this kind of guess as a basis?"

Sumi Said: "I think it is more credible, but this is a major event after all, and you can't make a casual decision. So I think it's best to experiment first and see the reaction before deciding whether to implement the second phase plan."

"This method is safe." I thought about it to the military Shinto: "Integrate intelligence and give me an execution plan."

"Only solve one target?"

"No, you do an overall plan, and then give me the first action."

"Wait a minute."

After all, it is a large plan, like a military god I waited for more than ten minutes, but no one said anything. This is the supercomputer of the military god. Replaced by the actual human staff, it is considered high if the complete plan can be worked out within three days. level talent. You must know that the plan made by the military gods has always been not one drop of water can leak out. The action schedule that is accurate to the second and the auxiliary advice for each person’s equipment will definitely make most of the staff jealous. After all, human energy is limited, and no matter how great a staff member is, it is impossible for every soldier to make a personal plan for each soldier, but the military god can easily do this.

While the military god is writing the plan over there, we have discussed some issues on the Russian side. Now the meaning of the Russians profiting from somebody's misfortune is obvious, but because of the situation in Japan and there has been no offense, they have to wait there. In fact, I suspect that Russia does not know that something is wrong with Japan, otherwise they will not appear so active on the border recently.

Just after discussing matters on the Russian side, the plan of the military god came out. I told everyone about the plan and sent it to everyone. After that, I nodded and said: "Just click this for now."

"Who do you want to take to the 1st stage mission?" Rose finished reading the plan. I found that there are only suggestions but no specific personnel in the elite personnel arrangement, so I can only ask me. After all, I must take part in this kind of thing myself.

"For the elite, I don't think I should bring them this time."

"Huh?" Rose looked at me in surprise and asked, "Why didn't you bring people?"

"It’s not that it’s not without people, but it’s not suitable for bringing ordinary combatants."

"Gold coin, which of them is ordinary?"

"I’m not That’s what I mean.” I explained: “This battle is a magical battle, and it’s not impossible to take the player there, but the 1st Step is a temptation, so we need powerful personnel who can cope with various emergencies, even if it’s the player alone. No matter how strong you are, you will have trouble with a large number of Divine Races."

"So you plan to bring the guild Divine Race to the past?"

I nodded and said: "God It’s best to use Divine Race. For the players...none of them seems to work."

"How do you arrange the personnel?"

"Divine Race here I haven’t decided on the candidates yet. I want to see who is free to talk about them later. As for the players, just bring Christina. Real red and gold coin have just got new equipment, and they are still When doing adaptive training, it’s okay to take them out for tasks at this time, but it’s a little too dangerous to participate in the battle of God."

"In this case, then I have no objection."

"Do you want them to help?" When I heard Rose, I realized that Rose didn't really care who I took here, but she wanted to know if True Red and gold coin were on the list. It was obvious that she had her own things that needed them both to do.

Rose didn’t lie to me, and said directly: “There’s a little problem in China recently, and you need high-end martial power to frighten you, so you have to at least leave me with Zhenhong, gold coin and Christina. One person. Two are enough now, Christina, you can take it away."

I nodded and said: "That’s it. Military god, help me inform Christina, you may need it this afternoon She went on missions with me. I first went to Vina and Hades to see the chaos and order of Divine Race. I will inform her before departure."

"Understood." Military God is concise Replied.

The discussion on the basic issues was over. After the meeting was disbanded, I went directly to the main temple. Not only did I not find Venus, but even Spark and Peacock were not there. The whole main temple except for a few low-level Divines left behind. Outside of Race, all the rest are guards.

"Where are the people? Why are there so many people left?" After turning around and seeing no one, I had to stop a passing low-level Divine Race and inquired about it.

"Don't the president know?" The Divine Race who was stopped by me looked at me in surprise and asked.

"What should I know?"

"The Sea God Temple is completed today. President, haven't you received the notice to participate in the completion ceremony?"

< p>"Completed ceremony?"

"It's just to celebrate the completion of the Sea God Temple."

"Okay, go and do your job, I know." Let that Divine Race left, and I directly contacted the god of war. As the communication relay center of our guild, the military god understands guild affairs more quickly than anyone in our guild.

Sure enough, the military god knows the situation. Upon receiving my inquiry, the military god immediately replied: "I know about this. This Sea God Temple is newly built under the harbour of Isengard Ground City. It should be a new addition after the Battle of Olympus last time. It was built at the request of Poseidon. It was completed today, so I sent an internal invitation. Most of the guild’s guild Divine Race now participates in the celebration ceremony. I didn’t notify you because this invitation is only for chaos and order. All members of Divine Race did not invite player members to participate."

I can accept this answer. After all, Divine Race does not involve ordinary persons. For Poseidon's veteran Divine Race, the habit is impossible to change in a short time. Therefore, I am not angry that they have forgotten me. Anyway, I am not the only one who has been forgotten.

Since I know that the Divine Race of the guild has reached the Sea God Temple, I naturally don't have to run around, just go straight over. Poseidon, they just forgot to inform me to participate, but they didn't let me participate. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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