"New equipment naming-so close, yet worlds apart."

"Confirm the new equipment naming. Special equipment so close, yet worlds apart is already available "

With the completion of the system hint, the small copycat Divine Kingdom refined for me by Supreme Taoist has finally entered the official equipment sequence. Of course, this thing is a copycat after all. Although it may not be worse than the real Divine Kingdom in some aspects of performance, its comprehensive ability is still worse than millions miles apart. But this is not a problem. What we need is this thing that can help us block the eight-pointed snake, and I don't expect anything else.

After handing over this Small World, I said goodbye to Supreme Taoist and went to meet Jade Emperor. After informing Jade Emperor of my preparations, Jade Emperor told me about the recent War preparations on Celestial Court. After ventilating each other, I left Celestial Court and returned to Isengard, but then I suddenly felt a little bit of nothing to do.

Suddenly, we found that the eight-headed snake appeared with a divine force core, which made us messy. After learning that the Oki Orochi had the intention of counterattacking Central Plains world, we were even more busy. We were afraid that the Orochi Orochi would suddenly bring a large number of Japanese players to kill when the time comes. It's really a big trouble. During this period of time, I was running around pretending to be pitiful, even threatening and tempting, and constantly pretending to be cute, in order to gather enough defensive forces as soon as possible, and at least to ensure Isinger's safety. After all, if Baqi Orochi wants to counterattack Central Plains world, it must bring Japanese players, and once Japanese players participate, Isinger of our guild must be the first target, so I was afraid to die before. I was worried that I would kill Baqi Orochi before I was ready.

But now I am ready. The support that each Divine Race can provide is basically in place, and we have prepared everything that should be prepared or that can be prepared. At this time, the Baqi Orochi hurried over to fight. However, after waiting until now, the Baqi Orochi has no news.

From the previous situation, Baqi Orochi is very impatient. Ordinarily, as long as he is ready, he should bring people to kill right away. However, I am from Europe and Africa. After a long lap, half of the world came here, but the Baqi Orochi is still in Japan, which is a bit strange.

The divine force core of the Baqi Orochi was picked up. Although the thing is a complete divine force core, it is unlikely that the Baqi Orochi will be recruited for a while, that is to say he In fact, it is a lonely family. As for the Japanese players. Even if it is organizing players from all over Japan to participate in the battle, it shouldn't take so long, right? You should know that "Zero" is a game after all, and many of its settings are obviously much faster than the actual situation. It's been almost half of the national mobilization in reality for so long. How could it be possible that there was no movement at all after so long in the game?

Because of the weird situation, I finally contacted Masaga Matsumoto and asked about the specific situation.


"What's the situation on your side? Why is there no news at all for so long?"

" Hey, we didn’t have time to talk to you about this matter." Masaka Matsumoto explained: "We have an accident here."


Matsumoto Zhenghe nodded and said: "To be exact, there is a very big situation, so it is possible that Baqi Orochi will not be free to find trouble on your side in a short time."

"In the end What's the situation?"

"This speaking of which is more complicated. Do you know the boss of Divine Race Gao Tianyuan?"

"Of course. What's the matter?"

"The Baqi Orochi was a member of the Takatenhara Divine Race before, but now the Baqi Orochi has the divine force core and wants to change to the guild Divine Race, which is equivalent to weakening the power of the Takatenhara Divine Race. In addition, , Baqi Orochi is not simply wanting to transfer by himself. This guy wants to dig a few Gaotianyuan Divine Races from Gaotianyuan Divine Race and transfer with him. If Baqi Orochi wants to change jobs by himself, this Gaotianyuan Divine Race is out of The reason for not guilty of the Eight-Divine Snake may have opened his eyes, but now this guy is not only going to go, but also digging people, Gao Tianyuan Divine Race naturally quit."

"What about then? How did you solve it?"

"I didn’t solve it successfully. Now it’s a mess. Even the players have been completely drawn into the war. I have been too busy for the past two days. I’m fighting fire everywhere, otherwise I won’t forget to let them tell you."

I was also surprised when I heard Matsumoto’s explanation. Didn’t expect things to develop into this way. "What's the specific situation on your side now? Do you need support from the headquarters?"

After hearing my words, Matsumoto said with a bitter expression: "I said Purple Moon, you are not deliberately Am I sad?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"I said that I was busy all day long in the past few days, and you actually asked me Do you want to support? I don’t know if you really need support? But even if you want to support me, you have to have a way to support it. Now it’s all internal struggles among Japanese players. I don’t have anything to intervene at worst, but you No! We don’t talk about the expert of the guild, but you said which one to pull out and put it in Japan is not a blockbuster? Wouldn’t it be more chaotic when it fails to extinguish the fire, and a new fire is lit? Finally, I have to finish it. Didn’t you say that you deliberately wanted to suffocate me?"

"Sorry, I didn’t expect so much." I hesitated a little and said, "Then what are you doing mainly now? Huh? The Japanese players have made it clear that they are supporting two Divine Races, and then they are fighting each other or something else?"

"It is not that they are making clear that they are supporting one force. The current situation is rather chaotic. Let me tell you this. Japanese players are now basically divided into three parts except those who are not involved in this matter at all. The first is Nobunaga oni's gang. They are now vigorously supporting the eight-headed snake pull People come out to do it alone, and the purpose is obviously to use this to make a good relationship with the eight-headed snake, and then make the eight-headed snake become their guild Divine Race. Although I completely suppressed Nobunaga in terms of player support, but as long as He can get the right to join the Baqi Orochi, which is bound to attract a large number of players to his side. That is to say, as long as he can successfully win the Baqi Orochi, Nobunaga Guishou will have a chance to come back."

< p>I nodded and said: "I understand this. So what's the matter with the other two forces?"

"One of the other two parties is a mercenary player. This group of people The grudge between Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race does not actually have any tendency, but because both sides are now offering high-priced teams of hired players in order to gain strength, there is such a large group of mercenary players. These people have always belonged to them. Unstable. With the constant changes in the prices on both sides, the identity of this group of people is constantly changing. Today is the subordinate of Baqi Dashe, tomorrow may be the supporter of Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, in short, they actually do not support Either side, but it happens to be the largest force in all player categories, and the tendency is extremely unstable. This is one of the reasons why this matter is not easy to handle."

"If you divide this way, are you spies in the third category?"

"Of course not." Matsumoto Masaga said : "If we are also included, we will be the fourth category. The third type of people should actually be considered conservatives, or Gao Tianyuan Divine Race supporters. The opinions of these people are rather peculiar. They believe that Japan now does not have much war potential to fight China. The Baqi Orochi are radicals. They think that if the Baqi Orochi takes a stick, the original Kotenhara Divine Race becomes the guild Divine Race, it will definitely increase the confidence of some Japanese radicals. When the time comes, these people will Do some more radical things, which in turn harmed the whole of Japan. Therefore, the conservatives hope that the more moderate Gao Tianyuan Divine Race will continue to take charge of the divine force, and they do not hope that guys like the eight-headed snake will emerge and drag Japan into the quagmire of war ahead of time. "

"I now understand why the fighting continues. "After pondering for a while, I first said to Masaga Matsumoto: "I won't talk to you about the situation on your side for the time being. The scope of this matter is a bit wide, and I need to consult with the think tanks on the guild side. . "

"Okay, let me know if you have a decision. "

After cutting the connection on Masaka Matsumoto's side, I quickly connected to the military god, and then asked him to call a guild think tank to discuss this matter together.

"It will happen. This kind of thing? "Hearing the situation reported by me, the think tanks of the guild who just gathered were also quite surprised.

Military god explained to me: "Because the pressure of the eight-pointed snake is coming. It’s big, so we’ve been preparing for the battle with all our strength recently. What needs to be done now is to make a solution to this incident as soon as possible. Can we make a profit from this incident, and there is a need for this incident to continue, do we need to intervene? If it is necessary to continue, how should we deal with it, if not, how should we deal with it, and in case we need to intervene, then in what capacity and method should we intervene, as well as the degree of intervention and the goal to be achieved, these All need to be clarified. "

"It seems there are a lot of things! "Several staff players in the think tank sighed there, but before they could say a few words, they were trained by Su Mi, and then the guys were completely honest.

"Now Although the situation is very complicated, it should not be too difficult to think separately. "Sumi thought for a while and said: "In any case, this incident is not a bad thing for us at least. "

"This is true. "Rose nodded and said: "Even though we have prepared so many defensive measures, it can be said that as long as the eight-pointed snake is really killed, our Isengard will definitely bear a certain loss. Therefore, it is not a bad thing that the Baqi Orochi is dragged in Japan. However, Japan is now an area we indirectly control after all, and the internal friction of Japanese players is too strong, and our losses here can be huge. "

"But after all, it is Japan's internal affairs. We don't talk about non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, but even if we want to interfere, we can't get involved? "Hong Yue said: "The group of people in our guild can't show up in Japan. People who can operate in Japan have been sent to Masaga Matsumoto. At this time, we really want to intervene and can't get in! "

"I don't think it is necessary. "Sumi said suddenly: "Since our identity is destined, we might as well simply oppress the Japanese as foreign invaders. If they don't make peace, we will force them to make peace." "

"hey hey hey, So Mi, are you right?" "I looked at Su Mi in surprise and said, "Aren't you usually smart?" Why are you talking nonsense today? For the Japanese players, that is the existence of a mortal enemy. We ran to oppress the Japanese players. They were at peace, and their muzzles were all unanimous. When the time comes, we were unlucky. Isn't this more than worth the loss? "

"Aren't they all in unison now? "One of the staff members said.

The other staff members immediately refuted: "At least now they have forgotten that our foreign enemy has become a group, but if we go to Japan, it is tantamount to preaching our existence. NS. This is definitely the same as opening a mock full-screen attack, when the time comes we will definitely be very passive. "

Somi frowned after thinking for a while and then said: "I was ill-considered just now, but this matter does require our intervention, and Matsumoto alone will definitely not be able to handle it. "

"The problem now is that even if we are added, it is still a problem. "Rose said: "This matter is not simply a confusion among Japanese players. Don't think about it. The essence of this incident is still the issue of Divine Race, and it involves the very difficult existence of the Eight-Divine Orochi. We originally couldn't completely fight against the Eight-Divine Orochi, and we had to ask foreign aid for sponsorship everywhere. Now the battlefield has become in Japanese territory. We have lost our local advantage. There is no local NPCDivine Race to escort us. We have to deal with everything ourselves. On the contrary, on their turf, whether it is the Baqi Orochi or the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, the restrictions on them from the system will be much smaller. The gap between this minus one plus ours will only be wider than before, and we simply cannot guarantee our own safety. So, this kind of thing is useless even if we are reinforcements, because our reinforcements cannot even offset the resulting rebound of the Japanese Divine Race, so if we can’t solve this problem, even if we can mobilize people to help. no good. "

"Then what shall we do now? "Hong Yue asked: "These people in the guild headquarters can't move. Those who can go to Japan are already at Matsumoto's. Doesn't this mean that we don't have the probability of reinforcements at all? "

As soon as Hong Yue said this, everyone around immediately fell into complete silence. This time everyone was really a bit crazy. You said this was a mess. We were watching and doing it. Anxious, wanting to help but still can’t help, this is even more depressing than being defeated by others.

"That..." A player in the think tank suddenly raised his hand and made a cowardly voice.

The eyes of everyone in the conference hall focused on the past. The guy was obviously a super shy guy, and he was drew back by our gaze. Because now everyone is gone. A way, so we desperately hope to get a way. Seeing that the little fellow seemed to have some thoughts, I asked aloud: "If you have any thoughts, just say it and let everyone analyze it. If you say something wrong, no one will blame you. Just It's to open up everyone's ideas. "

After hearing what I said, the timid little fellow finally stood up and said in a cowering: "Um...I just want to say that we can actually reinforce. "

Hong Yue seems to have something to say, but looking at her hideous expression, I'm afraid she will scare the timid guy. Although I don't know why this player is like a lamb among wolves Status, but I am more concerned about his thoughts now, so I took the first step to suppress Hong Yue who was about to speak, and then asked in as gentle a tone as possible: "How did you come to such a conclusion? Can you analyze it for us? "

The other side first looked back at another staff member beside him, and after getting the encouraging look from the other side, he nodded and said: "That's how I think. Our guild is not unable to participate in such reinforcements, but because our people will be counterattacked by Japanese players and Divine Race as soon as they enter Japan, so we can't reinforcements. "

I nodded that he said very well, and motioned him to continue.

Encouraged, this guy seemed to have grown more courageous, and then began to say: "Everyone is worried The incident is a joint counterattack, but the joint also takes time. It takes time to dispatch and deploy troops, and our guild has super mobile capabilities. If we abandon the reinforcements of the large corps and switch to special forces, use a small amount of elite forces, and quickly evacuate from fixed-point strikes, so that the opponent will not have the opportunity to unite. As for the suspension of the war between Japanese players and turning their guns at us... I think this is actually nothing to worry about. "

"I admit that your previous ideas are pretty good. Our high mobility can indeed do what you said. But why do you say you don’t have to worry about Japanese players playing against us? "

The think tank said: "This is the president. I think that this time the matter is actually still the issue of Divine Race in Japan. The Japanese players are simply involved in the Divine Race war. We can look at things separately. Before there was no such thing as the eight-pointed snake, didn't Japanese players regard us as enemies of life and death? But we can still manage and manipulate Japanese players through Matsumoto Masaka, which shows that whether Japanese players are hostile to us does not affect our interests in Japan, because the source of our interests in Japan is the Japanese players themselves, not ours in Japan. Substantial industry. The reason why we are out of control of this interest now is because Japanese players are attracted to the battle and left our board. What we have to do is to find a goal for Japanese players that they feel is more valuable, and then let them return to our strategic system. As long as we frequently appear in Japan, Japanese players will reunite with Matsumoto Masaga because of our threats, and our interests will be restored. As for Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race... they will not end the battle because of the player's departure. The situation of Japanese players is just an extension of the divine battle between Yaqi Orochi and Takatenhara Divine Race, and as long as the contradiction between the two exists, the contradiction between Takatenhara Divine Race and Matsumoto Masaga is impossible to end. As long as they don't end the war, they won't be able to deal with us. Therefore, this matter is actually very simple, and it is our own thinking that it is complicated. "

"Okay, the analysis is in place. What is your name? Why do I have no impression of you? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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