Gold coin didn't get the chance to synthesize, but no matter what, she already got the best equipment like Taiji Sword, so she didn't complain too much. Of course, Kristina was relatively excited. There is a chance of 100% synthesis. This is definitely the most direct way to improve your strength. Be aware that the equipment positions on each player are limited, unless it is the kind of auxiliary equipment that can take effect in the package, most of the normal equipment will occupy a fixed equipment position, so even if you have a lot of good equipment , You can only choose one to install, and the others can only be sold or left there to get moldy.

However, with this kind of 100% synthesis opportunity, the result is completely different. Under normal circumstances, equipment can also be used for synthesis, and you can also choose the synthesis method. For example, take a piece of equipment as the basis, and then combine another piece or pieces of equipment into this basic equipment. At the same time, in this process, you can also specify the number of attributes for synthesizing those accessory equipment, for example, take one attribute for each equipment, or several attributes at once, or burn all the attributes. These can be set arbitrarily.

Basically, the degree of freedom of equipment synthesis in "Zero" is very large. You can use any number of equipment to synthesize any equipment, and you can freely determine the attribute stacking situation of the synthesized equipment. However, although the system does not limit how you can synthesize, it will limit the success rate of your synthesis. The higher the level of synthesis equipment, the better the attribute, and the lower the synthesis success rate. That is to say, the higher the level of equipment, the easier it is for synthesis to fail. This truth is actually easy to understand. The same is a weapon. Combining the lowest stone and wooden stick together can become a formidable power greater hammer, and if you want to combine a fighter and a tank into a powerful new weapon with formidable power, then I'm afraid I have to go to the transforming Vajra of Cybertron planet to find a way. So, low-level equipment is easy to synthesize, and high-level goods are troublesome. You know from the perspective of the magic field, the complexity of Divine Item is not worse than aircraft tanks at all.

Not only is it difficult to synthesize high level equipment. The attribute synthesis method you specify will also affect the synthesis success rate. If you want to synthesize a high success rate, the first thing to note is not to restrict too strict rules. For example, randomly extracting attributes is much simpler than formulating attribute synthesis. Anyway, as long as the attributes do not conflict, it is easy to synthesize a piece of equipment, but if you formulate a certain attribute that must be synthesized, or retain some attributes of the original synthesis, the success rate will plummet, and the probability of failure will be much higher. For the probability of success.

Because the main system has such a setting, although players can also synthesize equipment, they usually use their own No. 2 and No. 3 equipment to synthesize when they are prepared. Anyway, they will explode. It doesn't matter if you lose it, it doesn't affect your fight. People who dare to use their active-duty equipment to synthesize them are all gamblers, and ninety-nine and a half out of a hundred will eventually lose their lives. If you see a level-thousand-level player wearing the tattered goods he wore at level hundreds to go outside to level up, then this guy’s Eight Achievement is the kind of player who likes to gamble on equipment.

However, the above are all equipment synthesis under normal conditions. But now it's different. Kristina has a chance to guarantee a 100% synthesis rate. That is to say, she can get a top Divine Item and her own Divine Item suit to merge, and she can set the synthesis with the lowest success rate. A full attribute reservation method can even require the presence of synthetic reward attributes. This so-called synthetic reward attribute refers to the situation where one plus one is greater than two. After the generally speaking equipment is synthesized, the best situation is that the new equipment inherits all the attributes of the previous synthesis materials, which can be said to be a perfect synthesis, because you can turn the two equipment into one piece of equipment without losing any attributes. However, this is actually not the best. The best thing is that after the synthesis is completed, the attributes of the new equipment are higher than the sum of the attributes of the previously synthesized equipment. In some cases, there will be some attributes that are not available in the synthesis material itself. The extra attribute of this unfathomable mystery is the so-called synthetic reward, which is a very rare situation.

Originally, synthesis rewards and 100% attribute synthesis are rare and rare cases. If someone directly requests such attributes, the synthesis rate will definitely be as low as terrifying. However, Kristina can ignore those, she has a 100% success rate anyway, she can ask for it like this, and she doesn't have to gamble on luck. Who doesn't want such a good thing? And the more high level players are, the more they think about it, because the equipment of high level players will inevitably be horrible at high level. High-level equipment means that it is almost impossible to synthesize upwards, so for high-level players, this kind of 100% success rate is really very precious.

Happily’s Kristina was finally mentioned by me to the Russian front to go to her job and continue to abuse others for me. As for the synthesizing opportunity...however, you have to find the appropriate synthesizing equipment first. Such precious opportunities can't be fooled with garbage equipment, it is a waste.

Even though Zhenhong went through a mission, she felt that she was still not familiar with the power of soul armed, so she stayed and continued to experiment with her new abilities in the Martial Practice Stage. In order to better experiment, she also set up some NPC enemies for simulated confrontation.

Gold coin is also similar to real red now. After Taiji Sword got her hands, she still needed to study the specific operation methods, so she stayed at the Martial Practice Stage for the time being to experiment with the use of new equipment.

Of course I can't compare with them. As the president, the two words qingxian are basically unrelated to me. After arranging them here, I went to Celestial Court without stopping.

After I walked out of the South Heaven Gate teleportation point, before I had time to get off the Transmission Formation, I saw a god running out of the South Heaven Gate. The other party seems to be planning to use Transmission Formation, so he came directly here after he went out, but he was taken aback when he saw me, and then quickly ran over and shouted: "President Purple Moon, it’s such a coincidence. The Supreme Taoist is asking me to find you. I didn’t expect to run into the South Heaven Gate before I left."

"What's the matter? What did you ask me for? Is it because that thing is made? "

"Well, that's the thing. Supreme Taoist told you to try to see if you are satisfied. If it doesn't work, he can change it."

"Okay, I'll go and see Look."

The god will lead me back to Dust Palace with me after I agree, and this guy left immediately after he brought me to the Supreme Taoist. Supreme Taoist didn't have any doubts about my coming so fast. He probably guessed that I should come by this time.

Directly lead me into the Dust Palace, and then Supreme Taoist took me to a place like a garden. Of course, there are no flowers here, and there are flowers and you can't see them, because there are waist-deep clouds everywhere, and you can't see anything from the thighs.

"Come and see how this Small World is doing?" Supreme Taoist took me to a table and chair here, and said, pointing to a small object on the table.

This so-called Small World has nothing to see in appearance. This thing looks like a ring, and the shape is so simple that it can't be simpler. It's just a ring. No decorations can be seen on the surface, and there is no uneven texture. The whole is just a round ring.

"What kind of Small World is this?" I carefully picked up the ring and asked carefully. It is slightly different from what we saw before. This ring, which seems to be made of gold, has an unexpected weight. From the feel, it should weigh at least seven or eight catties. Of course, in terms of my physical stamina in the game, let alone seven or eight catties, even if this thing is seventy-eighty catties, I can still wear it on my fingers without affecting the fight. However, it is strange that such a small ring is so heavy.

Supreme Taoist didn’t notice that I was surprised by the weight, but just explained: “This is the Small World I made for you earlier, the effect is similar to Divine Kingdom, but the function is single. However, because of you It’s to deal with the Eight-Divine Snake, so I will give you as much as possible to strengthen the combat function and weaken other aspects of the ability. Therefore, although it may be much worse than the regular Divine Kingdom in other aspects, it should also be used in auxiliary combat. It's pretty good."

"Can you try it?"

"It was originally for you, you can use it as you like. But before you use it, make sure the appearance. This shape is fine. Is it?"

"The problem is okay, but my ring position is full. Bringing this will occupy a ring position. This seems to conflict with my equipment."

"You don't need to worry about this." Supreme Taoist said: "Although this is the shape of the ring, it is actually calculated according to the auxiliary equipment."

"You mean this thing only needs to be hung on It can take effect no matter where you are on your body, and does not occupy the basic equipment slot?"

"Yes, that's it. And I set this ring to automatically adjust the size of the ring, whether you bring it in You can use your pinky or your thumbs. If you think it’s getting in the way, you can put it on your wrist as a bracelet. Anyway, it can be made bigger or smaller at will."

"It’s better to put it on the wrist. After all. It weighs seven or eight catties, and wearing it on your fingers will affect your sense of balance."

"That's what I said. Then you can enlarge it a bit and put it on your upper arm. It should be good to use it as an armband." Supreme Taoist suggested.

"Let me try." I said, first remove the armor on the arm, and then put the arm loop on, and then set the arm guard of the armor after determining the appropriate size. This is done. "Yes, it's very comfortable, it doesn't affect the movement." I said with my arm moving.

Supreme Taoist nodded and said: "I have already thought of the comfort problem at the beginning, so this is normal. You still have to try the internal Small World effect first. Although the basic settings have been completed , But I have not completed all the settings. If you are not satisfied with anything, you can modify it. Once the final shape is finalized, you can’t move it."

"What can be modified?"


"Let's go in and talk about this."

"Okay, but how do you start this?"

"Mind control. Just concentrate."< /p>

I have a lot of mind control equipment on my body, so I don’t need to fumble, I just activated this equipment with a little attention, and then only felt the rays of light around me flashed, and we have appeared in a vast expanse Above the water.

To be honest, this world really surprised me. Under our feet is an endless water, and this water is as calm as the water in a cup. In reality, even a small pond will always be somewhat rippled. But the waters are so wide that no ripples can be seen. The surface of the water is calm like a mirror. Had it not been for me to point to the surface of the water with my toes now, I could hardly believe it was water.

Except for this calm and a little strange water below your feet, all that is left here is the sky above your head.

Unlike the deep blue water under your feet, the sky above your head is extremely bright. Although you can't see the sun, there are no clouds in the sky and the sky is blue. Everyone who looks at it wants to touch it.

"It's a weird world." I looked at the sky and exclaimed.

Supreme Taoist calmly explained: “This is the basic world and the foundation of Small World. I designed it this way to get as close to the Earth’s environment as possible, so that you can change it easily.”

"You asked me to modify the design, just to modify the environment of this world?"

"You can also say the same, but it is not the main modification. The world in this Small World is actually not fixed Yes, you can change this world as you like. Of course, the most important thing is to design the environment according to the weakness of the enemy you want to deal with. For example, if you are dealing with a flame monster, then this world will let you Twice the results for half the effort. In such a water environment, even the natural formidable power of Phoenix will drop by more than 30% or 40%, and some mobs will simply drown. So this Small World’s The environment still needs to be set according to the opponent you are fighting."

"The main goal of my battle this time is the eight-pointed snake. What kind of environment should I modify?"

" It’s up to you to think about it. Anyway, I only know that it can’t be a flame environment. The eight-headed snake is also a fire creature, so flame is helpful to it."

"Then use this world now. "

"I'm afraid you won't take much advantage of this." Supreme Taoist said: "You are not mistaken, the eight-headed snake is actually a bird, a demonic beast, and he can fly. Water is right. Although he has a certain level of restraint, he is not stupid. How could he come to fight with you in the water?"

"I think I know how to set it up." I said and asked: "How do I modify this world? Just use mind control like entering?"

"You can only modify it outside, and it won’t work after you come in." Supreme Taoist said: "You want to modify this world , Then we will go out first."

I nodded, and then left Small World with Supreme Taoist, and then Supreme Taoist began to explain to me how to modify the environment in Small World. In fact, the method is very simple, just think with your head. However, there is a time limit for this imagination, and it can only take ten seconds at most. What kind of world you can build within ten seconds, what kind of world will appear. Although the speed of human thinking is very fast, if you are to build a world within ten seconds, time is still very tight. For the part you didn't expect, system will automatically help you supplement and improve, but you don't know if it is what you want. Of course, this does not have any pressure for me. At my speed of thinking, as long as the world is not too complicated, one second is enough to complete, even for a rather messy and complicated world, I need at most seven or eight seconds, so the time limit is meaningless to me.

After learning to modify the environment in the world, I once again entered the interior of this world with Supreme Taoist, and Supreme Taoist was taken aback immediately after entering here. "Is this...?"

"Restrain the environment of the eight-pointed snake." I pointed around and said: "The radius of 100 kilometers is all water. No matter you swim in any direction, will Not any changes. Moreover, I set up a deep-sea environment here, and the water pressure is very high. Although Baqi Orochi will not be afraid of water pressure, but such an environment should have great restrictions on him. And there is the most important one. It’s just that it’s a completely dark environment. The Baqi Orochi doesn’t seem to have the ability to see things at night, right?"

Supreme Taoist said: "The environment is basically pretty good, but have you thought about it? Such an environment Although the Baqi Orochi is very difficult to deal with, you can’t use the battle strength yourself, too? Besides, even if you can play the battle strength, what about the others? Are you planning to deal with the Baqi alone? Orochi?"


"Thanks for me to look at it, otherwise you will definitely suffer a loss when you use this world to fight the Eight-Differentiation Orochi. But now you don't have to worry about it. Let me give you a hint. The best environment for dealing with a big guy like Baqi Orochi is not to find a way to suppress his power, but to use terrain to limit his mobility."

"Use terrain to limit his mobility?" I looked at Supreme Taoist in surprise and asked: "Are you sure you are not mistaken? That guy has been hiding in the Underground World in Japan for hundreds of years! Playing with this kind of ground-mouse in terrain restriction, We have no chance of winning, right?"

"Does the first thing that a hole-punching creature thinks of digging a hole through it after encountering an obstacle?"

Supreme Taoist really deserves it It is one of the few powerful research abilities in Celestial Court. One sentence is like enlightenment, and it wakes me up. "Understood. Understood, I understand this time."

"Then reset it and let me see."

Switch out again, and reset the entire world , When we enter again, the situation here has completely changed.

"Well, this is pretty much the same." Supreme Taoist said, looking at the surroundings with satisfaction.

Now our environment is no longer in water, but in a hole in the ground. The height of this cave is about seven meters. It is not a problem for humanoid creatures to run and jump, but large creatures will be quite passive. For large creatures, this height is equal to the average height of ordinary person. Miqi's cave is similar. Although the average height of Chinese men is only 1.7 meters, this hole is not a house. The roof of the house is basically flat, and the error will not be too big for the average height. But this is a cave, and the height difference may be more than one meter. It is said to be one meter seven, some places are only one meter out of nodded, and some places are more than two meters high. In such an environment, people don't dare to walk straight up inside, otherwise they will meet their heads if they don't pay attention. Therefore, normally, in a cave with an average height of 1.7 meters, most people can only move with their waists. And the cave I set up is similar to the eight-qi big snake-like creature.

The height of more than seven meters determines that Baqi Orochi cannot make itself too big, otherwise it will hit the top of the cave. Although he can dig tunnels underground, he is too big and needs digging space to move, but we can move freely at a height of seven meters. In this way, he becomes a living target and can only be passively beaten. If he does not want to be beaten, he must shrink himself, at least not to hit the top of the hole.

Seven meters sounds quite tall, but in fact, if the eight-headed snake shrinks, it is impossible to become only seven meters high, otherwise it will stay at one meter seven meters like the human being I said before. The situation in a high cave is the same. Although it can move, it will be very awkward, and battle strength will be greatly restricted.

If you want to fight normally in this cave with an average height of only seven meters, the size of the eight-headed snake after shrinking cannot exceed the volume of an Asian elephant, that is to say, the height cannot exceed three meters, otherwise it will Will affect flexibility. However, the body of the eight-headed snake is Nine-Headed Bird. You said how can a bird fight at a height of three meters? Nine ostriches have eight more heads. How can such creatures exert their battle strength? Before relying on the large size, you can also fight as you want, but now there is so little height left, it is impossible to play the battle strength at all. Therefore, in this cave, the only thing the eight-qi big snake can do is fight with a humanoid posture.

The eight-different snake in human form can easily adapt to the environment here, because the features I set here are suitable for creatures of human size to fight.

Although the humanoid model of the eight-headed snake is quite powerful, compared to the original Nine-Headed Bird image, the human-shaped eight-headed snake has several weaknesses. The first is that the Baqi Orochi loses a large part of its defensive power in the humanoid mode. The defensive power of this body is actually related to the structure of the body. The Baqi Orochi is originally a demonic beast, and its defense is very strong. However, the human body does not have that natural protection ability, so the eight-different snake that turns into a human form will inevitably decrease its defensive power.

Secondly, in addition to the defensive power drop, the eight-headed snake will lose its visual advantage in human form. Nine-Headed Bird has 27 eyes with nine heads, so there are almost no blind spots. After all, there are too many heads, not to mention that he has three eyes on one head, which is too much cheaper than ours. NS. However, it is different when it becomes a human form. Although magical induction can also be used to detect the surrounding situation, vision is after all the first sense organ, and in the humanoid mode, the eight-headed snake only has two eyes, so there will be blind spots or areas of amblyopia on the senses. These are all weak spots.

Third. The Baqi Serpent itself is not a human being. If he fights in a human form, the battle strength he can display must be inferior to the original. This is the same as squeezing the human soul into the body of a cow and then letting you manipulate the cow to fight. Because I am not used to this body, it is definitely not as strong as the original battle strength. Especially for high-level creatures like the Eight-Different Snake, they themselves have developed a set of fighting skills that suit them, and now they suddenly changed their bodies, it must be somewhat unsuitable.

Fourth. It's because of the human body shape problem. The fighting skills of our players are all aimed at humanoid creatures. When dealing with monsters, we mostly rely on attributes and fighting skills instead of our own fighting response. Therefore, when the eight-headed snake remains in human form, our battle strength will be disguised.的Enhancement. This can be considered one of the weaknesses of the serpentfolk-shaped pattern.

In addition to the above, there are some minor influences and restrictions, but these four aspects have the greatest influence. It can be said that as long as the Baqi Orochi can be forced to use humanoid combat, we have already taken a huge advantage.

"Although you set up such an environment to limit the battle strength of the Baqi Orochi to a certain extent, you still have to be careful." Supreme Taoist said: "The Baqi Orochi is holding it in his hand after all. A divine force core, so you'd better be careful."

I nodded and said: "I also know the formidable power of the divine force core, so I am so worried about the eight-pointed snake attacking us. In addition, this cave is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but the other settings are also auxiliary, mainly to keep the eight-pointed snake in human form, we take a big advantage. In addition, about the modification of the world setting you mentioned earlier, What does this mean?"

"If you don’t say I almost forgot, it was you guy who interrupted." Supreme Taoist said: "I think you just changed the environment of the world like this, that’s just The detailed settings have not changed. I still need you to confirm the macro settings, that is, rules and other things. At present, for the things in this Small World, the rules I set are close to the environment of the Great World outside. If you If you think this is ok, I will confirm it. If you still want to modify, then I will change it again. Once this thing is confirmed, you can’t change it again, so you must be cautious."

"That's it. "I thought for a while and said: "Don't change it. The rule of this thing is too precise. If you modify it indiscriminately, it will have a collateral effect, and it will even pit us on the contrary. It is better to maintain the natural laws of Great World."

"If this is the case, then I'm sure to finalize the shape." As Supreme Taoist said, he took out a black crystal, then knocked it to pieces, and then he collected all the crystals and put them together. I shook a few times in a container, and finally poured out a bowl of black liquid. "Okay, if you apply this on that Small World, it will be completely finalized. Then you need to set a name for this equipment. The function of Time Flow Speed ​​change in this world can only be used after the equipment is finalized. Oh, yes. , This world allows differential operation, you can set different Time Flow Speed ​​in the world, but it’s best not to set too much, or you will mess up yourself."

"Okay, I know "Following the Supreme Taoist method, I took the thing off and re-applied the black liquid. The liquid was quickly absorbed thoroughly, and a system hint asking for a name for the new equipment sounded in my ears. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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