In addition to harmless all kinds of attacks, the baby's sweet world has another special feature that allows the creatures in the sweet world to slowly muppet. This process is quite slow, but it is unstoppable. Even a god, as long as he stays long enough, he will become a puppet, so this erosion of the law is simply irresistible.

The warriors think that they are capable enough, but in fact they have been eroded by the law, and eventually they have become puppets when they realize that the situation is not right. Since it is a puppet, it must follow the rules of the puppet, and the most important one of the rules of the puppet is-never play with fire.

Looking at the warriors who were burned to fly ashes below, Christina threw out a few more Fireballs and lit up some guys who were lucky enough to not be ignited, and then turned around. Head to us who just walked over and said: "Can we go out?"

"Well, it should be almost done." I nodded glanced at the baby, and the baby immediately muttered and put it away Sweet world, and then we returned to the venue where we were before, but now the surrounding audience seats are basically empty.

"Hey, referee, is our mission finished?" I shouted to the surroundings.

The referee didn’t know why he didn’t come out to talk to us, but we appeared in a huge Transmission Formation when the surrounding environment flashed, and when we looked around, we found out where we were. It was actually a Transmission Formation in Isengard’s Transmission Hall.

I was suddenly sent out of the mission space unpreparedly. This kind of thing is really rare, which made us a little dizzy. Fortunately, the referee’s speech counts, and the prizes are also sent out with us. .

The so-called prizes are placed on the ground next to us. This is a long wooden box, which seems to be some kind of very precious tree species, because the wooden box itself is not only very exquisite, it even exudes a light scent. What is even more exaggerated is to smell this scent. At the same time, our attack power, agility, magic attack power and other attributes have actually increased slightly. To be honest, I never expect that even a box can be so capable.

Although the box is exquisite, this thing is not a prize. The prize is still in the box.

I stepped forward and picked up the box, then turned it to gold coin and said, "This belongs to you, so you can open it."

Gold coin is a little excited He walked over and carefully opened the box, but there was no such thing as Baoguang. There were only two things in the box, a note and a sword. The note was very small, and there was a paragraph on it, which meant that this thing was the reward for synthetic equipment. When you want to use it, throw this paper into the smelting furnace for synthesis and burn it. Then the next time this furnace is synthesized, there will be a 100% synthesis success rate, and there is absolutely no failure.

In addition to the rewards of this synthetic equipment, the rest is the sword. If the referee didn't make a mistake, then the sword in front of the scabbard should be Taiji Sword.

"This is Taiji Sword? Doesn't it look great?" Kristina asked with disbelief as she looked at the ordinary sword that gold coin had taken out.

The sword taken out by gold coin is basically a standard Chinese ancient sword. Its shape is close to the bronze sword of the Qin and Han dynasties, rather than the thin and soft thin sword of the later period. The hilt and scabbard are only in black and white, and the texture looks like wood. There are some primitive patterns carved on them, but they are not complicated, few in number, and not very dense. Generally speaking, this is a fairly ordinary sword. If it is placed in the system store, some people might think it is a whiteboard equipment.

After Kristina finished talking, Zhen Hong took the sword from gold coin, and looked at it left and right, and said, "It looks pretty ordinary, but the reward is said. It’s a Divine Item. It should just be confusing on the outside."

"You can’t see anything like this." I grabbed the sword plug and returned it to gold coin, and then clicked the Transmission under my feet. Formation, when the rays of light flashed around, we left the teleportation hall and arrived in a huge stone building.

The area of ​​Isinger is very large, so many buildings in the city are equipped with exclusive Transmission Formation. Of course, these Transmission Formations have restrictions. One is that they need guild permission to start, and the other is that they cannot directly connect to Transmission Formation in other cities. They can only use the Transmission Formation in Isengard to transmit to each other, and they cannot come directly from other cities. .

The Transmission Formation we are using now is the Transmission Formation of Isinger’s tactical training ground. This place is also a place where guild members concentrate. After all, our guild has more functional buildings. Some benefits are often given to members. In order to adapt to their newly acquired abilities as soon as possible, players will choose to come here to test. After all, testing in such a place will not lose their lives for no reason, so it is relatively safer.

As soon as I came out of Transmission Formation, I greeted gold coin and they decided to set a test site. This test site is an Independent Space supported by hyperspace, not a site built inside the building, so it can Destroy as much as you like, and the confidentiality is very high, don't worry about being discovered by others about your tricks or something.

After we entered a newly opened Independent Space, I asked gold coin to pull out the Taiji Sword to have a look. As a result, gold coin grabbed the hilt and tried hard, but it didn't come out.

"Huh?" Gold coin froze for a moment, and then began to increase its strength, but after a long time, the Taiji Sword was completely motionless.

True Red looked anxious, so he went up to grab the sword and tried a few times by himself. Originally, she thought that her power would definitely be able to extract this sword easily, who knew that no matter how many times she tried, it would be the same as gold coin. Baojian is completely motionless, and has no intention to come out at all.

"Don't use brute force there. This thing should be sealed or something, maybe it needs a blood to recognize the Master. After all, it is a Divine Item, and there should be certain restrictions." Klee Stina reminded.

gold coin nodded stepped forward to retrieve Taiji Sword, then bit his finger and dripped blood on the sword. Just as the drop of blood fell on the sword, some green lines immediately lit up on the scabbard. These lines quickly spread out from the place where the blood dripped, and instantly flowed across the entire sword body, and then a layer of paint cracked on the scabbard and hilt. After all these lacquer shells fell off, the sword body had changed from the previous wooden texture to a layer of azure jade structure. The jade of the hilt is slightly darker, and the scabbard is slightly lighter, but they are all the same smooth and smooth, making people want to touch it when they see it.

"haha, that's the case. Let me just say, how could Divine Item be so earthy?" Kristina said to gold coin: "Hurry up and try to pull it out. Now It should be able to be used."

gold coin nodded, then hold the end of the scabbard with the left hand and the hilt with the right hand, and then apply a little force. Without any hindrance, only a dragon roar roaring sound was heard, and the blade of Taiji Sword was finally pulled out of the sheath.

"Huh? What is this? Glass sword?" Kristina and Zhenhong were both taken aback when they saw the drawn blade. I was also a little surprised.

The blade of the Taiji Sword is actually not metal, nor is it a series of jade with the hilt and scabbard, but a transparent substance of unknown material. The light transmittance of this thing is very good. It can actually reflect the diamond-like fire color under the simulated sunlight of the training ground. It looks like a sword blade is burning from a distance, and the flame is still colorful.

"Wow, it really is a baby!" Kristina said excitedly: "What a beautiful blade."

True Red is not as excited as Kristina. , But cautiously asked: "This blade It shouldn't be glass, right? What if it's crispy?"

"How can Divine Item be crispy?" Kristina Retorted: "As long as you don't go to the boss's eternal hack, nothing will happen."

I interrupted the two of them: "Don't worry about what is crispy or not, gold coin does not need anything. This sword itself. Gold coin, please see if this Taiji Sword is the mother of ten thousand swords as stated in the mission introduction."

"Mother of ten thousand swords?" We pulled into the task later, so she didn't know the performance description of this Taiji Sword, and she was a little surprised to hear what I said.

Gold coin did not delay because of this, but directly pointed the Taiji Sword in his hand to the top of the head, and then said: "Taiji is divided into two rituals." As she recited, Taiji Sword suddenly shook, and then We saw a sword floating in the air on each side of the Taiji Sword held high by the gold coin.

"Liangyi Sword! Can this Taiji Sword really split the sub-sword?" I said to gold coin and shouted: "Don't stop, continue to divide."

gold coin nodded, and then read again: "Liangyi gives birth to four elephants." There was a golden buzzing sound, and four Flying Swords suddenly appeared on the periphery of the Liangyi sword. No need to ask this time, it must be the Sixiang sword. . However, the action of gold coin did not stop. She continued to read: "Four elephants evolve Five Elements, Five Elements transform Liuhe, Liuhe array gossip, gossip sets the universe, within the universe, the world is my sword."

This incantion is long. One point, but with the chanting of the gold coin, the surrounding swords are turning and turning more and more. When the last chant is finished, the surrounding area within our sight has been completely packed by a densely packed Flying Sword. It's full. Don't say anything, I guess the number of Flying Swords here is more than 100,000. With so many Flying Swords suspended densely packed in the air, the imposing manner is really amazing. Even we have the idea of ​​finding a place to hide.

"wa ha ha ha..." Gold coin finally laughed wildly when seeing the flying Sword all over the sky, and loudly said, "I finally don't have to save money for sword repair! ah ha ha ha..."

Watching gold coin go crazy there, Kristina couldn’t help but come over and pulled me and asked, "Gold coin won’t go crazy, right?"

"It’s probably I'm overjoyed." Zhen Hong sighed beside him.

I also nodded and said: "You professions who don't burn money won't realize the pain before gold coin!"

"Please, boss, you said it's really popular. The money is okay, but I burned a lot. Don't you know that our mage spends a lot of money?" Kristina complained.

"Just pull it down. Others may not know, how can we not know your situation?" Zhen Hong said: "You have a source of magic power, and there are so many magic recovery equipment, as long as you don't The big move is when the magic missile is thrown. When will your magic power be exhausted? If you say that other mages are short of money, I believe it. You and I will not believe in killing you."

"Hey, gold coin you Smile is almost the end, hurry up and put these swords away? Look at the weird ones!" Kristina changed the subject and shouted to the gold coin over there.

gold coin also feels that it’s a bit embarrassing to laugh like this, so he stopped laughing, and then held up the Taiji Sword and shouted: "Come back."

It was as if he heard the owner. The calling puppies were normal, the surrounding Flying Sword suddenly oh la la turned around in a neat way, and then all rushed towards the Taiji Sword held high by the gold coin. Seeing this posture of Wanjian returning home, Zhenhong and I hurried back to avoid harming the pond fish. But fortunately, these swords are very accurate when they fly back. They are all aimed at Taiji Sword, and the moment they hit Taiji Sword, they will immediately merge into the sword body, except for a burst of jingle thoughts. It didn't hurt us.

It took five or six seconds for the Flying Sword to finally return to the Taiji Sword, while gold coin stroked the shiny blade with excitement, and then asked: "Boss, I Should I use that synthesis opportunity to merge Taiji Sword and my Heavenly Venerable sword into one sword?"

"Hey. You have such good things. You should give me the synthesis opportunity. ?" Kristina said suddenly.

gold coin retorted: "This mission was originally prepared for me. The things I get in the mission are naturally mine, so you don't want to grab it. Do you think you are the boss?"

I thought for a while and shook my head and said: "gold coin, this synthetic scroll should be left to Kristina."

"Ah? Why?" Gold coin is obviously not willing .

I explained: "Your Heaven Punishment Sword formation relies on a sword to command a group of swords, and these commanded swords are equivalent to being equipped by you. That is to say, your actual High Level So you can equip tens of thousands of swords at one time. Since you have so many weapon positions, why do you want to combine Heavenly Venerable Sword and Taiji Sword? As long as you hold the Heavenly Venerable Sword in your hand, then you can include Taiji Sword in the sword array as If you use one Flying Sword, can you use both Divine Swords at the same time? So if this 100% synthesis opportunity is used for you, the value is too low, it is better to contribute it for others to take advantage of. You have to know For us players, even if we use a two-handed sword, it is only equipped with two weapons. Therefore, for us, the attribute of a single weapon is very important, and you don’t have to worry about this. Anyway, you can stack the equipment attributes. , There are so many vacancies, you can stack up whatever you want, there is no need to grab this share with us, right?"

"That's what I said!" Gold coin finally accepted what I said helplessly. Right.

Looking at the gold coin nodded, I handed the note to Kristina and said: "This is yours, but don't rush to use it. I will find something good for you before merging it. A 100% fusion rate is not a good thing that you can often encounter.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Power.)

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