"Don’t stay, the main force is on Kristina’s side, go out and help. I will carry it here!"

"Understand." Really red listening When I was reminded, I turned around and kicked the monster kicked flying that had been blocking the way, followed by three steps, and then jumped up and hit the door with a heavy punch. Just hearing a bang, the wooden metal gate about the same thickness as the city gate burst into pieces of wood flying all over the sky, not even the slightly larger wreckage was left.

"Hey hey hey, don't rush to run, I need help here!" Gold coin hurriedly yelled when he saw the red running away. She is surrounded by two monsters and can't free her hands at all. These two monsters are almost special types of creatures that specifically suppress her, and many of her skills will not work on these two monsters.

"Get out of the way and let me come." Just as the gold coin finished shouting, I rushed to the two monsters, and directly raised my hand with a sword to cut off the head of one of the monsters. Following two steps, he rushed forward and hugged the head of another monster. The right hand was turned over and penetrated into the monster’s throat forever, and then pulled hard, and the monster’s head quickly separated from the body. Family.

"It's done, I'll stop here, you guys go out and help."

Hearing my reminder again, Zhenhong who was looking back and watching immediately rushed out, gold coin Also rushed out immediately.

Kristina was floating in midair at this time. There were a few flying monsters trying to get close to her, but almost all of them could not get close to within five meters and were shot down or driven away. However, due to the interference of these monsters, Kristina's battle strength did not seem to be able to fully display.

"It's really annoying, I can't kill it!" Kristina complained as she watched the monster rushing up.

"You are going to make a big move. Give this to me." Zhen Hong rushed up three steps and two steps, then hugged a flying monster with one vertical leap, and then two silhouettes together Fall to the ground. Zhenhong held the monster in one hand and picked it up, and then the other closed its fist and aimed at the monster. It was a heavy punch. The monster flew out like a cannonball at the moment it was hit, with a loud boom. Smashed the outer city wall for a while.

"What do we need to do?" Gold coin did not directly participate in the battle like real red, but went to Kristina and asked.

Christina shouted directly: "Help me block for a while, I have to prepare a big move."

"Okay, leave it to me here." Gold coin said Then he flipped over the Universe Bag on his body, and the Flying Sword immediately occupied the entire sky. As soon as these Flying Swords appeared, they began to scurry around like tracking missiles. Many monsters were chipped into pieces before they got close. Let alone an attack, even self-protection was a problem.

Kristina took advantage of this emptiness to move incantation, and then raised her hand and raised her staff to a City Wall section to cast her spell.

Several players hiding in the city wall immediately noticed her action. A female player immediately yelled for everyone to flash, but in the end it was still a step slower. I saw the tip of Kristina’s staff suddenly flashed, and a blue shock wave suddenly moved towards the City Wall section where they were hiding. The next second was a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, flying sand running stone , The City Wall section that was hit directly, along with the city wall buildings within ten meters of the surrounding area, were all blown up. The moat outside was like dumplings and dropped a lot of broken bricks, almost missing the moat. It's all filled up.

"Huh?" True Red was holding a monster's tail and was about to throw it out. Suddenly he noticed that the monster in front of him was paralyzed on the ground and there was no movement. The few monsters I dealt with in the hall The monster also lost his reaction one after another, and the longest one didn't last for more than ten seconds.

Because all the monsters fell down and quickly lost the life response, we all lost our goal. Everyone came together in confusion and stood on the small square in front of the castle hall but didn't know what was going on.

"What are we doing now?"

"I don't know!"

"Let me explain." The referee suddenly appeared around us , And then said aloud: “It’s really didn’t expect. Even with the increase in difficulty, your completion speed is still beyond imagination.”

“Completion speed?” I asked in surprise: “You Means that we have passed the level?"

The referee explained: "In theory, it should be. The difficulty of this level is that the four players will set traps for you, but it’s a pity , They have been completely reimbursed in Kristina’s attack, so your only obstacle no longer exists. Although according to the rules of the mission, you should reach the end of the journey to get the reward, but because there is only It’s very common, so I don’t think there is any point in letting you go through the whole course without the interceptor."

"So we can finish it ahead of time, right?"

"Yes, you powerful guys." The referee suddenly said: "However, although you have completed the final task, you still have three options to decide."

"Please Say."

When the referee heard my answer, he was not polite, so he immediately started to say: "Your options are very simple. First, keep the original reward, which is to get the Divine Item Taiji Sword."< /p>

"What about the other two options?" I think it's better to listen to them.

The referee didn’t let us wait for long, and said directly: “The other two options are also very simple. The second option is to play an extra stage, and then get a completely new prize.”


"We give up on this."

The purpose of our visit this time is because the task prizes in this task scroll are very useful for gold coin, so we will come to accept this task, if the prize After a change, the new prize may be more powerful than Taiji Sword, but it is meaningless to us. What we need is Taiji Sword, not other weapons. The best weapon is not necessarily the weapon with the highest attribute, but the weapon most suitable for your combat mode. Therefore, the equipment with good attribute may not be better than the equipment with lower attribute. The key depends on who is using it.

What gold coin needs is Taiji Sword. The attribute introduction on the task scroll about the prize has been written very clearly. The attribute of Taiji Sword is absolutely suitable for gold coin, so no matter how good the weapon is, we don’t Change.

When we heard that we directly rejected this second plan, the referee didn't respond. Instead, he said directly: "Since this plan doesn't work, then listen to the third plan. My third plan. It’s for you to defeat an additional guard, and then I can give you a weapon enhancement opportunity."

"What is a weapon enhancement opportunity? Is it to enhance Taiji Sword or just give it an opportunity to enhance, Taiji Sword does not Yes?"

"Taiji Sword is still given to you, but as long as you defeat this guard, you will get an additional opportunity to strengthen your weapon. The success rate of this opportunity is 100%, which will not lead to equipment It is damaged or lost, so you can rest assured. Moreover, if you fail the challenge, that is, you die once in the mission, it will not affect the acquisition of Taiji Sword."

"What do you think?" I turned to true red Asked Kristina and the others.

True Red thought for a while and said: "There is no loss anyway, just fight it. Besides, the guard is impossible and abnormal to the point where none of the four of us can fight together, right?"

Kristina is also nodded and said: "Even if it is really not beaten, we will only lose Level 1, and the loss is not big."

Gold coin originally wanted to say something, but considered Up to this point, I was doing a task for her benefit, so she was not easy to answer. But looking at her expression, it was obvious that she wanted to get this reward.

Seeing their reaction like this, I knew how to choose. I turned around and said to the referee: "Let’s jump and cut the final guard. How do we start?"

"Finally The guard is not here, let me send you to the ring first.” With the referee’s words, we suddenly found ourselves lightened, and then a feeling of weightlessness appeared. When we regained our eyesight, we found ourselves. Actually in a very strange space.

"Damn, what is this place? Why is the environment so strange?"

The light in this place where we are is not bad, although the location of the light source is not found, the surroundings are quite bright of.

What's under our feet is not the ground, but-a boulder, to be precise, a boulder suspended in the air. Most of these stones are strip-shaped slabs, ranging in length from more than 20 meters to several meters in length, with a thickness of close to one meter, and a width of almost this number.

There are so many earth-yellow slates that look badly weathered, and there are almost everywhere in the space around us. However, these slates are not piled on the ground, but are all suspended in the air like us, and it feels as if this place is a gravity-free zone in space.

"What kind of situation is this?" We looked around. These floating slates are not endless. On the periphery of the slate array, there is a circle of spherical protective covers surrounding us, and outside the protective cover are densely packed laps of stands. The stands are actually full. Players.

The referee's voice sounded in due course. "You may not know that I am called a referee because I am also in charge of a player challenge event venue, which means that this place is used for players to jump to monsters or to jump to their own preparations. As a whole world The most popular challenge house, my challenge house has many special services, one of which is the Celebrity Challenge. The four of you have been expecting the top of the Ranking List in the challenge, but it’s a pity that I haven’t found it before. Opportunity. It's rare that you suddenly agreed to my request today, so I pulled you over."

"Hey, there is only one guard. It's not appropriate for you to let a group of players in? "I asked aloud.

Unexpectedly, this referee has a profiteer temperament. He didn't care about my question and asked me directly: "Which one do you prefer to challenge?"

"Uh...it's still a player!"

We have to give up such a naked threat. We have agreed to jump guards before, that is, BOSS battles. Therefore, if the referee pulls out a 10,000-level BOSS, we can only do it obediently. However, if it is to deal with a 10,000-level BOSS, the four of us are estimated to be finished. However, if the enemy becomes a group of players...Anyway, I think it is unlikely that something will go wrong.

Just after we agreed, the referee there immediately disappeared, and then appeared outside the spherical shield, and then shouted at the audience outside with a very loud voice: "Madam Gentlemen, you have been waiting for the most powerful, scariest and most perverted super expert quartet in the game. I was finally invited to our challenge room. They have agreed to accept us. Challenge. If anyone wants to challenge these strongest players, please sign up now. We are using the Brawl mode this time. No matter how many of you want to participate, you will all enter the competition venue at once. What you have to do There is only one thing, and that is to destroy them. And their business is of course the same as you, that is to kill you all. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t sign up?"

"Why do I think We are like a group of animals waiting to be slaughtered by others?" Zhen Hong said.

"It should be said that it is a fighting beast." After all, Kristina is a foreigner and is familiar with this kind of thing. In contrast, there are very few people playing this kind of challenge house in China. This can be considered cultural differences.

"No matter who you fight with, as long as we can get the prize in the end, it's fine." Gold coin said nonchalantly.

"I'm just a little worried." I looked at the many players outside and said, "The number of people here may have exceeded 10,000. It is not difficult for us to deal with so many players, but the space here It’s just such a big place. If you can’t use it, we’ll be swarmed up, and we might hang up!"

"I noticed what you said." Gold coin said: "The worst thing is here. In this environment, we are all experts. In this environment, the advantage of battle strength can't be exerted at all. In contrast, the battle strength of ordinary players is also restricted, but their battle strength is very ordinary, even if they are affected. The impact is not much, so this environment is obviously a disadvantage for us."

"What should we do? Can't we call for abstention at this time, right?" Zhenhong asked rhetorically.

"It's actually very easy to win," I said aloud.

"en? Boss, do you have a solution?" Gold Coin asked.

I nodded to: "Not only do I have methods, but I also have more than one method."

"More than one? Then you can talk about it." Kristina asked.

"The first method is to directly use the big move." I explained: "The defensive power of the four of us is not weak. In this way, all the players around can be cleared directly. Although we will also be injured, it is better to be injured than to be killed, isn't it?"

"Yes." Gold coin agreed. "Kristina’s offensive power is so high, there are definitely not many people who can withstand a single move. Even if it’s not killed all at once, then we can take the opportunity to fight back. When the time comes, victory is easy. Otherwise, we Just use this trick."

I shook my head and said: "This trick is actually not very good."

"It can solve the battle quickly, and it’s very safe. What’s wrong? Okay?" Kristina asked me without answering.

I pointed directly to the referee who was accepting registration and said: "That guy is obviously not very reliable. With the opportunity of presiding over the task, he even lied to get business. You think this is a normal NPC. Is it something that can come out? So this referee is obviously unreliable. He pulled us over to help him attract challengers. If we come up and knock out all the people with a big move, those people will definitely be deceived. The feeling of dissatisfaction, even with those people, will express their dissatisfaction on this referee, and the referee will inevitably pass on the dissatisfaction to us. In case he uses his NPC privileges to do anything messy, we might repay it. To be unlucky."

"What should I do?" Kristina asked.

"All he wants is to make those players have fun. Our winning or losing has no meaning to him, so we can win, but we can’t win too fast. At least let those players There is a process of defeat."

"This process is your second plan?" Kristina asked.

I nodded and said: "This second plan is to directly use my pet baby to pull all these guys into the sweet world. Didn't you just say gold coin? We can’t be normal because of our own strength. Play, so it’s restricted. If you get to the sweet world, the space restrictions will no longer exist, and the gravity field will return to normal. In this way, we can smoothly kill those players. As long as we don’t come up, we will explode big moves. I think those Players don’t care about anything, as long as they play well, we will be fine."

"Let’s do this. It sounds like this is the most reliable one."

It didn't take long to register. Soon we saw that the referee announced that the registration was over, and then all the participants were thrown into the space where we were.

The facts are just like what Gold Coin said before. So many people are crowded into this narrow range. Naturally, people are crowded. I simply can't play the battle anymore, so I summon the baby decisively. Then opened the sweet world.

When the baby’s sweet world field recruits people, the consumption is not defined according to the number of people, but according to the strength of the opponent, so although so many people here are all given at once The sweet world is brought closer, but the pressure on the baby is actually not great at all.

"Damn, what's the matter?"

"Hey, don't look at me..."

"Where is this?"



Those players who were just thrown into the battle space suddenly felt the surrounding environment change, and then all fell into a colorful fantasy world. The reason why I know this world is not real is mainly because the sweet world of the baby is a little too fairy tale.

Compared with the environments created by ordinary mental fighters, this plane field of the baby is a completely reversed existence. The environment created by the Illusion Technique department itself is false, not real, but they are trying to create a real environment, in order to let the players get lost in it and can't tell the true from the false. However, this sweet world of the baby is not a fake, but a real world. The only difference is that this sweet world is a non-sustainable world. This world is only formed when the baby activates the skill, and then it will be destroyed after the skill is turned off. It will not exist forever, and there are no creatures in it. It can be said that it is an absolutely lifeless world. From this point of view, this should actually be regarded as an extremely low-level world, because it is chaotic even with the laws of the world, and it cannot even be maintained for a long time.

Although there are many problems in this world, the sweet world is at least a real world compared to those environments. After being pulled into the sweet world, the player does not simply enter the environment, but enters this world together with the body, and all existence in this world is real, not an illusion.

However, although the sweet world belongs to the real village, it is different from those environments that strive to be realistic and hope to confuse people with the real world. The world inside the sweet world is a very impractical world. . Everything in this world has extremely bright colors. The white clouds in the sky look like marshmallows, and all kinds of plants are colorful like rainbow lollipops. If even such an obvious difference is still indistinguishable, it is not a simple description of mental retardation.

Because of the big difference, the players who were suddenly drawn into this sweet world were all stunned there for a while. They watched around and didn't know what happened. Although the venue of the challenge can be set freely according to needs, this strange environment like a fairy tale world is still a bit weird.

"Hey hey hey, you guys have a taste, the fruit on this tree is actually jelly beans." A female player noticed that the new continent called out.

A few greedy players immediately followed along, and then began to taste the fruit on the Fruit Tree. As a result, they immediately found that they were delicious and started to pick them.

After someone discovered the wonderful taste of the fruit, everyone around started to move around. First, someone discovered that in addition to the fruit, the tree itself is also delicious, and then someone realized that since the surrounding plants are so bright, they might be edible, so they also started to eat it, and as soon as they ate it, they found out immediately. The delicacy of these plants.

When those people were eating plants, other smart people became alert, and then started to try other things around, and their findings were even more shocking. In addition to plants that are all sweet food, they also found that the bubble-turned pond that they thought was a mud pit was actually full of hot chocolate, while the green slime pit not far from the swamp was a huge pit. Milkshake pond, and the soil on the ground is simply made of chocolate mousse.

"This, this...Why are all delicious here?" A delicious player asked excitedly while eating while holding a lot of branches and weeds.

"Because this is the world of baby adults." The sudden answer made the players who were studying the surrounding environment stunned. Then they turned around and found that the cute little bear was actually standing there. Looking at them from the trunk of a big tree in the distance.

"Are you the master here?" A player tried to ask.

Baby’s nodded said: "I am not only the owner of this place, but also the creator of this place. How about? I am very great who can create such a world? Come on, admire me as much as you can , Adore me. The glory of the baby will shine on the entire world."

"Hey, although I also think it's pretty good to make a chocolate pond, you can tell us where Purple Moon is. Have you gone?"

"Do you want to know the location of the owner?" The baby said suddenly.

"Master? Are you the favorite of Purple Moon?"

The players here are all players who want to challenge us, so they give the attributes and battle methods of the four of us here. Know everything. Although I don't often summon the baby, as the most special one of all my monsters, the baby is actually quite famous, especially when the puppet image and jelly image of this guy are very cute.

Among those players who recognized the baby, someone immediately shouted: "Catch it first."

Someone reacted and fired a magical Fireball directly at this side. , As a result, everyone saw a large group of red things flying out, and then the baby was confused with a chirp.

Erase the ketchup from his face, and the baby jumped and yelled in anger: "Who told you to throw tomatoes at me? Be careful if the baby tells the owner that when the time comes, you will be miserable. "

The baby said vigorously over there, but many players here were dumbfounded. Although everyone doesn't know what magic the player just now is, it is definitely not ketchup, but the effect of the final hit... Is this an illusion?

In order to confirm everyone's guess, some people started to release other magic to the baby. Fire Element's magic will take shape no matter what type it is, but it will inevitably become ketchup when it hits it. In the end, it is completely useless except for rotten tomatoes everywhere.

The maximum formidable power is that Fire Element is useless. Some people use ice attribute magic attacks, and the result is similar to Fire Element. Fire Element’s magic is all turned into ketchup, and all of the ice attribute is turned into ice cream. Although it’s quite cold when it hits the neck, it’s not really hurtful, so those two types of ice and fire wizards are all depressed. .

Ice and fire can’t be used, Wind Element mage also tried it, and the result was similar. Wind Element’s magic, no matter what type, turned into a warm soft wind, the wind speed was not high or low, anyway It means that the person who blows wants to sleep and has no formidable power at all.

Earth Element spell can still be used, but it’s either chocolate monster or skittle warrior who stood up from the ground. The battle strength of these things is basically at the level of kindergarten children. Looking at a little threat, it doesn’t matter. The action is super funny. If it rushes forward, it is really sending food to the enemy.

All the magic of the four main schools failed, and the remaining two schools of light and dark were no exception. Light magic has really become light magic. There is nothing but light. It’s good to use as a ballroom light. Don’t count on fighting or anything.

The curse of Dark Element can barely be used, but the result after it is used up is more joyful. The curse magic in each has been mutated, some make the opponent's nose bigger, some make people turn into a long neck state, and some make people change into pig noses. In short, curse magic has completely become haha ​​mirror magic, while the dark spell of formidable power greater direct Attack Type is simply turned into chocolate magic, and the dark erosion magic that is emitted becomes a chocolate group, a black hole in the underworld. The magic turned into a rain of hot chocolate, anyway, like any other magic, none of them are lethal.

"It seems that the mage is restricted here, so just concentrate here and don't run around. The combat system immediately went to the periphery and searched for the enemy's location to fight." A player tried to direct everyone to move.

An archer said: "I have seen the introduction of Purple Moon's familiars. That bag is the creator of this environment. As long as we kill it, we can get out of here."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Several archers raised their bows and arrows as they listened. Then, without counting one, two, three, the arrows of several people all flew out after a few seconds. After the flight, almost half of those arrows hit the target, and the surrounding players immediately cheered, just...

"Damn, you dare to attack the great baby. You have to accept this lord’s Divine Punishment." As the baby said, he pulled out the arrows that were stuck on him one by one, and only then did the archers discover that the arrows they shot had also changed. The arrow shaft and arrow feathers have not changed much, but the arrow... actually turned into a suction cup head.

Currently, there is a kind of bow and arrow toy for children to sell in the shopping mall. The arrow in it is this kind of sucker arrow. The position of the arrow is not a sharp metal arrow, but a rubber sucker. When the arrow hits a certain plane, it can be sucked on it and won't fall off. The biggest advantage of this kind of arrow is safety. Because the suction cup area of ​​the arrow is relatively large, even if it hits a person's eye or other fragile parts, it will only hurt at the time. Generally, there will be no permanent damage. It is very suitable for children to play. However, these archers are not toys. They hoped that these arrows could kill the baby. As a result, these arrows all became like this. How would you say those archers would react?

"How is it possible?" The archers screamed together, completely didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

"It seems that we can only get the warrior up." A player with a sword rushed up after speaking, and other weapon battles also rushed up.

Seeing these warriors rushing up, the baby was surprised that he did not stand in place and talk as before, but turned around and ran away. This different reaction immediately made the surrounding warriors passionate, because they thought it was the reason why the opponent feared the warrior system.

The attribute restraint of the game "Zero" is more serious, and many professions have their own natural enemy professions. Maybe a certain recognized strongest occupation will be finished as soon as it encounters a certain weakest occupation, or some super BOSS are always easily handled by some players who lose the total PK. This is the reason why the attribute is against each other. When you encounter a profession that specifically restrains you, sometimes even if your level is one or two hundred higher than others, you can only be hit covered head and sneaked away like a rat. This is the effect of attribute restraint.

Generally speaking, there is no invincible profession, that is, there are no comprehensive and powerful creatures. No matter how strong a creature or a player is, it must have its weaknesses. If you don't feel it, you must have not found it.

Before the baby has proved with facts that he can completely abuse the mage and archer, so those players think that the baby must be restrained by the melee system, otherwise why he is not afraid of the remote mage and archer. Archer, do you just run when you see the warrior?

Of course, the baby is not afraid of the warrior. Although he has weaknesses, it is not a warrior, but a surprise master and divine technique. These two professions have serious restraints on the baby. Unfortunately, these two occupations are extremely rare. Although there are nearly 10,000 people here, there are none of the above two occupations.

"Master, help!" Although I am not afraid of the warrior, the baby is actually slower to deal with the warrior. The mages are the most unlucky in this sweet world, because all their spells will fail from the moment they enter, and the archers are basically the same. However, the skills of warriors are all things like body refinement, this is not easy to be affected by the baby. So warrior still has battle strength at the beginning in the sweet world, but this battle strength will change over time. As long as a certain period of time passes, these players and their equipment will all become puppets. At that time, even the warrior can only be slaughtered. After all, a long sword made of a puppet holding a piece of cloth is impossible. Of course, that is the effect after a while, at least for now the baby still has to avoid these tactics, if the baby is caught, the baby will definitely not be able to deal with these people.

Just after the baby led these warriors to chase the previous jungle, a circle of silhouettes suddenly appeared around the remaining wizards and archers here. Although there are only four of us, don't forget that I am the strongest summoner. There are thousands of familiars and various summon creatures around me. Surrounding them is not a problem at all.

Because the baby is ours, the restriction of the sweet world has no effect on us at all. Don’t worry about becoming a puppet, even the attack will retain the original effect, and the opponent’s attack is all food and no lethality at all. In this way, when the two sides are compared, those spells and archers are really nothing but accept the slaughter. I can't do it. Of course, there is no shortage of people with spine. One of these players took out a liquefied magic crystal steam grenade that he didn't know where he got it.

This kind of liquefied magic crystal steam grenade should actually be called a glorious bomb, because the formidable power of this thing is really too big, most players are unlikely to throw it beyond a safe distance, so unless You yourself are hiding in a trench or other bunker, otherwise throwing this thing is basically the same as blowing it in your hand, anyway, it's dead.

The beauty that this player brought out is obviously not a product of our Frost Rose League, because this liquefied magic crystal steam grenade is not shaped like a melon like our guild, but has a shape similar to a gasoline can , It’s just a little smaller, it looks like a grenade without a wooden handle.

After the player took out this, he said something on the scene first, and it sounded quite tough, and he felt that the image seemed very tall. However, when he opened the detonating wire, the effect changed. As he pulled the detonating ring, not only the bolt fell, but even the entire thunderhead was torn off like the lid of the can, and then a shiny yellow translucent object fell out. After the thing landed, it actually bounced a few times before it landed. At this time, everyone discovered that it was actually a jelly.

The liquefied magic crystal steam grenade turned into jelly, and the player was directly dumbfounded. After a few seconds, he spouted a mouthful of cotton wool, and then fell straight down.

"Huh?" Someone strangely supported the fallen player, and then looked at the cotton wool not knowing what to do that he sprayed out in surprise. Generally speaking, shouldn't you spray blood before you get angry? What kind of situation is this cotton spray?

"Not good, are we cursed?" Someone yelled, but more people don’t know what’s going on. It’s just that their confusion will soon be because of us. The sudden attack stopped. Not because these players began to concentrate on fighting our attacks, but because they gave up resistance.

Originally, the remaining people here are either the ma

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