The first crossbow arrows that attacked Kristina were all exploded into flying fragments. Following those mechanical bed crossbows, three new giants were automatically generated at the launch position. Arrows, within two seconds, the second batch of giant arrows shot straight out, and this time it seemed that they had adjusted their positions slightly.

Although the follow-up blow came quickly, Kristina just reacted not as fast as the warrior, and was not slow to respond. After the initial dazedness, she entered the situation immediately. First, a man dodges backwards and dodges most of the giant arrows, then raised his hand to one of the ballistas in the distance, and then lifted his arm upwards, and the ballista on the top floor of the city wall suddenly flew. Then Kristina moved her arm towards the city wall on the other side and slammed it, and the flying ballista slammed on the head of another ballista as if it was tied up by a rope. . The structure on the top of the city wall simply couldn't withstand such a heavy blow. The two ballistas fell into the city wall together and were then buried by the collapsed rocks on both sides.

The two ballistas here were destroyed, but the third ballista continued to fire regardless, except that the crossbow bolt shot was halfway through the tip of Kristina’s other staff. The fired magic missile was destroyed halfway through the road.

With a bang, the walls on both sides of the city passageway we just passed by suddenly exploded, and then we saw two wild beast statues made of stone running towards this side. come over.

The sculpture is a four-legged creature that has never been seen before. It looks like a carnivorous animal like a liger, but it is extremely strong and full of muscles. Even if this thing is four-legged on the ground, the height is more than 2.5 meters, the length is at least four meters, and it is purely composed of stones, it is afraid that its weight will not exceed 20 tons. When such a huge monster runs, it is naturally an amazing imposing manner. Every time their footsteps land, they sound like a hammer hitting people's hearts with a dull boom.

Although the imposing manner of the two creatures was amazing when they rushed out, the difference from their sturdy way of playing is that these guys did not show the sturdy battle strength they expected. Less than five seconds after appearing in Kristina's line of sight, the two giant beasts each hit a magic missile, and then they were lifted off one after the other.

Looking at the two giant beasts that fell into the outer city, Kristina directly opened the half-colored wings of the butterfly behind and rose into the air, but before she started attacking, the one on the next tower A stone eagle suddenly screamed and flew over.

Kristina turned her head and looked towards the stone eagle, and then pointed and waved her staff downwards. The stone eagle sank its head as if it was suddenly hit by a hammer. , And then I planted a loud explosion sound on the ground, causing the surrounding ground to crack a few big cracks.

Seeing that Kristina was so sturdy, the other party did not plan to engage in any more staged attacks. There was a series of explosions in the surrounding buildings, and a dozen monsters rushed out. Some of these monsters are sculptures and some are new types of monsters generated purely by will, but they all have one common feature, that is, fierce and unafraid of death. These monsters moved towards Kristina swarmed up as soon as they appeared, without any hesitation at all.

I was playing in a frenzy outside, and there was no peace in the room. Zhenhong and gold coin were each blocked by a monster. In less than two seconds, two more monsters joined the battle. I wanted to go back and help, but the dozen or so silhouettes that suddenly appeared in front of me made me stunned.

"Big cat."

"ao..." A majestic roar suddenly appeared in the hall, following the strong and pure black body of the big cat and falling lightly on On the ground. After appearing, the big cat didn't rush forward in a hurry, but looked back at me.

I pointed to the monster over there, and then shouted: "There is a fake in it, try it."

The big cat is nodded in human form, and then turned to look towards that The monster group beside him suddenly shua~ shua~ shua~ flashed hundreds of panther-shaped creatures exactly like him. These split Avatars roared at the same time, and then suddenly moved, rushing towards the monster over there like a tide.

Using this kind of crowd tactics, it is easy to tell which monsters in front of me are real and which are fake, and the facts have also proved my inference. Among the dozen monsters that surrounded us, only two of them were real, and all the others were fakes.

As soon as I came up, I was able to judge that there were fakes among these monsters. This was mainly due to the other party. I can only blame them for sending too many people.

Before the referee said very clearly that each of them can only manipulate eight manifested creatures at the same time, and the ninth one is impossible. There are four people in the opponent, which means that there are no more than thirty-six creatures at most. The split tactics of the opponent closing the door and delaying are very clever, and this is currently the most reasonable and effective method. However, since the other party has finished dividing us, it has sent more than 20 monsters to attack us. Isn't it weird?

The other party can only summon thirty-six monsters in total, but our side accounted for more than half, and there are only a dozen monsters left to kill Kristina. Isn’t that possible? problem? The meaning of dividing and encircling is to divide the enemy that could not be eaten into several small parts, and then eat a small part of them in one bite, and then come several times to completely eliminate the opponent. But the other party didn't arrange the main force to Kristina's side, but used it to deal with us. Is this planning to eat our side first? This is too big, right? From the previous situation, the opponent is very smart and not stupid at all, so it is impossible to do something that idiots know, so they still put the main force on Kristina's side, we should only have a small amount of battle strength. .

If it is normal, I might think that the other party has concentrated a small amount of elites to deal with Kristina, and all the trash fish entangled us. However, the referee said before that these manifested bio-energy levels are at the same level as ours. There was no obvious change in strength before, so these monsters simply did not divide into high and low. In this case, the number is the key to determining the main force and branch. And speaking of which, if the other party sent more than 20 monsters to attack us, it would not make sense. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that a certain creature realized by the other party has an Avatar ability similar to that of a big cat. Some of these monsters should be his Avatars instead of real monsters. The other party let these Avatars appear here to mislead us, let us think that the monsters are all concentrated here, so that we dare not to amplify their moves as soon as they come up. This is a psychological tactic.

"Sure enough." Looking at the fake Avatars that were poked by the big cat’s Legion Avatars, I turned to Zhenhong and said: "Don’t stay, the main force is in Kristina. Now, go out and help. Here I will carry it!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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