When I returned to the reward room again, Real Red and gold coin returned to the room one after another. The only difference was that this time when the three of us came back, those two warriors also returned. Did not let us go back to hunt other players, but directly said to us: "Tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

"It's your cameo monster The matter of hunting players."

"What's wrong?" Gold coin asked.

"Because your previous performance was too brave, so we have to make some restrictions on you, otherwise, if you can’t wait for the next link, all the players here will be killed by you. So , You can only end your hunting behavior ahead of schedule."

"Hey, don’t you bring this?" Gold coin immediately jumped out and retorted: "You can’t deduct our rewards just because we are outstanding. Ah. Is there something wrong with good performance?"

"Yes, yes, we know you are right, but if you continue to do this, the next steps will not be able to proceed." That holding a long spear The warrior said: "We have no way now, so we are discussing with you to solve this problem."

"Does this kind of thing still need to be discussed? Of course, according to the previous agreement, let us kill those guys. Now." Zhen Hong said very directly.

Warrior said entangledly: "I also want to follow the previous agreement, but in this case, I really can’t enter the next level! Moreover, this is good for you. Although this problem occurs, There are also reasons why our reward design is unreasonable, but if you can’t enter the next level, you will not be able to complete the entire level, and you will end up stuck in the mission and never get out."

" Why is it so troublesome?" I frowned and asked, "If we agree to modify the reward, do you have any suggestions?"

"There are three ways to modify the reward." The sword and shield warrior said, "Listen first. Now, when I finish, you will decide to see if there is an acceptable choice. If you are not satisfied, we will negotiate with the method. Can you see it?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, you Let’s listen to it first."

"Okay. One of our modification methods is relatively simple, which is to directly end your hunting process, and then send you to the next level and give it to you A certain degree of attribute improvement can be regarded as compensation for the loss of this level. The second plan is that you continue to hunt players, but we will start to release Bounty Mission now, and then we will call you another group of players in the next level. Create obstacles for you, and of course you will get corresponding extra rewards. The third plan is to cancel this hunting behavior directly, and this round of missions will no longer compensate you for anything, but after the overall mission is over, you will be given an extra Compensation."

"The first plan is directly excluded. You can also think of this kind of compensation." Gold coin directly rejected this first plan, and I also nodded in favor. On the surface, this kind of plan seems quite reasonable. This level reduces our advantage, and we will be compensated in the next level. But if you change your thinking mode, you will find that it is not the case at all. Although one minus and one plus seems to be even, in fact, if we do not lose in this level, then the next level simply does not exist, why bother to make any compensation? So, this kind of thing is equivalent to deducting the charcoal of provide timely help, and then adding one more flower when you are icing on the cake. Do you think these two situations are equivalent?

The warrior over there didn’t care about our veto of a plan. Instead, he asked: "Do you think the other two can be adopted?"

"You tell us first What kind of compensation is the additional compensation in the third plan? We must know the value comparison between the two sides to decide whether to choose, right?"

The warrior with the gun said: "Sorry, all we can do is tell you This so-called compensation is actually just news, and this news is related to a very important reward for you in the future."

Hearing this uncertain answer, gold coin immediately began to pester the other party wanting The other party told me what kind of news it was, and I frowned in thought. Generally speaking, if you can tell us, the other party must have said it directly. This is not a commercial negotiation, so there is no bargaining argument. Since the other party does not say it, it is usually something that cannot be said. However, generally speaking, in this case, the more the other party does not say anything, the more likely it is to be a good thing, because only a good thing system needs to be restricted. Otherwise, if it is an irrelevant thing, what does the system restrict to do? Anyway, knowing it or not is the same.

"No need to ask, we will choose the third option." I directly interrupted the stalker of gold coin and said.

Gold coin just wanted to get more information, so when I heard that I had made a decision, I didn't continue to struggle, and the two warriors on the opposite side immediately agreed to this decision.

Because without our interference, the remaining players finally completed the mission quickly. As for me and Gold Coin and True Red, we no longer need to continue to complete the mission, because just now The lucky ball we got in the reward level has already unblocked all the sealed things on our body.

When the group of players completed their tasks, we all were collectively teleported to the entrance of the third test, which is the back garden of this villa.

This is a garden that has been abandoned for a long time. All kinds of vine plants grow everywhere without supervision. The surrounding buildings and roads are all these climbing plants, so the whole The garden now looks like a huge net of plants. The only thing that can be seen in its original form is the fountain in the center of the garden and the surrounding building exterior walls.

The referee who hadn't appeared in the previous level finally reappeared in this level, and then briefly glanced at the people present before saying: "Didn't expect the attrition is so powerful!"< /p>

The players didn't respond when they heard the referee's words, but gold coin and Zhenhong and I cleared our throats in embarrassment. After all, these guys were killed by us because of the serious reduction in staff. With the number and level of monsters here, although they are also impossible to pass the level without loss, they will definitely not die so many people. Now there are only four players left in this level besides the three of us. The elimination rate is really good. It's a bit too high.

Fortunately, the four people on the opposite side and the referee did not pay attention to us. After sighing that there were so many fewer people, the referee began to say: "Now what you have to do is the last level of this mission, which is also the most difficult one. In this level, you will default to two action groups. Here you are. The four are in a group, as challengers, and the mission leader is a group of three of you, which are considered defenders. The challengers will be qualified first. You can start the mission ten minutes earlier than the defender, and then you need to start from here All the way forward, use various things along the way to set up agencies to intercept the defending team behind."

"Referee, this is unfair." One of the four people over there stood up and shouted: "None of the four of us can set traps. We can't stop them for a while. Doesn't this mean letting them pass?"

"no no no, you are misunderstood." The referee Said: "You can obtain two abilities after starting the task, one is the realization of thinking, and the other is the vision of the will. The so-called four realization is that you can realize your imagination, for example, you can Imagine that a monster appears in front of you, and then the monster will appear. The battle method, battle strength, appearance, and various attributes of this monster are all made up of your own imagination, with great freedom. You can say how amazing your imagination is. , These manifestations are so magical."

"Hey, they are happy like this, but what should we do?" Gold coin stood up and asked: "If they directly manifest themselves The existence of a row of main Divine Grade, are we going to fart? We were knocked down in twos Although incarnation is Myriad Transformations, the total energy output is certain, so their impossible realization is beyond your own energy level. Also, the number of realizations they can realize at a time is also limited, and each person can realize the most. The total number of transformed existences is eight, that is, you cannot realize more than eight items or creatures at one time. In addition, your realization is not just about non-existent creatures, you can also modify nearby facilities according to the environment. Use it. For example, you can turn these vines in the garden into magic plants to attack them, or turn the walls into splints, and the ground into traps. The greatly improved and manifested creatures or traps will also have greater formidable power than directly fabricated existence."

"With such a terrifying ability, won't we be miserable afterwards?" I looked at the referee. Asked.

The referee hasn’t answered yet, and one of the four women over there preemptively said: “You wanted to be the defending team, why don’t we change? Let you have the ability to realize, let’s break through the barriers. "After that, the woman said, "Think about it, we can only realize eight times in total. If you rush past, we can only stare at you. This advantage is too great. If you don't think so, It’s fair, we’ll change it over."

The referee immediately said after the woman said: "No no no, you have misunderstood. The upper limit of the number of realizations for each of you is eight things, not that You can only realize eight times. Your number of realizations is unlimited, but there can only be eight items at the same time. If you want to realize the ninth item, you must create an item to automatically cancel it, or wait for it to be cancelled. They are killed, and then the number of items is less than eight before they can continue to be realized. In addition, there is another restriction that the actualized item must be at least ten meters away from all the defending team members, and it is not allowed to directly appear next to the opponent. Come out."

"Damn, isn't this going to kill us?" Gold coin complained.

"This is your task. The difficulty is for you. Of course, your difficulty is higher than that of the challenger." The referee said it with confidence, and we can't refute it.

"Referee, what is the purpose of our other will vision ability?" The white brawny man suddenly asked.

The referee immediately replied: "The effect of the vision of the will is that you can see where you want to see, without being affected by distance and obstacles. Therefore, you don’t have to approach the defending team to directly participate in the attack. Of course, If you want to get close to the battle, it’s okay. However, I suggest you keep your distance. The energy levels of the creatures or organs that you manifest are equivalent to the strength of the defending team, but this value is definitely higher than yours. High, so you are actually not as good as the creatures that you manifested yourself. Going directly to battle is simply to die, and if one person is missing, the opponent’s manifestation item interception will be reduced, which is equivalent to reducing the difficulty for the opponent. The correct tactic is to use the vision of your will to observe whether the target has destroyed the intercepting creatures or traps you set up. If so, immediately add some or modify the characteristics of the trap at the previous distance according to the situation you see, and strengthen its lethality. Yes."

"This ability is easy to use." The white man on the other side was obviously very proud.

gold coin said painfully: "I feel that our game is hopeless! I knew I should have chosen the first reward change plan!"

"We also didn't Expect this level will be so abnormal!" Zhen Hong said.

I comforted them and said: "Don’t worry, there should be a solution. We have performed so well in the previous two games. It is said that this level will not be difficult to achieve. There must be something we haven’t discovered. Things, and the referee’s rules may be endless."

My analysis is very accurate, and the referee did follow. "Because the additional skills possessed by the challenger are too powerful, the strength of the defending team in this level will be completely restored, and the attribute will no longer be suppressed. In addition, because the defending side discovered the reward level in the previous level and perfectly solved the reward level , So you will receive additional rewards.” The referee paused for a while, and then continued: “According to the regulations, the defending team successfully destroyed the sculptures in the reward level, so according to the regulations, each sculpture will give you a chance to clear the court. . That is to say, when you feel it is necessary, you can clear the field in the surrounding sight range. At this time, all traps or creatures that are realized by the other party within your sight range, regardless of whether they are discovered by the party, exist as long as they exist. Erased."

"Hey hey hey, is this too ridiculous?" The white man on the other side cried out as soon as he heard the reward. They really didn't want us to get extra rewards.

The referee was completely ignorant of his yelling and said directly: "Because the defending team destroyed ten sculptures, you can get ten clearing opportunities. Clearing opportunities can be initiated by any person in the team, as long as the defending team destroyed ten sculptures. Call it out loud and it will take effect immediately."

"What are you kidding? Ten chances. They use this thing to clear the field all the way to the finish line!" The player on the opposite side obviously felt that our reward was too excessive. .

The referee responded to them this time, explaining: "This is the reward they played in the reward level, and I can’t change it. As for the goal, it’s tied to the finish line after ten clearings. This is absolutely impossible. Although the following levels are not very long, they are definitely not short. Let alone clear ten times, even one hundred times may not be able to clear all the way to the end. This time the level is not in the wild, and the sight range is all It is very small, so the so-called clearing can only clear a small area nearby. The coverage area is actually very narrow. The main purpose is also to rescue in dangerous situations."

Heard the referee’s explanation, then The few people on the side finally stopped, but the referee quickly said: "In addition, because the defending team defeated all the stone throwing statues before the time limit is reached, they can get a perfect reward, that is, an additional player can be designated to participate in the final. A level. Note that this invitation must be approved by the other party before the other party can be included in the mission. If the other party refuses, it will not be able to get in. And you only have three invitation opportunities in total. If no one agrees for three consecutive times, the reward will be automatically invalidated. "

"Additional people?" I asked in surprise: "Does this count as the number of people in our mission?"

Before this mission started, there was simply no limit on the number of participants, so Theoretically, it is okay for me to pull in the entire guild before starting the mission. However, the task scroll clearly states that the difficulty of this task is proportional to the number of participants. Therefore, what this task actually requires is that the higher the individual battle strength of the participants, the better, not the more the better number, because if the battle strength of the participants is lower than the minimum strength standard for completing the task, the greater the number of participants , The task is more likely to fail. This is the reason why I pulled the real red and gold coin before to participate. Zhenhong is to let her test the newly acquired soul weapons, and her own strength is also very strong, ranking very high. As for gold coin, this was originally to help her with tasks and equipment, so of course she had to come by herself. As the guild and the player with the highest battle strength in the world, I can't get away with this kind of thing. In this way, I decided that the three of us would participate in the task. As for more experts, I don't find them, but I think it's useless to find them. If you look for other people, the battle strength is at most comparable to ours, so the average battle strength will not change significantly. In this case, there is no point in having more people and fewer people. However, now the referee actually asked me to bring another person in, but in this case, if the difficulty also increases, what kind of reward is it called? Isn't it all the same in Labrador?

Sure enough, the referee quickly replied: "This is a reward, so the number of people invited is not counted as the number of tasks, and no additional difficulty will be added."

"Is that so? That's very good , Can we invite people to participate now?"

"Of course, just say the people you want to invite. I will help you open the communication channel to facilitate your communication."

"Christina." I said without the slightest hesitation: "Help us invite Kristina to participate in the mission."

"Okay." With the referee's words, we suddenly had a side in front of us. The huge water mirror, and through our water mirror, we can see a dazzling crystal armor Kristina is being held in midair by the magical elements that are so strong that naked eye can see, and her right hand is holding it tightly. With the stick pointing forward, a large number of dense magic missiles formed in front of her, and then swarmed forward like a swarm of bees pouring out of a nest. In front of her is a large snowfield, on which densely packed are all the most common players and various NPC creatures in Russia. But at this time, the battlefield of tens of thousands of people was bombarded by Kristina's magic and couldn't raise her head. This dense magic missile is no less than the dense mass of rockets, even if the opponent's many people are beaten back under such magical ground-washing attacks, they can't advance at all.

The players from the four challenger teams on the opposite side couldn't help but swallow, and then sighed together: "So fierce!"

"Huh?" After complaining, Kristina noticed the water mirror next to her, then turned her head and saw us. "President? Are you not doing the mission? What's the matter?"

"The mission encountered a small problem. We got a chance to call foreign aid, so you can help me. "

Kristina nodded said: "Give me thirty seconds."

I looked towards the referee, and the other party immediately replied: "Each invitation to exchange time is one minute, you There are still 48 seconds."


After receiving confirmation, Kristina immediately interrupted the magic scrub, and then began to chant incantion. The Russian player below found free time and immediately began to counterattack. As soon as he turned around, he was overwhelmed by the artillery fire from our side hiding the sky and covering the earth. Our guild is not only powerful for players, our various heavy weapons are not weak.

The Russian players over there just got used to the artillery attack. Before organizing a counterattack, the shelling was suddenly interrupted, and then Kristina suddenly raised her hand and pointed forward, and then the battlefield ahead A black dot suddenly appeared in the center. As soon as this point appeared, it immediately began to grow larger, and it expanded into a huge sphere with a diameter of more than 500 meters in less than three seconds. Then when this limit volume was reached, the sphere immediately began to shrink back. It disappeared completely in the air in two seconds. However, as the black ball shrank, a blank area with a diameter of five more than a hundred meters appeared directly on the battlefield as if it was bitten by some kind of giant beast, except for a deep pit on the ground. The snow, land, and Russian players in that area have all disappeared cleanly, and there is not even a scum left.

"My God..." The four players on the challenge side watching the battle were all scared by this magic. The magic just seemed silent, but this formidable power plane was too terrifying. A little bit? At least thousands of players and monsters are covered by the diameter of 500 meters! It's all gone in just such a flash. How might this be?

I didn’t care about their surprise, I just asked Kristina over there, "All right?"

Kristina nodded turned to the water mirror and asked "How do I get there? Just get in from here?"

The referee replied on our behalf: "Just walk in."

Kristina immediately went to us after listening. Flew over, and then immediately entered the mission world on our side.

"Wow, the courtyard here is so unique." Seeing this overgrown garden that is about to turn into a straw mat, Kristina called out directly.

We did not talk to her, but directly reminded her to do the task for a while, and told her what the referee had said. Kristina didn't feel any pressure after listening, because our advantage was obvious. The actualized products that the four people deal with against each other have already taken advantage, not to mention that we still have ten chances to clear the field, as long as the situation is not right, we just clear the field directly.

Compared with our relaxed mood, the four on the opposite side are not calm. Although they wanted to find the referee's theory, they also knew that it was useless, so a few people didn't say anything, and directly asked the referee if it could start. After getting the referee's confirmation, they left here first. According to the agreement, they have a ten-minute preparation time. We have to wait for them to use this time to complete the first blocking trap before we can start.

Ten minutes is not long. After the referee announced that we could start, we immediately moved towards the opposite side of the garden and ran over.

There is a big iron gate behind this deserted garden, and behind that gate is another garden, which is just a little bigger than our garden, and there are many trees in that garden. , So we can only see half of the garden, and the other half is blocked by trees. Behind those trees is a castle building, which looks quite large.

After the mission started, we first rushed through the garden at the fastest speed. This part was always in our sight, so we could see it and we could be sure that there were no traps or the like.

The scene ahead after we crossed the small forest that blocked our view before made us stunned for a moment. We thought that there was a castle directly behind through the woods, but there was a moat in front of didn't expect. Although it was not wide, it had a span of seven or eight meters. There is a pontoon bridge on this moat. Because it is a soft connection, the bridge deck is a little swaying with the ups and downs of the river. Opposite this bridge is the castle gate.

For us, the bridge and the moat were not obstacles, because we can fly in directly, but now there is a faint arrow made of smoke at the entrance of the castle opposite. Pointing inside, so we can only look over there. The referee just told us that there will be arrows along the way to indicate our route, so we can't run around, we can only follow that arrow.

"I think there must be a monster realized by the other party in this river." As soon as I saw the river gold coin, I directly determined that the river is not safe, and my opinion and other people's opinions are basically the same. . After all, river water is the best cover, and it is definitely easy to hide something under the water. This is the best secret point. It shouldn't be the other party to give up.

"Since we know it is a trap, what shall we do?" Kristina asked.

"How about a fire reconnaissance first?" Real Red suggested.

I nodded looked towards Kristina and said: "Thank you."

Kristina nodded directly lifted into the air, and then just opposite the will of the four challenger team The same attack as when entering the mission was made in the field of vision. I didn’t even watch her chanting spells or doing anything. At least several thousand magic missiles appeared out of thin air, and then these magic missiles were like athletes who heard the starting gun. Colleagues rushed forward. The moat and the pontoon bridge seemed to have been bombed. The pontoon bridge was blown up instantly, and the water in the river was turned upside down. Even the silt at the bottom of the city gate was blown up. Let alone monsters, don’t expect even ordinary fish to hide. NS.

The bombing lasted more than ten seconds before it was over, but the gate of the castle was already devastated. It used to be just like a deserted castle, but now it is simply a relic of war. If Kristina hadn't deliberately adjusted the attack target because of the collapse of the city wall and sealing the gate, this might even have ceased to exist.

"It's strange, there are no traps." Kristina said when she landed on the ground.

I shrugged helplessly and said: "There is no way, the initiative is in the hands of others, we can only passively guess. If you don't let the traps go, others make the decision. We have nothing else to do but be careful. I did it."

In fact, the behavior of guessing other people's judgments in various movies and literary works is very unreliable. Human beings are the most complex creatures. Any little accident can change a person's mind. Unless you use a special instrument to detect a person's neural structure, and then observe and study this for several decades based on the detected neural characteristics, you can't predict a person's accurate thoughts at all. Of course, the general behavior judgment can be inferred, but the risk is also very high. If the accuracy rate can reach eight achievements, you will count as Luck That Goes Against Heaven's Will. Therefore, guessing other people's behavior can only be used in two situations. One is that there is no better way but to do so. The second is that the matter is not important. Just guess at it. It's best if you win, and it doesn't matter if you are wrong.

We bombed the moat just now because it didn't matter, we made all guesses, but the other party apparently made guesses too. We guessed that the other party would ambush the monster here, so we bombed the moat and did a fire reconnaissance, while the other party guessed that we must suspect that they were hiding the monster here, so we simply gave up this place. Anyway, there is no surprise attack probability anymore. .

Although the speculation on both sides is that we have failed and the other party succeeded, it cannot be said that the other party is smarter than us, only that we are out of luck. Or conversely, it's not that we are bad luck, but that we are more cautious.

Because we blasted off the floating bridge, we couldn't walk on the bridge. Fortunately, we can all fly. This distance is not a problem. Gold coin and Kristina floated directly into the air, and Zhenhong and I were more direct, and jumped over with an acceleration.

After entering the city gate is the city passageway, and after passing it, you enter the interior of the castle.

The structure of this castle is different from that of ancient Chinese cities. The city wall on the periphery of the city is basically solid. Although there are things like Tibetan soldiers' caves, there are generally not too many. In general, the city wall is still solid. But European castles are not the same in design on this point. There are basically three types of castles in Europe. One is an independent castle, that is, the entire castle is a building, just like a building. There is also a city wall type castle. This kind of castle is generally in the shape of a back shape. The outside circle that looks like a city wall is actually the castle itself. The inside of things that look like a city wall is actually empty. Except that the outer wall is a little thicker, basically It is no different from a normal building. And the center of this kind of castle is usually a large square or garden, of course, the area is too large.

The castle in front of you does not belong to the above two types, but a Third Type, a compound castle. This kind of castle combines the first and second two Chenbao designs. The outermost circle, like a city wall, is a half-city wall and half-building outer city, which is very similar to the second type of castle. The difference is that the compound castle seems to have placed a first type independent castle in the center of the second type of reciprocal castle. Because an independent castle is to be placed on the inner square of the back-shaped castle, the area of ​​the compound castle is generally not too small, and only large castles will consider such a design.

The one we are now in is a compound type three castle, and the area is quite large. The city passageway that we just entered is 20 meters long, which means that the thickness of the hui-shaped castle on the outside is 20 meters. Of course, even if the thickness is so large, the actual internal space of this back-shaped castle should not be too large. After all, this castle plays the role of a city wall. The walls are very thick, so the internal space is very narrow.

I did not encounter any accidents when I crossed this city passageway, and the square inside seemed to be safe. The huge square is basically empty, and unlike the previous garden, where there are all plants, the ground here is covered with hard stone slabs. Even if some grass grows from the cracks in the stone, it is not very high. Can't hide anything.

"Is there any danger here?" Zhenhong asked me.

I thought about it or shook the head: "I think it's better to stay vigilant and let my pet find his way. If you guess something wrong, it will be troublesome."


Christina and Zhenhong both thought what I was talking about was reasonable, so I released darts and white waves to help find the way.

The speed of light movement of the darts is definitely an expert in trampling mines. If the darts are allowed to run through the minefield, the only result is that all the mines are trampled on, and there is nothing wrong with him, because after the mines are activated Before he exploded, he ran out of the explosion range.

Compared with a landmine that is blown up by one touch, the reaction speed of organs and other things will only be slower, so we don’t have to worry about darts being trapped by traps, just worry about whether there will be any darts left on the way. trap. After all, the size of darts is too small. Some organs that rely on the body weight of the passing personnel to step on can easily make the darts run safely without being triggered. This is mainly because the darts are light in weight, and some organs are not sensitive and cannot be triggered. Such a light weight is detected.

The work of Bailang is different from that of darts. Although Bailang's speed is also very fast, some traps with super fast response can also threaten his safety, so I did not intend to let Bailang step on thunder, but use Bailang's ability to search for traps.

Bailang was originally a maze guard. One of his best things is to walk the maze, and the other is to dismantle the mechanism. His sense of hearing and smell can allow him to detect the existence of the organ in advance before a certain distance from the organ. Although it cannot be detected 100%, it can at least guarantee a detection rate of more tha

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