After biting the woman's throat, I started to bite my jaw hard. If you are an average player, you definitely don’t adapt to this way of attacking others with your mouth, but I am different from an average player. Thanks to the animal-shaped body manipulation exercises done in reality, I can use this skillfully. I don’t know what The body of a large dog of the breed, and I am also very comfortable with this bite attack.

Although the other party was bitten by my throat, he was not killed in a short time. The attacking power of this dog is obviously low. Although I can change the tactics and actions of this dog after leaning over, there is no way to change the inherent attributes of the body. Even if the woman is bitten, she can still struggle and twist, but I don’t want to be trifled with. If she can’t move her mouth, I use my claws, scratching her body desperately, and then cooperating with the force of her mouth. Soon the woman stopped resisting. However, just as I killed this woman, there was a sudden gust of wind behind my head. I know that the other two people must have freed up their hands to fight back, but unfortunately the speed of the big dog I am manipulating cannot keep up with the reaction. I knew I had to dodge, but I couldn’t get away. In the end I was hit in the head by that thing. In a second I went back to the bonus room again.

"Damn, I was knocked out by a trick!" Suddenly appeared in the bonus room, and I felt strangely aggrieved. If the previous werewolf was not the big dog I just used, I can guarantee that none of the three people in the room can run away, but my opportunity is not wasted this time, at least one target has been killed.

"Huh? Boss, are you...hanging back?" Gold coin was already in the room when I appeared, and obviously just left the mission.

I nodded as a response, and then asked: "What's the situation on your side?"

"Take one out, but unfortunately it was killed by the other. The guard I manipulated is actually a sly Snake, I’m not used to using it!"

"I’m worse than you. I just used a big dog. It’s so troublesome to use four legs!"

gold coin When I heard that I was using a dog, I was immediately surprised and asked: "Can you even use a dog's body?"

I nodded and said: "I barely killed one, but unfortunately it is still not enough. Adapted, killed by another target!"

"There is a new room, who of you two will go?" I finished talking and asked the long spear warrior.

"Let me come." I stepped forward and said, gold coin did not object.

"Then you prepare, three, two, start."

As the war broke out, the scenery around me changed again, but the surrounding environment gave me a daze. Originally we have entered so many rooms, no matter what kind of room we encounter, I shouldn't be surprised, but now this environment is really not surprising, because it is so strange.

There is no air around this place, but water. The place where I appear is under the water, and the picture that my eyes see is not a normal color picture, but red and white. In this picture, you can clearly see the outlines of many things, but you can't see the specific picture. Obviously, the creature that I leaned over relies on infrared rays to capture the target, and its vision is not normal.

In addition to the weird water environment around, I also found that the guard I was manipulating was also weird, because this guard was not a fish, but a human-shaped thing. But I can't determine what kind of guard this is. Because of my own vision problems, I can only see that I and other guards around me look the same as humans, but the specific things are completely invisible. But it is certain that this guard is not a Human Race, at least not now, because human eyesight is not like this, and humans are also impossible to survive underwater.

I just finished observing the environment, and suddenly I heard a pop, followed by the sound of water splashing before it appeared, and there was another falling water. The edge part of this room is rather shabby, and as soon as the door is opened, it is the large pool that occupies the entire room. Because the previous rooms were guarded, in order to avoid being blocked at the door, everyone used a similar penetration tactic, that is, suddenly slammed into the door and rushed in, and then decided how to fight. However, because those people rushed in, it was too late when the door was opened and there was a pool inside. At least seven people fell in the continuous series of falling water.

This time the number of people surprised me a little bit, because according to the previous game’s elimination rate, the number of people at this level seems to be a bit high, but since they are down, I didn’t think about it. Instead, he walked over directly with the other guards.

Speaking of which is a bit strange. Although the guard I controlled was a humanoid creature and was under the water as soon as it came up, this guard could not swim. Even if I can swim, I can’t float the guard’s body in the water at all. It feels like this guard is a metal person. It’s useless no matter how you paddle, even if I jump up on the bottom of the pool. Can only barely leave the bottom of the pool for a short distance, and then sink again.

Because I can't float at all, I can only follow the guards and walk under the pool. The resistance in the water is very large, so we are actually not moving fast underwater, and the people above are completely unaware of our existence. After all, the sudden fall into the water has messed up their previous arrangements, so these people didn't expect to pay attention to the underwater situation.

The depth of the pool we are in is about two meters. Even if the people who float on the water have good swimming skills, most of their bodies are still underwater, although the guards and I can’t float. , But we can easily reach the lower body of those people, so what we have to do is actually very simple-grab them and drag them down.

Looking at the two feet in front of me quickly kicking and treading water, I went up and hugged one of the feet, then immediately fell back, using my own gravity to pull the guy in. Under the water.

I didn’t think it before, but now I use this guard to realize how easy it is for aquatic animals to attack people in the water. After being dragged into the water by me, the guy was unprepared and choked at the time. Then the guy who had insufficient oxygen supply because he didn't have time to hold his breath immediately began to instinctively struggle. In fact, if he takes a breath and enters the water to fight with me, there is still hope that he will rise again, but he is struggling violently because of instinctive tension, and he doesn't know that he is going to come down to fight back, so he can't get rid of me at all. With the control, he could only helplessly try to float to the surface for breathing. Of course, the end result could only be drowned in the water.

Humans are not aquatic creatures after all, even if they can swim. It’s better when you have breath. Once you choke on a mouthful of water and there is no air stored in your lungs, your instinct will gain the upper hand and cause the human body to struggle indiscriminately. In this case, even people who could have been rescued will have to drown in the end. die.

In fact, when I just controlled the body of this guard, I discovered that the strength of this guard is actually not as good as that of the previous dog. After all, everyone in the game is very powerful. This body is actually very strong. It will move slowly due to the resistance of water. It is conceivable how weak its power is. It may only be the power level of an ordinary person in reality. This kind of attribute, if the people above can settle down and fight with us, these guards can't beat even one person at all, but because they suddenly fell into the water and were suddenly dragged into the water unpreparedly, the seven who entered the room this time Six players were killed, and even I was surprised by the brilliant results. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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