I just got a lucky ball from me. It’s really red. She doesn’t understand why I want to throw the lucky ball to her. But after hearing what I said, she I immediately understood.

Among us, the power of true red is the greatest, and because of this power, she can throw the fastest lucky ball. Anything, even water, as long as the speed reaches a certain standard, can still be divided into gold and jade. Although the lucky ball is more brittle, it is much stronger than water. Therefore, when the lucky ball is thrown by the real red, the additional kinetic energy of the lucky ball is absolutely amazing.

"Good." The real red who reacted did not hesitate at all, grabbing the lucky ball and stepping back and making a throwing motion, and then suddenly exerted force according to the statue closest to us. The lucky ball flashed like a laser, and the chest of that sculpture was directly penetrated into a big hole. The remaining lucky balls still hit the wall at an unabated speed, and passed by without warning. Where did you fly?

The sculpture that was penetrated looked down at his chest in surprise, and found that he actually had a hole in his back, but this guy is a magic sculpture, similar to the existence of a golem, even if Breaking through a hole did not affect his safety, but his life value dropped by a bit, but it was far from fatal.

The sculpture was still there in a daze, but didn't expect the second lucky ball to follow. Before, because he had been moving, Zhen Hong was afraid that he would not be able to hit correctly, so he chose the chest position with the largest area and the easiest to hit. But it's different now. The guy stopped because of surprise. There is no bottom in the big moving bullseye, but the fixed target is really red and don't worry. The lucky ball with sufficient strength flew directly at the opponent's head this time, and then without warning, suddenly the head of the entire statue exploded with a boom.

The golem is supposed to have no vital points. Whether it is missing arms or legs or the head is missing, it will not affect the battle of the golem. As long as their magic circuit can still work, the golem is immortal. However, the sculptures in front of them seem to be a little different from the golems. The heads were just destroyed, and the bodies and pedestals underneath burst together and turned into rubbles all over the floor.

Seeing that a companion died, the other sculptures did not pause at all, but started attacking more quickly, but we were not idle, except for continuing to avoid attacks. Pick those lucky balls with the right angle and hand them to Zhenhong to counterattack. Momentum is big, power is deep, the lucky ball thrown by Zhenhong, almost as long as a little rubbing can cause huge damage, if it hits the head directly, it will end the battle with one shot. In just two minutes, there were only five Master sculptures on site, and half of them were killed.

To kill the other sculptures is of great significance to us. The rewards are secondary, and the main thing is to reduce our burden. Originally ten sculptures launched lucky balls there. We could only barely dodge, and occasionally get one or two hits. But now that the statues that launch lucky balls are reduced by half, the number of lucky balls we have to deal with is naturally less. half. Having adapted to the previous situation, we feel as if our surroundings suddenly become a lot looser in this situation. As long as we pay a little attention, we can easily dodge those lucky balls that fly.

Because we don't have to concentrate all our energy on the dodge of lucky balls, we have more energy to pay attention to intercepting lucky balls that may be broken. The direct result of this change is that our efficiency in smashing lucky balls has risen sharply, and now in addition to I can receive lucky balls, even gold coin and true red can occasionally catch lucky balls.

"Look at where you are running." Fighting to be hit twice, Zhen Hong used a lucky ball that he had just obtained to directly destroy a sculpture that was turned in front of him. There are only four sculptures left to throw lucky balls. We freed our hands almost efficiently and smashed a bunch of lucky balls in a row and caught several. Because Real Red already had a bunch of lucky balls in her hand, we didn't give her lucky balls anymore, but joined the ranks of throwing ourselves.

The four sculptures were broken by a few consecutive hits of me, Jingjing, gold coin and Zhenhong, and the only one that was left has basically become our bully now. Object. Every time he throws a lucky ball, he will be missed by the dart immediately, and then caught by me or gold coin, and then Zhenhong will use the lucky ball we caught to counterattack, and the statue is exhausted and dodges back and forth. There is no chance for the slightest resistance.

"How much time is left?" I asked aloud.

gold coin looked at it and said: "Fourteen seconds, thirteen, twelve,"

"Then wait, destroy it."

"Good." Zhenhong threw a lucky ball directly, bang smashed the head of the statue, and then before the statue completely collapsed, the second lucky ball cut off its waist completely, and then the statue completely collapsed into Debris all over the floor.

Almost at the same time that the last statue shattered, the two warriors that had disappeared appeared in the room. The guy with the sword and the shield said in surprise, "You are really surprising. I thought you would be killed a few, but at most it would last until the end of five minutes. Didn't expect the time to end. You are the first. I dried up all the sculptures. It was beyond my expectation."

"If we kill all the statues before the time is over, there should be extra rewards, right?" We have been doing the task for so long. , The three of us probably have some understanding of the tasks in the game. In general tasks, there will be certain battle results evaluation for certain links. If you can hit a result above the evaluation or even beyond the preset range, the system will inevitably give special rewards.

Like this kind of game similar to sandbag throwing, it seems to be the same as a game for children, but in fact it is quite difficult to complete. If it weren't for our very strong battle strength, we would definitely be killed if we changed a few people. It was impossible to stick to the end, let alone kill all the statues within the time limit. Because of the unexpected results of our battle, we deserve special rewards for this.

After I asked about the special rewards, the warrior with the gun over there said, "Of course. You did a very good job, so according to the rules, you can get some special Reward."

"Then our reward content is God?"

"The reward content is that you can solve some enemies in advance for yourself."

"Resolve the enemy in advance?" I asked puzzledly: "How to solve it in advance?"

"The solution is very simple." The sword and shield warrior interface said: "Because the starting scroll for this mission is the three of you You are the home team, the default team mode. Those who come in later are the deputy team that accompany you on tasks and create obstacles for you, and they are not the default team mode, you need to coordinate whether to team up. You will Leaving this villa, you will enter the next level, and in that level, all you need to do is fight against the players in the cartoon level."

"Are they all our enemies?" I Asked in surprise.

warrior nodded and said: "Yes, they are all your enemies, but they don’t know it for the time being, so they will have internal division and disunity. But wait until the next level, They will understand the relationship between you and them. When the time comes, you will not be so leisurely."

"Then we have to reward...?"

"Your The reward is to solve the hidden dangers in advance.” Long spear warrior said: “Each of you can have three chances to become the monster here and intercept those guys. As long as you don’t let them pass this level, your next level’s threat will drop a lot. Because in the next level, they will in turn be responsible for manipulating the monster to intercept you, so you can kill a few more now, it is only good for you and there is no harm."

"That... please ask us to manipulate In the case of monster, how is battle strength calculated?"

"Your attributes will all be calculated based on the monster's attributes. We will not change the monster's physical attributes and appearance. You are possessed just like the upper body of the ghost. Go to the monsters and manipulate them to fight. The attribute is still a monster, but you control it. We will not tell those who are attacked that monsters are controlled by you, so you can take advantage of this state for a sneak attack. After all, you are better than those The monster is much smarter. If you pretend to be a bit, how many people should be overcast shouldn’t be a problem?"

I nodded and continued to ask: "There is one more question. You just said that we have three opportunities, please ask this How is the three chance defined?"

"The way it is defined is like this." The sword and shield warrior said: "When you are sure to use the reward, the monster in the next opened room will have a monster One of the three of you takes over control, the other two need to wait until the next room is opened. The three of you will not be teleported to one room. If you are killed by each other in the room, this is a lost opportunity. And if you are not killed, then as long as the opponent leaves the room or is killed by you, you can then teleport to the next open room to replace a monster. This is not a chance, but still uses the previous opportunity. "

gold coin asked excitedly: "Does that mean that as long as we never die, theoretically we can kill all these guys, right?"

"Almost. That’s what it means. But don’t be too big expect. According to the setting of this level, the guards in the room are not actually used to kill you people, but to delay your time. Therefore, compared to your actual battle strength, these guards are relatively weak. Even if you change your command, it is probably unlikely to rely on such a physical battle against those people. "

"We are mentally prepared for this. "When I finished speaking, I asked the two warriors: "When can we start?" "

"As long as you are ready, you can. "

"Then do it now. "

"Not sure about your entry order?" "The guard asked.

"I'll come first. Really red second, gold coin you last. "After I finished speaking, I directly said to the guard: "Let's get started. "

The guard nodded said: "Ready, someone is about to open the door, pay attention to the change of consciousness. "

As soon as the guards here finished speaking, I felt my body lighten and almost fell on the big bed in front of me.

This is obviously not the reward for me just now. It’s a room, but a bedroom. In front of me is a long and wide super big bed. There is an antique bedside table on each side of the bed. In addition, the other three walls of the room are also placed on the other three walls such as wardrobes, Bookshelves, dressing tables, etc. Obviously this is a living room, and I should have taken over the guard here and temporarily appeared in this room.

I started immediately after scanning the room.

Confirm your physical condition, or the condition of the guards I possess. Because it is inconvenient to look down at yourself, I used a simpler method, which is to see the guards around me.

< p>There is more than one guard in this room. There are three guards besides me, and I am four guards. The other three are almost identical in shape, all of which are in the form of werewolves with brown hair. The only difference is There is a slight difference in strength. Look down at my furry legs. Needless to say, I must be a werewolf now.

Because the Purple Moon can be transformed into a werewolf, I There are not many obstacles to manipulating werewolves, which are slightly different in structure from humans. In other words, I should be regarded as playing very slippery.

Because of the physical structure, the werewolf’s body is biased towards agility. At the same time, the strength is not small, and these guys have a very practical attribute, that is the extremely terrifying bite force. The werewolf's teeth are extremely sharp, and with the super high bite force, it can produce extremely terrifying damage output. It can be said that except for blood In addition to the low amount, low-level werewolves are considered relatively balanced creatures among all low-level species.

Almost as soon as I confirmed my physical characteristics, the door to the room on my side was blocked. I smashed away. A player wearing a fiery-red armor and holding a giant sword, but with only a pair of pants on his lower body, rolled into the center of the room, then jumped up to me and raised upwards with a sword. Come here.

If it’s a normal werewolf, this kind of attack will probably not be able to escape, but my nerve reflex speed is basically abnormal. When the guy’s sword is provoked, I will In accordance with the direction of his movements, he raised his head and turned his head to the side. The big sword brought a tense cool breeze across my abdomen, chest, throat and side face with a millimetre difference, but although I wiped the four key points in a row, but it did not cause any harm at all. They were all wiped and not really touched.

Such a blow can be flashed away, and the warrior in front of me is also turned pale in. fright, originally he could rush into the room immediately with this move every time Killing a guard is an unfavorable technique. didn't expect the technique that had never missed would actually fail, and what’s worse is that in order to offset the forward momentum of rolling into the house and increase the lethality, the whole person began to spin on the spot when he took off and missed a hit. After that, he crossed the frontal angle and turned his back to me and slammed directly into my arms.

I'm so sorry for the fool who sent me to the door if he didn't kill him. Since he rushed into my arms, how could I not carry forward the great spirit of the satyr and give him a wolf kiss. Of course, I am not a comrade who came down from the mountain on his back, so my wolf kiss went to his neck, and it was a stamina.

As I said before, the werewolf’s mouth has a very high lethality. The guy originally had incomplete attributes and was not equipped with complete equipment. After this mouthful, I heard the sound of the skeleton breaking, but I He didn't relax either. Instead, his claws hugged his shoulders and twisted and torn, and the guy's body was immediately separated from his head.

"Damn it!" The second player who rushed right after the warrior was also the warrior, but he didn't expect to see the warrior who rushed in first was torn apart as soon as he came in. . Although I am busy tearing up people and have no time to talk to him, don't forget, I am now a guard and not a player.

The advantage of the monster NPC is that there are more people and less bullies. The guy is in a daze, and I don't have time to do it, but there are three werewolves in the room besides me. At the moment that guy was in a daze, a werewolf rushed up next to him.

The guy's combat experience is still good. He finally found something bad at the last moment. He blocked the werewolf sideways. Unfortunately, it was half a beat slow. Although he was not killed by a single blow, he was killed. Knocked over. Before he got up, the other two werewolves followed suit. The three wolves took one bite, and they directly tore the guy into three parts, which was bloodier than mine.

The first two guys who entered the house were instantly knocked off. No matter how stupid they were, the people behind were impossible and rushed in. They turned around and ran away, but the monster here is not restricted by the door. So the three werewolves immediately threw away the corpses in their hands and chased them out.

When I saw this situation, of course I followed up, but I didn’t expect that when I rushed to the door, suddenly a yellow light film appeared on the door. , As a result, I hit the light film and pulled it out more than a meter long and then it bounced back. Although this light film is very soft, it is not fragile at all. I simply can't get out. That is, at this time, the voices of the previous two warriors suddenly appeared again. "I forgot to tell you before. The guard you controlled cannot leave the room while you are in possession. If you give up, I will teleport you to the next room, and then the guard you control can continue to chase after you."

With this werewolf under my control, I can’t participate in the exhibition because he can’t get out of the room, so it’s useless for me to stay, so I just gave up.

When I gave up on this side, the werewolf who was under my control just had a sudden meal. Then after looking around in confusion, he suddenly heard the roar of his companion outside, and then gave up thinking. Chased it out.

The werewolf didn't care about it. After I gave up this control, I immediately returned to the reward room, but True Red and gold coin were both passed away. According to the two warriors, they are now fighting to intercept other players, and I am here because there is no fourth room where they are currently fighting.

My waiting time was not long, and suddenly I saw Real Red appearing in the room.

As soon as Zhenhong saw me, he walked over and asked: "Boss, how is your situation with you?"

"Kill two, the others ran out of the house, I I can’t catch up, so I don’t know the situation. What about you?"

"Kill one, and then I was killed. The other party’s attribute is much higher than me, and this time the guard I controlled is actually fixed. The magic mirror is completely incompatible with my previous fighting style, and it just makes me depressed!"

"I don't know what happened to the gold coin." I sighed after listening.

Before Zhenhong had time to answer the call, the warrior suddenly said to me: "Okay, ready for the next room."

I felt that the surrounding environment hadn’t come to respond. Change, and then immediately arrived in a new room, but this and the room looks tattered like a storage room, there are old furniture and all kinds of sundries everywhere, although the room is not big, but there are so many things.

After confirming the environment in less than a second, I immediately started to check myself. The previous method of seeing companions definitely won't work this time, because there are no other guards in the room, so I can only look down at my hands, feet and body.

The last time I became a werewolf, it was still within the control range, but this time it was quite depressed, because I suddenly discovered that I was actually controlling a dog. I know it now. This reward is definitely a cheating reward. This is me, because the body of a giant creature may be replaced in the base to fight, so I have adapted in advance. If it is an ordinary person, you suddenly stuff his brain into a dog's body, you are sure that he can be normal Do you walk?

Although it is very depressing that the guard this time turned out to be a dog, but since this is already the case, I don't have other methods anymore, so I have to do it. Anyway, I can also skillfully use the four-legged creature's activities, but it doesn't affect the battle. It just makes me very depressed, why am I the only guard this time? Originally, this was awkward enough, but he was still alone, so would he be abused without a helper?

Although I feel very upset, I can't appeal now because the door is already open.

If there are too many people here, of course I will immediately rush up to strike a blow. It is definitely a good way to take advantage of the delay in thinking of switching scenes when the opponent enters the door. But now I'm alone, so I didn't dare to rush up immediately. Instead, I stepped back and hid directly behind a pile of wooden shelves. Anyway, there are so many things in this room that the other party can't see me.

After such a delay, all the people outside have walked in. The reason for saying all is because the rooms have been closed. If there is someone behind, the other party will not close the door.

There are only three people in this team. The members are two women and one man. The man looks average and looks a little bit, but he can't be said to be handsome. In addition, the appearance of the two women is relatively high-quality, at least in my opinion, they can be classified in the category of Peak beauty.

The equipment of the three people is unexpectedly a lot. Among them, there is a female warrior who is almost all in one suit. This efficiency really surprised me. Although the remaining two people are not fully equipped, they are almost the same. Obviously, the battle strength of such a team is not too weak, and here I am the guard. Isn't it clear that it suffers?

Although I am very depressed, I can't give up fighting. After thinking about it, I moved forward carefully and prepared to launch a surprise attack, but just before I planned to attack, there was a sudden impact sound not far from the door on my right side. The sound is not loud, and it feels like something has tripped over. This sound immediately attracted the attention of three people, but at the moment when the three people turned their heads at the same time, two dark shadows suddenly and silently jumped out of the pile of debris behind them. Two people jumped on it.

Suddenly, let alone the three players, even I was taken aback. After doing it for a long time, I was not the only guard, but the other guards hid. After all, this room is relatively narrow compared to the large empty rooms before, and there is obviously a lot of things here, and it's a mess. It is really a waste not to engage in sneak attacks in such a complicated environment.

The two black shadows that just threw out finally managed to land on a man and a woman behind, and the woman near the door was not selected because of location issues. Two black shadows hung on the two players at once and they started scratching and biting, and the other party was obviously confused by this attack, only knowing that the silly hu hu's hand was covering his head and desperately trying to get those two things off. , But completely forgot his skills and weapons.

Although the two of them were frightened, the one next to him who was not attacked was not stunned. He immediately held up his weapon and wanted to go up to help. It was just that she had just turned around, and the place where the sound was made immediately changed. A new dark figure jumped out.

I thought that woman would be recruited too, who knows it was simply on purpose. The moment the black shadow rushed out from behind, he turned around and raised his hand with a sword and slashed at the black shadow's body. The black shadow instantly turned into a large piece of black sand and exploded, and there was even a sound of dust falling on the ground, but the woman suddenly felt the wind blowing on her face before she could be proud. . In the panic, she was unlucky and lost her eyes by the black sand sprayed out by the silhouette that just exploded. This time she became even more passive.

In spite of Innate’s disadvantage, the woman didn’t panic. She closed one eye and turned to face the enemy, then gave up the long sword and drew a dagger back in her hand. She saw a dark figure similar to the one before. When he rushed up, he turned around and wanted to hug the opponent with one arm, and then ended the fight with the dagger in the other hand. However, she absolutely did not expect that the black shadow leaping over was not the guard NPC at all, but me, the player.

I didn’t get caught by her as she expected. I tilted my head slightly, raised my front paws and hooked the woman’s arm, and then the body used forward momentum to interact with the other’s arm. This support point jumped up and rushed in front of her, followed by a bite towards her face.

Girl cares most about her appearance. Even in the game, there are few who want to break the picture, so she immediately instinctively raised her hand and tilted her head to avoid this result, but her The action just gave me a chance. I twisted my body a bit and bit the part of the throat that was originally blocked by her arms. If she didn't hide, I would never have a chance to hit this position. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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