"Have you made a mistake?" Gold coin looked at the two guards in the field and exclaimed: "This referee is deliberately cheating? How can I fight so strong?"

Gold coin and True Red are both strong, so I can sense the strength of each other through magical fluctuations, and they can naturally too.

On this side, Gold Coin finished complaining, but the guard over there started to move, frightening us to stay alert. It's not that we are courageous, but the two guards in front of us are too strong. You can think of everyone’s magic as a bonfire, and our side is just a small burning bonfire, but the other side seems to be a mountain forest fire that ignited the entire mountain, and because their fire is too big , The generated heat wave drives the airflow, and it blows us into the feeling that the small fire will be extinguished at any time. In such an environment, why do you think we can still not worry?

Although I am on guard, I am actually planning how to evacuate. The guards here are too strong, obviously belonging to the kind that impossible to defeat. For this kind of guards, if you don't run, you are a fool. Although they will definitely chase, there is still a glimmer of hope for running. If you don't run, you are completely finished. Do you think we still need to choose?

As we were carefully guarding and preparing to evacuate, the two guards over there stepped towards us after a slight movement, and we immediately pointed our weapons at They are ready to meet the enemy. Even if you want to run, you can't run as soon as you come up. At least you need to touch the water and try some water. However, before we had time to start, the two guards over there suddenly stopped.

"Welcome a few to enter the bonus room. Your luck is really good. You will be drawn with a probability of one in a thousand," said the black armored soldier holding a sword and shield.

Me, gold coin and big eyes staring at small eyes who are really red are puzzled and looked at each other, and then I rushed to the warrior with a question mark and asked, "Excuse me, what's the situation? Huh? Why do I feel a little dizzy?"

"You probably treat us as guards, right?" asked another warrior holding a long spear next to him.

gold coin nodded asked: "Aren't you?"

Warrior nodded confirmed: "Of course, we are the Guardian of the final checkpoint, not the guard here. Don't worry, we My mission is to maintain order, not to fight with you. This game is to test your abilities. Impossible will arrange for you an opponent that is absolutely invincible. My comrades and I are both three thousand-level spar guards, and you are now even one thousand-level. Not enough, the strength is still compressed to one percent of the normal value. Would it be called a game if we were to arrange it? Just declare you a failure? Anyway, you have no chance of winning."

gold coin relaxed and said: "Hoo, I was scared to death. I thought you were the guards of this room. I said how could the guard's battle strength increase so terribly!"

"Sorry, this is us Not ready to welcome you, but speaking of which we didn’t intend to welcome you.” The warrior holding a sword and shield said: “Every time you open a new room, there will be a random moment when the door opens. Lottery, among them, the probability of 999 per thousand is still the original room, but there is a 1 in thousand probability that you will enter the current room the moment you open the door. This room is actually not in the villa you just stayed in. , You can re-enter this room after you leave this room, but next time you come in, it will become a normal room with guards and furnishings that allow you to hit lucky balls. Of course, if you come next time If you come in, you can still get the one-thousandth probability, and you will still enter this room and get another reward. But I don’t think you have the lottery that luck can draw twice in a row with only one-thousandth probability."< /p>

I nodded and said: "I don't think it is possible, but can you tell us what rewards we have for coming here?"

"Oh, yes, this is what we have to Duty.” The warrior with the gun explained: “This is actually a small game. As you can see, there are ten sculptures in this room. They are located on circular orbits with different heights. Although they are stationary now, But after a while I will activate them, and then they will move along the track, but their movement is not regular, except that they cannot leave the track, their speed and direction may change at any time. In addition, these sculptures will start After activation, they will hit you with lucky balls. You need to stand in the lowest area in the center, and then you need to avoid the lucky balls thrown by them. These lucky balls will smash your blood and deplete your health. It’s out. But don’t worry, you will not die after your health is exhausted, and you will be in full state. The Ministry replied, only to lose the qualification to continue the game. "

"Then how do we clear the customs?" What is the reward? "

"There is no such thing as clearance, all you have to do is to avoid. Don't get hit by lucky balls, and use your own weapons or fists to hit those lucky balls that fly towards you. Any lucky ball that is smashed by you is equivalent to that you used the lucky ball. The smashed lucky ball will directly help you draw out any one or more of the four categories of level, equipment, skills, and familiars with varying degrees of unblocking effects. The more you crush, the greater the benefits. Also, you can try to catch those lucky balls thrown at you, and then use the caught lucky balls to smash the surrounding statues in turn. Of course, they will also evade, and you can only use lucky balls in flight that you catch, lucky balls that roll along the ground or stop are not allowed. Those statues are also injured if they are hit by the lucky ball thrown by you, and each time they hit they are equivalent to using a lucky ball. The statue also has health. Once the health is exhausted, the statue will be broken, and then a reward will be recorded for you, and the reward will be issued in a later scene. "

I raised my hand and asked, "Is there a time limit?" Or is it going to continue until we run out of blood or destroy all the statues? Also, can we only be active in the Central Region? Can I leave this area and go elsewhere? "

"The time limit is five minutes. Of course, if one of the two situations you mentioned occurs before this time, it will also end the game early. As for your position, of course, only the small piece in the center of the track, otherwise the difficulty of the game is too low? How about it? Very good game, right? "

I nodded and said: "It's really good. "

I’m telling the truth. This room only has the area of ​​a standard basketball court. Excluding the ten circles around it, the area used by us in the center is actually very small, even more than a double bed. The area is slightly larger. Fortunately, this area is relatively long and narrow, rather than square, otherwise we will suffer even more. However, even if the dodge area is small, the defensive power we have now won’t actually be very fast. Just hang up, and we can definitely smash a lot of lucky balls in this period of time. This way, I don’t know how many times faster than cleaning the room to find lucky balls. As for smashing the statue to win the next level reward, I haven't considered this for the time being. After all, we still don't know the specific lethality of the lucky ball and the opponent's reaction speed. Of course, if it is possible, I will not give up.

"When will we start? "Gold coin has already asked anxiously.

The warrior holding the sword said: "You can do it anytime, as long as you want. "

"So let's start. "

"Then you are ready. "The two warriors suddenly disappeared into the room as they said, and the sculptures moved at the same time, but they didn't attack as soon as they came up, but they just woken up there as if they were just waking up. They backed their hands to the back slowly, and when they brought their hands to the front, there was already a colorful lucky ball in their hands. When these guys were all ready, the room remembered the two warriors again. The sound. "The game begins to count down, three..." When this number was counted, all the ten sculptures around began to move slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and these guys would still make a lot of noise when they moved. I guess the noise is so loud. It’s mainly because these guys are busts. Their bodies are only above the waist, and their lower body has only a rectangular base, so they have a lot of friction when they move on the ground. There will be a rumbling sound.

As the countdown ends, the sculpture that has lifted the lucky ball immediately began to throw the lucky ball at us, and the people on our side immediately moved.


The lucky balls in the hands of these guys are obviously different from the lucky balls we smashed before. Although they are also colored, and the surface is smooth and transparent, like crystal balls, these lucky balls are definitely not crystals, because they are actually It bounces like a bouncing ball.

Seeing a sculpture throw a lucky ball at me, I dodged, but the lucky ball bounced immediately after hitting the ground. Get up, fly directly out of where we are, hit the opposite wall and hit the roof again, and then refracted and flew from behind me. Thanks to a dart next to me, I directly gave this lucky ball to me. Blocked out.

After realizing that these lucky balls will bounce, our battle becomes cautiously, because the angle of the refracted lucky balls is often more tricky than the ones thrown directly, so we have to look at the six ears. Listening to Bafang, of course, even so under normal circumstances, we are impossible to dodge all the lucky balls, but the actual result is that after the opening, except for the fact that we are not familiar with the situation, everyone has hit a few times until the game starts. After ten seconds, we rarely get hits again. We only get one or two occasionally. Basically, there is no probability of senior being kicked out of the time limit. The reason why we are so beautiful is not that our reaction nerves are like Superman. After all, with this agile attribute now, even if the brain catches up, the body has no time to react. The main reason why we can do this is the dart.

The speed of the dart is limited, but still It is N times faster than these lucky balls. Compared with darts, the speed of these lucky balls is actually very slow and slow, so he can easily intercept the lucky balls, and even use the lucky balls flying in the air as a stepping stone. Jump from a lucky ball to On another lucky ball.

Originally had the ability to darts, we should be slaughter all sides, but unfortunately, the size of darts is too small, and now we are limited in strength, and as a result, those lucky balls can't be smashed. Fortunately, although we hit It's not broken, but it can be intercepted halfway, so the darts that can't help us smash the lucky ball have become our defensive barrier instead. Of course, because there are ten sculptures throwing lucky balls around, and the lucky balls will not stop immediately after being thrown, but will bounce back and forth in the room for at least ten seconds, plus these sculptures throw lucky balls very fast , So the room quickly became a sky full of lucky balls flying around. With such dense lucky balls, even darts can't block them all, so we can only dodge as much as possible, and darts are to intercept those lucky balls that we can't dodge.

"Ah..." We are adapting to the game for twenty seconds, but we still get hit occasionally until thirty seconds later.

Looking at Jingjing who had just been smashed, I suddenly realized that she was not suitable for fighting here, so I moved directly in front of her, and said: "Go to the middle, use the holy The shield protects our heads."

"Understood." Jingjing quickly retreated to the center of the three of us, then raised the shield and enlarged it. With this sacred shield like a parasol protecting the head, the bounced lucky ball from above can be ignored, so that we can have a reverse direction and leave it alone. This pressure is immediately much smaller.

After adapting to this situation a little bit, we started to try to intercept those lucky balls. Everyone is a veteran, not as impatient as a newcomer, and the effect of this is really good. After a sideways dodge a lucky ball, I found a lucky ball with a more suitable angle out of the corner of my eye. I took off decisively, leg raised, and bang. I saw that lucky ball burst in the air, and then I felt like I was on my body. It was refreshing for a while, but there was no time to check what was drawn during the battle. I only knew that it should have been upgraded, but I didn't know the specific level.

Seeing that I have made some gains here, Zhenhong and gold coin also started to try to intercept the lucky balls. As a result, when Zhenhong punched three lucky balls, gold coin also succeeded in smashing them.


"Okay, that's it, hold on." Hearing the continuous crackling, knowing that everyone has achieved success, I reminded them not to be too aggressive. Both Zhenhong and gold coin quickly expressed their understanding, and I was relieved a lot.

After blasting at least thirty lucky balls in a row, two minutes has passed. At this time, we have completely adapted to the lucky ball shooting rules here, so I started to try to increase some points.

Directing the darts to block a lucky ball and bounce it toward me, in line with my actions, just to grasp the lucky ball.

The texture of these lucky balls is rather annoying. If you use too much force, it will burst, and if the force is too small, it will bounce back, so it is difficult to capture. If it weren’t for the darts to help me intercept it and reduce its speed, I would probably pick it up. Can't help. It's not that the reaction speed can't keep up, but that the lucky ball will burst in the palm of the hand if it is too late to unload after catching it.

After successfully catching this lucky ball, I did not use it to smash the statue, but directly gave it to Zhenhong and shouted at the same time: "Use your greatest strength to smash it for me." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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