There were two lucky balls hit in the promenade. After a little consideration, I decided to give them all red. The current situation is that True Red has the highest attack power, and others will not be able to catch up with her attack power for a while, so in order to maximize this battle strength, her defense must be strengthened as soon as possible.

Gold coin and Zhenhong are both high-end battle strengths. I can also think of the battle strength distribution they can think of, so they agree. Real red who received the lucky ball used it directly. The first lucky ball was still mediocre, with a level plus eight, which was pretty good, but it was not the defensive equipment we wanted.

With the previous consecutive losses, the second lucky ball was really red and hesitated, but in the end she still used it. The luck this time was obviously better than before, but it was not as exaggerated as the first time. A level plus seven was added, plus a pair of armguards. Although this armguard only wraps the arm, it at least has a defensive power bonus. Even if it is attacked in a place without protection, the damage can at least be reduced.

After dealing with the lucky ball in our hands, we began to plan to attack the next room. This corridor is very long and Z-shaped, with many rooms lined up on both sides of the way. If every room here has the previous burst rate, it is estimated that we will be able to gather almost all the things on our body at the end of this corridor.

"Which room should I start with?" Gold coin looked at me and asked.

"Let’s start from the beginning in order."

"Well, that’s okay." Gold coin said and stood by the first door to prepare for the breakthrough, and I and Zhenhong Also do it quickly.

Because it is not the first room anymore, our tactical arrangements have been perfected. Counting three and two, Zhen Hong suddenly slammed a punch on the door. Because of the powerful fist arm and soul arm, Zhen Hong’s current attack power can be described as frenziedly high, so this ordinary wooden door has become directly. Pieces of wood flying all over the sky, and even a monster near the door in the room was directly shot to the ground by a larger door panel that flew over.

After hitting the door with a punch, Zhenhong immediately retreated and retreated. Gold coin and I rushed in together. This is a pre-arranged offensive strategy, until the defensive ability of True Red surpasses us, we must follow this order.

Facts have proved that our arrangement is very correct. As soon as I rushed in, I was hit with a blow and almost didn't get smashed to the ground. Thanks to my reaction, I quickly moved a step to the left and got close to the opponent's axe, avoiding the axe of the long-handled axe in the opponent's hand. I was only knocked by the handle of the axe. With my current defensive power, even if it is not dead, it is almost the same.

Compared to my side, gold coin is lucky. Because I went in first, the guards on both sides of the door attacked me together. The one on the left hit me, but the one on the right had to step forward and plan to attack because the distance was a little longer. Because of this step, he went straight to the front of gold coin. The gold coin that just rushed in just went up and knocked this guy's head flying with a sword. But... this guy is not a zombie warrior. Although the armor on the outside looks similar, there is no zombie inside, but empty.

The guard in this room is the armor warrior. Strictly speaking should be regarded as something like Nether Soul, but it has no attack power and can only be attacked by manipulating other objects, and these metal armors are just the best Something suitable for them to manipulate. Because of the long-term integration with the armor, these armors have become part of these special Nether Souls, but this fusion adds battle strength to these Nether Souls, and also makes these Nether Souls lose the ability to ignore physical attacks. They and The fusion of the armor is too tight, so that the armor is damaged, and they will also be injured. In severe cases, they will even disappear directly.

Although these armored warriors can be killed, these guys in front of them are Nether Soul things after all, and it does not mean that they will die if they cut their heads or something. In fact, their bodies have no so-called vital points at all, no matter where they are hit, the effect is the same. The headless armor warrior not only lost his head, but also retreated several times after being hit by the gold coin, and finally fell to the ground without stopping. Zhen Hong rushed past me, jumped up and slammed his fist down on the chest of the fallen armor warrior. Bang this guy's entire breastplate turned into a discus, and all his limbs and everything flew out. What is even more exaggerated is that this fist directly smashed a hole in the floor and pierced it into the room below in one breath. Below this is an empty room, there is no one, otherwise it might reveal our secrets.

Resolve the red and gold coin of the armor warrior and immediately ran back to help me besiege the armor warrior in front of me. The speed of this armor warrior is much faster than the zombie warrior, and the strength is not small, but it is not as big as the zombie warrior, and the overall strength is more balanced. However, this armor warrior has an advantage that the zombie warrior does not have, that is, this kind of guy is smarter, not only has a significantly higher intelligence, but also knows how to cooperate. I have been hiding at the door before sneak attacks. I prove it. But unfortunately, although their intelligence is not bad, their battle strength is also quite good, but in general their strength is still average, and they will only end up hating us when they encounter us.

The three teamed up, and the last armor warrior was overturned without having survived three moves, and the rest was smashing things.

The room in front of me seems to be a collection exhibition room. It may also function as a small living room. The contents are densely arranged. There is also a large glass wall, but there is no fish in it. It's a lot of various crafts.

Although there are a lot of things in this room, for us, we are only happy. There are many things, and the probability of lucky balls is high, so we are not afraid of too many things, but too few things.

Because of the improvement in our strength, our destruction speed has obviously improved tremendously, and we smashed things here in a few or two. When the last piece of furniture in the room was smashed into a pile of wood chips, we collected a total of ten lucky balls. This is the most harvested room so far.

"You don't have to give me all of so much, right?" After smashing things, it was really red, and we quickly said as soon as we took all the lucky balls.

gold coin said: "Now your strength is the most hopeful for rapid improvement, so it doesn’t matter if you give it all, but it depends on what you can draw. If you can use one or two, you will draw When it comes to the armor, the rest can be used for us."

I also followed: "Gold coin is right. You have the most hope for improving your strength. You are the first."


"Oh, that's okay." Zhenhong thinks about it and thinks it makes sense, and there are ten lucky balls here, and she also thinks that she should be able to draw armor without using all the lucky balls.

Because the people behind will come in and discover the secret of us smashing things out of the equipment, we first left this room and went back to the corridor, and then re-entered this room, so that the room was refreshed once and the furniture was restored again . After eliminating the hidden dangers, Zhenhong started to use the lucky ball. This time he was lucky and opened the door with a good start. The first one came out with good things.

True Red's first lucky ball directly went out of a level plus fifty. Although there was no equipment, this is by far the most exaggerated one-time increase in level. With these five Level 10, the true red level has reached 8Level 8, becoming the highest level existence among the three of us so far.

Take advantage of his hands, Zhen Hong quickly used the second lucky ball, but this time he fell from heaven to hell, and only got a level plus one. Real red, who was hit, hesitated whether to use the third one. She always felt that her luck could not be used together, otherwise the production of the lucky ball would be very bad, but she still used the third lucky ball under our insistence. .

Although the third lucky ball did not return to the good luck of the first one, because the production of the second one is really low, so this time it finally improved slightly, and there was a The level plus four is at least better than the second one.

The results of the fourth and fifth lucky balls after that are the same, one is grade plus five and the other is grade plus three, which is basically a semi-disabled production rate.

The sixth lucky ball finally turned around. It drove a level plus 20. The red helmet, belt and skirt were all exposed, but these three things were worn. It always feels weird on the body.

Holding the seventh lucky ball, Zhen Hong began to hesitate to ask us again: "Do you want to continue? My luck can only be better or worse for a while. If I use it, the next few estimates are all I can’t get anything out, besides, I already have three pieces of armor, and there are a lot of things. Otherwise, do you use the last four?"

I shook my head and refused: "You still use it, we need it. Your battle strength must be piled up as soon as possible."

Seeing that I am so determined, I have to continue to use it. It's not worth my insistence that the seventh lucky ball is more powerful than all the previous lucky balls. Not only did it get a level plus one hundred, but it also put the breastplate, waistband, shoulder armor and mirror on True Red in one go. The armor, lining soft armor, cloak, and the ring of the corona behind all burst out. Such a large amount of things can make us happy. With these things, the armor part of Zhen Hong's body is only missing from the legs. Of course, jewelry and other things were not found, as well as the true red primary and secondary weapons and shields. These things did not appear, but that was not important. Although Zhenhong has primary and secondary weapons, she doesn’t use it much. She usually fights with her fists, and the corona halo behind her is also a weapon that can be used as equipment. As for jewelry and leg armor, these things are not temporarily available. Urgent, at least now that really red can be alone. Besides, this lucky ball has a level plus one hundred, so that the real red will have 2Level 21. After passing the 200 level mark, it is equivalent to passing a hurdle, and the strength is definitely greatly improved.

Because I found so many things at once, Zhenhong said that he would not use the remaining lucky balls anymore, so I had to use gold coin and me.

Gold coin's luck seems to have been very average. The lucky ball allocated to her was drawn to a level plus ten. By the way, the Heavenly Venerable sword and her snow fox crown were exploded. Although she is still the least equipped among us, she looks the most beautiful. After all, she is all large pieces, and the covering area is larger than our pile of things, especially because she took the lead in producing weapons. , So the battle strength is almost straight up.

Because the gold coin got a very good result as soon as it came up, so the last two lucky balls were all left to me.

Compared to gold coin, my luck is also pretty good. I feel that the luck of the three of us is really red and unstable. Gold coin and I have always had very good luck. My first lucky ball directly broke the record. I drew out a level and added two hundred. It also exploded my arm guards, wrist guards and shoulder armor. This is definitely a big prize.

Although the luck of the second lucky ball is not as good as the first one, it can definitely be regarded as a grand prize if you look at it. The breastplate, waistband, and back blade all over his body burst out. With such a large amount of things, except for the wings on the back, the ring of commandments, the half moon, and the shield, I am basically fully equipped. The rest is the items in the item column that are not directly equipped on the body. Speaking of which The referee is really ruthless. It doesn't matter if I strip everything on my body, even the items in the item column were taken away by me.

"haha, now the shotgun has been changed. As long as we find the remaining levels and equipment, we can pass the level." Gold coin looked at everyone's basically complete equipment said with a smile.

True Red also said: "Now everyone’s equipment is almost complete, and the battle strength has also increased a lot. I think we might as well go away separately. This can speed up the speed. Anyway, the guards are not. We are rivals."

"Yes, it makes sense." Gold coin also agreed.

I thought for a while and nodded and said: "Separation can really speed up the progress, but I can separate from real red, gold coin you'd better follow real red first, what you have on you just looks more complete In fact, there are only a few things. It’s too dangerous to enter the room alone. Besides, you two didn’t look at your own skills, right?”

“What’s the matter?” Zhenhong and gold coin curiously asked while checking their own. attribute, as a result, this turn over immediately screamed. "Damn, how about my skills?"

"All are sealed." I helped them replied and said at the same time: "Not only your skills, but also my skills and familiars have been sealed. It seems that if these things are not made up in the next level, you also need to use lucky balls to draw, but I am not sure about the details. So it is necessary to separate them, but you need to improve your strength with gold coin."

"It's okay, I will definitely have no problem with her." Zhenhong said: "But those sealed skills and familiars plus so many things, aren't we still looking for a lot of lucky balls?"

“So now the chance of lucky balls appearing is so high, not because of our good luck, but because there are too many things. If we don’t have a bunch of lucky balls in every room, we would even hit the whole villa back and forth several times. You may not get everything together!" I explained.

"Oh! Forget it, let's do it now. If you stand here, equipment and attributes won't come back by yourself." After gold coin finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door.

According to what we just said, we will now start to act separately. The rooms in the corridor are not all concentrated on one side, so we decided to explore separately. I am responsible for the left side, which is the side of a room we just finished hitting, while gold coin and true red are responsible for the right side.

Because I entered the room alone this time, I didn't need to count one, two or three. When I was ready, I rushed in in a spurt of energy.

After pushing the door open, I was a little unexpected. I planned to look for the monster’s silhouette after pushing the door open. Who knew that as soon as the door opened a crack, there was a sudden strong resistance. But because I was about to rush in suddenly, I almost hit the door with my whole body when I opened the door. Therefore, this force was not small. Even though the resistance was great, I still let me push the door open.

As soon as the door slammed open, I saw a silhouette flying in the air, crashing into the back of a table opposite, and on each side of the table stood a handsome guy in a black suit. , As for the one who flew behind the table...Although I only saw a back, it seemed to be a woman, because I saw that the other party was wearing a purple skirt.

Although I was stunned by the situation in front of me, I didn’t hesitate for long, because the two handsome guys on the opposite side had already thrown away the cups in their hands and rushed towards me with hideous faces. .

The guard of this room is a vampire, and it is actually a vampire with a much higher level than the previous two.

Seeing two vampires leaping over, I quickly rolled and flashed to the side. One of the vampires couldn't control his figure and bumped into the door and closed the door directly. The other one fell on me, but only touched my ankle. The other party originally planned to grab my ankle and pull me down, but I have got the back-blade part of my whole body, so the back-blade is now installed behind the heel. Instead of holding my foot, he cut his hand instead. broken.

Although I was injured, this injury is really nothing to vampire. Although the other party was injured, he did not relax at all and continued to pull me hard, but when I saw his movement, I immediately turned and swung a sword. When the other party saw my sword cut over, he stretched out his hand to grab it, as if I was swinging a cotton stick instead of a sword. In fact, this reaction is not wrong normally, because vampire itself has super self-healing ability, so skin and flesh injuries are completely negligible, and ordinary weapons can’t cut bones, so you can catch them as long as you reach out. My weapon not only protects the important head, but also makes me lose the initiative. Unfortunately, this vampire miscalculated.

What I am holding is the eternity that I have just acquired, and even if it is compressed to one-half of the original attribute, the eternal sharpness cannot be blocked by just a few bones in my hand. Although Eternal now cannot cut Divine Item like a cucumber as usual, it is relatively easy to cut wood, bronze, cast iron and so on. No matter how hard this guy's bones are, he can't match steel like iron, right? Therefore, when I passed this sword, the guy's hand was directly missing by half.

I didn’t give that guy a chance to be astonished, so I gave it a hint, and the vampire’s head flew out, and then the guy’s body burst into flames. It took less than two seconds. Turned into a pile of black ash scattered on the ground.

When this guy is done burning, the other vampire over there has also gotten up, and the one who flew behind the table also stood up at the same time. What surprised me was that not one got up behind the table. , But two people. In addition to the woman I just ran into, there is actually a handsome old man with silver hair who looks about forty years old. Although she is older, he combs his hair meticulously. The whole person looks very energetic, just because I was knocked down just now, so my clothes are a little messy now.

Judging from the previous entry, there should have been four vampires in this room before. Among them, the Old Guy is sitting behind the desk facing the door, and the desk is standing on both sides The two handsome vampires were probably talking to him, and the female vampire was supposed to be standing with her back against the door, but when I came in, she was knocked into the air, and even the old man behind the table was thrown down.

After the two people stood up, they barked their teeth at me immediately, showing a very angry expression, and the one by the door had already rushed up.

There were only two guards in so many rooms before. We didn’t expect that we just separated and we ran into a room with four guards, and the level of the guards was significantly improved. Thanks to me. Strength improvement is also very difficult to deal with, otherwise this one will be really troublesome. According to the experience gained in the first room downstairs, although the monster here will not take the initiative to open the door and chase people, if you are seen by them and go out again, the monster will chase it out, so in case you run into a high level monster, It's useless to get out of the room. Fortunately, although these four are strong, they can still cope with them, not to mention I have already killed one.

Vampire, who recovered from the door and rushed towards me, was not much stronger than his companion. As soon as I got closer, I pinched my neck and pressed it to the ground, and then cut off his head with a sword. The corpse burned unexpectedly, and it quickly turned into fly ash.

Seeing this scene, the two vampires over there directly threw off the table in front of them, and then rushed towards me. It was just that I didn’t expect them to dodge. Actually he took the initiative to rush up to meet them. Before the two sides got close, I talked about eternity as a dart and threw it out, pierced the pretty female vampire's forehead with a sword and flew it back and nailed it to the wall behind. The old man vampire next to him was taken aback for a while because his companion was killed. With just a few tenths of hesitation, I rushed to his side, and then his chin hit him in the punched place to float, and then lifted his leg and swept it. Kick it horizontally on his waist. The guy flew out and hit the locker next to the wall and bounced back, but I quickly followed, punched his back and hit it on the locker again, and at the same time, he caught up while he bounced back again. Opportunity hugged his head and twisted it back, clicked this cervical spine, followed by pulling it down to the ground, stepped on his neck with his foot, and ejected the opposite blade of the elbow, one fell down with the blade It pierced directly through that guy's heart.

Vampire is different from ordinary creatures after all. It does not mean that if the cervical spine is broken, it will die. Cutting off their heads can kill them, but it is useless if it is just twisted and not cut off.

The completely dead vampire burst into flames, and then instantly turned into a pile of fly ash. I stood up from the ground and turned around to pick up eternity. Originally, Eternity could fly back by itself, but now that the ability is suppressed, this trick is useless. However, when I turned around, I was taken aback, because the female vampire over there was still there.

Some people will ask, this man is dead, where can he go if he is not there? But the problem is, that's a dead person. This is vampire, not human. Of course, a dead body will not run around, otherwise it will be a corpse fraud. But this vampire should naturally turn into fly ash when it dies. But the corpse in front of me is still there, nailed to the wall by my eternity, unchanged. Isn’t that strange?

Slightly surprised, I walked to the female vampire and observed it carefully. The result confirmed that the other party was really dead and not killed. Finally, after thinking about it, I still pulled the eternity off. Before the other party was nailed to the wall by Eternal and couldn't come down, but now that Eternal was pulled out, she immediately collapsed to the ground and motionless. However, just when I thought this vampire was special, the other person's body suddenly emitted a faint light, and then the skin, hair and clothes of the female vampire began to fly upwards, these falling parts While flying upwards, it turned yellow, withered, and shrunk, as if the ashes produced during the burning of paper were flying upwards with the updraft, but the strange thing was that the corpse itself did not burn.

Seeing this weird phenomenon, I can only stare at the female vampire vigilantly with the sword in hand, and if she cheats on the corpse, I can react as soon as possible. However, the other party did not let me wait for long, but only took six or seven seconds to end the transformation, and after these things disappeared, what appeared on the ground was...


"Master?" Jingjing sat up from the ground with a dazed expression, then looked at the ground in surprise and asked: "Why am I lying on the ground?"

"This ……I actually want to know what you were doing just now?"

"Just now? I have been training in the training space just now. But why is it suddenly sent out?"

After hearing Jingjing's explanation, I finally guessed the reason. It seems that this is the way to restore the Familiar. It turned out that the familiar was not drawn from the lucky ball, but emerged from the guard's body. But thinking of this, I am a little puzzled, because humanoid familiars like Jingjing will pop up, but what about people like Lucky, Tank, and Black Flame? Fortunately, although it is a dragon, it can turn into a human form at any rate. The tank and the black flame do not have a human form. And the two of them are so big. If they show up in the room, let alone this room, maybe even the entire villa will be dumped out more than half, right?

Although I don't know how the large familiar will appear, since there is a way to restore the summon, it is a good thing. You must know that the task of this link is actually fighting speed, and collecting lucky balls is actually faster as the number of people increases, so the auxiliary role of the familiar here is definitely higher than the equipment and level, because no matter how good the equipment is, the level will be higher. Gao You can only crack one room by room. If I can summon all the summon creatures now, I can use the sea of ​​people to pile them all the way, and the villa will be completely filled in a few minutes. When the time comes, why can’t I find it?

"Well, you can follow me to help now. There may be rewards for smashing the furniture here. Help me collect it."

"Good." Jingjing finished listening. Immediately raising the shield to hit the desk beside him was a shield blow. With a click, the table turned into a pile of wood chips, and then a lucky ball rolled out. Jingjing picked up the lucky ball and asked: "Is it this?"

"Yes, that's it. Anything in the room may show a lucky ball. You can drop it as long as you see it intact. There is more than one room in a room, there should be others here."


With Jingjing's help, my speed of dismantling things has increased significantly, despite this There were a lot of things in the room that looked like a study, but it quickly broke us all. In the end, this room contributed a total of six lucky balls, which is quite a lot, especially since I am alone here, so you can use them all by yourself. As I said before entering the room, you don’t need to keep the lucky ball, and use it as soon as you hit it. Don’t wait for others.

According to the old rules, first exit the room, force a refresh, and then come back and use the lucky ball. The first lucky ball was unlucky and got a grade plus eight. The second, third, and fourth balls are also similar. They got Level 8, Level 9, and Level 7, respectively. Level 32 was added to the four balls.

The fifth ball finally started to regain the previous good luck, and it exploded. I directly gave out all the equipment left on my body, which means that the things on my body are only The bad item column has not been found yet. In addition, the fifth ball has a level plus twenty, which is not bad.

It seems that the appearance of this equipment is in a certain order, it is not random. The sixth lucky ball starts to appear in the item column equipment, and it is all done for me with one ball, which is equivalent to saying me The current equipment has returned to the state before entering the mission. The only problem is that the equipment attribute has been suppressed to one percent of the normal value. However, with my attributes, 1% is also very scary. At least I can push it evenly according to the monster level here.

The sixth lucky ball actually exploded not only the equipment on my body, but also the level increase, but the addition was relatively small, only Level 4.

With these six lucky balls, I am not only fully equipped, but my level has also risen to 351. Although it is not comparable to my heyday, I feel that I can walk sideways here.

After getting the lucky ball, I did not leave the room, but walked towards the side of the room. There is a door on the side of this room, and I don't know where it leads, so I have to go in and take a look.

It was a little unexpected. After the door is opened, there is only a very small room, which may be slightly larger than the large bathroom with bathtub in the luxury villa, or even not as large as some bathroom. The furnishings in the room are also pitiful, except that there is a large bed against the wall and a bedside table with a bookcase next to the bed. The remaining space is only a small aisle.

This is obviously a lounge attached to the study, and the space is small. I originally thought there would be no monsters in this kind of place. After all, this place is so big. If there is a monster, I can see it at a glance. But who knows, I just came up with this idea when a silhouette suddenly popped out under the bed, and it knocked me out.

Fortunately, I am not alone. I was just hit and flew, Jingjing immediately greeted me, and a shield blow knocked the guy who hit me into the sideways, then pulled me around and removed the impact, and then released me. I moved towards that silhouette and ran into it.

The thing that smashed me into the air is actually not something special, it's a big dog, but it has a big head, and it seems to be a Shar Pei breed. It looks ugly and doesn’t have a size Normally, like a little calf, I don't know how to get under the bed before such a big head.

Before I was hit by Jingjing’s sneak attack, but this time I was prepared again. After the big dog and Jingjing slammed into each other, they actually suffered a little loss and fell back. go out. After all, the big dog had two more legs, and the landing was much more stable than Jingjing, but Jingjing had me behind, so I was able to hold him back in time and didn't sit on the ground.

After helping Jingjing regain her balance, I rushed to the big dog first, and the other party also rushed to both of them not to be outdone. However, I did not compare with Jingjing's strength, but at the moment of the impact, I suddenly moved a half step to the right, and then turned around. The Eternal Sword threw away directly from the side, and pu chi poured into the left of the house with a sound. Brain, and the big dog also took this opportunity to bite my half-stretched shoulder. Fortunately, the Dragon Soul suit was powerful. Even though the attribute was suppressed, it still blocked the blow.

With a sword in his head, of course the big dog died, but didn't expect that as soon as I took the sword out, the opponent had the same situation as before Jingjing appeared. With one experience, I will not be nervous this time. However, I originally thought that white waves would appear in the big dog. After all, the body structure is similar and the size is not the same, but obviously the way this demon pet appears is not fixed like this, because in the end, when the outer skin falls off, the inside appears unexpectedly. It's darts. Such a big dog turned out to be such a big beloved dart, which is simply out of proportion.

After we got the darts, we went back to the room and started to dismantle things. Although there were not many things there, we couldn’t let it go. As a result, we didn’t expect a total of two pieces of furniture plus a little bedding and a few. In this book, two lucky balls actually burst out, which is really an unexpected burst rate.

In the end, these two lucky balls contributed one hundred and seven Level 13 levels, and among them, one hundred and seven Level 10 was contributed by a lucky ball.

I am already at 522 Level 14, and the attribute is already quite prominent. I am different from the average player, because the basic attribute is high, and the character attribute in "Zero" is multiplied by the basic attribute and the level, so the more the later stage, the more the attributes between me and the average player are opened. After all Originally a higher attribute, after Level 10, it becomes a higher ten points. The more you get to the back, the more obvious the gap will be. Therefore, I was also upgraded to Level 1, and the improvement I got was by no me

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