There is no problem with my guess. At the same time as I finished reminding, the two vampire guys over there have already rushed towards us, and it is clear that this room Except for a few oil paintings on the surrounding walls and a row of sofas beside the wall, nothing was left. However, these two goods gave up the convenience on the ground and jumped up directly, one hanging upside down on the roof. On the top, one was posted on the wall and rushed towards us with both hands and feet.

"Gold coin, the one on top is yours." After a reminder of gold coin, I rushed directly to the guy on the wall, and at the same time came out when I collided with that vampire. Voice reminder Zhenhong: "Go help gold coin first."

Zhenhong has very rich combat experience, and my reminder is actually unnecessary, because she was already facing the gold coin before I spoke. Ran away.

Because I had to fight with all my strength, I didn't have time to observe the situation there. After shouting, I was already entangled with the vampire on the wall. The speed of this guy was very fast, and he didn't mean to evade at all. He jumped straight when he saw me entering the attack range. I charged against the guy, and when I was about to make contact, I turned sideways slightly, raising my right arm and slamming down with my elbow. At this time, vampire almost hit me, and I hit the back of his head. No matter what type of creature it is, as long as it is in human form, this place on the back of the head is probably the key. Although my attributes and equipment are limited, there is no way to limit my personal judgment system, so my calculation is extremely accurate. The hardest part of the olecranon at the tip of the elbow joint directly hit the center of the back of the guy's head, and instantly He smashed the guy from in midair forcibly to the ground.

Because of a hard hit on the back of the head, this guy's head has completely lost the ability to think. Vampire, who felt his eyes full of Venus staring wildly, almost didn't react at all when lying on the ground, completely losing his agility advantage. I didn't wait for him to recover, so I stepped on his back, followed the other foot abruptly, and used my heel to touch the back of the guy's head again. There were no accidents this time, the vampire in front of me was kicked to the back of my head instantly, black blood mixed with his brain, and the guy lost his reaction in an instant.

After I killed this vampire, I immediately turned to face Zhenhong and the others, but I saw that Zhenhong and gold coin were standing there looking at me, and the vampire they dealt with was half Sitting in a corner not far away, my head is completely gone. There is a red area splashing upward on the wall behind. At first glance, that guy’s head has become sprayed out of blood mist, and I don’t need to guess it. It must be a real red masterpiece. The sword of gold coin is a line kill, impossible to explode the entire head.

"Boss, this doesn't seem to be a vampire. The battle strength is much weaker!" Gold coin said aloud when he saw that my side was finished.

Zombie Warrior also followed: "Looks like it's not as powerful as the previous zombie warrior."

I shook my head and said: "Did you see his paws? The advantage of this thing is Speed ​​and attack power. But we reacted too fast, they were killed without a chance to play, so you think they are weak."

"But isn't it difficult for vampire to die? "Zhen Hong asked.

"Vampire is really hard to die, but it is a high level vampire. These two may just exist between vampire and blood slave, because they should be the lowest kind of vampire."

"No wonder it's so weak!" Gold coin said immediately after saying: "Can we drive it?"

"Of course. Move faster."

" Understand."

Gold coin and true red answer complied began to act separately. Speaking of which This room is really nothing to smash, except for a circle of oil paintings on the wall, there are four candlesticks in the corner, and there is a Changsha square beside the wall on one side of the room, except for these rooms. Basically it can be considered empty.

There are only a few things in total. We even began to wonder if there will be no lucky balls in this room. We only realized after we hit it. Maybe the rule here is that there are lucky balls in every room. , The difference is only a matter of quantity. This room is full of only 20 things. After smashing all of them, two lucky balls popped out, with an appearance rate of more than one tenth. If the previous room had this ratio, we might all put things together now. Done.

We didn't keep these two lucky balls either, so we gave them to Real Red. She doesn't have any armor or level now. She is too fragile and must be protected.

I don’t know if the previous lucky ball ran out of the real red character. The two lucky balls this time are more depressing. The first lucky ball is a level plus three, which is a relatively small reward. The second lucky ball is out of equipment, but the thing that comes out is shoes, the defensive power increase is minimal. Fortunately, the acceleration of this thing, the higher agility, at least the probability of avoidance can go up a lot.

After finishing this room, we immediately walked to the other side of the room. There is a door opposite to the door we just entered. We counted one, two and three as before, and we rushed in together, but the result was a bit unexpected. Outside the door is not a new room, but a corridor, and the monster that made us fearful did not see it.

At first we thought that the monster here was invisible, but we couldn’t even breathe, so we planned to have a hearing noise to distinguish position or something, but we waited more than ten seconds, what’s the reaction? nothing.

Looking at the surroundings, there is no change at all. Gold coin couldn't help but turned his head and looked towards me, then pressed his voice and asked, "Is there no monster here?"

I looked around, then shook my head and said: "I don't know, but it seems that there is no danger for the time being. Anyway, be careful."

Zhen Hong put down his fighting posture and said: "Here is The corridor may not be a room, so there is no guard."

"Will the things here give lucky balls?" Gold coin asked.

I'm frowned: "This is not easy to be sure, so let's talk about it first."

"It can only be this way!"

Although the promenade is not formal Room, but there are actually quite a few things here. This house is a typical European-style castle-style villa. There are many vases, decorative armors, mirrors and oil paintings in the internal corridors, and of course there are indispensable candlesticks.

Because we are not sure whether it is safe or not, we didn’t dare to let go of smashing things. Instead, we let Zhenhong smash things by himself. Gold coin and I stared at the front and the other at the back. Suddenly a monster came out. It turns out that we were completely wrong. The corridor may be the default non-room structure like the hall we appeared before, so there is no monster at all, and the things here can also hit lucky balls, which makes us happy. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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