"Boss hold on, we are here!" Gold coin and Zhenhong yelled and rushed up one left and one right from behind and hugged the two arms of the zombie warrior. I dragged it back, but unfortunately the other party was completely motionless. There was a person hanging on one arm and continued to slash with me, and it suppressed me from retreating. Fortunately, the hall was big enough, and because the lower part of the central staircase was not blocked, So I can go around the stairs and peek-a-boo with this guy.

"This won't work, our strength is not its opponent!" Zhen Hong shouted with the guy in his arms.

"I know that your strength is not as good as it, and I didn't let you compare with it. Change it!"

"Oh!" Zhenhong and gold coin heard what I said Immediately jumped off the guy, and then the two exchanged eye contact, then they moved one hand through the guy’s shoulder and encircled his head at the same time, and they started to pull backwards, and at the same time they lifted up together. Kick your feet to the guy's knees. The strength of the two directions had a huge effect instantly. The guy's knee joint was kicked and bent forward by the two, and then he knelt to the ground, and then the two of them pulled the guy down completely and followed the two of them. At the same time, he turned around and turned in front of the guy and rode on.

The zombie warrior underneath is still trying to get up, but although its strength is several times that of ours, but this posture does not use any strength at all, so the only thing it can do is to lift the body The true red and gold coin swayed back and forth, but trying to get them down seems impossible.

While the two people suppressed the guy’s body, I quickly ran to the guy’s body, reached out and grabbed the guy’s long sword, pulled it down, and then turned the two swords at the same time. Both sides of the guy's neck were inserted into the ground forcefully, and then gold coin and Zhenhong pounced at the same time to help me press the two swords down together. The crossed swords cut the guy's neck completely with a click like two guillotines. I grabbed the guy's helmet and lifted it up and pulled his head down completely.

Originally, we thought this was a solution to a goal, although we knew that the headless guy suddenly turned over and stood up with both hands on the ground. Just to help me chop off this guy’s head, Zhenhong and gold coin have already left that guy’s body, so the zombie warrior that hadn’t been suppressed immediately got up, but at this time it has been promoted from zombie warrior to headless warrior.

"Damn, don't bring this!" Gold coin exclaimed depressedly as he watched the guy who got up again.

Although Zhenhong and I were helpless, they didn't say anything. After taking a look at Zhen Hong, I directly shouted to gold coin: "Go and hold his arm. Since we can't kill it, we will dismantle it as a stick, as long as it doesn't affect our search for things."

"Boss behind you!" Gold coin turned around and was about to answer me, but didn't expect to see that the zombie warrior without a helmet at the door had already walked over.

When I heard the reminder from gold coin, Zhen Hong and I immediately took a step forward, and then turned around. The zombie warrior threw himself into the air, but fell to the ground by himself, and Zhen Hong rode on him. , I hurried to pick up the sword. Gold coin was a smart one who used his body to knock the headless warrior into the air to prevent it from interfering with our actions.

When I picked up the sword again, I crossed the swords again and caught the neck of the zombie warrior on the ground as before, then crossed my hands vigorously, and the guy's head rolled down with a click. This time we didn't put him up, but inserted the sword into the gap in the armor of one of its shoulders and unloaded the arm. After dropping the other arm of this guy in the same way, Real Red rolled over from this guy. Now this zombie warrior has no head and arms. Although it is still moving, it has no threat to us. Said it.

The headless warrior on the gold coin side has two hands, but because there is no head, this guy can only touch everywhere like a blind. There is no way to lock the target, so there is no threat at all. NS. We simply kicked it down, then removed this guy's arms in twos or twos and left it alone.

"OK, go to that room to see if we have our equipment." As I said, I divided the two swords in my hand between True Red and Gold Coin. Zhenhong is a martial artist, and her passive skills include full weapon specialization, so the formidable power of the sword in her hand is much greater than in mine, and we have the highest power attribute here, so her output is bound to be Very high. Although gold coin does not have the exaggerated attributes of the real red, her cultivation is Xuantian sword array, and the pre-skills of this sword array include sword and gun specializations, so when using swords and gun weapons Gold coin also has a bonus. Of course, since our level and skills have been suppressed to Level 20, their specialization promotion attributes are also very limited, but it’s better than nothing, isn’t it?

After dividing the swords, when we returned to the previous door, I was stunned.

"What's the matter?" Zhenhong discovered my surprise.

I blankly pointed to the wooden door in front of me and said: "The door..."

"What's the matter with the door?" Gold coin also asked in confusion.

"That's not right!" Zhenhong finally reflected. "Isn't this door smashed by that? How...?"

"Is it automatically repaired?" I muttered to myself, and then I thought about it. Push the twist open the door handle to open the door.

There is no difference from the previous one. The door opened normally, and there was no new monster inside, which made us a little relieved.

After entering this gate carefully, it closed automatically behind us, but gold coin tested it and the closed gate can be opened easily, which means it’s not to close us, but there is The setting of automatic door closing is nothing more than.

Since it was confirmed that there was no problem, there was nothing to worry about. We started to mess around in the room. Anyway, it was just a mission scene, so we don’t have to worry about ruining things. The tables, chairs and benches in the room were all overturned, and the items on the fireplace at the door were swept to the ground. There was a painting on the wall opposite the door, and we didn't escape in the end. We were dragged down by the vicious hands. After all, hiding the safe behind the painting is quite an old-fashioned design, so of course we will notice this painting.

Three people work together without worrying about breaking things. Our speed is very fast, but the result is very depressing. The entire room was searched, but nothing was found. There was no equipment or level of ours in the room.

“Damn it, it’s been so long!” A sword with a really red atmosphere was draped on a candlestick beside him, and the wooden candlestick shattered into pieces of wood with a click, but let us What was surprised was that after the candlestick fell to the ground, a colorful luminous ball popped out of its fragments and hovered about ten centimeters above the ground, spinning and emitting colorful rays of light.

The diameter of this luminous colored ball is two sizes larger than that of a tennis ball. In terms of the size of the candlestick, this ball is impossible inside it, which means that this thing is not actually hidden in the candlestick. Internal, but the candlestick plays a certain trigger role, and the small ball will appear when the trigger switch is activated.

When I saw the ball appeared, Zhenhong didn't go to pick it up immediately. Instead, she glanced at me. After I was nodded, she walked over and picked it up. The referee's cue sounded almost as soon as she touched the ball. "Congratulations on finding the first lucky ball. To use it, you only need to hold the lucky ball and say'unblock' to it to activate the lucky ball. Each lucky ball has no fixed content and is only drawn randomly when it is unblocked. Contents. There may be only level, or only equipment, or two appear at the same time and the number of equipment and level is not fixed, it all depends on your own luck. In addition, after the equipment and level appear, yours will not be upgraded immediately Battle strength. Although the level will increase immediately, the increase in battle strength is only one percent of the normal value. The same is true for equipment, which only provides one percent of the actual effect after it appears. The notification will only be notified once and will not appear afterwards. "

After the sound ended, I was finally relaxed. Although the equipment and level can only be improved by one percent, is it always improved? Moreover, what makes me most fortunate is that I don't have to look for it separately. Because this ball is obviously universal, there is no such thing as finding someone else’s equipment, so that the three of us can explore in one direction at Early-Stage, where the battle strength is not good. When more equipment is found, the monster here will not be threatened. In our time, everyone can act separately and speed up. This is good news.

"Who used the first ball?" After hearing the notification, Zhen Hong looked at me and asked.

Gold coin then shouted: "Use it for the boss. He is equipped with the best equipment and can quickly improve everyone's battle strength."

Zhenhong handed it over after listening. I'm not polite, after all, improving the strength is the key now. Activate the lucky ball according to the method in the notification. The luminous lucky ball immediately burst into a colorful light spot in the sky, and then an upward green arrow popped out in front of me with a clanging sound, and the arrow exploded in the air. A number 6 disappeared after a flash.

"What kind of situation is this?" Zhenhong asked.

"My level has risen by Level 6. That 6 is probably the level, and the green arrow represents the rise." I explained.

"Level 6 is only twenty-six episodes!" Gold coin said anxiously, "When will we be able to exert battle strength?"

" Find more, the strength will always come up."

"But how can we find more? I don't even know how this lucky ball appeared!" Zhen Hong said.

"I feel that it is the same rules as the previous plane games, destroying items and making equipment." Gold coin said.

I nodded and said: "It's probably the rule. You broke the candlestick when it was really red, so there was a lucky ball."

"It sounds reasonable, then we Smash everything here? See if you can find a few more."

"Then smash it and see."

Because of this guess, let’s just follow The Japanese devils who were raiding the base area were upgraded to a demolition team. No matter whether they could be moved or not, as long as they did not belong to the building structure, they were all miscellaneous. Not to mention, such an experiment really found the lucky ball.

The painting we took off the wall before was dressed up in two pieces by me, and then a lucky ball popped out with a jingle. After we got this lucky ball, even if we thoroughly verified our previous guesses, everyone started to dismantle things. As for this lucky ball, of course it belongs to me. Zhenhong and their opinions are the same as mine, that is, they strengthened me to suppress the monster here independently and then strengthened them both so that we can make the search progress faster.

Although there are a lot of things in the room, I don’t know if it is because of the need to find lucky balls. All the items seem to be very fragile, so it’s very easy to smash, and I smashed it into one in a while Pile of debris. In addition to the two lucky balls we have found before, we found another lucky ball in one of the chairs in this room and an antique vase in the corner of the room.

The first lucky ball I got before was a grade plus six. Later, the lucky ball drawn in the mural resulted in a grade plus three. The lucky ball in that vase was even worse, only the grade was increased. One, that is, I have increased my level to three Level 10, but the lucky ball in that chair is very powerful, and I went straight to a level plus twenty plus I burst out my Phantom Cloak. Although the equipment is pretty good, this cloak makes me depressed, because I am now wearing a tank top with a pair of big pants, and this is wearing a big cloak. What do you think of this image? Anyway, Zhenhong and gold coin both laughed.

Although the image is a bit horrible, I am now at Level 10. Although the attributes are suppressed to one percent of the normal value, they are much better than the unequipped true reds.

This room is a separate room, not connected to other rooms, so we went back to the lobby. However, in the process we discovered a new phenomenon, that is, as long as we all leave a room and come back, all the smashed things in the room will be automatically restored, but the referee popped out to remind us that we were smashed. After the previous things are restored, we won't get anything out of the second time, so it's useless to stare at a room and brush repeatedly.

After I got out of the room, I was going to go to the next door in order, but when I was about to open the door, I was caught by gold coin. "Boss, wait a minute, do you think there are lucky balls hidden in the hall?"

"en?" I didn't think about it at first, but I also reacted to gold coin reminding me. NS. The explanation only said that it was in this big house, and it didn't say that the hall was not a room, so in theory, things in this hall should also have this effect. "Don't say you almost missed it. Hurry up and smash it all while no one is here."


With the experience of the previous room, we are very efficient this time. High, of course, the main reason is that although the hall is large, it is very empty and there is nothing in it. The result was amazing. The amount of things in this hall was less than one-tenth of the room just now, but we found six lucky balls, one of which was hidden in the handrail of the stairs, if it weren’t really red. When a statue was used too much force to knock off a handrail, we never thought that the stair handrail was also an item.

Because we are in a hurry and are afraid of being discovered by others the secret of smashing things, we did not use the lucky balls one by one, but immediately hid in the room where we smashed things before to use luck. The ball, by the way, can refresh the outside hall, so that later people will have to discover the secret by themselves. Invisibly, we have another advantage.

Holding six lucky balls, I started using them one by one. After the first lucky ball was unblocked, my dragon soul boots burst out. With the agility of shoes, it can be greatly improved, which is definitely a good thing for the future battle. The second lucky ball is much cooler than the first one. A bunch of jewelry, headwear and a dragon Soul Shield brand were exploded in one breath. Now my attributes have improved a lot. After all, the addition of attributes to jewelry is very exaggerated. . The third lucky ball is a bit miserable, only a level plus one, the worst lucky ball so far is this. The fourth lucky ball is not bad, it has a level plus fourteen, and also exploded my leg guards, skirt armor, and belt. At this time, my level rose to sixty-five, and the equipment and jewellery on the lower body were completely complete. To be honest, I didn't expect things to be collected so quickly. I thought I would need to walk through most of the house to get everything together. But at this speed, I'm afraid I can find everything on my body in less than five rooms. However, according to my analysis, the reason why my equipment came back so quickly may have something to do with my higher lucky value. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense to explode piles of things every time, right?

After using the four lucky balls, I did not use the last two. Instead, I let True Red and Gold Coin use these two lucky balls first. My current attribute is already able to single out the previous two zombie warriors. Although it may still be a little strenuous, it is basically not dangerous. So now I need to strengthen the strength of True Red and Gold Coin a little bit, otherwise they will fail. Not a bargain. Although there were only two zombie warriors in the previous room that were too slow to die, no one said that the other rooms are all zombie warriors. In case I will run into any high level stuff later, my current attribute can still make do with the top for a while, really red and gold coin can be troublesome.

Zhenhong and gold coin both believed in my judgment, so they didn't give in and used the lucky ball directly.

The lucky ball of gold coin was quite satisfactory. He drew a level plus ten, and burst out her Heavenly Venerable jersey. Although this jersey is worn on the outside, it at least covers the whole body, so at least in the image, the gold coin is suddenly out of the previous beggar state.

The gold coin side has not had time to cheer for my good luck, but the real red side has a direct bang, and three big holes are directly smashed into the ground. I took a look at the equipment inside. Directly dumbfounded.

"I rely on, your luck is very good, right?"

The really red lucky ball only bursts out of two pieces of equipment, a total of three parts, one of which I just gave to the real red Armed with her soul, the other one is her pair of powerful fists. Although there are only these two distinct things in real red now, as long as these two things are available, it can be said that the real red battle strength has been directly restored to two or three distinct things. Now I and gold coin plus one piece are not enough to make a real punch. This strength reminder is too scary.

"Your character is also very good, right?" Looking at the two equipment, gold coin couldn't help but said: "You will be responsible for the charge from the next room! Save your attack power, usually monsters are not enough. You fisted!"

"Okay, it’s not the time for me to leave, hurry up, lest others come and discover our secrets."

Although I urged it quite well. Timely, but after all, we smashed two rooms and delayed a lot of time. When we returned to the lobby, we saw three players being thrown out by the space door that suddenly appeared and fell to the floor. Obviously, the people behind have found the trick to open the door, and it is estimated that the remaining people will appear one after another soon.

After the newcomer came out, I found out that the previous fractures and everything were automatically replied, and then I noticed the three of us, but before they could speak, Zhenhong and gold coin were pulled by me. Ran up the steps on the second floor. Those people didn't know what we were doing, so they didn't rush to catch up, but one of them keenly discovered that we had more equipment, but it didn't look complete. This person originally planned to ask, but someone happened to find the notice posted on the door behind him, so his attention was diverted, and when he remembered, we were gone.

According to the plan, I was going to push it along the first floor room, but because the people behind showed up, I was worried that they would find out how to obtain the lucky ball, so I took the real red and gold coin went up to the second floor.

When the stairs of this hall reach the second floor, they become a door-shaped structure. There are a total of four doors on it. I chose the one on the left of the two doors farthest from the stairway. That door, this can reduce the probability of being followed by people behind.

Although gold coin said to let Zhenhong go ahead and clear the way, I finally took over the job. Regarding the damage output, she is really red now, but she has not increased her level, and she has no armor, so she is actually the most brittle one here. In order to ensure that the strongest firepower will not be killed as soon as it comes up, I only Let her go to the end.

"Are you ready?"

"en." The two responded gently.

"Then I will open the door. Ready, three, two, one, punch."

When I said the word punch, I opened the door and rushed in. , Gold coin followed me closely, and really red entered last.

Sure enough, the monster in the room is no longer a zombie warrior, but has become two gentlemen who look indistinguishable from normal humans. These two guys in English gentleman tuxedos remind people of the British steward look at a glance, but we didn’t think they were steward, because the skin of these two is obviously abnormal, and their eyes are also red. They are like two large light bulbs, they have sharp fangs in their mouths, and the nails on their hands are more than an inch long. Such an obvious feature, you don't need to think about it to know that it is vampire.

"Go back and lean to the door, the other party may be a speed type!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass, Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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