Followed Anubis all the way through the small door he had just appeared, and then entered a not-so-long passage, but at the end of the passage was a big pit, dark and black. The bottomless. Under Anubis's prompt, I jumped into this big pit with him, and then did not feel the sensation of falling, but as soon as I entered, I suddenly felt that I stepped on the ground. Looking at the surroundings again, it is clear that we have reached the underworld, and above us is a rotating black cloud group, which is probably our way down.

After entering the underworld, Anubis casually recruited a war chariot, and then took me to board the war chariot and ran all the way, and soon arrived in front of a huge temple. According to Anubis, the thing to be traded is here, so I got out of the car with him and walked in.

The architectural style of this temple is a typical Egyptian temple style. The huge stone pillars and statues look very imposing manner, but they are different from those ruined and severely weathered ruins in reality. , The temple building here is brand new, and there is no sign of damage or weathering. speaking of which The building of this temple is very similar to Isinger's. Although everyone has different styles, they are all the same huge. Standing in front of this kind of building, you will feel like you are a little ant living in the kingdom of giants.

Although from the outside, this temple is very similar to our Isinger's building, but after entering it, it feels quite different. Although Isinger's building looks huge on the outside, it is layered inside. Although the height of the floors is exaggerated, it is still divided into layers, and it is not as scary as it looks outside. But the internal structure of this temple is super simple. Although the entire building is more than 30 meters high, it has only one floor, so the high ceiling is almost invisible.

In addition to the scary floor height, the division of rooms in this temple is also very simple, and there is even no room division at all. Except for a hall at the entrance, the entire temple has only three partitions on the left, right and rear. The connection between the left and right areas and the central hall is an arch supported by two stone pillars. It is open at all, and everything inside can be seen at a glance. As for the back of the hall, it is even more exaggerated. The so-called strictly speaking back hall is simply a whole with the front hall, but because there is a super huge Divine Idol at the end of the front hall, and Divine Idol is sitting, its seats almost block the entire hall. , Only a four-to-five-meter-wide aisle is left between the two sides and the wall. After bypassing this aisle, it becomes a back hall, but from a structural point of view, this part and the front part are actually a whole. On the contrary, the Divine Idol in the middle belongs to the subsidiary item.

Because the lobby is super wide and there are no obstructions at all, I swept it over at a glance. Looking at the empty hall where no furniture can be found, I looked towards Anubis in confusion and asked: "Aren't you going to show me the equipment? What about things?"

Si just asked me to continue to follow him, and then led me behind the huge statue, and then gently pressed a certain pattern on the base behind the statue, accompanied by a sound of rubbing stones, the base of the sculpture. A stone gate with a height of more than three meters and a width of five meters was actually opened in the block.

"Come in, everything is inside."

After hearing what Anubis said, I followed him in and the door closed behind us again, but In the passage in front, a flame suddenly ignited and illuminated the entire passage.

After walking along this passage for a few meters, a downward step appeared, which was not short in length. After going down to the bottom, we entered a rectangular hall. The interior of this hall is paved with pale-yellow stone slabs, about five meters high, fifty meters long, and between twelve and thirteen meters wide.

There are no utensils in the hall, but there is a row of stone gates on the walls on the left and right sides. Each of these stone gates is more than one meter wide and about two meters tall, which is slightly wider than the ordinary person's door, but it is still in normal proportions. Because the hall is fifty meters long and the distance between the doors is not large, there were 22 doors in this row, and a total of forty-four doors added together on both sides.

Different from the empty situation above, the forty-four stone gates in this hall were all standing before two Death God guards who looked like Anubis. Although the hall is not too small, there are a whole 88 death god guards with dog heads standing around. This imposing manner is still quite scary. Of course, the most important reason is that Death God's guards are much taller than humans. The height of two meters four makes these guys have a strong oppression against humans of normal height.

"These Death God guards that you gave me are not the same species, right?"

Anubis as it should be by rights said: "Of course not the same species anymore. This is my Death God guard. Although it looks only a bit taller than the Death God guard given to you, battle strength is not a level thing at all. To tell you the truth, these guards are basically accurate. God, those of you can only be regarded as summon creatures, not one level at all."

I nodded and asked: "Is this your secret treasure house, and there are so many guards?"

Anubis grinned and said with a smile: "You are really right. This is the treasure house, but this is my treasure house, not our entire Egyptian Divine Race. However, you too Don’t worry, because I am considered a wealthy Divine Race on our side. In Egypt, only Kohopra’s equipment can compare with me."

"I can’t think of you. A local tyrant! By the way, what are you going to show me? In which door?"

"Here." Anubis said as he led me to one of the left In front of the door. The two Death God guards standing in front of the door turned neatly and turned face-to-face immediately after we approached, and then stepped back and walked out of the door at the same time.

Anubis walked to the door and tapped on the door lightly, and then quickly drew a very complicated symbol with his finger, and then black light flashed on the door, and the door began to rumbling. The voice rose upward.

I originally thought that behind these gates should be large warehouses, which contained a lot of equipment or gold and silver treasures, but at least the situation behind this gate is what I imagined. There is a huge gap.

After the stone gate was raised, what appeared inside was a tiny room that was not as big as a single cubicle in a public toilet. The kind that two people can't turn around after entering, the width of the room Just like the gate, it is only a little more than one meter in depth, no more than two meters deep, and near the end there is a rectangular stone platform with a height of more than one meter and a bottom side of 20 centimeters standing there.

Because the room is very small, it is impossible for two people to go in together. Anubis did not move by himself, but motioned me to go in and see by myself, but he still reminded: "You can go in and see, but don’t bring Come out. This room has a seal. As long as you don’t take it out, the divine force of this thing will not be activated. Don’t take it out until you’re sure about it."

Nodded, I walked in, and then First, I carefully observed the equipment placed on the stone platform.

This thing is not placed directly on the stone platform, there is a crystal clear and near-transparent white crystal underneath it. The shape of the crystal base looks like a pyramid without a spire. Instead of a spire, there is a curved groove on the top. On top of this groove is the so-called Power of Faith that is worth 100 million units. Equipment. But... why does this thing look like a golden marble?

Yes. What Anubis showed me was a golden ball the size of a ping-pong ball. There were no patterns or other things on the surface. It was a standard sphere, and the whole body was golden, which looked like gold.

Although in reality such a large golden ball is absolutely valuable, there are still many people who can buy it. In the game, because of the existence of various magic materials, this gold It seems even more worthless. If it is such a golden ball, let alone 100 million units of Power of Faith, I am afraid that even a unit is not worth it. Is Anubis playing tricks on me deliberately? Obviously not. So, should this thing have another trick?

I looked back at Anubis with a puzzled look, and saw that he was still standing there looking at me. In the end, I decided to study this thing carefully, so I reached out and took it. Picked it up.

The golden ball feels much lighter than expected. Let alone gold, a ball made of wood is probably not so light. It doesn’t even feel any weight in the hand. At most, it is about the same weight as a ping-pong ball, and it feels like a plastic product. Of course, the impossible thing is plastic, because there is no plastic in the game.

In addition to being light, this thing has another characteristic that is soft. Although gold is also very soft, an ordinary person can easily deform a gold bar with his hands, but no matter how soft it is, it will not be the same as this thing, right? I feel that what I hold in my hand is a sphere made of medical silica gel. The softness is even more than that of most human body surfaces. It is almost like a balloon filled with water. It will be deformed if you knead it, but the rebound ability is good. It can be restored as soon as you let go.

"Hey, Anubis, what the hell is this? I can't see the attribute!"

After studying for a long time, I finally gave up my research plan Ask Anubis, because this thing is sealed, you can't see all the things below except the name when you use the attribute to view it, only the word "seal" is displayed. I had no choice but to ask Anubis! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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