After we settled on the issue of foreign aid, I then discussed with Ashford about the kind of drink.

Ashford’s Iron Crusade was originally a technology-based guild. At the beginning, our guild’s gravity resistance device technology was bought from them, but it was later followed by our guild’s own technology. The system is gradually established, and I have brought in a lot of technical information from all over the world, this can be regarded as completely surpassing the technical level of the Iron Crusader. However, our technical force surpassed the Iron Crusader because our development speed was too fast, not because the Iron Crusader’s technology was behind, so the technical force of the Iron Crusader’s research institute is still very strong, and because people and people have different thinking. There are also differences in the technical directions developed by our two guilds, but there are many things that can complement each other.

"Ashford, we are also considered hard-core allies. Let's not make any detours between us. Let's just click. Is your sports drink going to sell finished products to us or sell technology?"< /p>

Ashford heard what I said and immediately said: "Although it is a hard-core ally, selling the technology to you will cause a great loss to our own interests, so we plan to sell the finished product."

I nodded and continued to ask: "We buy finished products and technology for reasons, but what is your price?"

"There is a price list for the specific price, you can take a look at it yourself." De estimated that he had planned to cooperate with us on this drink a long time ago. Even if I don't come this time, he will probably come to us to talk about this cooperation in a short time, otherwise the impossible price list will be prepared in advance.

After receiving the price list, I just glanced at it roughly to get the price of all drinks. Ashford and his guild provide not only the kind of drinks we drank before, but there are many other kinds of drinks. In addition to the name of the drink, the price list also has general taste description and detailed information such as specific additional attribute effects and action time. With this information, the price of these drinks can be roughly determined.

"The price you gave me is a wholesale price?" After I read the price list, I started to ask Ashford.

Ashford shook the head, and then said: "This is our retail price, but it has not yet begun to sell. If your guild wants to purchase, of course I will give you a cheaper one The retail price is higher. But if you wholesale, I don’t provide sub-packaging. I only ship it in large storage tanks. You need to sub-pack it yourself."

I nodded asked: "Then the specifics of our wholesale What's the price?"

"I will give you a 20% discount on the number on the price list."

"What about our sales range?"

"It's up to you. Anyway, our guild can only cover the sales network in the European region. As long as you don't resell it back to grab the market with us. But this is trash. You definitely won't sell it back, so I didn't. Let me tell you."

Ashford said this is a very simple truth. Our things themselves are produced by Ashford and the others. Even if they are wholesale, we definitely cannot compare with Ashford and others in terms of price. What's more important is that our own goods are all rationed by them. Without production capacity, they can shoot at any time if they want to cut off our supply, so in this case we are basically impossible to grab their market in turn. However, in turn, Ashford will not grab our market. Although they produce this beverage by themselves, they have price and output advantages, but there is a problem they can't solve, that is, transportation and coverage.

Although the Iron Crusade is a bull, it is limited to Germany. It is the limit to spread the sales network to the whole of Europe. No matter how far away they are, they can't reach it. In contrast, our Frost Rose League is much stronger. Our cities are all over the continents of the world. So far, except for Australia and Antarctica, we don’t have our cities for the time being. We have cities and certain powers in the rest of the continents, so Our sales network can spread to the whole world, which is absolutely impossible for the Iron Crusader. Otherwise, they won't let us work together as an agent, so they just sell it themselves.

After negotiating the general framework of beverage sales, I borrowed the large crystal communicator from the Iron Crusade and contacted our bank so that they would send someone over to contact specific sales matters. As a veteran ally of our guild, the Crystal Communicator Iron Crusade has already bought a full set, not only large equipment, but also a lot of small communication machines. The only drawback is that they do not have something that can be used as a switch like a military god. , So there is no way to conduct coordinated command that is accurate to everyone like our guild, and their communication conversion is also carried out by the way of manual switches in the past, so the connection speed is a bit slow, and sometimes the connection is wrong. String. Fortunately, here is the guild headquarters of the Iron Crusade, and the communication linking our guild is maintained by a dedicated machine, so the speed is very fast.

After getting things done here, I said goodbye to Ashford and left the Iron Crusader headquarters, but I didn’t rush back to my country, instead I stopped by Titans and took a circle. .

"Why did you brat come to me in time?" After seeing me, Ditans looked surprised.

"Is it weird to be here?" I asked back

Dittens explained with a smile: "It was not strange at first, but you can appear at this time I’m a bit strange here."


"Because you are going to sit in Isinger to resist the invasion of the eight-headed snake."

< p>"How do you know about the Eight-Divine Snake?"

"Please, you are also our contact person anyway. If you are concerned about Divine Race things will die? Things in the City of Commandments It’s all gone crazy. Everywhere is about the fact that the Baqi Orochi got a new divine force core, and that you two Divine Beasts in China were repaired by the Baqi Orochi along with you. I said this time Isn’t it strange that you still have time to run here? Could it be that the rumors are wrong?"

"The rumors are basically correct, but you lack a lot of details. The City of Commandment last time with you guys The quarrel was like that. Although I was reconciled in the end, I always had trouble with this face. If I ran back to the City of Commandments and stayed there, wouldn’t it be a surrender?"

"Take it down, you just !" Ditans complained: "Our Divine Race makes you scared of rectification. Last time you made a riot and caused a large group of people to move in or retreat. The melee, thanks to your wife, Miss Rose, who came to talk to us successfully, and then moved the ring of commandment back, otherwise I might not be able to stand here alive and talk to you this time. So since that time, We seldom dared to offend you anymore. Didn’t you find that there has been no Divine Race to provoke you recently? Even if you hacked the Temple Mount last time, wouldn’t Jehovah’s poor ghost bear it?"

"Damn, he led people to drive us all the way from Italy to Greece, is that called forbearance? I almost didn't let him explodes into waste!"

"Okay. Now, you guys just don’t suffer, so tell me what's the matter?"

"Are you in a hurry?"

Unexpectedly, Titans is really Nodded and said: "Yes, I'm in a hurry. Recently, we have a wandering Divine Race here, I'm going to solicit some."

Listening to Divines, I looked funny. He looked at him and asked: "Goddess, right?"

Dittens was surprised: "Huh? How do you know?"

"Look at your look like Brother Pig, just It’s almost drooling! Please, you are also the Lord of Darkness anyway, a bit of an image, OK? A Goddess just fascinated you like this? I'm sorry to tell people that I belong to Dark Element!"

"OK Alright, that’s my business, so leave it alone , Tell me what's wrong with you, I'll leave without telling you, I don't have time to talk with you here. "

Looking at Titans like that, I immediately said with a smile: "Okay, I won't go around with you anymore. What you heard about the Eight-Different Orochi is true, and it's quite tricky. Our people have thought of a solution now, but they are still not at ease, so I want to take a double insurance. "

"Understood, let us help you back up, right? "Ditans asked, without waiting for my answer, and said directly: "But are you the wrong person?" We are the Divine Race in Europe. It’s already an exaggeration to go abroad. If we go to fight in China across half of the Earth, do you think we are High God? "

"Who let you out. "

"Not an important person? "Ditans froze for a while and asked, "Then what do you want?" "

"Give me something that can weaken the strength of Divine Race, whether it is equipment, props or medicines, as long as it can help me weaken the strength of the eight-headed snake. Your Dark God Palace curse items are very strong, don't tell me that they are not effective for Divine Race. "

"There are things, but what are you going to change?" If you don't give a good point, you want it. You don't really think of our Dark God Palace as a shantang, do you? "

"That's not enough. "I took out a special container directly, and then beckoned him to approach with the doubtful gaze of Titans, and then pointed the container at Titans and gently pressed the switch and immediately released it. Then the one I pressed Suddenly, the outlet of the container was like an insecticide sprinkler. There was a burst of white light.

Ditans first heard the silhouette and was startled when he saw the spray, and then suddenly After discovering what it was that was spraying out, the man rushed back in an instant, and grabbed the bottle and asked in surprise: "It's all Power of Faith in this? "

I nodded and said: "One million units of Power of Faith per bottle, how many things do you think can be exchanged? "

"This... let me think about it! "After Ditans finished speaking, I felt that one person couldn’t understand it, so he ran out and called a group of people to discuss with him. However, because I was afraid that I would run away, I came back quickly. As soon as Ditans entered the room He opened his mouth and said, "I have already thought about it. Use this to trade with you. "

"What is this?" "

I took a look at the thing that Titans handed over, and found that it was very small, not as big as a dollar coin. The whole looks like a diamond-shaped badge, and there is a diamond-shaped badge in the center of the badge. A scarlet gem.

Because the thing has not been traded yet, although I hold it in my hand, I can’t see the attribute, so I have to turn my eyes to Titans again.

Ditans explained: "This thing is a powerful curse item that can transform people's beliefs into a curse attached to the target, and can ignore all protective effects, and it can take effect on anyone. formidable power is amazing. "

"Are you willing to give me such a good thing?" "

Ditans' face has already been tempered, so he said without hesitation: "I can't help it!" The Power of Faith that you gave me is too valuable, and I don’t know what to use to replace it with you, so I had to reluctantly reluctantly use this thing to replace it with you. "

When I heard what Ditans said, I didn't believe him. Instead, I played with the badge and said playfully: "Should we not play that fictitious thing between us?" You and I know what kind of person the other party is. Your badge must be as good as you said, let alone one million units of Power of Faith, you may not be willing to change it even if it is ten million, so this thing It's definitely not what you said, at least there are some flaws you didn't say, otherwise you will never show them. "

A curse weapon that can have a powerful effect on Divine Race. This is basically a super weapon. Although it can't directly die, its auxiliary effect is amazing. After all, it's a battle. It is not the process but the result. A strong point is a victory, a weak point is a defeat, and this thing is something that can affect that minute. How can it be less expensive?

Ditans is nothing more than I debunked Sorry, I just smiled and said: "I know I can't lie to you. Tell you the truth. I have not compromised the attribute of this thing at all. It can really curse Spiritual God, and its formidable power is so big that even me can be suppressed to the point where even ordinary players in your guild can easily kill it. Of course, this thing also has flaws, and this flaw is that it must have strong spirit strength or mental strength to drive it. "

"You mean, as long as you firmly believe, then this thing can realize the imagination? "

"Not only that. "Ditans said: "It is only the operator's requirement to firmly believe that your goal will be achieved. This thing also has energy requirements. Its power comes from the energy of the mind, or to put it bluntly, this thing is provided by burning the soul or Power of Faith. "

"Damn, why don't you die?" Are you embarrassed to take this thing out? "

Dittens has said so much, in fact, the last few sentences are the key. The Power of Faith is not a problem. As long as self-hypnosis or determination, this goal is easy to accomplish, especially To me. But the energy source behind is really fucking.

Burning soul and Power of Faith? Are there such extravagant weapons? There are indeed many souls, after all, there are many creatures, and All creatures have souls, so souls can be said to be very many. But the soul represents life. Who would be willing to let you use his soul as firewood? So if you want the soul, you must grab it. How big is the investment? No matter what, at least the dark energy of our guild will definitely be astronomical in a short time. The burning of souls is absolutely evil and cannot be evil, so if I don’t want Isinger to become a complete hell , Then you can’t do it often. Now Isengard is already like a ghost town. If you make a higher dark energy sequel, it will really become a dark hell. You know our guild is Divine Race middleman. Between so many Divine Races, it is not a problem for us to maintain a certain tendency, but if we really fall to one side completely, then this middleman will not have to do it.

We are now The state is just that the dark tendency is more serious, and it has not completely fallen into the darkness, so you can also communicate with some light-type Divine Races, but if you really use the soul as firewood every day, then you really fall into the dark! /p>

You can’t do things like burning souls, but do you use Power of Faith...not to mention, it seems that it’s really possible.

Power of Faith is very precious. Anyone who knows about Divine Race will be very clear. However, Power of Faith does not exist in our guild. The reason is that we have the power of Faith collector and Netherworld Power of Faith. Excessive enrichment area.

Olympus Divine Race was able to cultivate such a powerful Divine Race force in a small place in Greece. It can be said that this Power of Faith collector is indispensable. .Because Power of Faith is produced by creatures, the number of people in the jurisdiction will directly affect the output of Power of Faith, which is similar to planting a fruit tree on the mountain, and the tree will naturally yield more fruit.

Olympus Divine Race originally used this Power of Faith collector to collect a large amount of Power of Fai in the underworld in Greece. th, this is the only way to use the Greek population to cultivate the powerful Divine Race of Olympus. In contrast, the Divine Race forces in other countries rely on expanding the control area to expand the income of Power of Faith.

Like our country’s Celestial Court, the reason why it is so strong is purely because there are more people in its jurisdiction and it has supported such a big and powerful Divine Race. Buddhism in India is similar to Celestial Court, but it depends on the number of people in its jurisdiction. However, Buddhism has not engaged in Celestial Court in the end. Although there is my reason for this, the more important thing is that Celestial Court has China, the strong place where Power of Faith is produced, and Buddhism does not actually receive much Power of Faith in India itself. Faith. Although the geographical scope of Buddhism is very large, Buddhism in India does not account for a large proportion of religions. They also have many collateral religions to divide up Power of Faith, so even if they go to China to open a base for extra money, Buddhism In the end, he still didn't fight Celestial Court.

However, whether it is Buddhism or Celestial Court, they are the same as other Divine Races, and they have never used the Power of Faith in the underworld. These Power of Faith have been piled up there for many years, and Divine Race has never discovered this. As a result, with the reincarnation, the Power of Faith on the Netherworld has piled up more and more, and it has reached the point where the naked eye can be seen. This degree of enrichment is absolutely amazing. It’s a pity that Celestial Court Divine Race hasn’t noticed it all the time. Until our traders dug up Hades, who knows how to make Power of Faith collectors, and then we guild. The chaos and order of Divine Race has lived a happy life ever since. Imagine a gold mine, where the gold is enriched and the ground is full of whole pieces of natural gold. You don’t even need to refine it, but you just pick it up as pure gold. With such a mine, as a mine owner, you will What's your mood?

Our guild’s harvesting machine in the underworld is facing this kind of mine. As soon as the collector is activated, what we need to worry about is the transportation capacity and digestion capacity of Power of Faith, and the output is early. It has already greatly surpassed the consumption speed, so for other Divine Races, Power of Faith is a valuable treasure, but for our guild, it is so much a headache how to use it.

The reason why those Divine Races who have taken refuge in our guild so quickly adapt to the identity of the guild Divine Race is because our Power of Faith is too rich. They used to think about how to get more Power of Faith to improve their strength all day long, but now they have become a Power of Faith that has so many headaches every day, and they dare not absorb it. After all, there must be a step by step for strength improvement. the process of. One bite is not fatty, it can only hold people to death. Although it is very happy to be crushed by Power of Faith, Divine Races still hope it is better to live and enjoy Power of Faith.

In general, our guild does not lack Power of Faith at all. Therefore, the situation of this badge burning Power of Faith is completely not a problem for us. Just as people in OPEC member states never consider fuel consumption when buying a car, our guild never worry about consuming Power of Faith. However, we don’t care, we don’t care. Power of Faith is still very hot stuff outside, so I will never tell Titans that we don’t lack Power of Faith. We must pretend to be poor according to common sense, and then blackmail more benefits. .

"I said Titans, you are too wicked, right? This thing burns Power of Faith, that's more than burning money. I bet you have never used this thing after you get it, and even if you give it They will not ask for other Divine Races. You actually exchanged this kind of rags with me for a million units of Power of Faith. Do you think I’m being taken advantage of?"

This guy Divines Sure enough, it was shameless enough, and I did not reveal a bit of sorry, so I said directly: "Can't you still burn the soul? I also didn't say that you have to use Power of Faith."

"Burning the soul? "I deliberately smiled crookedly at the corner of my mouth: "It's best not to play with me when you twist around. I know the things inside. The less the soul, the higher the evil value, and you can expect us to become a complete one." A completely dark guild, and then you can no longer support the Light God Palace, so that your family can completely control Europe, right?"

"hehe...hehe...I don’t mean that. ."

"Okay, let's not say anything. I can use this thing, but because it consumes Power of Faith is too wasteful, so the value is greatly reduced. I can at most count it as one hundred thousand Unit Power of Faith, one more unit does not work. If you think you can change it, then change it. If it doesn’t work, you can find something else for me."

Dittens finally thought about it and agreed. Change it. After all, that badge is really tangled. Burning Power of Faith is definitely more heart-shaking than burning money. As for burning soul. Titans is not afraid of the evil value problem, but the soul is not inexhaustible, and the Dark God Palace consumes a lot of souls, and cannot be burned unscrupulously, so for them this thing is true. It's a tasteless one, and it can be used as a waste to use it in exchange for Power of Faith.

Because this badge only counts the Power of Faith of 100,000 units in the end, the remaining 900,000 units have to be compensated by something else. Ditans was also troubled by this. It’s not that they’re poor and don’t have any treasures for the Dark God Palace. After all, except for the Holy See of Jehovah, the other Divine Races are relatively rich, so there must be a lot of treasures. The key is that Titans doesn’t want to give it to me. There are too many benefits, but the Power of Faith cannot be exchanged for less. It is not so easy to find something that is just right, so it is so entangled.

I can't determine it alone, so Titans had to go to his own think tank for help. That mysterious think tank was also very fast, and soon thought of something, and then quickly found it for me.

"hehe, Purple Moon, you must like this thing." Titans, who came back again, took out a black crystal ball directly this time. At first I thought it was the kind of crystal ball for divination used by black magic, but when it arrived in my hand, it sank obviously, and it felt as if I was not holding a crystal ball as big as a human head, but holding a whole head. Elephant. The weight of this thing is definitely more than two tons. Even with my power attribute, my arms sank when I caught it, and I almost missed it. The guy at Titans obviously hurt me deliberately. Fortunately, my attribute is not bad and not ashamed.

"Damn, what are you doing?"

"This is the cloud rain ball."

"The rain maker?"

"You can understand it as a negative energy environment manufacturing equipment."

"Oh, I understand."

The so-called negative energy environment can be understood as Power of Darkness, and It can be understood as Soul Power. Anyway, all the negative energy associated with Dark God Palace is basically negative energy. Of course, the negative energy on their side is not really pure negative energy. The true pure negative energy should be that of the sea of ​​silence. , That's called negative energy. However, after all, I am a dark attribute-based profession, and unfortunately, the eight-headed snake turned out to be a creature with a Fire Attribute bias. Don't forget that the original name of the Eight-Headed Snake is the train. Although it has a different meaning from modern trains, the Nine-Headed Bird is actually a variant of Phoenix, so it is also an energy creature with fire energy as its main energy. If it can cause rain during the battle, especially the negative energy rain, its strike effect is absolutely exaggerated for an existence like the eight-headed snake.

So, intelligence is really important. If Titans doesn’t know that I’m going to deal with the Eight-Differentiation Orochi this time and can’t come up with such a targeted thing, then I will definitely lower the price fiercely, but after seeing this thing this time, I don’t want to lower the price anymore, because This thing is really important to me. Although this thing is usually not very useful, it is definitely a very sharp thing for this battle, so I don't mind spending 900,000 units of Power of Faith to redeem this thing. Anyway, 900,000 units of Power of Faith means to us that one collector starts the output for one hour. Anyway, a few of the eleven Power of Faith collectors installed in our guild are always on holiday. I don't care about this Power of Faith at all.

When I was building the Power of Faith collector, I was over-excited for a while. This is the same as I heard that there is a place full of gold, just buy a car to pull it. When we were excited, we built collectors for all eleven Yama Palaces, including ourselves, but when we finished it, we discovered that if the eleven machines were turned on together, the resulting Power of Faith would not be transported in time, and even if transported Keeping up with the speed, the Divine Force core of Divine Race has no time to transform these Power of Faith. Even the chaos and order linked to the Divine Force core is too much to adapt to the Divine Race. As their own strength changed in three days, many people also appeared in a state similar to cultivation deviation, and they were scared to beg us to slow down the absorption rate. It is estimated that the Divine Race that can make such a request is our only Divine Race of Chaos and Order.

After getting the two treasures, I traded one million units of Power of Faith to Titans. After finishing the transaction, Titans wanted to leave, but I was caught by it. "Don't be busy. You just bought the Power of Faith, but the container is not included."


Dittens thought I was going to ruin him again, so I had to open my mouth. I got angry, but I interrupted after only one word. "Don't worry, I didn't intend to hack your stuff. Power of Faith, you can directly enter your divine force core, but the bottle must be returned to me. You can do it now, and I will wait here."

Ditans heard that it was not for an additional charge and was relaxed, but he still mumbled: "It's really stingy. I bought Power of Faith. Will you die if you give me a bottle?"

I know that Titans definitely doesn’t know the value of the bottle, so I reminded: “First, the Power of Faith collected by your temple goes directly to the core of divine force, so if you want this thing to be useless, it’s a waste to leave it alone. . Second, don’t you think you can just use a metal can to hold Power of Faith? You are also a master god. You should know better than me what Power of Faith can carry."

Originally, Titans didn't think about that, but when I heard it, I suddenly reacted. "Damn, you are here..."

Seeing that he was about to shout, I quickly put my hand in front of my mouth and made a "hush" motion, and then said in a deliberately low voice: " Just know it, don't yell over the world." Ditans also realized that this thing is something that you can't do, so he shut up decisively. But this guy seemed to want to say something, but he didn't react as fast as I did, and he was blocked by me before he opened his mouth. "Don't expect to ask me for any hush money, you have to tell it, we are a one-off deal, you have to keep it secret, there will definitely be Power of Faith in the future. Do you understand?"

"Understand." Now Ditans immediately expressed cooperation. After all, my trick is too ruthless. Power of Faith is food for Divine Race. If you can get stuck in a country’s food import and export, that is definitely an economic means that can be used as a rein. If used well, it is not impossible to control a country like a carriage. Of course, Dark God Palace belongs to a country that produces a lot of food on its own, so I can interfere with their attitude a little bit, but if I run into the Divine Race that I can’t collect Power of Faith at all, then I can do it. It's tough, it's not impossible to master the Divine Race directly.

I left the Dark God Palace immediately after I settled the situation on Titans's side. At Light God Palace and Olympus Divine Race, I originally wanted to go around and see if I could do something to deal with the Eight-Divine Snake, but I think about it and forget it. Light God Palace is basically Divine Race, the puppet of our guild, so grabbing things from them is equivalent to grabbing things from yourself, which is totally meaningless. Besides, the family property of Light God Palace was almost lost during the split war, and now there is really nothing good to fish for.

Although the Olympus Divine Race is not our puppet like the Light God Palace, our previous war has just ended. Now Hera has just taken over the Olympus Divine Race. It's a stage where everything is waiting to be developed. At this time, you need to invest heavily instead of digging out. It's the same as raising animals on farms. The current Olympus Divine Race is the cub. You have to raise others to fatten them before you can consider economic benefits, right?

Since there is nothing to fish for, we don’t need to stay here in Europe, go directly to Tianyu City and use the Transnational Transmission Formation to send it to a small city on the Egyptian side. This city was built recently by our guild, and the purpose is to make it easier for me to come to Egypt and find Anubis and them. After all, I have to fly here every time, which is too time-consuming. Because it is a small city, and the method used is not to occupy the territory, it has not been besieged by the locals. As for the Divine Race in Egypt... it is all related, as long as I don’t bring Celestial Court to grab it. The site, then they won't care about me.

In fact, after the city was established, not only was it not blocked by the local Divine Race and players, it even received strong support from players from Egypt, and even the wild monsters near the city were actively helped to clean up. NS. As for the reasons...Do you know what industries are particularly developed in Egypt? The answer is tourism. Egypt's tourism industry accounts for a large proportion of their income, so many aspects must make way for tourism.

To develop tourism, there must be tourists. What is a tourist? Tourists are people. What is the most in China? Of course it's human. Therefore, when our guild established the Egyptian branch, with the transnational Transmission Formation, it will be very easy for players from our country and even several major European countries to come to Egypt. Once the transportation is convenient, more people will come. The tourism industry develops when there are more people. You said that in this case, is it possible for the Egyptians to oppose us to build a city like a transportation hub? Don't say that there is no objection, if anyone has the idea of ​​hitting this city, the first one to jump out is definitely the Egyptian players, because once the city is destroyed, their money bags will immediately be held back a lot.

"Anubis, Anubis, are you there? Someone just scream?"

"What is it called?" A huge voice suddenly appeared Behind me, and when I looked back, I saw a huge wolf head staring at me fiercely wickedly.

"Just got up? You have such a bad temper?" I asked, looking at the angry Anubis, without feeling nervous at all.

The imposing manner that Anubis originally pretended to disappear in front of me disappeared without a trace. "I said you respect me somehow? How can I say it is a very difficult to deal with god, is there such a god like you?"

"Please, you don't expect to get from me Power of Faith, what do you want me to respect you for? Besides, this is not very good. Don’t you bother to understand too much?"

"Fine, I am afraid of you. You What are you going to do next time? With your personality, It shouldn't be to come to me for breakfast, right?"

"Of course I have something to find you. I ran all the way around Earth to find You have breakfast, you are not a fool?"

"I said you were not so kind." After Anubis said, he

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