"I said Anubis, I can't see the attributes of this thing at all? You said let me see it by myself, how do I look at it?"

"Don't use your eyes to see, use your soul to touch and feel, you will find its power." Suddenly Anubis came up with such a god-stick saying that made me a little unfathomable mystery, but since he said so, I had to do it.

Although there are always a bunch of god sticks in various religions who will tell you what to look at or how to do it with their heart, soul, but that kind of mysterious and mysterious thing is purely using humans Psychological characteristics are deliberately mystifying, but because this method specifically targets human psychological loopholes, even if the principle is explained no matter how many people are deceived every year.

Anubis is not a god stick, he himself is a god, so I don’t need to use this thing to lie to me, and I am not a human being. I also have human psychological loopholes, but only inherited a lot of The lesser part, like this kind of loophole, does not exist for me, so Anubis shouldn't let me fall into a trap of thinking, but really want me to touch this thing with my soul.

Using the soul to touch something in reality is basically impossible for humans, but this is a game, and I am not a pure combat personnel, so the ability to control the soul is still relatively strong. of. After being still for two seconds to disconnect the body from the soul, I then touched the golden ball on my hand with my soul.

The golden sphere originally in the sealed state happened unimaginable the moment my soul touched it. This thing actually exploded in my hand. However, this is not a real explosion, but an explosion in the mind. My body could feel the golden ball still in my hand, but my soul saw the golden ball suddenly burst and turned into billions of golden spots spewing out towards all directions, and then these spewing out The golden spots of golden light condensed in the air, some of them formed into small spheres, and the others turned into ribbons and other things. Finally, I suddenly realized that everything in front of me looked like I had seen it somewhere. , And the next second I suddenly thought of what this is.

"Universe? Is this a universe?" Because of the violent mental shock, I immediately withdrew from the state of soul reading, and then looked at Anubis in surprise and asked.

Anubis did not answer, but lightly nodded, and then asked me: "Which step did you see?"

"What step?"

"It is the cycle of the universe. The first is the explosion, you must have seen this. Later, there will be a planet, and then a series of things such as nebulae, black holes, energy wind, etc. will be produced, and then there will be fusion... …"

"I saw birth without fusion, and only saw the birth of planet and nebula, but did not see black holes."

After hearing my answer, Anu Bis suddenly glanced at me with a strange look, and then said: "Since you have seen the birth of the universe, you should know that everything is composed of energy. The initial basic energy forms space and expands continuously, thus allowing this universe It can contain the existence of matter. The law is formulated when the space is formed and is maintained until the space collapses. Subsequent energy combinations form basic substances, and different permutations and combinations of basic substances form high-level substances. The mixture of high-level substances will become complex The elements and the aggregation of the elements will make up everything."

"Hey... Excuse me, I just want to ask what this thing is for, not for the Chuangshi Shen training class!"

"I'm just explaining to you the purpose of this thing." Anubis said: "This thing is the materialized product of everything, it is the aggregate of basic energy and basic matter, because it is The most basic thing, so it can make up everything."

"Isn’t that the same as nothing?"

"Of course it’s not the same. Because this is the basic matter and The raw material of basic energy, so having it is equivalent to having a blank paper and a pen. Then, what kind of scroll do you want, as long as you draw it yourself."

" A piece of white paper plus a few brushes and a bunch of paint are worth a few copper plates. A world famous painting is worth tens of millions. You can't give me a piece of paper and a bunch of oil paints and ask me for the price of a world famous painting, right? Although in theory this pile of oil paints and that piece of paper can indeed be combined into a world famous painting, before the combination is completed, they are not equivalent, okay?"

Anubis only heard this. I finally understood why I was reluctant. He suddenly laughed and explained: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, it is not troublesome to use this thing to form a brand-new substance." Anubis seemed hesitant at this point. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Let’s use your previous analogy. This thing is the raw material for the famous paintings of the world, but it is not a simple pen and paper, but a variety of landscapes and characters that have been drawn. What I did is not to draw a famous world painting on a piece of white paper, but to spell out a famous world painting from the scenes in the world famous paintings. I believe this is for you Isn't it troublesome? "

After hearing Anubis’ explanation, I still frowned and thought for a while, and then said: “Sorry, your explanation really makes me unable to connect with the actual situation. I don't know what this thing can do! "

Anubis was also a little anxious when he heard what I said. He wanted to explain to me exactly what this thing was for, but he was very good at fighting, and he couldn't talk. Even if he knew this. The purpose of the thing, but he just can’t tell.

Looking at Anubis there in a hurry, I finally suggested: "If it doesn’t work, you can let me take this thing out for experimentation. OK? "

Anubis said embarrassingly: "It's not that I don't want you to experiment, but this thing is a one-off." As long as it has been used, it will recognize Master, and it cannot be changed in the future. If you are sure you want it, then of course you can play it, but the problem is if you use it up and say no, what should I do? Even if you return something to me, I can't use it for others! "

"Is that so?" "I was a little embarrassed and thought about it with the golden ball there. In the end, I couldn't think of a way, and I had to say to Anubis: "Although you don't know how to say it, you know the power of this thing very well, right? "I asked aloud.

Anubis nodded and said: "Of course, I did this together with God the Father, and I also got help from God Nu. It's definitely my whole life. The highest existence among the Divine Item manufactured. "

"That's good. "I said directly to Anubis: "Since you are so sure, then I don't look at it. I will believe you once. I will ask for this directly. Whether it's good or not, I recognize it. "

As soon as I exited this remark, Anubis was moved in a mess. Of course, this was moved in his heart. On the surface, this guy still said stiffly: "If you have a vision, don't worry. You will know it after you have used it, and you will never be disappointed. "

In fact, the reason why I behaved so magnanimously, I decided to buy it without knowing the performance of this thing, completely because the Power of Faith of our guild is not worth money at all. Anubis said that this thing is worth 100 million units of Power of Faith, but the Power of Faith collector of our guild can collect more than 1 million units of Power of Faith every hour after it is turned on, 100 million. The unit is the harvest of a machine that is turned on for 100 hours. Our guild now has three to four machines in rotation, which means that if these machines on rotation are cancelled, then the Power of Faith will come back as long as a little more than one day. . Such a little consumption is simply dispensable for us, and there is no need to care about it.

Because I don’t care, I don’t bother to look at the attributes of this equipment. Anubis It's not a mental disorder. If this thing is not a high level equipment, how could he be locked in this kind of secret room? So this thing must be very good equipment. Anyway, for us, the Power of Faith is too much to use. , It’s certainly not wrong to be able to change some equipment, and to sell Anubis’ personal affection by the way. Such a good thing is foolish.

Although I think so, Anubis doesn’t I don’t know this, so he is very grateful for my trust. After I was sure I wanted to, he let me leave the room with the thing, but before coming out Anubis reminded me to drop the thing first. A drop of blood, let me take it out after completing the recognizing Master ceremony.

Originally, Anubis was so cautious, I thought this thing would mutate if it left the seal in the secret room. As a result, when I came out with the thing, I found out that it was still the same. The golden ball is still the same, except that it has become harder and heavier, it can be said that there is no change.

When it was in the seal, the golden ball was as light as a ping-pong ball in the hand, and it was soft like a boiled egg with its shell. After the seal was released, the weight of this gadget suddenly increased a lot. It is estimated that there may be Three or four catties are heavier. In addition, in addition to the increase in weight, the feel of this thing has also changed significantly. The original state of boiled eggs that can be easily kneaded has become a feeling like a solid rubber ball. It can still be kneaded. , But it takes a lot of effort to pinch, and it will be restored as soon as you relax a little.

"Is this considered unblocking? "Looking at the golden ball with little change in my hand, I looked towards Anubis in confusion.

When Anubis heard my question, he directly asked, "What do you want? How about becoming a big beauty directly? "

"That's not true, but this movement is too small, and it's completely asymmetrical to the effect you boasted about!" "

"Who told you that high level equipment must have special sound and light effects?" The good thing is that performance is not momentum. You can now try the performance of this thing right away. "

"Okay, let me see what is so good about this thing, it actually costs 100 million units of Power of Faith. "As I said, I opened the attribute column of the golden ball and showed it.

Of course, you need to understand the performance before using it. That fool of Anubis will not even do a performance introduction. If the arms salesmen of our group are all the same as him, then our dragon fate must die. Fortunately, there are more profiles in the attribute column than Anubis cattle, and a few words will clarify the purpose of this thing. /p>

The real name of this golden ball is actually called "Mind Arms", which is a real conceptual arm. To put it simply, this thing is to use your imagination to realize various equipment and let you use it. You can Split it into countless individual parts, or even make up tens of thousands of shields or millions of arrows, which can be condensed into a bracelet and an earring. Anyway, this thing is simply a timeless enlarged version, which can be Myriad Transformations.

Of course, although it can become anything like eternity, this thing is essentially different from eternity.

First of all, eternity is mainly a weapon. The main performance is reflected in the lethality. Moreover, it comes with a cutting rule, which can cut any tangible or intangible thing, and even cut cause and effect. However, the main ability of psychic weapons is change, not focus.

Secondly, eternal change is very limited. Although it can change its size within a certain range, this range is very narrow, and it cannot become too large or too complicated. Moreover, eternity is being broken down into multiple After the part, the deformability will be further reduced, and even the attributes will be restricted. Generally speaking, to ensure the eternal basic attributes, it can only be divided into five or six parts at most. If there are more attributes, the attributes will not be as good as when they are aggregated. Stronger. However, although the decomposition and aggregation of psychic weapons are also restricted, the scope of this restriction is very large. The material limit of psychic weapons is volume. Its maximum volume is 100 million cubic meters, and its minimum volume is 100 million cubic meters. It is one cubic millimeter, that is to say, whether it is decomposed or aggregated, its total volume must be within this range.

In fact, in addition to volume, the energy of the mind is also limited. Eternal as long as it does not decompose into six For more than one split body, its attribute will not decrease, but the energy level of the psychic weapon is fixed. That is to say, its attack power is fixed. If divided into two, the attack power will also be divided into two parts, although you can do whatever you want Decide which side is more and which side is less, but the total is still the original value, no more or no less. Of course, you can also divide it into hundreds or thousands of individuals, but the attributes of these individuals will also follow this rule. That is, the sum remains the same, so the more the attribute, the worse.

Generally speaking, Although the spirit weapon will reduce the attribute due to decomposition, in some cases, this thing can actually play a big role. First of all, although the word “arms” is used in this mind-arming, I think this thing can play many other functions, not to mention becoming a rope, ladder or unlocking tool, which is definitely very convenient. Secondly, because this thing can be turned into many individuals, and can do as one pleases to distribute the energy of each individual, so its use is very flexible, for example, I can turn it into tens of thousands of darts and throw them out together. , And then concentrate all the attributes on one of the darts. After that, the enemy will definitely not know which one is better to intercept, and as long as the one that concentrates all the attributes is successful, it is equal to all of them. So the role of this mind-arming is really Myriad Transformations omnipotent.

In fact, change is just one of the abilities of this mind-arming. The basic attribute of this thing is actually quite exaggerated. Its basic attack power is only a bit lower than that of Eternity. Although it does not rank among the top Divine Weapon, it is at least a powerful weapon. The problem is that this thing not only has super attack power, it also has super high defense and a series of additional attributes, so the overall attribute is very strong.

In addition to basic attributes, psychic weapons also have several characteristics. The deformation and decomposition described above are established as one of the characteristics, and the second of the characteristics is actually the law of matter.

As I said before, when this psychic weapon becomes something else, its maximum volume limit is 100 million cubic meters. In fact, in addition to its volume limitation, its weight is also limited. No matter how huge the psychic weapon becomes, its weight can only be increased to 10,000 tons at the maximum, and it can be reduced to 1 kg at the minimum. This is its mass range.

Because this quality has a range of variation, Mind Arming can do some exaggerated things. For example-hit the target with the ultimate mass. Because this mass can be allocated at will, I can completely change the mind-armed sphere into the sphere as it is now, keep it with a mass of one kilogram, and then throw it out like a softball, and when it is about to hit the target Instantly ordered it to be reduced to a mass of 10,000 tons, but the volume remained unchanged.

With my strength, it is absolutely no problem to throw a one-kg ping-pong ball at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. However, if this sphere that flies at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour weighs 10,000 tons, there will be enough. I don’t know if it can crash a mountain. Anyway, the city wall is definitely unstoppable. Besides, I also throw it by hand than must. Anyway, this psychic weapon can change the size and shape at will. Imagine an object weighing 10,000 tons hits the city wall of a city at a speed of one kilometer per second. What will happen? Anyway, I think the city wall definitely doesn’t exist anymore.

"How? The attribute I gave you is not bad?" Anubis knew I was there for a long time without moving, so I must have been watching the attribute, so I was almost ready to see it. He began to remind me aloud.

Although I haven’t finished reading the attributes at the back, the previous ones are already amazing, so I didn’t continue to look down. Snodded said: "It's definitely a good thing. Your Anubis's character seems to be trustworthy."

"Of course." Anubis said triumphantly: "I do. Not the god of justice, but I never do deceptive things."

Of course I followed Anubis’s boasting with a flattery, but I have to say that the Egyptian Divine Race is in The character seems to be very good overall. You don’t even have to think about the nasty things like Olympus Divine Race in Egypt Divine Race, and the gods in Egypt almost never lie. Their guarantees are very useful. At this point, it’s true. It is more in line with the image of Divine Race in the traditional impression.

After filming the flattery of Anubis, I started to ask again: "By the way, you haven't shown me the other single piece of equipment?"

"This is Ah." Anubis looked at me in surprise and said: "The one in your hand is a single piece of equipment."

"Ah? Isn't this a collection of many pieces of equipment you mentioned? Can’t it be broken down into many things?"

"no no no, you misunderstood." Anubis said: "Although the mind weapon can be turned into a lot of things, in the final analysis it is One piece of equipment."

"No!" I frowned and looked at Anubis and asked: "Didn’t you say that multiple pieces of equipment are worth 100 million Power of Faith, and the other single piece is eight thousand. Ten thousand Power of Faith? But you just told me that this thing is worth 100 million Power of Faith, and now you are telling me that this is not the multiple pieces of equipment, so how much Power of Faith is the remaining multiple pieces of equipment? "

"This is my mistake." Anubis said: "Before I did intend to trade 180 million units of Power of Faith with you, but after coming here, I suddenly Think of the equipment that was originally intended to give you 80 million units and your eternal sword function is a bit duplicated, so I temporarily replaced you with this mind weapon. Although this is 20 million expensive Power of Faith, but the performance is absolutely Great value."

I nodded and said: "As long as things are good, 200 million is 200 million." At this moment, I want to shout: "Power of Faith is like a floating cloud with me." It's a pity that I still continue to dig equipment from Anubis, so I can't say, otherwise these two pieces of equipment will definitely not be at this price.

When the mind is armed, Anubis intends to take me to see the remaining piece of equipment, but that thing is not on Anubis’s side, but at Cohopura’s, so I So I had to run with Anubis to see Cohopura.

Kohopura’s residence is not in the underworld, but in the world, and it is actually a tourist attraction. Fortunately, we don’t need to go through the gate, we can use Transmission Formation to go directly, otherwise if someone sees me follow Nubis went across the main road together, and it had to be surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

"Huh? It turned out to be Purple Moon?" When we found Cohopura, this guy was eating, but his food was quite different, it looked like ten stones, I don’t know. What is the ingredient.

Anubis did not wait for me to reply and grabbed Kohopura in front of me and said, "Kohupura, hurry up, I have a big deal today."< /p>

"Big business?" Kohopura glanced at me suspiciously, and then asked: "With Purple Moon?"

Anubis nodded and said excitedly:" Purple Moon replied to use 200 million units of Power of Faith to buy two of our equipment. I have armed him with my soul. The rest is the Scarab Wrath I want you to."

"What?" As soon as Cohopra heard what Anubis said, he immediately became calm. He pushed Anubis away and flew in front of me with his two severely deformed insect legs. He squeezed my arm and asked, "Is what Anubis said is true?"

"I'm to...Eh, it seems that I really can't swear to anyone! But it doesn't matter, I'm sure to trade."

Kohpra asked immediately after hearing what I said: "How do you get the Power of Faith?"

"This... "

"Oh, I know, do you need to keep it secret." Kohopra reacted as soon as he heard two words. Such things can't be asked indiscriminately. "This is okay, you can trade us Power of Faith anyway. You need to use 200 million units of Power of Faith to buy Psionic Arms and Scarab Fury, right? This is okay, I will take you to see the goods now. "

I thought that Anubis was already very good at fooling around, but now I know that Cohopura is easier to be fooled. By the way, is the entire Divine Race in Egypt, apart from Tetu's smarter, other idiots?

While I was there, Kohopura had led me directly to the outside of this temple, and then...the entire world fell silent for an instant, and then suddenly broke out. The call sign.

I was thinking about the character of the Divine Race in Egypt, but I was sent to the god by Cohopura as soon as I didn’t pay attention. The gate of the temple. Originally, it was nothing to transmit, but the point is that I am not alone now. I was standing on the left with Cohopura and Anubis on the right. The two great gods sandwiched me, and there were nearly ten thousand players in front.

Why are there so many people? Because this place is outside the temple of Kohopura, and this Scarab Temple itself is a famous tourist attraction in Egypt, and there is a very special situation that the Scarab Temple is not only an ornamental tourist attraction, it also With actual attribute bonuses, and can produce special props and special tasks, this place can be regarded as a functional building, and it is very famous. Every day, people who come to visit or do tasks to buy equipment are in an endless stream.

Although these players all know that this is the temple of Kohopura, it is as if you went to the Guanyin Temple and never thought that you would see Bodhisattva Guanyin. The players who came here either came to play. If something is going on, no one didn't expect to see Cohopura. Besides, there was a big black man with a dog-headed human body covered in gold and silver standing beside him. This shock completely shocked the players.

"Hey, wouldn't that be a scarab?" A player who was very close to the gate of the temple looked at Cohopura on the steps and asked stupidly.

The person next to him stared at Cohopura sleepwalkingly and said: "The appearance of a beetle looks the same as the legend. But Divine Race has its own younger brother, and the appearance is generally similar, maybe It’s not necessarily a small soldier."

"Idiot, don’t you know if you detect it?" A fast player goes up and throws an Appraisal Technique, although now the system is not directly above the players and NPCs. I have typed the name, but using Appraisal Technique can make the name appear for a short period of time, and based on the strength gap between the two parties and the Appraisal Technique level, you can also see some attributes and the like.

As soon as the Appraisal Technique was finished, the player was stunned. The person next to him didn't know what was going on, so he pushed him a bit and asked, "Hey, what have you identified? Report your name to listen to it?"

The player who was pushed awake shook the head stupidly, and then the person next to him looked at him in surprise and asked: "I said you shook your head, what is the answer? What's the matter?"

The guy was asked again and finally healed and said courageously: "No...no identification!"



"That...the guy's name shows a row of question marks!"

"What?" The person next to him was immediately shocked when he heard this.

This Appraisal Technique is considered a relatively well-known skill, so many people know it. If a generally speaking appraisal fails, it should be nothing to show, but this guy said that a row of question marks appeared. Appraisal Technique actually succeeded. The reason why the question mark is displayed can only indicate that the opponent's level is too high, and the player in front of him is not qualified to view the opponent's information. However, what puzzles these players is that usually as long as the identification is successful, even if the specific attribute of the opponent is not displayed, at least the name must appear. But the creature in front of me even has a question mark in its name. What kind of situation is this?

Just when everyone didn’t understand, a player who heard their conversation suddenly asked: "What color is the question mark you see?"

The people around suddenly reacted to the question, and they focused their attention together. The colors of the character names displayed by Appraisal Technique are actually meaningful, and most of the creatures' names are green, white, and red. Among them, green represents one's own person, or a friendly unit. White is an unrelated person or an unknown position, red is a hostile state or if the opponent is a player, it may also be a red name. However, in addition to the above three colors, there are actually other colors. These other colors generally have specific meanings. Gray represents undead creatures, blue represents rare creatures, and purple represents very rare and very dangerous, but if you can kill or make friends, you will have many benefits.

The player immediately replied after hearing this voice: "I don't know!"

"What do you mean? Can't you see the question mark?"

" p>

The player cried and said, "I can see it, but the color keeps flashing like a rainbow. It's not fixed at all!"

"Rainbow color?" A player muttered. After speaking for a while, he suddenly exclaimed: "Damn, that's the color of the high level Divine Race! I saw it on the forum!"

"Day! High level Divine Race? Standing here. It looks like a beetle, and it's a Divine Race. Doesn’t that mean..."

Everyone suddenly boiled, and then someone suddenly saw the black wolf-headed guy on the other side, and then Some people started madly squeezing the guy who wanted to get close to the wolfhead, and shouted: "Great Anubis, please send me compassion for an advanced task?"

Although there are many Anubis's little brothers in Egypt, and they all look the same as him, few people will mistake Anubis and those Death God guards. As for the reason... it's actually really easy. Anubis is a god, so it is unique. But Death God guards are very many, and they never act alone. Their minimum activity unit is two people. So, if you see a wolf head creature alone, it must be Anubis.

"Damn, what kind of plane are you doing, Cohopura?" I suddenly ran from the quiet room to the front of the temple of the vast crowd, and I was shocked.

Kohpra was also taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and shouted: "Sorry, forget that there are a lot of people here. But there is no way, my treasure house is over there. I have to go by myself. In the past." Kohopra said as he pointed to another building on the right front of the temple. It was a building that looked like a giant coffin. The front was large and the back was small, relatively long, and quite tall.

After seeing the target, I don’t need to say Kohopura. Anubis moved quickly between me and Kohopura, and then grabbed both of me and Kohopura. Arms, and then a gust of wind blew, the three of us immediately turned into black sand and disappeared on the steps. In the next second, three piles of black sand suddenly swelled from the ground to form three. The human form finally suddenly changed from black to color, and the bodies of the three of us were suddenly revealed.

Although we teleported over directly, some players found us. After all, although the distance between the two sides is not too close, it is still within the sight of normal people. There are so many people in front of the great hall, there will always be someone who will see us, and then when those who find us yell, other people around will also find us, but before they come over, we directly enter the building , And the players who rushed over were directly blocked from that building, because ten rows of Death God guards stood in front of the building’s gate, all of them holding weapons against the steps below, meaning Obviously, it is to keep the people below from going up.

Of course, players are the most adventurous group of people. After all, the death penalty in the game is not as serious as it is in reality. So even in reality, some people dare to kill their lives, so naturally there are more in the game. Therefore, even if the other party made the intention of not letting in, some people rushed up, and some people took the initiative to attack those Death God guards. Of course, the result was tragic. Death God guards are not Death God guards. These guys are quasi-gods. Generally, if a few hundred players go up, they can't get one of them. Even if there are nearly 10,000 people here, it is impossible to rush in.

When the people outside were fighting together, I had already followed Kohopra and Anubis down to the bottom of this building.

I don’t know if it’s the reason why the basement structure is more resistant to wind and sand in Egypt. Temples, temples, and pyramids on this side of Egypt have huge underground buildings, and the more the gods, The more complicated the structure underneath the building they built. Like Kohopura and Anubis, the structure under their exclusive temple is almost as complicated as the structure of the ant colony, so that most people don't expect to come in without a map. Of course, these underground structures have no effect on me. After all, do I have the lead of two mice, Kohopra and Anubis.

"Well, the Scarab Fury you want is here." After being taken to a huge secret warehouse, Kohopra waved forward and said.

I looked at the wooden boxes in front of me and turned my head and asked Kohopura: "Which is it?"

"Everything is." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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