"Hi, my friend, long time no see." Ashford obviously wanted to be happy seeing my arrival, but I doubt that this guy is simply because I was so happy when I came.

"Is there a happy event recently? I won't be happy to see me?"

When I heard my words, Ashford smiled slightly, and said with a slight triumph:" You guessed it, Alice just agreed to my marriage proposal yesterday. We are going to have a formal wedding in reality and in the game."

"Is that so? Congratulations. But has your wedding date been set? I may need your help recently, in case it conflicts with your wedding date, it will be in trouble!"

"We haven’t set the date yet, you When do I need my help? How long does it take? I just stagger the time."

"That's really sorry. Then, shall we go in first to talk?"

" Oh, yes, I almost forgot!" Ashford then remembered that we were still at the gate of their guild headquarters.

After entering the headquarters of the Iron Crusader with Ashford, my first feeling was that the building gave people a rather serious feeling, and it seemed a bit depressing. Of course, I won’t talk about it. After all, how to decorate is a matter of others. You must decorate other people’s houses according to your own intentions. That kind of people have either brain problems or psychological problems. After all, in the usual sense, Ai Singer is not an orthodox design, so I am not qualified to talk about others.

After entering the living room, Ashford emptied the room. Then he went to the cabinet next to him and took out two bottles of drinks and handed me one. Then he asked, "This time Why do you need my help?"

I took the drink and looked at it. There is no sign on the bottle and I don’t know what it is, but after a taste, it tastes very good and surprising There are actually additional attributes. This thing is obviously not just a drink that simply satisfies the appetite.

Probably noticing my expression, Ashford said casually: "This is a new battle drink from our guild. It can temporarily increase a small amount of agility and strength, as well as resistance to spiritual magic. Strength will rise. You have to be interested for a while and we can talk about cooperation."

I nodded put down the drink and said: "This will be discussed for a while, let’s talk about business first. This is how things are. Our guild Now I’m having some trouble, and I may need to resist the attack of a high level Divine Beast from Japan."

"You won’t ask for help just for this matter, are you?" Ashford was surprised. "Isn’t it possible to get a Divine Beast with your strength?"

"Although I don’t want to admit it, this is unfortunately the case. It’s not the usual Divine Beast, but a Divine Beast. Only very special Divine Beast, he has been strengthened for some reasons, and it is not a bit strong, even if it is to concentrate all the strength of our guild, it will be very reluctant to block him, and the casualties will be high. But fortunately the opponent is. Divine Race, so I can ask my country’s Divine Race to help out."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm not worried about the Divine Beast, I'm worried about the Russians "

Axiu Fude is also a region's Overlord after all. Of course these things are clear, and they reacted immediately upon hearing my words. "I see. You have to fight against that Divine Beast with all your strength, and when the time comes, there will certainly not be only one Divine Beast to attack. Japanese players will follow, so your guild needs to concentrate on fighting the Japanese invasion. When the time comes, your high-end martial power is all held back by the Divine Beast, so the battle between you and the Japanese will evolve into a war of attrition that has never happened before, which means that you will not be able to get out for a while. However, your enemies are not only the Japanese but also the Russians. You are worried that without the support of your guild, other guilds in your country will not be able to stop the Russian invasion?"

I nodded Said: "Actually, this is no longer a guess. The Russians have invaded our country before. You should know this. Although they were driven back later, their large forces have stayed on the border and never left. Later, they continued to invade our country. There have been many border frictions on a large scale, and I also took the opportunity to destroy their country’s Divine Race forces and destroy their technical weapon production base. After that, the Russians once removed people on the border because of this incident. After a while, I just don’t know why they all concentrated on the border of our country recently, and recently they often provoked our country’s players to create friction. Once we go to war with Japanese players, Russia will inevitably take advantage of the situation to launch against our country. Invasion war. I don’t want the front door to refuse the tiger and the back door to enter the wolf, even the bear!"

"I probably understand what you mean." Ashford nodded and said: "Then, you Do you want us as a reserve team to appear after a battle? Or do you directly appear on the line of defense in the form of external aid?"

"no no no, it would be a bit too cost-effective to do that. It’s."


I smiled and counted to Ashford: "Look, if you send troops, you can’t do it for nothing, right? This is our guild. You have to pay for your remuneration, as well as reimbursement for a series of related expenses such as the medicines and equipment maintenance you consumed in the war. In addition, our guild’s losses in the battle will certainly not be less. Let us pay the money ourselves. Of course, it’s not that I can’t get it out, but I’m just a little reluctant, so we want the Russians to help us pay."

"What did you say?" Ashford snapped his ears and thought he was listening. wrong.

"Don't be so surprised, things are not complicated at all." I said directly: "Look, your guild is our foreign aid, no matter how much it appears, the Russians will not know your actual troops. The amount, because no matter how much you pay is not controlled by us, so the Russians will also not know how much you will pay. In this way, you can say that your mismatch is divided into two parts, one of which is more in number but battle strength The relatively low one acts as a reserve team directly behind the defense line of our country’s players. There is no need for Grand Guardian secrets or the front line to show off. Just let the Russians know that you are there."

"The other one What about elites?"

"I can't as well be a robber in this army."

"Robber?" Ashford was stunned for a moment, and then again. Suddenly frowned thought about it seriously. While thinking about it, he murmured: "The Russian troops are piled on the Sino-Russian border, and the country is bound to be empty. If this takes the opportunity to use the plundering mode, it may be able to sweep out a lot of money." I thought of here as A Xiufu. De then asked immediately: "Does this trick work? The Russians don't have a strategy to deal with it?"

"This trick is a conspiracy, unless the Russians cancel the operation, or their overall strength is stronger than ours. There are many, otherwise there is no solution. We did this on a small scale before, and we did make a lot of money."

"Okay, it's good to get it for a friend, but a fool won't do it. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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