Standing outside the palace and shouting for a few times, no one answered, which made me a forehead question mark. Finally, after thinking about it, I decided to go in and have a look. Anyway, I called After that, the absence of Supreme Taoist can't count me as trespassing. Is it because he didn't keep the promise first?

After thinking about it and making a decision, I stretched out my hand to push the door. Who knew that as soon as I opened the slit, I saw a black line shoot out from the slit of the door. I was almost subconsciously sideways, but I heard a buzzing sound approaching quickly from far to near. I quickly lowered my head, and after pressing, I felt a cold on the back of my head, and a metal object came from me. Wiped quickly over his mind, and then chased the black light in front of him.

Less than a second after the two things flew out, the door behind him was suddenly opened, and then the disheveled Supreme Taoist chased out in embarrassment, followed by two fairy boys and one. Heap of Lux.

"I said too good, what are you doing? Didn't I just push the door without waiting for your answer? As for putting hidden weapon so exaggerated?"

Run The breathless Supreme Taoist held down my shoulder, then pointed at the black light in front and panted and said, "Chasing...chasing...that thing..."

Looking at Supreme Taoist like this, it might be long before he clarified that the thing was gone, so I immediately asked after a little bit of understanding: "Are those two things used for the refine for me device and need to be recovered?"

Supreme Taoist said while nodded: "The black one, behind is my Vajra Ring."

No need to explain this time, I just nodded and said: "Wait, I'll chase." After I finished speaking, I stepped on the railing at the entrance of the great hall and jumped up. Then the bird appeared under my feet instantly, caught me, speeded up, and shot away in an instant.

Just a few words ago, the two streams of light, one black and one clear, have already flown far away. Thanks to the fact that there are no obstacles in Celestial Court, and the sight range is very large, otherwise it must have been looked down on.

After confirming the direction, the bird started Level 2 acceleration again, and our speed instantly soared to chase the black and clear rays of light ahead.

On a Jiuqu Bridge in Heavenly Palace, Taibai Jinxing was talking to Zizhu Fairy, and there was an unknown Divine Immortal standing beside him. While talking, I suddenly saw two streams of light, one black, one azure, passing by and interrupting the conversation between the two.

Taibai Jinxing looked at the distant streamer in confusion and said: "It's weird, how does the azure light at the back look like Supreme Taoist's Vajra Ring? What is this chasing after?"


"It looks like a monster, I feel Monster Qi." The unknown Divine Immortal said.

Zizhu Fairy was about to say something, suddenly saw a silhouette whistled past from them, and until the silhouette had flown out dozens of meters, the three heard the violent rumbling sound and the shock wave of terror . Zizhu Fairy and the unidentified Divine Immortal both used their identities to escape the shock wave in time. Poor Taibai Jinxing was swept by the air wave, and one somersault overturned from the bridge into the lotus pond.

"Where is the evildoer? You dare to mess around in Heavenly Palace, how proper is it?" Taibai Jinxing, who fell into the water, stood up embarrassedly and scolded.

Zizhu Fairy, standing on the bridge, glanced at Taibai Jinxing under the bridge and said: "Strange, isn't that Purple Moon?"

"Ah? Why is Purple Moon?" Taibai Jinxing's original yelling sound was much lower at once, and then said: "Zizhu Fairy, you are fast, please catch up and see, what's the matter?"

Zizhu Fairy nodded, and then turned on the spot. He turned into a purple light group moved towards the front and chased it, and the Divine Immortal next to Taibai Jinxing also said to Taibai Jinxing: "I will report to the Jade Emperor, there must be something wrong."

Taibai Jinxing waved his hand to let the opponent go quickly, and then the opponent quickly left.

I don’t know what happened here, because we have already flown into the side hall area of ​​Celestial Court. There are a large area of ​​various functional buildings, including the famous one. The Pan Peach Garden. Of course, we are not near Pan Peach Garden. After all, this so-called partial temple area is actually very large.

Because of the advantage in speed, although I took off later, I quickly caught up to the vicinity of Vajra Ring and started to keep pace with it. The Vajra Ring next to it was a very spiritual treasure. After flying side by side for a while, suddenly a turning point hit us. Because the speed was too fast, we didn't have time to react, and we didn't guard against it before, so we were hit at once. However, there was no accidental damage during the impact. Instead, the Vajra Ring penetrated directly into my body and then disappeared. At the same time, there was a layer of azure rays of light on my body and the bird under my feet. The speed increased in a straight line, and he chased behind the black object in an instant.

"Damn, do you know that you are actively cooperating?" I felt that I was not my own power. At that moment, I really wanted to get Vajra Ring back. However, this thing is a treasure of the movement method of Supreme Taoist, it is a life-saving thing, so it is absolutely impossible to give to others. Besides, this thing itself already has Artifact Spirit, so it is not possible to change the owner if you want to change the owner.

"Purple Moon, what are you chasing after?"

I just caught up with the black thing, and suddenly I saw Zizhu Fairy flying over from the side and We are on the same track, but her appearance seems to be faintly collapsed. It is obvious that she is not used to this speed, and it is estimated that she will not be able to maintain it for long.

I quickly pulled it to Feike’s back, and when she saw her relaxed, I said, “I don’t know what it is. Supreme Taoist asked me to chase after it. Come on."

"What?" Zizhu Fairy probably knew about this, and immediately exclaimed: "Could it be Chaos Worm?"

"You Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything. I saw Vajra Ring chasing this thing flying out as soon as I arrived at the Dolly Palace, and then Supreme Taoist asked me to chase it, and I’m catching up.” I was talking suddenly. I found that the black streamer in the front suddenly moved towards a taller building next to him and flew past, and then immediately only the flying bird made an emergency turn and followed along, while chanting: "Don’t think I will chase you when you hide in the house. I’m not on it."

As soon as I finished talking here, Zizhu Fairy pulled me and shouted: "Don’t go in!"

Although Zizhu Fairy’s voice is loud , But it is a pity that it is a step slower. Asuka's speed was too fast, and his mobility was surprisingly good. Before she could finish calling, we had finished turning towards moved towards the tall palace and rushed over.

At this moment in the palace in front of me, a large group of Divine Immortal and Jade Emperor are discussing how to circumvent the law and send more people to the lower realm to help me deal with the eight-different snakes. Of course, it’s a bit boring to sit and think about ways, so the Jade Emperor arranged a banquet by the way, and everyone worked together and thought while eating. However, this table has just arrived, and before it’s time to start eating, I suddenly heard a click. The window on the left side of the great hall was directly knocked open by a black light, and then the black light flashed across the banquet table placed horizontally. , Followed by a broken window from the right window.

The many Divine Immortal here haven’t realized what’s going on. They saw the window on the left side with an extra hole burst open, and then saw me and Zizhu Fairy stepping on it. The bird came in through the window, and then swept over the table like the black light and flew out again with a bang from the other side. It's just that... the black light is small in size and the body is streamlined, so the impact on the air is very low, but my volume is too large and the shape is irregular, and of course a vacuum zone will be formed in the back.

Thanks to this vacuum zone, when I walked through the great hall, the entire great hall was like a typhoon passing through a gust of wind blowing all the dishes on the table and the tables, chairs and benches. Even a few weaker Divine Immortal were overturned by the air waves.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that the Jade Emperor was holding the banquet?" When I rushed past the room, I had already seen the situation inside. There is no way to avoid it. Asuka's current speed has reached Mach 1.2. Turning at this speed is already very difficult, and it is simply impossible to brake. So in the end, I could only brace oneself and rushed past it, hoping that the Jade Emperor would not be angry.

How can the fact that the Emperor Shanyu is not angry? Of course, I’m not so sure because I’m not in the room, and the people in the room are completely dumbfounded, because at this time the Jade Emperor is facing a huge soup pot, his face and body are all in the soup. The edge of the crown was still dripping with the soup, which was so embarrassing and embarrassing.

"The Jade Emperor...?" A group of Divine Immortal sitting in the great hall looked at the embarrassed Jade Emperor and asked in a low voice, wanting to see the reaction. After all, the Jade Emperor is so quiet now that it is a bit scary. It's better to let him burst out, everyone feel at ease.

Sure enough, the "Jade Emperor" in this life directly exploded the Jade Emperor, a big cannon battle. The erupting Jade Emperor directly roared and drove everyone out for them to arrest me and come back for questioning. But it's not bad. Everyone knows that I am also a dangerous person, and I can't easily offend, so I didn't implement it immediately. This delay was followed by Taibai Jinxing and Supreme Taoist. With their explanation, Jade Emperor moved all the anger to the insect's body, and then the many Divine Immortals of Celestial Court were all assigned to Jade Emperor to help chase and intercept the insect. However, this command still failed to execute.

"The Jade Emperor calms his anger." Supreme Taoist said after intercepting the immortals: "The Chaos Monster Insect can swallow everything between Heaven and Earth, and you will have everything you eat. The Purple Moon friends are superb. That’s why I dare to let him chase after him. If it is a person with poor strength, once the Monster Insect reverse devouring, then Monster Insect's strength will further increase, so..."

Jade Emperor was before I was confused, and now I also reacted. He also knew about the Chaos Monster Insect. It was just an emotional issue and didn't expect it for a while. Now that I think about it, how dare you continue to send people to death?

"If you are such a non-combatant, don't go. Li Jing, you take Four Great Heavenly Kings with Nezha and Erlang Shen. that monkey too."

"According to the order."

When the Celestial Court discussed the results, I chased the Chaos Monster Insect over there and rushed into a great hall that I don't know where it is. Although Zizhu Fairy is next to me, the Celestial Court is so big that people are impossible, don’t you know everyone? So we don't know where this is right now, anyway, we just know that Chaos Monster Insect rushed in.

"Where did you go?" After rushing into the great hall, Zizhu Fairy and I both jumped off the bird. There was no sign of breaking apart in the room except the door we entered, that is to say, chaos. Monster Insect is still here.

Zizhu Fairy looked towards I shook my head and said she didn't know, I had to point to the door, then pointed to myself and then to the left side of the room, Zizhu Fairy immediately understood what I meant, turned and closed The door directly drew a yellow talisman from his body and stuck it on the door. A buzzing sound in the entire great hall suddenly lit up a faint azure light.

Looking at Zizhu Fairy fulfilling my request, I nodded to her, and then moved towards the row of wooden frames on the left, while Zizhu Fairy quickly separated from me and moved towards the other side. go.

I have used the talisman pasted by Fairy Zizhu. It’s something like a seal, but it’s usually pasted on the outside, but it’s on the inside today, but it has similar functions. It just cannot be opened from the outside when it is turned on. As for whether the insect will open the seal, don’t worry about it. After all, the seal is similar to a code lock. If the insect can be opened, there is no need to post it. Anyway, fools can open it. Is there any difference?

After separating from Zizhu Fairy, I approached carefully to the side of the wooden frame, moved gently to the side of the wooden frame, stretched my head and looked at the back of the wooden frame, but there was nothing. After bypassing the wooden frame, I started to walk forward again along the wall. There is a row of candlestick stands here, but they are all frame structures, and they can't stop things. Across from here is a thick pillar. I carefully walked around and took a look, and then suddenly remembered that there was a helper suitable for this job among the familiars.

"Darts. Come out and help find an insect. Be careful not to be touched, that thing can be eaten."

The darts nodded turned around and disappeared, and then I felt the room The white light flashed continuously, and then suddenly I heard a scream of "ji", and then I saw a dark object falling from the beam of the room. However, when the insect was falling, a wing was about to fly away, but the white light flashed in the room, and the guy's wings were directly short by half. As a result, he lost his balance and hit the door because of the different lengths of the wings on both sides. The talisman posted by Zizhu Fairy suddenly lit up, and the door of the room was followed by azure light. The insect was directly bounced out as if it had been electrocuted, but before it fell to the ground, it was suddenly hit by the white light. He fell to the ground with his belly upside-down.

Darts that have the ability to move at the speed of light are actually very powerful monsters. The reason why the battle strength doesn't look very good at ordinary times is entirely because of its small size. If the size of the dart can be increased to the level of the white waves and maintain the current mobility, then he is definitely the one with the strongest battle strength in my favorite, there is no one. However, it is usually not good at dealing with large creatures. Today, dealing with this small insect is just the best of darts.

The size of the Chaos Monster Insect is actually not small, but it is referenced according to the insect standard. The actual length of this insect is about ten centimeters, and it looks like an ancient cockroach. Different from modern cockroaches, ancient cockroaches had shorter wings, a large belly, and the length and width of their bodies were relatively small, which means they looked relatively short and thick. Of course, this thing is chaotic. Monster Insect is not a cockroach, so it's just like a cockroach, with some differences in details. For example, there is a big exaggerated pliers in front of the mouth of this thing, and the cold light looks quite scary. If the cockroaches in the real world can grow like this, I guess not to mention mice, cats and dogs. It is estimated that even humans will have to be eaten by them.

Monster Insect shakes its wings after it hits the ground, and easily rolls over and gets up again, but the darts swiftly attacked, and in the blink of an eye, the guy turned upside down, and then it turned again. Come, but the dart knocked it over again. The length of the dart on the body is nearly double that of this Monster Insect. Although the size is not much larger, it is bigger after all, so the power output is much stronger than this insect, plus the speed. This insect is abused, so Monster Insect, which is usually arrogant, is flabbergasted by the darts, and even if he is mad, he can't touch the darts.

Zizhu Fairy had walked over a long time ago, and noticed that the insect that could not be found in the north was played there. Then he immediately took out a talisman from his body and handed it to me, and said, "Take this Just stick it on the back of the Monster Insect."

I nodded directly toss the talisman forward, a dart flew over and caught the talisman, and then appeared on the back of the Monster Insect and slapped the talisman. On its back armor. The insect, which was still struggling, seemed to be frozen in an instant. Although the appearance did not change in any way, the whole insect was completely in a static state, and it felt a bit like the zombie attached to the domestic zombie film. The talisman on his head will freeze as soon as a post is posted.

"Okay, there is no danger now." Zizhu Fairy walked over to pick up the insect on the ground and threw it directly into a golden ball, then carried the red line on the ball and walked towards it. main entrance.

The reinforcements sent by the Jade Emperor came a step late in the end. We had already come out when they arrived. Seeing the golden thread ball held by Zizhu Fairy, Supreme Taoist immediately ran to take it, and then he looked towards me and suddenly stretched out his arm towards me. With azure light flashed on my body, Vajra Ring suddenly appeared, and then flew into Supreme Taoist's hands in an instant. This Divine Item of Artifact Spirit is good, even if it is temporarily caught by others, you can get it back anytime you want.

Recovered the Vajra Ring and caught the insect again. The immortals first returned to the Jade Emperor to report for it. The Jade Emperor also knew that we were in a hurry, so I didn’t get too long, just waved our hands to make us hurry. Go to work.

After I re-arrived at the Palace of Dust, I couldn’t help but ask Supreme Taoist: “I heard you say that this insect is something that is used by the refining tool, but what does the insect need to do in that thing?"< /p>

Supreme Taoist first added fire to his Eight Trigrams Furnace, and then said to me: "This Chaos Monster Insect itself is not a material for refining, but a processing tool."< /p>

"Tool? This insect?"

Supreme Taoist was definitely nodded, and then explained: "This Chaos Monster Insect has a special ability, that is, it can eat anything tangible or intangible. Things can be swallowed up by attacks or defensive abilities, even free energy can be swallowed directly. Moreover, if this Chaos Monster Insect eats anything with a special attribute, it will have the attribute of this thing. We give it. You need to use some special materials to refine this kind of space magic weapon, but these special materials are relatively hard and difficult to separate easily, so we plan to let Chaos Monster Insect help to eat these things, and then use special materials after it is eaten. The secret technique allows it to spit out the eaten material. At this time, the material will appear in a short-term soft state. As long as you hurry to shape it, you don’t need to cut it again."

" The guy is used as a cutting machine?"

"Not only that." Supreme Taoist also said: "Your space needs a special time magic weapon to start acceleration before it starts, but our space magic weapon Can’t produce much acceleration effect, so we use this chaotic Monster Insect to eat the space magic weapon, and then let it eat the starting space, and finally use the secret technique to force it to spit it out. At this time, the space magic weapon is customized by you. The space will merge, and at the same time your space will have the ability to adjust Time Flow Speed."

I nodded and said: "Then you guys have to be careful. This guy has the ability to Time Acceleration. It’s not easy to catch."

Supreme Taoist nodded and said: "In fact, it was this Chaos Monster Insect before that after eating space equipment, my careless discipline knocked off the opponent’s seal again, so I let it Escaped. Originally my Dust Palace was a huge seal, but unfortunately I haven’t When it's time to start, you just push the door, and as a result, the insect takes advantage of the loopholes. Thanks to your speedy recovery, if you let this insect eat a few Fellow Daoists, the consequences would be disastrous! "

"These creatures with devouring ability are really troublesome. "I sighed and asked again: "What are we going to do now?" Just waiting for your stove to warm up? "

"No, my Eight Trigrams Furnace does not need to be preheated. Now it is calcining the demon soul crystals. After the demon soul crystals are condensed into an entity, they can be used to build synchronization with your soul Channel up. "

"How long does this process take?" "

"About two hours. "

"Is that two hours?" "

"Yes. "

Although it’s a long time, there is nothing to do in two hours. I thought about it and went offline and went to the activity. I calculated the time and went back online. Once I restored my sight, I went back online. I saw Supreme Taoist turning on the Eight Trigrams Furnace, and then with his whisk, a miniature Golden Cauldron flew out of the furnace and landed on a jade platform next to it.

Supreme Taoist obviously had a relaxed meaning for my appearance, but he didn't say anything, he directly greeted me, and then took out a colored ball that was only slightly smaller than a ping-pong ball from the Golden Cauldron.< /p>

This small ball looks like jade, but brilliant lights and vibrant colors on the surface always change colors, and the colors everywhere do not change together, but change randomly, so It looks colorful. However, although the color has been changing, it always gives people a faint pink feeling. I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Supreme Taoist takes out the sphere After that, I took off the helmet and pressed the thing to the center of my eyebrows, and then used the other hand to slap the bead on my forehead. Bang, I staggered back. It took a few steps to get a firm foothold, but at this time the ball was gone.

"Fuck me, what about that thing? Isn't it in my head? I'm not a devil beast. If you put a magic core into me, I can't become Fiend? "

"What's the mess, I put it into your soul, you need to wait a while, let it record the characteristics of your soul, and then take it out and plant it in the practice Among the Magical Artifacts made, in the future, this Magical Artifact will only listen to you alone. Even if others are stronger than you, as long as they are not overwhelmingly overwhelming, they will definitely not be able to seize control. "

I nodded and said: "Unless High God wants to trouble me, there shouldn't be someone hundreds of times stronger than me, right?" "

Supreme Taoist nodded and said: "So this method is still very safe, and the stronger you are, the safer you are. "

"Then what are we doing now? "

"It's not us but me. Don't move. "Supreme Taoist suddenly reached out and slapped my head on the back of my head. At the same time, he reached out to catch the sphere that popped up in front of my forehead. There was no change in appearance from when it was put in, but I could feel it. Things seem to have become a part of me. After getting the thing again, Supreme Taoist said: "Okay, there is nothing more to do with you now, just do whatever you like. We will be responsible for completing the follow-up work, and we will send it to you when the things are done. "

"Oh. "I complied at random and planned to go, but I was stopped after two steps.

"Wait a minute. "Supreme Taoist suddenly ran back and asked: "Do you want to customize the appearance of the equipment?" "

"Appearance? "I thought for a while and said: "I don't have much requirements. It just fits the appearance of my current armor. Just don't make it too abrupt. "

Supreme Taoist nodded said: "This is simple. Okay, you go to do your work first, we will send it to you when the thing is finished. "

Since I don’t need to worry about it here, I naturally left Celestial Court first, but I didn’t stop at Isengarduo, and went straight to Sky City, and then took the Transmission Formation in the direction of Germany. Teleported to Eagle Fort.

This Eagle Fort is the newly-built guild headquarters of the Iron Crusade. I came here to find Ashford to talk about foreign aid. After all, the military god said it. , The Northern Alliance alone cannot stop the Russian invasion! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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