"Since this is the arrangement, shouldn't our Power of Faith collector be transported in a hurry?" Vomar asked aloud.

I nodded looked towards Woma said: "Although I don't have to rush over, but things must be made as soon as possible, because I am not sure when it will be needed. It is better to do it in advance than to rush to work."


"But we don't have enough Divine Soul."

"What? Nothing?" Woma's words made me startled. "Did you make a lot of it when you attacked the Olympus Divine Race last time? You ran out so soon?"

"I blame this thing!" Rose suddenly said: "Kill you because There are too many Divine Souls, so I wondered if I could improve the artificial souls of the mobile angels in the guild. Didn’t expect the laboratory to consume too much. The souls that were reserved last time were used in only one week. It's all gone."

"I...what the hell did you do with Divine Soul? How about using up so much at one time?" I am now completely out of temper by Woma and the others.

Woma also said somewhat sorry: "This is also we were too excited at the time. You don't know, those Divine Souls can be split and combined, and finally we use those souls for manual dismantling. , And then extract the strongest part and merge it and adjust it at the same time, then use the Power of Faith extractor to connect with the divine force core of Divine Race of Chaos and Order to directly fill this artificial soul with divine force, and finally it really came out A man-made Divine Soul is coming. Do you think it’s a major discovery?"

"A major discovery?" I'm almost mad at Woma now. "You used a bunch of Divine Souls to form a Divine Soul, and you told me that this was a major discovery? I said, Woma, you are doing scientific research, how can you be considered a scientist? The difference between a few hundred and one Can’t you figure it out? I...I really don’t know what to say about you!"

Woma really calmed down after being scolded by me, even a scientific madman like her knew it. This time I really played it over. Hundreds of Divine Souls have been synthesized into a Divine Soul. Even though this Divine Soul is more perfect than the previous hundreds of Divine Souls, the number has dropped so much after all. Individuals can understand that such a simple calculation suffers.

"Sorry President, this is the mistake of our scientific research department, we will try to recover it!"

"Okay, don't be sad, I just want to remind you to pay attention in the future Research direction. Our guild is almost the same as a commercial group. What the commercial group requires is that the scientific research department must be able to transform technology into commercial value, and what we need is to transform technology into battle strength, if it is purely for research Research, then I suggest lowering the priority of this kind of research."

Woma originally thought that I would prohibit them from researching technologies that would not become battle strength. I didn’t expect what I said. Just lowering the priority level made her a little surprised.

"Don’t you ask us to stop those meaningless research?"

"Why stop?"

"This..." Although Woma is very Surprisingly, I didn't stop their research, but she couldn't think of a reason why they should stop.

I actually knew why she asked, so I said directly: "Make no mistake, I am neither the kind of brat who can only fight, nor the kind of businessman who only recognizes money. Although not Professional scientific research personnel, but my technical foundation is not low at all. The technologies that can be transformed into commercial value or battle strength are all applied technologies, but applied technologies are technical integration based on basic technologies. If you don’t do it Basic scientific research, where is the application? In reality, basic scientific research that has no profitability is usually done by laboratories established by the state. There is no national laboratory in the game, so we can only do it ourselves, but We have to take into account our own interests and sustainable development, so we cannot invest too much in the research of basic technology. You can continue to research basic technology, but I hope you can find the correct positioning and try to be as targeted as possible Research, even if it seems that some technologies cannot be transformed into battle strength, at least it should be able to indirectly promote the development of a certain battle strength-related technology, and when we have applied technology to study, basic technology research To slow down and make way for application technology, this is my basic requirement for you."

"Understood, thank you, President."

"This is our guild. , I’m not alone, nor you, so don’t thank me, everyone is working hard for this guild. Okay, the topic has gone far, and now I will continue to explore the problem of the Eight-Different Snake."

Rose is also nodded and said: "Yes, even if we delay the attacking time of the Baqi Orochi, he will still attack. We still have to face it."


"On this point, I have received some support from Celestial Court. They promised to help me make a prop that can create a specific space. In this space I can change the flow of time."

"Time Flow Speed?" Rose asked in surprise: "Is it the time difference system that came out recently?"

"Yes, that's the thing."

"What is the adjustment range of Time Flow Speed?" Rose is a Dragon Clan like me, so I know that if the adjustment range of time speed is relatively large, then our advantage will be bigger. After all, at the limit of human tolerance, if we adjust the Time Flow Speed ​​to more than three times, most people may not even be able to walk normally.

"The time adjustment range is not a fixed value. If only me and the NPC are in this space, the adjustment range will be based on the limit I can bear. If there are players in the space, the adjustment range is all Enter the range of the player with the lowest endurance."

"Health protection system?" So Mi asked the key question at once.

I nodded to express my affirmation, other people also understand, but most people feel very relieved. Although among the group of people present besides Rose, only True Red, Ziyue, and Vina knew that I was Dragon Clan, but people who usually watched my battle videos and so on didn’t miss me, so they responded very quickly to me. Confidence, they are all convinced that if someone can play a greater battle strength in the world after acceleration than under normal Time Flow Speed, that person must be me.

Just when everyone felt at ease, Da Guofan suddenly asked: "What if the enemy opposes Time Acceleration after being drawn into the world? I mean the player."

"This opponent has no right to choose. The only limit the player has to me is his tolerance limit. This does not refer to the upper limit of the time the opponent can fight normally, but the upper limit of the opponent's mental damage due to Time Acceleration, so the player is right I don’t have the ability to suppress."

"Will the other party enter your space voluntarily? Or can this space forcefully pull people?" Although Daguofan is sometimes confused, people are not stupid. This time The problem is obviously to the point.

As soon as this question came up, everyone immediately focused on my High Level for my answer.

"About this issue, Celestial Court also told me before, but I think I should have a way to trick the other person in."

"Cheat in?" Looking at me, I obviously don't understand what I mean.

I didn't explain. I pressed my hands on the table and Peng Sound saw a cute teddy bear pop out.

"The baby is here, the ghosts and snakes are retreating." The teddy bear that just popped out immediately waved a feather duster and jumped up on the table, but after only two jumps, he realized that the environment seemed to be It's not quite right. I just looked around and found out that this place was all from the guild. "Huh? What's the situation?"

I didn't answer the baby's question, but said to others: "You should remember the baby's abilities?"

Nodded and said: "That's the sweet fantasy, isn't it?"

Su Mei also said: "Domain-level ability is absolutely powerful, and as long as the strength is not enough to get rid of the control of this field, it is almost nothing. The mortal state of the solution."

Seeing that everyone still remembers the baby’s abilities, I said directly: "My plan is like this. First use the body-fitting technique to strengthen the baby’s Pulled into the sweet fantasy world, and then deliberately docked the Time Acceleration field with the environment to make it look like an export. The eight-headed snake is not used to the fantasy world and definitely wants to go out. When the time comes, he must plunge into the exit when he sees the exit. I got into the field of acceleration by myself, and I couldn’t help it when the time comes. This field is easy to get in and difficult to get out. Once the Baqi Orochi gets in, and then thinks it out, he must decide the outcome with me. "

"This method is really good, but I think there is still a problem." So Mi said.

"What's the problem?" I looked towards Sumei in confusion.

Sumi said directly: "What I am worried about is that after you are combined, will there be a way to pull the eight-pointed snake into the illusion? That guy is very strong, even the baby’s illusion is not simple, but..."

"Isn't there still us?" Zhenhong said next to him: "If the eight-headed snake resists, then we will besiege him. As long as he is distracted, Purple Moon can definitely pull him. In the illusion, when the time comes, isn't it just for us to flatten and rub round?"

"Such words are acceptable." So Mi finally approved our plan.

Matsumoto Masakazu suddenly asked: "Then now, should we send some signals to Baqi Orochi to make him think that there is a problem with our Power of Faith?"

Rose nodded and said: "Yes, but we must pay attention to the scale. If the eight-headed snakes directly join the Guishou Nobunaga's guild, we will not be worth the loss."

At this time, Yingyu Shenniao Suddenly he said: "Eh, that's not right! Divine Race of the guild can hang many guilds under one Divine Race. What if the guilds on both sides are added together? Our method is meaningless to him. He doesn’t need to hesitate at all, just add them together."

"You don’t have to worry about this." Weina explained to Ying Yu Shencu: "Divine Race of Guild can be linked to many lines. Yes, but there is a main guild. Equivalent to is the most important affiliated guild. The various attributes of this main guild will have a certain impact on the strength of the guild Divine Race it believes in. The one we use now It is this thing that is forcing Baqi Orochi not to make a choice lightly. After all, once the wrong main guild is selected, it will have a serious impact on his strength."

"In this case, I can rest assured."

"Okay, then we will decide for the time being, try to delay the attack time of the Baqi Orochi first, and get the space equipment of Celestial Court as soon as possible." I said and turned to Hong Yue: "By the way, Hong Yue, you'd better arrange for the Russian side recently. If we resist the eight-pointed snakes, we may not have time to distract from the Russian invasion. When the time comes, in case the front door drives the wolf and the back door enters the tiger. It’s troublesome!"

"I will notify the Northern Alliance to take over the defense work on this matter."

Suddenly Rose said: "The Northern Alliance alone may not be able to stop it. I think the most Okay, please ask for foreign aid."

"Do you mean letting the Iron Crusade help?"

"Ashford It shouldn't be rejected?" Rose Said.

Hong Yue shook his head and said, "I don’t think Ashford will refuse. Based on our relationship, he will definitely help. Is this necessary? If it is for Ashford himself to come, That’s just a one-sentence thing, but it’s impossible to ask them for guild reinforcements without paying labor fees. Even if Ashford is the president, he can’t let the members put medicines and equipment on their own and do no-work, right?"

After a little hesitation, Rose looked towards the military god, and then asked: "If our guild does not participate in the war, can domestic forces be able to stop the Russian invasion?"

< p>Military God paused for a while before replied: "The calculation results show...no!"

"Then it's okay." Hong Yue simply accepted the plan to invite foreign aid.

Next, after a large group of people in our guild determined the homeland defense plan, they began to make a targeted defense plan against the offensive of the eight-pointed snake. The defense method of high-end martial power is very different from that of conventional warfare, so we must be prepared. As for the Japanese player forces who followed the Yaqi Orochi to attack, we don't worry about this. As long as there is no super-level existence like the four Sacred Beast, ordinary players alone, even if they come to billions, don't even want to capture Isinger, this is not a problem that can be solved by quantity.

After all the plans were finalized, everyone broke up together, and then started to work on their own. As for me, I went to Celestial Court again, because the production process of that thing requires me to provide soul data, and I just came back to discuss it. Next thing, you have to go back and continue to finish that thing, after all, the performance of that thing is directly related to the success or failure of this defensive plan against the Eight Disciplinary Orochi.

"Too high, too high..." Outside the palace, I yelled a few times inside, but no one answered after waiting for a long time, which made me confused. You said you were waiting here before, right? Did you change the place temporarily? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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