The 96th Chapter Blocking Project

It didn’t take much effort to explain to the Jade Emperor and the gang of Divine Immortal the situation of the eight-headed snake, because the matter itself is very simple, I It only took a few minutes to tell everything. However, even though I spoke very quickly here, the Jade Emperor didn't start responding until after I finished speaking for a long time.

There are also some Taibai Jinxing who don’t believe it, looked towards Azure Dragon and asked: "You really can't beat that Nine-Headed Bird?"

Azure Dragon nodded said: "This It’s not a glorious thing. Do I have to lie to you?"

As soon as Azure Dragon said these words, all the Divine Immortal at the scene were caught in a discussion. Everyone was talking with those around them. People whispered to discuss various things, even Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata discussed this issue together, and even the three real behind-the-scenes bosses of Celestial Court sitting far behind: Hongjun, Yuanshi and Laozi. We whispered and discussed together.

After a little discussion, the Jade Emperor was the first to speak. After all, on the surface Celestial Court was under his control.

"If things are as you say, it is really a troublesome thing. The Nine-Headed Bird, which is aliased as the Eight-Headed Snake, is nothing at worst. The strength may indeed be stronger, but I Celestial Court still has a way to deal with this class of goods. It’s just..."

The Jade Emperor’s just didn’t come out, I just said first: "You don’t need to say, I know you are stuck in a restriction order. There is no way to support us on a large scale. I came here this time to hope that we can figure out a way to solve this problem, at least to ensure that it can stop the invasion of the eight-headed snake."

"In fact, I really want to stop this. It’s not too difficult for the eight-pointed snake.” The Supreme Taoist who stood aside suddenly said: “The four saints have their own clerical constraints. Only in their own position can they exert their full abilities. So you were in that Japanese summon Azure Dragon. With the help of Vermilion Bird, their strength is actually incomplete."

"Huh? Is there anything else?" I looked back towards Azure Dragon and asked in surprise.

Azure Dragon nodded and said: "After all, we are guards guarding border defenses. How can we leave our duties without authorization? So if our main body is not there, we will inevitably need to allocate some power to condense Avatar to take our place temporarily, so As long as you don’t see us in our original position, our strength will decline."

"Then can you kill the eight-pointed snake after you recover?"

" I'm afraid it still won't work." Azure Dragon added immediately after speaking, "Even if we concentrate all our strengths, then we are not the opponents of the eight different snakes. Of course, we must be much better than now. If we have four Sacred Beasts, we can be three. We can absolutely guarantee the defeat of the Eight-Different Orochi. If the four people gather together, we can guarantee that the Eight-Different Orochi is captured alive."

"If only the two of you are there, is it possible to block the Eight-Different Orochi? "I asked aloud.

Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird looked at each other, and then said: "Not sure, maybe it is possible."

"So what if the opponent's strength improves?" I suddenly asked again .

"That requires at least three of us to appear at the same time to stop it." Vermilion Bird said.

I thought for a while and asked: "I don't need the tokens you gave me to summon the shares. How many people can help me at Celestial Court?"

Did not answer my question right away, but first turned back and exchanged a look with Hongjun Sect Lord, then looked towards me and said: "According to the regulations, your battle strength is obviously much higher than that of the opponent. Our first battle simply There is no way to help, but because of your relationship with Celestial Court and the special situation this time, we will try to circumvent some of the rules. However, even so, we can only assign one Sacred Beast to help you at most. Unless you suffer a big loss in the first defense battle, so that we can give you more and more support in the subsequent defense."

"The problem is that if the Eight-Different Snake attacks China, it will be the first to bear the brunt. It must be Isinger of the Frost Rose League. In this case, if you can’t hold on for the first time, our Isinger will be reimbursed. This loss is too great, I can’t afford it!"

"However, due to the restrictions of the rules, we can't use too much power to support you at once if you are not obviously disadvantaged. It is quite incredible to be able to call out a Sacred Beast!"

After hearing what the Jade Emperor said, I thought for a while and said: "So is there any other way?"

The Jade Emperor did not answer after I said it, but One group remained silent, but soon I heard Erlang Shen suddenly say: "Um...I remember that there is something that can solve this problem."

As soon as Erlang Shen's words came out, great hall The eyes of everyone above hulled and all focused on the past. There is no need for us to ask any more, Erlang Shen directly began to say: "Actually, I am not very sure, but suddenly remembered that I had heard about psionic space before."

"Psionic space?" I have never heard of this term, so I have no idea what Erlang Shen is talking about.

Since I didn’t understand, I turned my gaze to other people on the great hall to see who could explain it, and found that most of them look like me, obviously I don’t know. this matter. However, not everyone was blank, at least the Jade Emperor, the Tathagata next to him, and Hong Jun over there should all know this.

I'm trying to figure it out, but Hongjun Sect Lord, who almost never speaks, suddenly speaks. "Purple Moon."


This is the real boss behind Celestial Court. Considering the power of Celestial Court, it is unique even in Divine Race. , So I am quite concerned about Hongjun Sect Lord, after all, his strength is too strong.

After I agreed, Hongjun Sect Lord didn’t talk nonsense, and said directly: "The psionic space mentioned by True Lord Erlang just now is the specific way of existence of that thing, so you will feel unfamiliar. Use another name, you will not feel unfamiliar."

"What's the name?"

"Divine Kingdom."

"Divine Kingdom? You? Are you talking about the independent world formed by the divine force of Divine Race?"

Hongjun Sect Lord nodded said: "The power of Divine Kingdom is beyond your imagination. The creator of Divine Kingdom can do anything in it. The changing rules and laws of which Divine Kingdom, so in Divine Kingdom, his creator is invincible."

I nodded and said: "Speaking of which Divine Kingdom I am indeed no stranger, and I have also entered Many times."

The Divine Kingdom I was talking about was the back garden lent to me by the Mother of the Earth. That is actually part of the Divine Kingdom, the mother of the earth, but it seems that only High God has this thing. Even Hongjun Sect Lord could not create the Divine Kingdom.

Probably guessing my doubts, Hongjun Sect Lord continued after I said: "The creation and establishment of Divine Kingdom can only be done by High God, so we are powerless. But To speak of which, we are not really unable to create Divine Kingdom at all. If we rely on some props, we can create a fake Divine Kingdom."

"Divine Kingdom There are shoddy ones?"

Hongjun Sect Lord said: "Of course it’s not the kind of counterfeit you think. The shoddy Divine Kingdom I am talking about is the incomplete Divine Kingdom. The interior of this kind of Divine Kingdom The cycle is not stable. If there is no outside assistance, this kind of Divine Kingdom will not be able to support a long cycle of self-circulation, and will eventually collapse. The reason why High God’s Divine Kingdom is genuine is because their Divine Kingdom is OK Self-recycling. Don’t say you don’t drive it. Even if you collect resources and kill animals from it, as long as you don’t do too much, this world will maintain a balanced cycle by itself. This is the perfect Divine Kingdom. But , If you are only used to fight against the invading snake, there is no need to recycle, as long as this Divine Kingdom is maintained for three to five days should be enough."

"So we you plan to give I get a Divine Kingdom, and then wait for the big snake to put him in with me?" I asked aloud.

Hongjun Sect Lord unexpectedly shook his head and said: "no no no, you think of Divine Kingdom too simple. Even if you can create a Divine Kingdom that can exist stably for more than ten days, It does not mean that it can be made by making. It requires a lot of preparation and a long time."

"Anyway, it’s too late, right?"

Hongjun Sect Lord nodded and said: "The Eight-Divine Snake you said should come soon, so we are impossible to complete a Divine Kingdom for you before then, and we don’t plan to give you Divine Kingdom. The formidable power is too big. If you get it, at your level, it is possible to level my Celestial Court on the other hand."

"It sounds like formidable power is really good. But you don't plan to give it to me and tell me what to do?"< /p>

"I just explain to you the general characteristics of this Divine Kingdom, and what we want to help you get is a simpler space based on this Divine Kingdom."

"It's simpler? What kind of thing is that, can it be guaranteed to deal with the eight different snakes?"

"I don't know what this specific thing is. Let's do it, we can Let me show you a sample. If you think it works, we will help you build another one."

"Why don't you just give me one and make another one?"

Answer me Not Hongjun Sect Lord but Zizhu Fairy. "Because that thing is tied to the user's soul, it needs to be customized when it is made. Once it is completed, the owner cannot be changed again."

"So?" I looked at Zizhu Fairy and asked: "Do you say that means the things are with you?"

Zizhu Fairy nodded said: "Yes, Celestial Court only has this set of things. It's here now, and it's with me. The soul is bound to the device, so if you want it, you can make another one for you."

I nodded: "Take me to see first."

Zizhu Fairy is no nonsense , I waved my hand directly, and the space around me suddenly went dark, and then I heard the system hint sound. "Purple Moon, players, you are about to enter the Time Acceleration state, this state may cause your discomfort, please wait a few minutes, your nerve system will gradually adapt to this state, no need to worry. This state will not cause you Any harm."

The sudden sound made me stunned. I just said that I would enter the world within the realm made of similar equipment in Divine Kingdom, but didn't expect this world to carry the completely independent time system that has only recently been added in "Zero".

Because "Zero" is an online game, the speed of the game time cannot be changed at will like a stand-alone game. For example, many stand-alone games can modify the system clock through a plug-in program, thereby tricking the game clock to speed up or slow down the game's performance according to the player's intention. However, because everyone is under the same system for online games, even if you have the ability to modify the local time, you cannot change the timeline. After all, the main program of the game runs on the server.

However, the newly added timeline system in "Zero" is a very unique system, which is a time differential system that runs directly on the official server. Because it has been proved through experiments that the human brain can actually withstand a faster time state than the real Time Flow Speed, it is possible to speed up the passage of time and speed up the progress of the game. However, in this state, the human brain load will also increase exponentially, and once the breakthrough reaches a certain critical point, actual mental damage will occur.

For the sake of safety, "Zero" now uses the method not to accelerate the entire system, but to set up some special areas in the game, the Time Flow Speed ​​of these areas will be faster or full of real time. This kind of time zone is currently still an experimental stage in "Zero", so there are few areas, and most of them are one-time mission spaces. They are not connected to the main map, and they are not allowed to be other than the players who just received the mission. Personnel enter.

Because this thing is also a model that has only recently been put into use, I have only tried it a few times, and did not expect another one here.

The prompt tone paused for a while after finishing the previous paragraph before continuing: "This time the system acceleration state is initially set to double speed. Please be prepared. The system time reset will reset Five seconds later, four, three, two, one, sync."

It felt as if everything around me had been lubricated, and I almost fell as soon as I appeared. Unlike the state depicted in many film and television literature works, in the accelerated state of "Zero", what the player feels is not a sense of blockage, but a sense of lubrication.

The acceleration mentioned in most literary creations usually refers to the acceleration of the human body itself, even only the acceleration of spirit willpower, but the surrounding air is still at a normal flow rate, so in this state , You need to face higher air resistance and greater inertial resistance in any action you want to make. It feels like air has become water with strong resistance. Most people simply cannot make too much exaggeration in this state. Actions.

However, the acceleration in "Zero" is not only the acceleration of consciousness, but the acceleration of the surrounding environment and your body. In this state, people will not feel any resistance, just like you In reality, activities basically do not feel the same as the obstructive effect of air. However, because human consciousness is still at a normal speed, but the speed of the world has increased, the player will feel that the body has become over-responsive. Originally I just wanted to raise my hand, but I lifted my hand to the sky with a single touch. This is not because the strength has increased, but because the reaction has slowed down. In a normal world, you only need to contract the muscles for a few tenths of a second to raise the arm, but in a double-speed world, this time needs to be shortened by half, and players usually cannot adapt to this speed, so there is no way to precisely control it. Time, as a result, the muscles contracted for too long, and the hands were raised too soon.

This phenomenon is actually a kind of lag of consciousness relative to the body. If the thinking of an ordinary person is placed in the body of Superman, it will almost be like this.

Although the time speed has increased to twice the normal speed, I am not a human being, but Dragon Clan. Of course, this speed is not a problem for me, so I just adapted to this after just a little adjustment. This kind of speed, and at the same time, the purple moon beside me also appeared beside me.

"How do you feel?"

"Do you want to tell the truth?"

"Of course."

"Very simple world. "I replied truthfully.

Zizhu Fairy froze for a while, then reacted and raised her hand slightly, the surrounding pictures suddenly flashed, and the surrounding world turned into a green bamboo forest in the next second, just dark. The state where only the two of us were standing in the void disappeared.

After re-observing the surrounding situation, I nodded and said: "It looks a little bit like this. But, what can you do in this world? Can you control the law?"

< p>"No, that is something that can only be done in Divine Kingdom. This is a pseudo-Divine Kingdom, a kind of semifinished product, so there is no large-scale control law, only simple things can be modified. But I think, If you want to deal with that Nine-Headed Bird, you should be able to achieve your goal with this."

"I don't think this environment alone can suppress the opponent."

"Then What about this?" Following Zizhu Fairy's words, I suddenly heard the system hint again.

"Attention, the world mode changes, the current world will accelerate to six times the speed state, please be prepared."

There is no countdown prompt this time, just tone barely fell, I feel The body shook again. There is no change in the surrounding environment, but the body suddenly becomes as if a single thought will charge ahead. This is the result of speeding up. If I accelerate my thinking in reality, because the body and the surrounding environment are not accelerated, attributes such as air resistance and body inertia will greatly reduce my speed and help me quickly adapt to the control of the body, but the body here Both speed up with the world, and the result is that my body is not flexible like my own, and I feel like I can't control it.

If you have played racing games, you will understand that some lightweight high level sports cars will be over-steer sensitive compared to heavy sports cars. Such lightweight sports cars tend to be very fast, but For novices, it is almost impossible to control, because the car will rush out of the track with just a touch of the steering wheel. My current body probably feels this way, it's so responsive, it's too fast to control it.

"What state can you put Time Acceleration to?" I asked aloud.

"This depends on your ability to bear it." Zizhu Fairy said: "I don't care, this speed can increase indefinitely, but if there is an adventurer like you in the space, time will be limited. , If you can’t bear it, time won’t be added."

"You mean if I have this thing, as long as I don’t drag other advertisers below the speed they can’t bear, I’ll Can this speed be increased indefinitely?"

Zizhu Fairy nodded and said: "It's almost like this."

When I heard this, I completely understand the purpose of this world. To put it simply is to take home advantage. First of all, the world inside is your own, so you can usually come in to get familiar with the environment and take advantage of the geographical advantage. Of course, for an existence like Baqi Orochi, geographical advantages are of no use at all. However, Time Flow Speed ​​is an unavoidable problem. Although NPCs usually react faster than players, there is an upper limit to this reaction speed. Moreover, it is very important that your quick reaction speed does not mean that you can adapt to this sudden change in speed.

If you own Time Acceleration world, you can adapt to this feeling. After a long time, you can play battle strength normally in the world after accelerating, and your opponent will be completely unsuited to it. This environment is frantic. This is where the most huge might of this space lies.

"I see, if there is this thing, I think it shouldn't be a problem to get the Baqi Orochi."

"In that case, let's go out first." With Zizhu After Fairy said, the scene around us suddenly changed. The next second we returned to the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace, Jade Emperor and they were all waiting for us.

As soon as I saw me appear, the Jade Emperor over there immediately asked: "How is it? Does it still work?"

I nodded and said: "If there is this thing , Give me support for a Sacred Beast, I will pull in my own team, it is not a problem to get the Sacred Beast. However, I want to know if this thing can force the Sacred Beast to enter? What should he do if he does not come in? "

After I finished speaking, the Jade Emperor did not answer directly, but looked towards Zizhu Fairy, Zizhu Fairy immediately replied: "This thing can be forced to pull people, but only if the other party does not resist fiercely. Just like what you did just now, if you were actively struggling at the time, you would come out immediately and couldn't get in at all."

"What should I do?" I looked at Zizhu Fairy and asked, "The Eight-Different Snake" Not a fool, how could he drill in by himself?"

"I don't have a good idea about this." Zizhu Fairy said: "This is not the Divine Kingdom of the complete volume after all, even if it is complete. Volume’s Divine Kingdom does not have the ability to forcibly pull people."

Taibai Jinxing on the side said to me: "Are you not good at deceiving Purple Moon? You fooled the Nine-Headed Bird into tricking him in. Now."

"Cheat in?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly laughed again. "Yeah! How can I forget this method. Okay, I have a way to let Baqi Orochi get in for me obediently, but how long will it take for you to make this thing? Baqi Orochi is not a patient guy. "

Hearing this, the Supreme Taoist over there said: "You don't need to worry about this. It only takes two days to make it. No matter how fast the opponent is, it is impossible to start a war with you in such a short time, right? "

"There is no major problem in two days. Then you can get it done as soon as possible. I have to go back and see the situation before talking."

"No problem, that's it. "

I quickly returned to Isinger after deciding how to deal with the matter at the Celestial Court. As for the special device, it is said that a lot of materials are needed, but the Celestial Court will take care of it and do it. It will be delivered to the door after it's good, so I don't have to worry about it.

Our guild’s test spaceship is very fast. Although it was sent back before, it was delayed at Celestial Court. When I returned to Isengard, the spaceship had already arrived in Hong Kong for a while. When the military god detected that I had entered Isengard, he sent a notice telling me that everyone was in the Conference Hall, so I went directly to the conference hall.

Opening the door of the conference hall of the guild headquarters, there are already a circle of people sitting inside. Several people on the ship were there before, and the think tank of our guild and some other leaders with not particularly high battle strength have also arrived. In addition, besides us, there are four phantoms floating in the air above the conference table in the center of the room, namely Matsumoto Masaka, Augustsuki, Sakura Rain God Hina, and Blazing Fire Dragon Hime. The four of them now use four large communicators to connect to the conference hall on our side. Basically, they are no different from attending the conference in person.

"It seems that everyone is almost here, Masaka Matsumoto, you can tell me about the current situation." Seeing me come in, Hong Yue, who was a little anxious before, immediately said aloud.

The Matsumoto Masaka over there did not hesitate to hear what Hong Yue said, and immediately began to say: "After you left, I talked with Baqi Orochi about the core of divine force. Now I What I want to know is what the guild thinks. Are you sure you want to give the method of improving Power of Faith to the eight-headed snake?"

Fire Dragon Ji after Matsumoto Masaka finished talking He also immediately followed up and said: "Yes, yeah, this problem is very serious. Baqi Orochi is so strong now, once you provide him with enough Power of Faith, then his divine force core will be very fast. Exercising an unimaginable battle strength, when the time comes, we are afraid that no one can control him?"

Hong Yue and Rose both wanted to talk after hearing this, but I was one step ahead. Reaching out his hand to stop the two of them speaking, he looked directly at the phantom of Masaka Matsumoto in the sky and asked: "You first talk about what the Baqi Orochi said. When we left before, the Oki Orochi seemed to have an intention. He Have you finally decided to join you?"

Masaga Matsumoto paused for a while before saying: "Not yet. Yachi Orochi may have figured it out afterwards, and then Nobunaga Oni Shou was in front of us. He asked to spy on some things with Baqi Orochi, and Baqi Orochi also agreed. We had no stand to refute at the time, so we could only let them talk in private, and we couldn’t stop this kind of thing."

"Didn't expect Nobunaga Guishou has this courage." I sighed.

Eagle also followed: "In front of you, asking for a spy with the eight-headed snake, this is tantamount to tearing your face openly with you, and this kind of thing can be done by Nobunaga. "

Rose explained to Eagle: "Big Brother Eagle, you don’t understand the situation. We have used Power of Faith to lure Yaki Orochi to join Masaga Matsumoto and the others. Nobunaga Oni Shou was also there at the time. It can be said that he was probably able to see the follow-up development at that time, so he knew that if he didn’t make any efforts, the eight-headed snake would immediately join Matsumoto Masaga and the others, so he was forced to look anxious at the time. , You have to do it if you don't do it."

"That's what he said, but isn't he afraid that you will retaliate against him if he does this?" Takakoshi Matsumoto and the others asked.

It was not Masaka Matsumoto who answered but August Kaun next to him. "I think Nobunaga Onitou already doesn't care about this. There is simply nothing good about our relationship with Nobunaga Onitou. At first, when we first appeared, it was basically equivalent to having entered Nobunaga Onitou. The state of hostility, only later due to public opinion issues on the Japanese side, the two sides entered a period of relaxation, but if you want to come, Nobunaga Oni is definitely not convinced. The subsequent weapons of mass destruction incident, there will be secret warehouses. And the collusion with the Eight-Different Orochi, this is said to deal with the Frost Rose League, but in fact there is also the meaning of dealing with us and Matsumoto Masaga-kun in it?"

Matsumoto Masaka also said: "Yes! Recently, his relationship with us has eased a little bit because we found traces of Russians in Warehouse City, which confirmed that Nobunaga and the Russians were in collusion. At that time, I asked those people on the grounds of national justice. The president keeps secrets, which is equivalent to saying that he has sold Guisou Nobunaga a big face, which made his attitude towards us a little bit relaxed, but later he must have figured it out, although he will still accept this love from us, but But he won’t be as touched as it was at the time. He definitely won’t relax at all for the benefits he should grab."

"In other words, there is no such thing as turning your face or not turning your face between you, right?" The eagle asked.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded said: "So his behavior at the time was completely as it should be by rights."

"This is not the key, the key is that Nobunaga on the ground later What did you say to Baqi Orochi?" Su Mi asked.

Matsumoto Masaka shook his head and said, "This is the problem. We had no way of eavesdropping on their conversations at the time, so we don’t know what Onijo Nobunaga said, but we can feel it. Eight Qi Da Snake is more alert to us, but he still covets the Power of Faith we promised."

We are all lost in thinking after hearing this. After a while Mei first asked: "Did you observe the expressions of the eight-headed snake at the time?"

Sakura Yushenyo said: "Of course, we took it very seriously."

"Then What was the state of Baqi Orochi at that time? Was he just wary of you, or did he have an emotional reaction?"

"What is an emotional reaction?" Ying Yu Shen asked .

"'s the kind of intimacy or hatred. Of course it won't be so obvious and extreme, but there should be some tendencies that can be seen."

"Let’s talk about this tendentious expression..." Ying Yu Shen Hina paused for a long time, seeming to remember, and finally confirmed: "There should be no negative emotions, but very cautious, as if we are worried that we will hurt. He, but he really wants to get closer."

Sumi and Rose immediately looked at each other after hearing this answer, and then Rose opened the mouth and said: "In this case, I think it should be a ghost. Nobunaga Saman and Baqi Orochi said something bad about you, but it shouldn’t arouse Baqi Orochi’s resentment, it just made him more vigilant towards you."

"Can you guess this too? "Ying Yu Shen Chou asked in surprise.

Sumi nodded and said: "At least I feel the same with Rose sister, so the probability of error is not high, but I don’t know the specifics, and I can’t be sure whether Guishou Nobunaga gave the eight-headed snake Some promises or benefits."

Matsumoto Masaka said suddenly: "Even if it gives any benefits, it shouldn’t be comparable to the Power of Faith collector we promised. The expression is obviously coveting our Power of Faith collector, so the benefits of Nobunaga Guishou must not be comparable to our Power of Faith."

Rose also nodded and said:" I agree with your judgment on this point. For an existence with a divine force core, Power of Faith is everything. Nothing can be more tempting than a stable and large amount of Power of Faith. But I want a big catch. The temptation from Guishou Nobunaga should not be small, otherwise Baqi Oro will not hesitate."

I suddenly thought of a question, so I interrupted them aloud: "In fact, I think this It's a good thing."

"en?" The people around were all puzzled, only Rose and So Mi suddenly reacted after a few seconds of froze.

Rose suddenly realized: "Yes! Really, I fell into a misunderstanding of thinking! Just thinking that we are fighting for the eight-headed serpent to enter Matsumoto's power, I forgot the most important thing now. It’s to prevent the eight-headed snake from launching an attack on us in the near future. We need more time to prepare."

Sumi also followed: "That’s right! Thanks to the Purple Moon big brother’s cleverness, otherwise it’s bad Now. Big brother Matsumoto, don’t rush to respond to Yaqi Orochi about this matter, and be vague with him first to make him doubt that you can get the reliability of Power of Faith."

"Huh? Why?” Originally, I was thinking about how to snatch the Baqi Orochi from Guishou Nobunaga. Suddenly he was asked to push the Baqi Orochi out of the way, and Masaka Matsumoto couldn't turn around for a while.

Seeing that Masaka Matsumoto and others have not reacted yet, I had to explain out aloud: "It's actually very simple. Think about it. Whether it’s joining Matsumoto this Monarch or a ghost On the side of Nobunaga, he will become a guild Divine Race, and the reason why he cannot attack us is that the identity of the regional Divine Race restricts his actions. Once he becomes a guild Divine Race, such restrictions will not exist. With the character of Baqi Orochi, I don’t think he has the patience to wait, so once he becomes the Divine Race of the guild, he will definitely launch a war against us immediately, no matter if he is at this Monarch or Nobunaga Oni Shou, We can't stop him."

"But what does this have to do with us pushing back the Eight Differences?"

"Of course it does, because as long as we downplay Power of Faith The reliability of the Baqi Orochi will hesitate to join this Monarch on your side, but the temptation of Power of Faith is too great, and he will definitely not give up, so that he hesitates and will not become a member in a short time. The Divine Race of the guild will naturally not be able to start quickly and have to fight back against us, right?"

"High!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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