The conversation between Yachi Orochi and Masaka Matsumoto is not over, but we have already got the main information here, and there is no need to pay too much attention to the subsequent dialogue. Anyway, Masaka Matsumoto and Yachi Yuexun is here, and they will definitely inform if there is any important thing. After leaving a few unsuccessful staff officers to continue to pay attention to the situation there, we commanders temporarily stopped monitoring the communicator.

When I returned to the deck, I found that everyone was still relaxing on the deck, but compared to before, it was clear that everyone's mood had improved and it was no longer a dull scene.

Expert In addition to having superb fighting skills, being able to endure setbacks and quickly adjust their mentality is also a key ability. Fortunately, the high level players in our guild are doing pretty well, at least no one is in depression and can't extricate themselves.

"What did you do?" Seeing me back, Vermilion Bird and Azure Dragon walked over immediately.

Because I didn’t worry about them and Baqi Orochi, I didn’t lie to them either. I said directly: "We have left insights on the Baqi Orochi, and we just took a look at their situation. "

"Can you monitor that guy?" Azure Dragon is obviously surprised. After all, there are such as them, the spiritual sense and everything are very keen, and the strength of the eight-headed snake is so strong, I want Secretly monitoring is not easy.

I know that Azure Dragon wants to be crooked, but they didn't explain, and they said directly: "The situation over there is now sounding complicated. It seems that the Baqi Orochi is planning to become the Divine Race of the guild, and then attack us. "

"Attacking you?" Azure Dragon asked in surprise: "You mean they are going to invade our Chinese territory?"

I nodded and said: "That's what it means. "

"How can it work?" Vermilion Bird immediately shouted to Azure Dragon: "If we let them in, our Power of Faith will be lost. This is a major event. We are It’s not about memorial report Celestial Court immediately after I go back?"

"Of course, this kind of thing should be as soon as possible." Azure Dragon nodded and said: "In this case, we will leave now. It is too slow to sit in this spaceship. Use spell to send it back directly."

"Are you going to Celestial Court now?" I asked Azure Dragon, who was about to start sending.

Azure Dragon nodded and said: "This kind of thing is too important to delay!"

"Will you take me with you?"

" Huh?" Azure Dragon gave me a slightly surprised look, and then reacted. "That's right, you can make it clearer if you are here. Let's get together. If you have anything you want to explain to your subordinates, we will leave immediately."

I turned my head and looked towards Rose , I don’t need to speak, Rose is nodded directly, I immediately knew he understood what I meant, so I turned to Azure Dragon and said directly: "No, just send it now."

Azure Dragon is no nonsense. , Reached out and grabbed my arm, azure light flashed around, the next second we were standing in the clouds outside South Heaven Gate.

"Huh? President Purple Moon? Two Sacred Beasts? Why did you come together?" The gatekeeper, Four Great Heavenly Kings, was immediately taken aback when he saw a few of us. I'm pretty good at saying that although I am not a Celestial Court person, I come to Celestial Court quite frequently, so it's not surprising to see me. They were surprised that Vermilion Bird and Azure Dragon actually came together, knowing that they are Four Divine Beasts.

Don’t think that the four Sacred Beasts are just a title. That thing should actually be understood as a job. The so-called Four Sacred Beasts are actually guards on the four sides, equivalent to border guards, but the battle between Divine Races is not like a real battle. In reality, the difference in battle strength between people is not too big, so the border guards can randomly station troops to play an alert effect. If there is an invasion, it can be called reinforcements. But Divine Race is different. They focus not on the number of people, but on individual battle strength. In Divine Race, the difference in battle strength between the high level Divine Race and the low level Divine Race is definitely astronomically huge, so if you put a few hundred soldiers on the border, the result is nothing to do with the guards. Difference. Therefore, the guards of Divine Race are very powerful. At least they must be able to block the opponent in a short time when the main god of other Divine Race takes action to buy time for the rear to prepare to meet the enemy.

Because of this, the responsibility of the four Sacred Beasts is very important. This huge responsibility determines that the four Sacred Beasts can't run around at ordinary times. Has anyone ever heard of border guards wandering around without incident at the outpost? Although the discipline in Divine Race is not as strict as in the real army, at least there are rules.

Although they also know that they shouldn’t leave their jobs when they are fine, Azure Dragon is in trouble now, so it is reasonable. I didn’t respond to Four Great Heavenly Kings’ inquiries at all. Azure Dragon went straight in, or Vermilion Bird added: “We have an emergency to report.”

Four Great Heavenly Kings heard that there is There is no more talk about the emergency. They know the identity and strength of these two people. If it is a general problem, they will decide it by themselves. It is no ordinary thing to let them say that it is an emergency. Therefore, Four Great Heavenly Kings also understood that this matter is very important, so he hurried to the sides and reminded him by the way: "The Jade Emperor has gone to Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall, not in Immortal Court!"

This Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall It is the newly built building of Celestial Court after the fall of Buddhism. It is all built in the Buddhism Divine Race that Celestial Court dug from Buddhism after Buddhism collapsed, so it is called Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace. Da Ri Tathagata is now the head of the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and its status in Celestial Court is quite high. Of course, it is necessary to stop the Jade Emperor. After all, behind the Jade Emperor is Hongjun. Going to the Celestial Court.

Neither Vermilion Bird nor Azure Dragon responded to the fact that the Jade Emperor was not in Immortal Court. I walked at the end and naturally replied: "It's okay, we will call him back."< /p>

Four Great Heavenly Kings was a little confused after hearing what I said. I didn't understand what I meant by calling him back, but unfortunately we have already gone so far, we can't ask any more. However, he knew the answer in a few minutes, because the Immortal Cauldron in front of the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace was activated. A purple beam of light passed through the clouds and hit the sky directly, with huge energy fluctuations rippling away. At that moment, the Divine Race that belonged to Celestial Court was all awakened from what they were doing, turning their heads to look in the direction of the beam.

The Jade Emperor who was talking about something with the Tathagata was suddenly frowned and turned his head and looked towards the direction of the light column. Then, after looking at the Tathagata, he suddenly disappeared on the futon he was sitting on. Afterwards, several Divine Races in the great hall disappeared in place, while the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace on the other side was filled with shua~ shua~ shua~, and with this sudden flash of rays of light. Light, a high level Divine Race in Celestial Court also appeared constantly, and soon the station in the great hall was full.

This poly Immortal Cauldron in the Celestial Court is basically equivalent to an emergency whistle, but instead of making a sound, it uses energy fluctuations to remind everyone, as long as you feel the energy of this thing Appears, all the Celestial Court Divine Races who are eligible to discuss matters in the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace must rush to the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace as quickly as possible. This is the rules of the Celestial Court, which have been set very early, but since this rule has emerged Since then, this poly Immortal Cauldron has actually been used twice, which shows how rare this kind of thing is.

"Purple Moon? Why are you again?" After the Jade Emperor appeared on his throne, he saw me at first sight. Compared with other people, because of the identity problem, the Jade Emperor didn’t care much about Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird, but he paid more attention to me as an outsider. After all, he was knocked on so many times, and he didn’t respond to me. What's that dullness?

"hey hey hey, what do you mean by me again?" I stared at the Jade Emperor and retorted: "Don't make it as if I'm giving you trouble, I help Celestial Court to settle things better than me You have a lot of trouble for you, okay? You have to speak with your conscience!"

"Well, I’m not thinking about my words, right? I just said something, and you just pay me back. A bunch, are you so unwilling to suffer?"

After the Jade Emperor finished talking here, the Tathagata next to him continued: "Jade Emperor, take a moment, this little friend Purple Moon has normally escaped Some of them, but the major event is still very safe. The Immortal Cauldron was suddenly launched today. This must be something important. Let's let him finish the matter first?"

The emperor didn't plan to fight with me either, he didn't take advantage in this regard anyway, he knew that but I still continued to hit the muzzle, the Jade Emperor was not that idiot yet. Tathagata’s sentence brought the topic back directly, and he naturally nodded and asked: "Yes, Purple Moon. Why are you doing this today so eagerly that Immortal Cauldron has started?"

"Of course it's a major event." I said directly: "We just got news that someone is going to invade the land of China."

They didn't express any radical reactions when they heard my words. It's very peaceful, of course, not because they don't care about the loss of the country, but because they are too strong to worry about losing the country at all. Sure enough, Taibai Jinxing next to him asked, "The land of China is there, and it cannot be hidden. If others want to invade and let them invade, then just hit them all back? Even if you want us Celestial Court To cooperate with the defense, just send a notice. This is also within our score. There is no need to make it so serious and call everyone back in a hurry, right?"

Taibai Jinxing's words are actually equivalent to The meaning of Divine Race in the room, because they all think so. The Russians hadn't been driven out before the invasion, and they did not damage our territory at all, so Celestial Court was not worried at all.

I have finished listening to Taibai Jinxing’s question and haven’t had time to answer it. The Azure Dragon next to me couldn’t help it, and said in front of me: "This time the enemy is no small thing, I Vermilion Bird and Vermilion Bird have just fought each other abroad. The strength of the two of them is still unable to fight against me, and can only barely stop."

"What?" Celestial Court, who has never taken the invasion seriously. The gods were completely blown up this time, because Azure Dragon's words made them understand that this time the matter is not simple.

Jade Emperor put away his previous lazily appearance, sat up straight and asked calmly: "Purple Moon, you must know the details of this matter, hurry up and tell us in detail about the cause and effect of this matter. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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