August Xun replied at a moderate pace at a moderate pace inquired by Baqi Orochi: "The second point is actually very simple, that is, two are better than one." Because August Xun Some of the answers were too simple. As a result, neither Guishou Nobunaga nor Baqi Oro understood what she meant when she came to the first place. I probably noticed that everyone didn’t understand, so August Xun explained: “This is actually very easy to understand. A new Divine Race means the emergence of a large number of new gods, regardless of which Divine Race they belong to. It is to belong to our Japanese Divine Race, and if Takatenhara Divine Race is allowed to merge with the emerging Divine Race, then Takatenhara Divine Race will inevitably reduce a part of Divine Race personnel in order to ensure the rational distribution of its Power of Faith. The total number of Divine Races that we have in Japan has declined."

Nobunaga Oni is not really stupid. After hearing this, he immediately began to refute. "What you said is wrong? The number of Power of Faith produced in Japan is fixed. The number of Divine Races does not affect the overall performance, right? If you simply increase the number of Divine Race personnel, it will only replace the existing Power of Faith. Faith is diluted, and does not involve the improvement of strength? On the contrary, a certain amount of Power of Faith is diluted and divided equally among more Divine Races. This will instead lead to a decline in Divine Race battle strength, right? You know Divine Race It’s a high-end martial power. The focus is on the maximum output rather than the maximum quantity, right?"

"Wrong, you would think that because you know too little about this aspect of things." Ying Yu Shen Chu Before August Xun, he interrupted Guishou Nobunaga, and then said: "Our three sisters used to learn various skills from a deity before, and we also learned some other things in the process. Among them, Divine Race The strength of Divine Race is not entirely supported by Power of Faith. Divine Race itself can also be cultivation to improve strength, and Divine Race can swallow the strength of other Divine Races before, and it can also use some special energy bodies to improve strength. , In short, there are many ways. Power of Faith is just the most stable and the largest number of methods to obtain divine force, not the only way. Therefore, if the number of Divine Races increases, the overall Divine Race's cultivation speed will rise, and it will absorb more per unit time. Energy means that the total strength of the Divine Race in Japan is increasing."

Matsumoto Masaga also said: "Sakura Yu is right. One more Divine Race individual means one more cultivation. People naturally improve quickly. Of course, the truth of Nobunaga-kun Onizuke is not all wrong, at least the number of people does make Divine Race lose its strongest battle strength. It does not make much sense to rely solely on the number. However, as long as you control Divine The total number of races, simply increasing the number of Divine Races will not weaken the Divine Race’s strength but also increase the overall strength. Moreover, as Xun said before, as long as there is a second Divine Race, the Takatenhara Divine Race will inevitably be There is a sense of urgency, no matter if it’s forcing them to cultivation or something else, it will inevitably speed up their progress significantly. In this way, a virtuous circle is formed, so two Divine Races must be better than one. "

"But have you ever thought about conflicts between Divine Race in your country and self-consumption?" "Onitsuka nobunaga asked one of the most acute questions.

Matsumoto paused while thinking. In fact, he was buying time for us, and our think tank soon thought of it. Then he told Masaka Matsumoto through the headset. After hearing the dictation, Masaka Matsumoto immediately began to say to Nobunaga Onitou: “As for the internal consumption problem you mentioned, I think this issue should be something Chinese people need to worry about. , I don’t think that kind of thing will happen here. "

"Why? "On the contrary, Nobunaga didn't understand it very much. Although Baqi Orochi didn't speak, his expression clearly indicated that he also wanted to know the reason. After all, this matter is directly related to his own personal interests in the future. .

Masaga Matsumoto didn’t sell Guanzi, so he just started to say: “This truth is actually very simple, but it may not sound nice to say it. Nobunaga-kun Guishou, have you calmed down and thought about the gap between us and the Chinese? "

"Why are you still talking about this?" "Nobunaga Guishou looked very surprised.

Matsumoto Masaka said seriously: "Because this matter is directly related to the reason I said. "After saying this, Masaga Matsumoto didn't wait for Nobunaga Onitou to answer, and said directly: "In fact, as long as we calm down and think about it, we can understand that we have an alliance with the Chinese, or the Frost Rose. The huge gap. Let's not talk about other aspects, just talk about actual results. Do you know how many colonies the Frost Rose League currently has around the world? The figures announced by the outside world are five regions and a total of 13 cities, but I can tell you that there is more than that. My intelligence network also holds two unknown backup cities of the Frost Rose League. The information in these two cities is an important secret in our hands. I will not say it. Anyway, you know that the Frost Rose League is more than just those on the surface. The city is enough. Moreover, even excluding those hidden cities, the number of overseas colonies on the surface alone is as many as five, but what about us? Although we are clamoring to counterattack China every day, people actually occupy five overseas colonies. How can we compare with others? Every day we are screaming to counterattack China. How many times have we actually set foot on Chinese territory on a large scale? Two times, there were two in total, and all of them were large-scale sneak attacks. None of them was a large-scale invasion in the true sense. What about the Chinese? Not only have they entered our country countless times, they also once caused us to destroy the country for a few days. Although they were quickly retaken by the counterattack, they have already experienced the edge of life and death after all, right? "

Onitou Nobunaga was silent when he heard Matsumoto's words. Although he was very arrogant, in fact, Japan really couldn't stand it up. After all, it was really a disadvantage. .

Matsumoto Masaka continued without pause: “Not only did we invade our country on a large scale, even now everyone is desperately trying to drive the Chinese out of most areas of our Japanese territory, but The fulcrum city of the Frost Rose League still stands on our country's territory. That is simply the tattoo on the slave's face, which is a shame. I have tried to remove this nail many times, but there is no way at all. Many attempts have no effect. Even if I use a sudden attack to take advantage of the enemy when there is war in other places, it is only a short time to push the city away. Only, as long as people came back to his senses, we will be driven out again. Therefore, the strength of the Frost Rose League is much stronger than ours. "

"Well, I admit that the Frost Rose League is really strong, but what does this have to do with our Divine Race?" "

"Of course there is. "Augussuki Kaoru succeeded Matsumoto Masaga this time and continued: "Nobunaga-kun Onizuka, I have to say that as a leader who has led Japanese players for a period of time, your homework is really bad. Is it the job of a player leader to lead players from all over the country to war? No, that's the work of the main force War General. The task of the leader is to show the way for everyone, and coordinate internal relations, so that everyone can focus on this principle. You don’t even master the most basic things. "

"What's wrong with me?" "Guishou Nobunaga asked not convinced.

August Xun said with a little excitement: "You are not so much. Our war with the Chinese, to put it plainly, is that the Frost Rose League is leading Chinese players to invade our country's territory, and Divine Race can be asked for help in this kind of territorial defense war. But as the player leader, how many times have you asked for assistance? Have you taken the time to research Divine Race related information? Do you know how the strength of Divine Race comes from? "

Onitou Nobunaga was speechless because he really didn't understand.

Matsumoto took the topic back and continued: "Since you haven't understood, Listen now. The source of Divine Race's Power of Faith is actually divided into three parts. The first and largest part is the Power of Faith generated by free NPCs in the country's territory. This part accounts for more than 70% of the total Power of Faith that Divine Race can obtain. "

Only after hearing this statement, Nobunaga suddenly realized: "No wonder Divine Race cares so much about the size of the territory. The country has a large territory, and there are more free NPCs, so the Power of Faith they can get is naturally more. "

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "It is so, so we will not only expand our territory, but also work hard to develop the city. Like Isengard, the main city of the Frost Rose League, its population density is beyond your imagination. Just a single Isinger, the Power of Faith provided for Divine Race may top six to eight Power of Faith generated by Tokyo. This is the city level gap. "

Nodded, which Guishou Nobunaga understands, means that he understands the gap.

Matsumoto Masaga continues: "In addition to the Power of Faith that this free NPC can generate , The source of this second Power of Faith is our players. Of course, this does not require you to really believe in a certain Divine Race, as long as you are a person under their influence, Power of Faith will be produced. For example, you and us, we are all professionals with Japanese characteristics, so we can directly provide Power of Faith for Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, regardless of whether you believe in Gao Tianyuan Divine Race or not. "

"What about the third one?" "

"This third source of Power of Faith is the extra Power of Faith obtained by some special means. How do you say this part..." Masaka Matsumoto looked towards the Eight-Different Snake Road directly: "Origin, please tell me about the third type of the previous Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, right? "

Baqi Dasnake nodded and said: "The source of the Third Type Power of Faith of the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan is a special Power of Faith extraction array, this thing can absorb part of the natural escape Power of Faith, this part may come from you adventurers, or it may be native creatures. Anyway, it is some escaping energy, the amount is very small, at most it can reach one percent of the Power of Faith we get. "

After listening, Masaga Matsumoto nodded, and then turned to Nobunaga, and said: "Just like the big snake god said, the source of Divine Race's Third Type Power of Faith is these scattered Power of Faith , But this kind of Power of Faith collection requires technology and is not so easy to handle. "

"But what does this have to do with our country's Gao Tianyuan Divine Race not rejecting the new Divine Race? "

"It's getting bigger. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "As long as you compare our situation with the Frost Rose Alliance, you will find that there is a huge gap between the Divine Race on both sides. In terms of Third Type Power of Faith's acquisition path, Ozogami has already said that the acquisition of the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan is less than one percent of the total, but I have obtained a very precious piece of information from the Frost Rose League. According to this information, the Frost Rose League seems to have built something within the realm to collect Power of Faith, and this extra Power of Faith is the third type of income, and it should be returned according to my high level. According to intelligence, the Power of Faith obtained by Divine Race, the guild of the Frost Rose League, actually accounted for more than 90% of the total Power of Faith obtained by themselves. "

"What? "This sound was not yelled by someone, but by the eight-headed snake. We asked Matsumoto to reveal this news, and it was also deliberately irritated by the eight-headed snake.

Acquired by a country’s Divine Race The total amount of Power of Faith can actually be roughly estimated. Because the number of free NPCs can be calculated, the total amount of Power of Faith can be roughly estimated. Because Baqi Orochi knows that China has a larger population than Japan, so He estimated that in terms of the income of the first category of Power of Faith, our guild will definitely not get much less than the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race. Although the chaos and order of our guild Divine Race is the guild Divine Race rather than the regional Divine Race, but after all we can It will be large in scale, so the actual amount obtained should not be much less than that of the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race. However, now suddenly I heard that the income of the third type of Power of Faith obtained by the Chaos and Order Divine Race actually accounts for more than 90% of the total income. What is the concept? Doesn’t this mean that the total amount of Power of Faith obtained by the Divine Race of Chaos and Order is actually much more than that of the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan?

The Power of Faith obtained by Divine Race in the region is much more. It’s no wonder that Baqi Oro is surprised. Of course, this is the result of hiding the real data. In fact, the Divine Race’s Power of Faith is obtained in the way of chaos and order. The proportion of Power of Faith recovered by the Power of Faith collectors in each Yama Palace has exceeded other channels by tens of thousands of times. In other words, the Power of Faith in Divine Race of Chaos and Order, most of which are from For the Power of Faith recovered by Yama Palace, the other two incomes are almost not even a fraction. This is not because the other two incomes of Divine Race are too small, but because the Power of Faith at Yama Palace collects too much

Thinking about it, it’s actually very easy to understand. After all, we secretly made those collectors in Yama Palace to collect the scattered Power of Faith after the death of all the creatures in China, plus this part of energy. I have never been collected before, and now I have encountered the situation in the air everywhere in the underworld. To be honest, if there are not enough collectors, plus the chaos and order Divine Rac The divine force core of e is already a bit overwhelming, and we might even be able to double the amount of Power of Faith. Of course, there is no need to tell Baqi Orochi, do we always have to keep some hole cards.

Matsumoto Masaka said in the surprised expression of the eight-headed snake: "Although the specific situation is unclear, the Frost Rose Alliance has indeed found a way to obtain a large amount of Power of Faith. The number may be close to astronomical. Now."

After listening to this seemingly discouraged ball, Baqi Oro said: "Then the gap between us and them is getting bigger and bigger in the future?"

Matsumoto When Zheng He heard this, he immediately smiled slightly, because he finally brought the eight-headed snake to the predetermined topic according to the method we taught in the communicator headset. Just after Baqi Orochi sighed, he immediately said: "In fact, we have been working hard on this point."

"Effort?" Baqi Orochi didn't understand how to work hard for this thing.

Matsumoto Masaga deliberately said with a serious look: "We have been asking the spy to figure out how to obtain their Power of Faith since we got this information. Once we get this information, In this way, we intend to establish our own guild Divine Race, and then we can quickly grow our strength like the Divine Race of Chaos and Order."

Both the eight-headed snake and the ghost nobunaga can listen to it. For a moment. The Baqi Orochi is like an explorer trapped in an underground cave and lost his way. After exhaustion, he suddenly saw the light from the entrance of the cave. It was really a bright feeling before his eyes. However, when Nobunaga Onishu heard this, it was really like a bolt from the blue.

Although Guishou Nobunaga does not yet know that Yaqi Orochi may become a guild Divine Race, he does not even know that Yaqi Orochi is actually not a member of Kotenhara Divine Race, but he at least Know one thing, that is, Masaga Matsumoto and he are not the same. Now Masaga Matsumoto says that he wants to build his own guild Divine Race, and also steal a large amount of Power of Faith from the Frost Rose League and use it on his guild Divine Race. This news immediately made Onizu Nobunaga realize that once this goal is achieved, he will be completely impossible to surpass Masaka Matsumoto, because a guild with a guild Divine Race and a guild without a guild Divine Race will fight. Strength, a guild without a guild Divine Race is absolutely defeated, especially when the two guilds are in the same country. If the two guilds are not in the same country, like them and our Frost Rose League, they can still use the local Divine Race to fight our guild Divine Race, but once the two guilds are in the same country, the local Divine Race will be If the two don't help each other, the guild without Divine Race will have to face a Divine Race force on its own. Just ask, how many guilds in the whole game are like our Frost Rose League that can brush a whole Divine Race force? Anyway, Guishou Nobunaga didn't think he could do it.

"Well, is it really possible for your guild to get something in this area?" The eight-headed snake is obviously already tempted. After all, Power of Faith is everything for Divine Race. Although Divine Race itself can have other methods to support it even without Power of Faith, it basically means that you can barely guarantee your survival and want to improve. Don't even think about it, it's hard to come by without regressing in strength.

The reaction to the eight-headed snake was as early as we had expected. Of course, Matsumoto Masaka also got our prompts, and the previous message was to attract the eight-headed snake. Although Yaki Orochi became the guild Divine Race of Masaga Matsumoto and his guild, it was still difficult to control, but it was better than letting him run to Nobunaga Oni Shou by comparison, right? Besides, if Matsumoto Masaka has a large number of ways to obtain Power of Faith, then it means that the eight-headed snake needs to rely on Matsumoto's support to some extent. In this way, Matsumoto's binding force on the eight-headed snake is It will be greatly improved, no, it can't be said to be binding, it can only be said to be influence. However, as long as it can affect the Baqi Orochi, then this investment is worthwhile. Of course, even if we send this method to Japan, it must be controlled by Masaga Matsumoto, impossible directly to the eight-headed snake. Besides, the manufacturing technology of the Power of Faith collection device brought by Hades is very complicated. The Baqi Orochi is only Divine Beast, not a human-shaped Divine Race, so I suspect that even if I teach the method to Baqi Orochi, he will not learn it.

Anyway, the interest of Baqi Orochi means that our goal has been basically achieved. Masaka Matsumoto responded to the eight-headed snake according to our instructions: "Our spy level is very high, and they are not alone. Their job is to maintain the kind of Power of Faith collection device, but they don’t have access to the blueprint, so it’s a bit troublesome. But I have already figured it out. Let them first try to figure out the working principle of that thing. If it doesn’t work, steal a set. Even if they can’t work out a solution in reverse, they can at least help us collect a lot of Power of Faith."

"Can a set of that device collect a lot?" Baqi Orochi asked as if he was about to slobber.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "According to my spy, there are only eleven sets of the Frost Rose League. As a result, I didn’t dare to start at full power because it absorbed too much Power of Faith. , Their divine force core is too late to be transformed, they are afraid that it will burst the divine force core, so only seven sets of equipment are working at the same time, and eleven sets of equipment will not be turned on together, but will start in rotation."

"Seven sets of equipment almost burst the core of the divine force?" After hearing this number, the eight-headed snake was no longer drooling, but the eyes were about to come out. But this guy is a bit sensible anyway, and without excitement, directly let Matsumoto Masaga help him get a set back.

Masaga Matsumoto replied after the eight-headed snake said: "Seven sets of equipment are the upper limit of the digestion speed of their divine force core. No matter how much it can support. So my The spy has the opportunity to steal back the device that hasn't started. But don't worry about this."

"Why not?" The voice of Baqi Orochi is obviously very anxious. Suddenly I heard that there is something that can get a lot of Power of Faith. As a result, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly said that this matter is not in a hurry, can you say that the eight-headed snake is not in a hurry?

Although Masaka Matsumoto knows the meaning of the eight-headed snake, he deliberately pretended not to know, "I don’t need to worry about this. Anyway, we don’t even have a Divine Race yet. We It’s useless to ask for Power of Faith. For this reason, exposing our spies too early is too cost-effective. So we still have to wait for the day when we have Divine Race."

"Don’t wait. I’ll be your guild Divine Race.” Yaqi Oro is now red-eyed. Hearing Matsumoto Masaka said that because there is no guild Divine Race, he is not in a hurry to build that kind of equipment, so he immediately recommended himself to be theirs. Guild Divine Race.

Onitou Nobunaga was dumbfounded as soon as he heard this, but Masaka Matsumoto said with a laugh: "Okay, Lord Ozogami, you don't want to kick us off. You are Taka Amahara. Guardian God beast in the area of ​​Divine Race, how do you become a guild Divine Race? I don’t think Great God Tian Zhao will send you to us as a guild Divine Race."

"no no no, I’m no longer a member of the Divine Race of Takatenhara.” The eight-headed snake has been completely greedy by the pie drawn by Masaga Matsumoto, and I want to quickly become the Divine Race of Matsumoto’s guild. Then, let Masaka Matsumoto get him what equipment to absorb Power of Faith as soon as possible. As for the secrecy and concealment, who cares about them?

"Are you not a member of the Takatenhara Divine Race?" Masaka Matsumoto deliberately yelled after the eight-headed snake said, pretending to be surprised, August Kaun and Sakurayu The young gods also exclaimed together, even Guishou Nobunaga was no exception. Of course, Guishou Nobunaga was really surprised, and August Xun and the others were purely acting.

Seeing that they were so surprised, Baqi Osnake immediately began to explain. First of all, he used the divine force core to prove that he is indeed not a member of Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, because if he is still a member of Gao Tianyuan Divine Race and can operate the divine force core, it can only show that he is operating Gao Tianyuan Divine Race's divine force core, and this is obviously impossible. After proving that he was no longer a member of the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, Ba Qi Da Snake began to explain the core source of his divine force, and it turned out that we were like question marks.

"You mean that you absorb geothermal heat in the volcanic crater, and then in the lava river... you picked up an unowned divine force core?"

"Yes. "Baqi Dao Snake said somewhat proudly: "This is the chance to understand? Our high level Divine Race cultivation is this Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, as long as you conform to the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, there will naturally be Power of Heaven and Earth. Earth unnoticeable influence will help you. This will lead to life in the sun, and death if the sky is against the sky. I was cultivated to conform to the sky, so I naturally got help and picked up a divine force core for nothing."

In When Masaga Matsumoto in Japan listened to the eight-headed snake showing off how to get the divine force core, our side was already in a quarrel.

Hong Yue frowned solemnly vowed said: "It must be fake. The core of divine force is not Chinese cabbage, can it be picked up casually?"

"Even if you don’t You can't find it at random." Someone from the think tank on the communicator said.

I exchanged glances with Rose, but obviously there was no result. In terms of the character of Baqi Orochi, he doesn't seem to be that kind of person with great depth, and if he is lying, then why does he make up such an unreliable lie? It's as if you are late for class, you will definitely make up a lie that is easier to believe, such as a broken bus or diarrhea. I have never heard of anyone who is late for class and says that he meets Ultraman halfway and beats rare beast, so I take a detour. Are you late?

The core thing of divine force in the lava river is basically as unreliable as the story of the Ultraman hitting rare beast on the way to school. So, this kind of lie is very unreliable. It's hard to judge. Generally speaking, if the lie is too outrageous, there are only three possibilities. 1. The one who lied is a stupid person. 2. In a small probability event, this is simply not a lie but true. 3. The liar deliberately wants the other party to know that he is lying.

The first probability is almost non-existent. Although the Baqi Orochi can't be said to be so smart, there is definitely a long way to go from the brain damage. As for the third probability... Does he let us know what is the point of his lying? Don't understand at all?

If one or three options are not reliable, then there are only two remaining. A small probability event just means that the probability of occurrence is not high, and it does not mean that it will never happen, right? Besides, we have not found the core of divine force. I have found a lot of them at once, but they are all scrap divine force cores with no energy. Compared with the eight-different snakes, this one is actually quite good. With so much energy, it's obviously unscientific!

"Is it possible to be true?" Seeing the rose, there seemed to be some hesitation, so I asked aloud.

"Almost all other probabilities can be ruled out. Even if the probability is low, you can only choose to believe it!"

"However, I always find this thing a bit strange. I picked up a divine force core with a lot of energy for no reason. This kind of thing is really..."

"The key question now is not the source of the divine force core, right?" Rose said.

I nodded said that I understood the meaning of the rose, and then said to the communicator: "Matsumoto Masaka, temporarily believe what he said, pay attention to observation."

Matsumoto Masaka heard us The instructions are also a little more at ease, but on the surface, he still has to continue talking with Baqi Orochi.

Baqi Oro seems to be quite excited about getting the core of the divine force. It is constantly showing off that this is not just a matter of luck. Of course, we also suspect that this may really be not a matter of luck, but a certain A conspiracy by our forces that are not quite clear for the time being. Of course, this is just speculation. After all, there is no evidence to support our judgment. We are basically speculating.

The conversation between Yachi Orochi and Masaka Matsumoto was quite happily, and Nobunaga Guishou was indeed left alone and completely speechless. It's not that he can't speak, but that he doesn't know what to say. Regardless of Divine Race or the core of divine force, there is too little information about Nobunaga oni. He didn't understand at all, how did you tell him to interrupt? He knew that he should find a way to dig the eight-headed snake to his side, and he had already done this. In fact, Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga have been in contact for a long time. At the beginning, Guishou Nobunaga also had the meaning of making Baqi Orochi the Divine Race of their guild, but he didn’t know how to make Baqi Orochi. It became a guild Divine Race, and he didn't dare to ask Baqi Orochi directly, so he never decided. However, according to his original vision, he has always maintained a good relationship with the eight-pointed snake, and this opportunity will always be there. It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes. Suddenly the eight-headed snake was exposed to everyone's sight, and Matsumoto Masaka also blended in with unfathomable mystery. Nobunaga Guishou feels that today's things are like dreams, and it's still a nightmare!

"The big snake god." Masaka Matsumoto suddenly asked when the eight-headed snake was about to show off: "You said before that you wanted to be the Divine Race of our guild, but you know how to become Guild Divine Race? I searched in the guild system for a long time, but I didn’t find any instructions or the like. I don’t know how to turn you into our guild Divine Race!"

" Haha, if you asked me about this matter a few days earlier, I would definitely not know it, but recently I knew it." Baqi Orochi said triumphantly: "You don’t know, this divine force core is not only carrying The energy is so simple, it also contains a lot of knowledge. I only recently discovered that there is Spiritual Imprint inside the divine force core, so I tried to read it, and it turned out that I actually found a lot of information, including How to become a guild Divine Race, so you don’t have to worry about this."

When we heard this news in the communication, everyone on our side couldn’t help but chuckle. Baqi Dashe said that he got the inheritance of the divine force core, which means that his use of the divine force core is not as superficial as it seems on the surface. However, our previous guess is not entirely wrong. Baqi Orochi himself said that he only discovered these things recently, so he is actually not able to Full Mastery for the time being. This is why we think he has the core of divine force. The reason for using it is very rough. However, the worst problem now is not that Baqi Orochi can use the divine force core, but that he knows how to become a guild Divine Race. Once he becomes the Divine Race of the guild, then the system's constraints on him will lose their effectiveness. In this case, we may be in trouble.

"What can I do?" Hong Yue asked anxiously next to us, "If the Eight-Five Orochi joins Masaka Matsumoto's guild and becomes the Divine Race of the guild, then he can escape the system. Limiting the invasion of China, when the time comes, even if we can stop him, the loss will not be small!"

Su Mei suddenly said: "Purple Moon big brother, I suggest that under the current situation Give the Power of Faith collector to Masaka Matsumoto, and let him use this collector as a bargaining chip to hold the Eight-Faith Orochi."

Hong Yue immediately asked: "But this doesn’t mean that the Oasis Orochi is grown. The strength of, makes us more passive?"

"No, although this will increase the strength of the Eight-Discipline Orochi, our own strength is also improving, and it rises faster than the Eight-Differentiation Orochi." Mei said: "Another point is that we do not fully understand the abilities and attributes of the Eight-Fed Orochi now. If we can buy more time, we will be more fully prepared, and at least we can ensure that we are looking for some attributes that can restrain the Eight-Family Orochi. The method is better than meet force with force like this?"

"What do you two think?" Hong Yue looked towards Mei and Mei asked.

Rose frowned: "There is reason on both sides, but if it is me, I choose to support Somei's suggestion."

"What about you?" Ho

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