After just hesitating for a short while, the Eight-Different Orochi began to slowly said: "It was indeed because of me that I did not support your battle. As for this reason... Actually tell You don’t have anything at worst. I was actually not as good as I am now. What you see now is the ability I just acquired. When you were fighting a large-scale war with the Chinese, I was actually in an extremely weak state. I just obtained this thing at that time.” When the eight-headed snake said here, he suddenly took out the divine force core that he had hidden before.

Matsumoto Masaka’s feigning ignorance looks at the divine force core and asks: "May I ask what is this? I saw Purple Moon before. They seem to be very afraid of this thing. Is this something A weapon or skill for a huge might?"

"No, this thing is called the divine force core, which can be used..." The eight-headed snake began to explain the origin of the divine force core to Matsumoto and the others. , Usage and some related information. Onishen Nobunaga listens very seriously to this, but Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru are different. Although on the surface some of them, just like Guishou Nobunaga, are listening carefully to the information about the core of divine force, they are not receiving the core information of divine force, but are comparing it to the core of divine force. What is the difference between the information being told and what they know.

Speaking of understanding the core of divine force, in addition to those old Divine Races, I believe that even some emerging Divine Races do not know as much as our Frost Rose League. On the one hand, because of my identity, I can get a lot of divine force core application methods from different Divine Races. On the other hand, the chaos and order of our guild already includes things like Hardy in Divine Race. There are high-end existences such as Si, Poseidon, Xinghuo (Kuanyin), and Dalun Peacock King. These people have all been in contact with the core of divine force, especially existences like Hades and Poseidon. They are all old Divine Race who have been in charge of the core of divine force by themselves and have a very long time. They have a very comprehensive understanding of the core of divine force, so as spies of our guild, Masaka Matsumoto and August Kaoru know much more information about the core of divine force than Yaqi Orochi himself knows. many.

The reason why we want Matsumoto Masaga to listen carefully to the introduction and explanation of the core of divine force by Baqi Orochi is to find out where the eight-headed snake understands the core of divine force. . It should be understood that the core of dao divine force is a typical three-no product. There is no manufacturer, no production date, and no product batch number. The most important thing is that this thing does not have a manual, and its operation methods and various functions are countless. Because of this, normal people need to explore for a long time after getting the divine force core to roughly understand how to use it. As for advanced functions, it depends on talent. Some idiots may not be able to figure out the high level use of the divine force core in their entire lives, and some lifeforms may be able to figure out most of the divine force core abilities in a few days.

Baqi Oro is not a fool, but he is far from genius, so he will not understand the various abilities of the core of divine force for a while, and may even find out some wrong theories. . These things are actually usable for us, so now we need to collect as much information as possible to figure out where the eight-pointed snake is wrong or lacking.

After more than ten minutes of explanation, Baqi Orochi can be considered to have talked about the core purpose and function of divine force. Of course, these all are his own understanding, and Matsumoto Masaka and the ghost Nobunaga, they are always nodded. Onitou Nobunaga really didn't know, so he could only follow nodded. As for Matsumoto Masaka and Augustsuki, of course they all pretended to be.

"Putting it that way, the core of the divine force is really a powerful thing." Masaka Matsumoto asked after sighing: "But the serpent god, why did you become weak after getting this thing? What about the period?"

"Is this..." Baqi Orochi suddenly got stuck here, and then stopped answering after being silent for a while, but instead asked, "Before answering this question, I need you to answer my question first."

"Excuse me."

"How do you feel about the Takatenhara Divine Race in Japan? If there is a second one in Japan Divine Race forces, will you help Gao Tianyuan Divine Race to destroy each other?"

Nobunaga has no idea about this, because he has never been involved in the war between Divine Races before, so for He wasn't surprised at this kind of thing, and he didn't even hear the meaning of the eight-headed snake. However, Nobunaga Onitou did not understand, but Masaga Matsumoto did. The meaning of the words of the eight-headed snake is actually very obvious. Even if you don’t understand the concept of the war of gods, as long as you are smart enough, you can actually understand the overtones in it, but it’s a pity that Nobunaga on the other doesn’t understand this. Secondly, I didn't think much about it. In addition, his own intelligence was also limited. It could only be said that he was slightly smarter than the ordinary person, so he didn't notice the meaning of the words of Baqi Orochi at all.

Nobunaga, who is a bit straight-headed, immediately replied after hearing the question of Yaqi Orochi without even thinking about it: "This still depends on the attitude of the Divine Race. If they and Divine Takatenhara Race is the same goal, and they are all working hard for the prosperity of our great Japanese empire, so I don’t think it is necessary to be hostile to them. Of course, if the opponent conflicts with the Divine Race Takatenhara, then I might still consider helping Divine Race Takatenhara. After all, our enemy is the Chinese. Their Divine Race, that is, the Celestial Court is very strong. Whether a new Divine Race can compete with the Chinese Celestial Court is a very unclear thing. So, for the sake of safety, I I think it’s better to support the Takatenhara Divine Race. At least for the time being, the Takatenhara Divine Race hasn’t lost the chain. The performance cannot be said to be amazing, but it is definitely in place."

Matsumoto Masaga and Augustsuki exchanged glances secretly when they heard Nobunaga Onishou's words, because they both knew that this sentence was doomed to the relationship that Nobunaga had established with Onishou Nobunaga before. It completely broke down, because the problem that Baqi Orochi just had was actually talking about himself.

The Eight Divine Snake assumes that a second Divine Race appears in Japan, and the Eight Divine Snake, which should not have a divine force core, suddenly has a divine force core. This is either obviously or that the Eight Divine Snake established itself. Is the new Divine Race? His words were completely testing the attitudes of Masaga Matsumoto and Nobunaga Oniteda towards their new Divine Race. However, it is a pity that Nobunaga Onishu didn't understand this. He thought that Yaqi Orochi was a member of the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, so he said what he said before. Regardless of whether he deliberately catered to the Baqi Orochi, or he thought so, anyway, the Baqi Orochi was impossible, and what does it have to do with him. After all, Nobunaga Guishou said that he would stand on the side of Gao Tianyuan Divine Race. How could this big snake continue to cooperate with him?

After Nobunaga oni’s side, August Kaun immediately said: “I think I should fully support this emerging Divine Race.”

“Oh? Why do you Think of it this way?" Although Baqi Orochi is an interrogative sentence, his expression has obviously become excited. Guishou Nobunaga hasn't noticed about this, because he is staring at August just like the Oki Orochi. Kaoru waited for her explanation, but August Kaoru and Matsumoto Masaka saw both, so the two of them felt more confident.

August Xun explained after Baqi Dashe’s inquiry: “There are two reasons. First, competition brings progress. Just like starting a company, if a company monopolizes an industry, it doesn’t matter. The quality of the things they produce is poor and the price is high. As long as there is a need, others have to buy it. In this case, the company will not think about how to improve itself, but will only think about how to find excuses to continue to increase prices. This Divine Race is actually similar to the company’s business. They block the interference of overseas Divine Race for us mortals, and at the same time, we repay them with Power of Faith to let them grow. This is a kind of business relationship. However, Takahra Divine Race is now in Japan. Domination, every time they support us, they only need to ensure that they will not completely lose the territory. They don’t have to work hard at all. This is one of the reasons why we always suffered from fighting with the Chinese before."

< p>At this time, the Yingyu god young suddenly interrupted: "The elder sister made sense. Do you remember the NPC Legion of the Frost Rose League? Those Legions are all high level celestial troops and generals bought from the Celestial Court in China. , And it is said that the price is very cheap. On the other hand, the Gaotianyuan Divine Race on our side is only willing to sell to our lowest Ghost Soldier. It can be said that at the beginning we were completely fighting for the Chinese people’s money with the lives of the players, which also caused us to be completely Chinese. One of the main reasons for people's suppression. If Gao Tianyuan Divine Race was willing to sell the Ghost God soldiers to us to form a high level NPC Legion against the Chinese celestial troops and generals, I think we would not have fought so violently."< /p>

There was Ying Yu Shen Chi who said this remark next to him, and even Guishou Nobunaga began to think about it. The number of celestial troops and generals in our guild is amazing. Nobunaga understands this. At that time, I didn’t think there was anything. He only thought that our guild was too rich. But after looking back, the problem is probably not that we have too much. The money is so simple, but the unit price of our celestial troops and generals is too low, plus their open Divine Race unit level is too low and the price is too high, that's why this situation occurs.

What Guishou Nobunaga doesn’t know is that the native Divine Race open arms level corresponds to the war value of the buying guild, and the purchase price depends on the direct purchaser’s charm and other influences and NPC The attribute of the relationship, and the personal relationship between this player and the local Divine Race.

At the beginning, our guild had fought many battles in the Southern and Northern Wars, and the war value was very high. Therefore, the level of the units that can be bought wants to be high. And every time I go to purchase negotiations, I go, but my charm value is quite high, coupled with the coercion and affinity double attribute effect, it can be said that the communication between me and NPC is inherently much easier than others. More importantly, I am the coordinator of Divine Races in the world. This status determines that as long as it is not a matter of principle, the Divine Race will basically not offend me, so I always get amazing results when I buy NPC troops. Low price.

Of course, these are the experiences of our guild. Nobunaga Guishou doesn’t understand these at all, so he really believed those words of Sakurayu Shinhina and Akatsuki Kaoru, thinking that Gao Tianyuan Divine Race Too stingy to them.

"Okay, it makes sense." When the eight-headed snake who had been waiting aside heard this statement, he immediately cheered excitedly, and immediately asked: "Then your first What are the two reasons?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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