"Rose, Hong Yue, come here." After trying to understand the current situation, I quickly ran to ask for Rose and Hong Yue to get into the communication cabin on the spaceship. Because the large-scale spaceship has a large maneuvering range, it is equipped with a high-power crystal resonance communicator, and it is much better than personal portable signal therapy. The most important thing is that this is a visual system that supports video conferencing.

I don't know why I rushed into the communication room like burning butt, but this does not prevent Rose and the others from discovering that my mood is abnormal. The two quickly got up and chased me into the communication room, but when they came in, I had activated the communication crystal to connect the god of war and the think tank of the guild.

"What's so anxious?" When the military god appeared on the screen, he was obviously very busy, because he was flying his hands on the console in front of him to control a bunch of controllers. Adjusting, I don't know what I'm doing.

Without the busyness of Guanjunshen, I directly asked: "Do you have computing resources?"

"The level of urgency?" Militaryshen asked without raising his head.

"Red alert."

Hearing what I said, the military god suddenly stopped the operation in front of him, looked towards the screen, and then said directly: "The conversion work mode is complete, now say Let’s do your business, I can allocate 86% of the computing resources."

"Then listen up, we just ran into the eight-headed snake in Japan."

< p>"Eight Difference Orochi? That guy is the target that the Empress’s Tubei has been paying attention to?"

I nodded, and then began to describe the story of this time, and I said all my speculations. come out.

I didn't know what I called them when Hong Yue and Rose chased in, but after hearing my speculation, they understood. I'm worried about the eight-qi big snake invading China. Although the Divine Race of the country can provide some support in the territorial defense war, this support is not unlimited, so there are not too many people that Celestial Court can send to help. If it’s normal, it’s okay. The key issue is that there is a divine force core in the hands of the Eight Disciplinary Snake, which is equivalent to taking Hongjun Sect Lord, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Lao Tzu when we went to invade other countries. , Can this be called a war? This is simply a situation where a group of special forces are invading the kindergarten and they can win with their eyes closed.

Of course, even with the divine force core, the Eight-Divine Snake is impossible as powerful as Hongjun Sect Lord, but the problem is that even if the Eight-Divine Snake is not as powerful as Hongjun Sect Lord, it is definitely better than the ordinary Divine Race. too much. We just took the ordinary Divine Race to fight against the eight different big snakes, showing that there is no chance of winning!

After listening to my introduction, the military god on the opposite side entered a state of thinking. All his computing resources began to analyze the current situation, and the think tank was also full of discussions. Rose and Hong Yue also discussed the words behind my back. Obviously everyone knows that if this matter is not resolved, we will soon be unlucky.

The Eight-Divine Snake hates Central Plains Divine Race, that is, all the Divine Race creatures in China. It is like the undead creatures hate the creatures. To put it bluntly, it is envy and envy. Because he wanted to show off in China, he was eventually deported to Japan, so Baqi Osnake has a grudge against all Divine Races who are eligible to stay in China. Because of this hatred, the powerful Baqi Orochi eagerly wants to come back for a shame.

For Japanese players, do you still have to ask about this? Nine out of ten hope to come to China, right? In the remaining one, it is estimated that most of them are indifferent, and there should be only a handful of people who really don't want to go to war with China. Masaka Matsumoto didn’t want to, but unfortunately he couldn’t say it, so the purpose of both sides is very clear, and both are very urgent. Therefore, this matter will turn from my guess to reality very quickly. If we don’t get this matter done as soon as possible, we can do it. Will definitely be the first one to be unlucky.

After everyone discussed and thought about this matter for a while, the first result was the think tank. As a representative, Somi said in front of the communicator: "Anyway, this thing should take time to execute. Our think tank believes that the first task is to notify Masaga Matsumoto to get as much information as possible from the eight-headed snake. At present. What needs to be clarified most is how the divine force core of the Baqi Orochi came from, and let Matsumoto Masaka try to prevent the Baqi Orochi and their invasion of China through various methods. In addition, there is one more thing to pay attention to, that Just try to conceal it, don’t let Baqi Orochi know that the cultivation will Divine Race, because the Baqi Orochi does not understand the use of this divine force core, so just don’t let him know how to break away from Gao Tianyuan Divine Race and become a guild Divine. Race, we won’t be attacked. At least we won’t be directly attacked by the eight-headed snake."

"I guess this kind of thing is not so hidden." Rose said behind me: "divine Although the use of force core requires some trial and exploration, most players know about the Divine Race of the guild, so some people will definitely suggest that the eight-headed snake become the Divine Race of the guild, but after the eight-headed snake knows about this matter, within a short time I shouldn’t find a way to become a Divine Race in a guild. It’s just that the uncertainty of this kind of thing is too strong, and it’s not ruled out that Baqi Oro has worked out this application method, so we should do the worst in this regard. I plan to assume that Baqi Orochi has mastered the method of becoming a guild Divine Race, we just need to consider how to prevent him."

I thought about the military Shinto: "Military God, help me Wiener is on the line."

Military god did not answer, but Wiener’s voice appeared directly in the communication, but there was no picture. "What are you looking for?"

Vina and I talked about the Baqi Orochi, and then described the strength of the Baqi Orochi, and then asked: "What are your precautions? Is it possible to stop the invasion of the Eight-Divine Snake by relying on chaos and order alone?"

After a little thought, Wiener said: "Containment should be possible, but it's just ours. The side is likely to have casualties, and if the eight-headed snake attacks frequently, we are likely to be directly consumed by him. His strength is stronger than any single personnel on our side, so we are unlikely to kill To kill him, we can only stop it. But he can kill our personnel, so that we lose one or two people every time, we will be unable to withstand it sooner or later!"

"So?" I thought for a while. Said: "So, what if Celestial Court provides some support?"

"If we can deal with the existence of the eight-headed snake alone, even if we don’t participate, it’s okay, but if we can’t deal with the eight-headed snake , No matter how many common trash fish come in, they can only be consumed by a little bit of human consumption, and sooner or later they will be consumed clean."

"So we can't help it?"

The military god who has not spoken suddenly stopped the calculation at this time, and then his eyes regained his agility and looked at us and asked: "According to my calculations just now, we should first contact Matsumoto Masaga for this matter. Decide to take further action. The amount of information we currently have on the Baqi Orochi is too low. If we know a little bit more, we still have a solution. And this time, even in our current state, it is actually not the case. It will be defeated."

"How to say? Do you have a way?" Hong Yue asked.

Military God said in a tranquil voice: "Although Baqi Orochi is very powerful, Divine Race alone can’t fix him, but Vina also said that it’s not totally unstoppable, but There may be sacrifices. However, Divine Race is a very important existence for us, and death is a great loss. Besides, this loss is not a one-time. Every time we repel the Eight-Divine Serpent, we are here. I will lose a few Divine Races. This is too much to pay. So if I really get to that point, I think I can fight to the death and choose to keep the Eight-Divine Race in one go."

" How to stay?" Wei Na asked.

"The way to keep the Baqi Orochi is very simple. It is to consume the Sacred Beast marks of Purple Moon, and then summon four Sacred Beasts at the same time. Also, don’t forget that white jade Qilin is the guardian of our guild. Sacred Beast, we can directly ask white jade Qilin to help. Also, if our side is broken by the Japanese side, it will also be a major loss to the Celestial Court, so we can ask the Celestial Court to find a way to bypass some of the restrictions. , And then send two of the strongest battle strengths they can mobilize to come for reinforcements. In this case, how sure do you think you can keep the eight-pointed snake?"

"ten out of ten." Hong Yue He said directly: "I didn't use such a big battle to deal with Zeus. If the Eight Divine Beasts plus the white jade Qilin are more than enough, if the Celestial Court sends two powerful ones, they can definitely handle the Eight Divine Beasts. ."

"No, Hong Yue, you underestimate the Eight-Five Orochi." I said directly: "I played against Zeus and the Eight-Five Orochi. In terms of battle strength, Gao Tianyuan Divine Race is indeed not an Austrian. Linpis Divine Race’s opponent, but Zeus is obviously not the opponent of the Orochi Orochi."


"Because they are not a type of existence." After all. Rose is smarter and said directly: "If divided by level, Zeus may indeed be higher level than the Orochi Orochi, but if the current Orochi Orochi and Zeus are singled out, the Orochi Orochi will most likely win in the end."

"How is this possible? The Orochi is more powerful than Zeus?"

"This is very simple." Rose said: "Zeus' total attribute points may indeed be much stronger than the Orochi. , But Zeus is a human-shaped Divine Race, and he was the real Divine King, with the ability to control a Divine Race. In other words, Zeus can be regarded as a commanding existence more or less, and a large part of his abilities is used It strengthens the battle strength of the tribes under our team. When we dealt with the Olympus Divine Race, the reason why Zeus was not as strong as we thought was because of his ability. The bosses of these Divine Races must have a lot of support. Aura and other abilities, but Zeus was a traitor at the time After leaving, there are not a few people left under him at all. So there is no place for Zeus' auxiliary halo at all, and the result is that most of Zeus's strength has not been displayed. This is the reason why Zeus is not as good as he imagined. "

Hong Yue is not really stupid. It was just that she didn't expect for a while, and Rose said so clearly, she immediately reacted. "You mean the eight-pointed snake is Divine Beast, not Humanoid Divine Race, so all his power is concentrated on his own battle strength? "

I nodded and said: "Yes, that's why the battle strength rises so much after Baqi Orochi got the divine force core. Vina also has a divine force core, she is not as terrifying as the strength of the eight-pointed snake. Of course, there is also the reason why Vena itself is not as powerful as Baqi Orochi, but I have to say that Vena’s current support abilities are actually very powerful, especially since our guild now has attributes for all guilds. Uncontrollable aura. , You don’t know the effect of this whole bank’s blessing of attributes, right? "

The biggest effect of Divine Race of Chaos and Order is this full-attribute unrestrained halo, and the effect of this halo is to allow things that shouldn’t coexist to stay together in peace, such as us Now players in the guild can use the magic of both light and dark attributes at the same time, and this is basically impossible in other guilds, because these two energies will cancel each other out, so there is no way to cultivation at the same time. There are others like me in battle. Sometimes I get injured or need help. Everyone can often see Ling and Xiaochun help me clean up. This is actually a special benefit of our guild. If there is no chaos and order, the aura of Divine Race, The only result of Ling and Xiaochun’s auxiliary magic brushing on me at the same time is that there is no effect, because the two magics will cancel each other out. So, it seems that there is nothing, in fact, the auxiliary effects of Vina’s formidable power are actually The above is a strong mess.

Of course, although the powerful auxiliary effect is amazing in the macro effect, it is not obvious in the single battle strength. At least Vina is definitely not the opponent of the eight-pointed snake.


"If Baqi Orochi is so powerful, can we people handle him? "Hong Yue asked uncertainly.

"If the four Sacred Beast and white jade Qilin as well as the Celestial Court's expert are counted according to the military god’s statement, plus our own Strength, I think it should be no problem. If it doesn't work anymore, I will give it up this time and use up the tokens of Golden Heavenly Dragon, Bi Ling and Black Qilin. I don't believe that the eight big Sacred Beasts besieged one and still can't fix the eight different big snakes. "

Rose reminded: "In fact, I think if the situation is urgent, you can call the Ring of Discipline and apply for a law that is beneficial to us. In this case, the odds of winning will be higher. "

The god of war suddenly interrupted at this time: "Are you too nervous?" What I'm talking about is just a last resort. The key now is to ask Masaga Matsumoto to help us figure out where the divine force core of Baqi Oro comes from. If this matter can be clarified, there may be a turning point in the matter. "

"But shouldn't it be convenient for us to contact Masaga Matsumoto now?" "Hong Yue asked aloud.

I also nodded and said: "This time, Masaka Matsumoto will definitely talk with the eight-headed snake. I think Masaka Matsumoto’s IQ, even if we don’t say it, He will also take the initiative to go to the Eight-Discrimination Big Snake and almost dig for information. "

Rose suddenly said: "I think it's better to pay more attention to it." However, it is indeed inappropriate to contact Masaga Matsumoto at this time, but we don’t have to contact her either? Aren’t the three of Akatsuki and Sakurayu Shinhina by Matsumoto’s side? Just contact a certain of them. "

"Yes, how can I forget this!" "

I just finished talking here, and Fire Dragon Ji has been connected to the communication without me telling the God of War, but the God of War immediately said: "Don't look at me, I didn't contact her. She took the initiative. "

Chi Fire Dragon Ji uses video communication, which means she is already not in the field now. After all, large communicators are not convenient to carry, and this thing is only available in our guild. Japanese players find that Chi Fire Dragon is using this thing, and their identities will be exposed. So Chi Fire Dragon must be in a hidden hiding place now.

"What's the situation? "When I saw Chi Fire Dragon Ji, I asked directly.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji didn't talk nonsense, and said: "It's Song this Monarch who asked me to come back and inform you. Song this Monarch is now communicating with Baqi Orochi, and August Xun and Ying Yu have also followed. I came back to report on the grounds that I was not good at these things. In addition, Song this Monarch also said that he will open the video surveillance crystal, and I will make a transfer here, and you should be able to receive real-time images from them. If you have anything, just direct this Monarch. "

"Understood, turn the signal around. "

As soon as we finished talking here, the communication screen over there flashed immediately, and the screen that appeared on the screen in the next second turned into a cave. Although it is a cave, the area here It is not small, and there are a lot of torch in the cave, so it is relatively bright. At this time, the screen is a little trembling, indicating that Matsumoto is not sitting anywhere, but is moving. You can see the eight-headed snake in the screen. Right in front of Masaka Matsumoto, and in front of him, you can see the half of Nobunaga's head on the right side. Obviously they are all together.

"Looking like this, it seems like a big snake is taking them. His lair. "Hong Yue said.

Rose looked at the screen and said, "Isn't this the tunnel where the eight-headed snake came out before?" "

"Remember that it seemed to have collapsed at the time, why did it recover?" "I said with a bit of surprise.

Rose thought for a while and said: "Could it be the ability of time?" "

When I heard this speculation, I was also frowned thinking about it, but after thinking about it for a long time, I still shook my head and said, "It shouldn't be. Time Law is already a rule-based skill. It is the ability of High God. Only the top ten and the ring of discipline can do it. The rest of the time disorder is the acceleration zone set by the system, but that thing is still in the testing stage. For the time being, it has not been fully open, and I don't think Baqi Orochi will have similar capabilities, otherwise he will be too strong. "

"That said! "Rose nodded confirmed my speculation, everyone began to concentrate on watching the picture.

The eight-headed snake took Matsumoto Masaka and the others did not go far to reach the deepest part of the cave. There is a very special place here. Huge cave. In my opinion, this cave is many times larger than the indoor stadium, but for the big snake, this place is barely able to accommodate, even if you lie down, you need to bend your body a little bit. , Otherwise, the head and tail cannot be put in at all. Of course, the space is not narrow enough for him to circle into a group, but it can’t be completely straightened.

After arriving at this place, Baqi Orochi will be there. He lay down in a depression. Obviously this is where he often sleeps. A pit has been ground out on the ground, which just fits his body completely.

Baqi after getting down.

Orochi did not speak, but suddenly drooped all his heads, and then closed his eyes, as if he was going to sleep. Although they were strange to each other’s behavior, neither Masaga Matsumoto nor Nobunaga Onitou dared to speak. As for August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Chi, it’s even harder to interrupt. Fortunately, Baqi Orochi didn’t really come to sleep. Just after his head was put on the ground and his eyes closed, a white pure Yuguang The formed silhouette suddenly emerged from the body of the eight-headed snake.

We all know this white silhouette, which is the human form of the eight-headed snake before, but this time the silhouette is obviously a virtual image. Because he is translucent.

The difference from the previous imagination is that this phantom still holds a white light ball the size of a watermelon in his hand, which looks like the divine before. The core of force. Of course, this thing has shrunk a lot now.

After the silhouette appeared, he flew straight to Matsumoto Masaka, and then looked up and down Matsumoto Masaka. Although I was a little nervous, But Masaga Matsumoto tried his best to calm himself down, and then just stood there and let the other side observe carefully, trying to be as servile as possible.

"Are you the current Japanese leader? "After staring at Masaka Matsumoto up and down for a long time, Yachi Orochi finally spoke, but his tone was quite arrogant. Obviously he did not put Masaka Matsumoto in his eyes.

Matsumoto Masakaya Knowing that the other party is very strong, so I didn't care about the other party's tone at all, and said directly: "I am just leading the Japanese players to work hard for the future of Japan. There is no leader, at least the subordinates over there are not under my control. Masaka Matsumoto gestured to Nobunaga Onishou, and then continued without waiting for the opponent to refute, "Is the Ozogami always hidden on Nobunaga-kun Onishou's territory before?" Do you guys have been in touch? "

"How? I'm in contact with your enemy, and it makes you feel very upset, isn't it? "

The Big Snake's big talk caused the ghost hand Nobunbu at the scene to scratch his head for a long time. Although this is true, most people would not say it like this, but the Big Snake didn't care about it at all, directly Just to say it, it made Matsumoto Masaka and Oninote Nobunaga a while. However, Matsumoto Masaka is much more mature than Oninote Nobunaga after all, he just returned to normal with a slight expression on one side, and he did not look like a ghost. Te Nobunaga is scratching and scratching as if there are lice on her body.

"Original, I don’t think it’s time to care about the contradiction between me and Oni Te Nobunaga. . We have a common enemy. I care about this thing so much because I really want to know what caused you to not show up with us when we needed the strength most. Was it because you had some discomfort and couldn't go on the expedition, or was Nobunaga-kun Onizuka didn't tell you the situation outside? "

Onitou Nobunaga, who was still awkward there, jumped up when he heard this. "Hey, Matsumoto Masaka, what do you mean by that?" "

Masaka Matsumoto turned to Nobunaga Onishu and asked without shyness: "Now is the time for me to seek answers." Just now the big snake god has already acquiesced, you have been in contact before, but we were beaten so badly by the Chinese, why don't you ask the big snake god for help? "

"Don't blame him for this. "Baqi Dashe said suddenly: "In fact, he had asked me to come forward before, but I refused. "

"Huh? Why? "Matsumoto Masaka deliberately pretended to be very surprised, so that we could not help but praise Matsumoto Masaka's acting skills getting better and better when we were peeping through the video crystal.

Actually, Matsumoto is getting better and better.

Masaga has long known that Nobunaga Onishu had requested the Yaqi Orochi. After all, a fool also knows what to do. Nobunaga Onishou is not stupid, he was beaten with rustling sound, so that he was dropped as a Japanese player in mind. A thousand zhang in one fall, and finally Masaka Matsumoto regained his status as the player leader in Japan. If Oni Shou Nobunaga could really invite Baqi Orochi to make a move, he must have made the move long ago. How could he have kept his eyes open. Seeing that he was retreating in the war with us, but Masaga Matsumoto was robbing him of triumphant progress all the way?

Since the eight-headed snake did not appear at the time, then it must be the eight-headed snake because of a certain These reasons did not appear, not that Nobunaga did not ask for it. However, Masaka Matsumoto knew that Guigui knew, but he couldn’t question Baqi Orochi face-to-face: "Hey, what did you do when we were driven around by the Chinese? Don't come out to help? "Speaking of which is simple, but what will the consequences be?

Because I can’t ask, Masaga Matsumoto simply ignores it, and directly points the finger at Nobunaga Guishou. , And he also meant to scream injustice for the eight-headed snake. Whether it is reason or reason, he has everything. At this moral commanding height, Matsumoto Masaka can have the right to speak on an equal footing with the eight-headed snake, and This oppresses the Baqi Orochi and makes it feel guilty, and uses this as a breakthrough, making subsequent negotiations easier and simple.

In fact, the Baqi Orochi’s thinking ability is not as good as the ghosts Nobunaga. Well, so he didn’t see through Matsumoto’s plan at all, and just fell in according to the routine Matsumoto’s arranged.

The guilty Baqi Orochi said calmly: "This is not me. I don't want to help. As a Guardian God beast in Japan, your casualties will greatly affect my Power of Faith acquisition, so I was actually more anxious than you, but I really couldn't help it at the time! "

When Matsumoto heard this, he immediately put on a surprised look and asked: "You are so powerful, even Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird are not your opponents, how can you not be able to deal with it?" a trifling Where is the Frost Rose League? Could it be that there are other reasons? "

When we heard this before the communicator, we couldn’t help but applaud Matsumoto Masaka. It’s really worthwhile that I spent so much effort asking people to give Matsumoto Masaka’s business training. The effect is really good. Look at this, a few words have brought the Eight-Divine Serpent on the way. As long as the Eight-Divine Serpent explains the reason, we can know the core thing of the divine force, because the eight-diversity Serpent was unable to participate in the war at that time. The eight achievements are Because we are assimilating the core of the divine force, and now, what we need is to wait for Masaka Matsumoto to put out the secret front of the eight-headed snake. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( qidian.com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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