After everyone left the sight of Baqi Orochi, everyone on our side immediately boarded the spaceship, and then turned on the mirage system to ascend to 10,000 meters in one breath and use the fastest speed The degree soars back. Now, if it sounds good, it is called strategic shift. If it is not good, it is escape. Therefore, the speed must be fast, and it must be run as fast as possible.

Before, everyone below was busy escaping for their lives, and nothing happened. However, after getting on the spaceship, after this idle time, everyone was obviously withered. Since the establishment of the Frost Rose League, it was the first time that it was so embarrassing to frighten the enemy by bluffing and then escape. It is precisely because such incidents have never happened, and the gang that followed me are the peak gangs in our guild. The elites in the elite have suffered even less setbacks. Because I haven't experienced many setbacks, it is difficult to accept it for a while, and I always feel very depressed. In fact, from the point of view of ordinary players, we are not fleeing at all, and we are not even a failure. After all, we have hardly been affected by the Eight Disciplinary Snakes. It can be said that we have withdrawn from the battle without damage. This kind of result is a pretty good result in the eyes of ordinary players, but our guild elites are somewhat unacceptable.

In fact, it is not only the operators of our guild that cannot accept the facts, but Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird are also the same. Looking at Azure Dragon sitting on the deck of the spaceship with a cold wind blowing in the bow, I decided to do something. After I walked to him and sat down, I reached out and handed a bottle of Celestial Court back to Azure Dragon, and then took a sip of it myself. After seeing Azure Dragon also took a sip, I said, "I feel aggrieved, don't you?"

Azure Dragon is nodded without hiding, and then said with a sense of vicissitudes of life: "Dang Sacred Beast after so many years, among the domestic Divine Beast, I can be regarded as Peak’s batch. This Nine-Headed Bird was in our place back then, and it is not even worthy of giving us shoes, but now, we are actually caught by him. I flee in fright, I am so panicked!"

"You can't figure it out because of this?" I looked towards Azure Dragon pretending to be surprised.

Azure Dragon asked suspiciously: "Is this not enough?"

I said with a smile: "Being scared by the unremarkable miscellaneous fish is indeed It’s a very embarrassing and embarrassing thing.” When I said this, Azure Dragon’s expression was obviously dimmed again, but my words were endless, and I continued: “But... Is the miscellaneous fish scared? It doesn't seem to be it? Are we afraid of the big snake? That guy couldn't even beat the predecessor Vermilion Bird without the Nanming Lihuozhu. What do you think such miscellaneous fish is so scared of? The reason for our real retreat is not that we are afraid of the big snake, but the divine force core! As an advanced existence who understands how powerful the divine force core is, what's weird to fear the divine force core? We are not afraid of the divine force core. People are not brave, but they don’t know the terrifying part of the dao divine force core. We just have more knowledge than them. What's so frustrating about this?"

Azure, which was originally a bit tricky Dragon was stunned by me. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was really like this. The Eight-Different Snake is not terrifying at all, but terrifying is the core of divine force.

After figuring out the key points, Azure Dragon obviously regained its energy and took another sip of Xianlu. The same thing, but the action was full of free and easy, completely lost the lifelessness before. feel.

"Many thanks for your enlightenment. I was the one who was on the horns before. Regarding your summon, we are here to reinforce this time. I am in charge of Vermilion Bird. You have used up these two opportunities, but Each of us will give you another chance to summon, so next time you have difficulties, you can still summon us to help out."

I did not hypocritically refuse the promise of Azure Dragon, but directly nodded and said: "I won't be polite with you, I will accept this promise."

Azure Dragon also said with a smile: "You should have compensated you, after all, you asked us this time Come, we didn’t help either. In the end, we were scared away by the Orochi Orochi, so the help this time is not counted. But Purple Moon, have you ever thought about what to do in the future? Orochi Ochi is a Guardian God beast in Japan. Isn’t your Frost Rose League and Japan always in a state of hostility? The other side now has such a powerful presence. Maybe it’s not so easy for you to attack Japan in the future?"

Azure Dragon is not He knew about Matsumoto Masaka, so he didn't know that Japan is actually under our remote control. Of course, Azure Dragon's words can't be taken seriously, after all, Baqi Oro is really a big trouble.

It’s not the same as Amaterasu. The Baqi Orochi is Divine Beast and not a god, and the system’s restrictions on Divine Beast are usually not as strong as for the gods, so the Baqi Orochi can do a lot of Amaterasu. Things that came out, and the eight-headed snake can get more in touch with players and directly participate in the players' activities, which is impossible for Amaterasu.

Originally, if it was just another helper among Japanese players, the most troublesome thing is that there is still a divine force core in the hands of Baqi Orochi. If this thing is used well, it will definitely be bigger than anything. Large-scale destruction weapons must be terrifying, and if Baqi Orochi thoroughly understands the use of the core divine force, he can even be transferred to Divine Race like Vina.

If you compare the local Divine Race to the national army, then the guild Divine Race is the mercenary force of a big company. The regular army is ordered by the country and needs to be subject to various restrictions. Even if it is going abroad to fight, it needs to always pay attention to things like international influence and public opinion. The reason why the local Divine Races of various countries are so strong, but their impact on players is minimal, is because these restrictions and constraints severely restrict the performance of the battle strength of Divine Race, so this phenomenon occurs. However, unlike the regular army, Divine Race is different. The guild Divine Race is a group of mercenaries who are only responsible to their own employers, while the employers of the guild Divine Race are their guilds.

Referring to the mercenaries in reality, you can find that, compared to the Divine Race, the guild Divine Race lacks a lot of restrictions. They can play their battle strength arbitrarily and are hardly affected by anything. limit. Whether it is public opinion or the attitude of other countries, these things have no meaning to mercenaries, because they are simply not bound by these things.

The current Baqi Dasnake is still a member of the local Divine Race. He belongs to the Gaotianyuan Divine Race. Although he is not the original one, as a member who joined later, he is recognized by the system as an important part of the Gaotianyuan Divine Race. As a member, he is also restricted by the system and cannot go abroad to fight. It is precisely because he is restricted, so the Eight Qi Orochi cannot constitute too much deterrence to our guild. Judging from the current situation in Japan we have set up, the only thing that Yaqi Orochi can do is to help Japanese players level the city of Fulcrum. It can be said that this kind of loss will not hurt us, although it will be very distressing, and it does have a certain impact on us, but it is basically not a big problem.

However, once Baqi Orochi becomes the guild Divine Race, it will be troublesome.

Guild Divine Race can participate in foreign operations. Our guild does not often let the Divine Race of Chaos and Order play because we are currently the only force that owns the Divine Race of the guild, so we have always regarded the Divine Race of the guild as a killing move, double insurance, and divine might deterrence. As long as our guild Divine Race does not appear on the battlefield, it means that we have not reached the point of exhaustion, and at this time our enemy must always worry and beware of our sudden emergence of strong reinforcements. This is the reason why many guilds can't show even half of their usual battle strength after they encounter us, because they will be afraid of our hidden strength.

However, the above situation is a special situation of our guild, and it is very likely for Baqi Oro...No, it should definitely not work.

strictly speaking, Divine Race for a guild should be a higher level of existence than a guild. When I set up the guild Divine Race, I clearly saw it in the system setting menu that the number of guild Divine Races enshrined by a guild cannot be higher than the total number of guild members. Simply put, if the number of people in your guild is a few digits, you can enshrine the Divine Race of several guilds. For example, the number of our guild is over 100,000, which is six figures, so our guild can have up to six independent guilds Divine Race. Of course, we only have the Divine Race of Chaos and Order at the moment. However, this is the setting of the guild, and the setting of Divine Race clearly states that a guild Divine Race can accept the worship of an infinite number of guilds, regardless of whether the guilds are opposed or not, and they Nationality issue.

According to the comparison of the above settings, it can be seen that in the system default, the Divine Race of the guild should be higher level than the guild, because even if a guild has more members, it should not exceed 100 million. Even if you have one billion members, you can only have ten Divine Race guilds, and a guild Divine Race can easily get dozens or hundreds of guilds that support you without any conditions. This is obviously an asymmetric state.

In addition to the comparison of this anchor relationship, clues can also be found in the system description. In the introduction to the system, the guild owned Divine Race, the word used is "enjoy." Everyone understands the meaning of worship, so, in other words, the guild Divine Race is not a subordinate of the guild, they are a group of high-end martial power enshrined by the guild. You can ask them to do something for you, but if they are willing to help, that is their business, and you have no right to decide.

Our guild is totally special in this respect, because Divine King Vina of Divine Race of Chaos and Order was rescued by me, and our personal relationship is very good. Besides, in reality, Vina is actually my subordinate, and a lot of things have to listen to me, so chaos and order will appear. Divine Race is like an affiliate of the Frost Rose League, which can be commanded at will according to our needs. However, this is limited to our guild. I don’t think it is possible for other guilds to do this, and the Japanese side is more impossible.

Baqi Orochi was chopped off at the beginning and deported to Japan. The first thing he thought of after gaining strength must be to come back for revenge. The so-called homecoming means that after a person has developed, he will want to return to the place where he came from. Whether it is going back to show off or go back to avenge, basically everyone will want to go back and feel relieved. The Baqi Orochi is obviously not the kind of existence that can avoid the vulgarity, so he must also want to come back to China to have a good time.

The current Baqi Orochi is constrained by the system and cannot come back, but once he understands that he can become the Divine Race of the guild, it will be troublesome. When he became the Divine Race of the guild, the system would no longer restrict him from leaving the Japanese territory. As long as there is a Japanese guild to launch a war against China, he can follow him out. We simply cannot restrict him on this matter. After all, although Japan is basically remote controlled by Masaga Matsumoto, this kind of remote control is not omnipotent. At least we can't let Matsumoto Masaka public shout: "I just don't go to war with the Chinese." If Matsumoto Masaka shouts like this, he will be kicked off the altar immediately.

More on that. The current Japan is not only the Matsumoto Masaga family, although Matsumoto Masaka is now dominant, but Nobunaga Onite has not been completely overthrown, is it? Moreover, the eight-headed snake was originally hidden under Nobunaga's warehouse city. Can you guarantee that there is nothing to tell between them?

In view of the above situation, it can be judged that once Baqi Orochi knows the core usage of divine force, then it is very likely that he will become a guild Divine Race. After that, he had two situations. One was to become the Divine Race of the guild of Masaka Matsumoto or Nobunaga Onitou, and the other was to become the Divine Race of the guild of both. Nobunaga on this matter will definitely not refuse, and Masaka Matsumoto can’t refuse even if he wants to, because the Japanese players under his hand want to make the Divine Race their guild, if Masaka Matsumoto refuses , Simply can't find a reason to appease those players. Besides, in order to get more information about the eight-headed snake, we still need Matsumoto Masaka and the eight-headed snake to get closer, so we can't refuse.

Once Baqi Orochi becomes the Divine Race of the two guilds, then he can ask Masaka Matsumoto or Nobunaga Onitou, or both together, to launch an offensive against China. So he can come to fight in China. For this kind of request, Nobunaga Onitou definitely agreed with both hands, while Masaka Matsumoto wanted to refuse but could not refuse, otherwise he would still be questioned by his subordinates just as he refused to become their guild, Divine Race. Besides, as long as Nobunaga Onishu agrees, it doesn't really matter whether Masaga Matsumoto agrees or not.

In this way, as long as the eight-headed snake becomes the guild Divine Race, it is inevitable that he will run to China to attack the city arrows of our guild, even if we can remotely command Matsumoto Masaga There is no way to change this. At most, it will delay the start of the war a little bit.

"It seems we are in big trouble!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is me The greatest motivation.)

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