The forcibly blocked Baqi Orochi hadn't recovered from the shock and shock, so suddenly he heard a shout from the front, followed him and started to dodge to the side, in order to avoid being hit , After all, he is alone, and someone on our side shouted to avoid him, certainly not reminding him, but because we were not reminding him, so he has to flash, so as to avoid injury.

Although Baqi Orochi thought well, it didn't make any difference. Although he dodged to the side, Kristina in front of him did not dodge to the side. Instead, he suddenly squatted down and saw gold coin rushing over and stepping on Kristina’s. He jumped up on his back, and then a top-down jump cut towards his head.

Gold coin was originally not a power attacker, but the Heavenly Venerable sword in her hand was too powerful, and even the Opponent Snake was shocked when she saw her jump up like this. He didn’t Forget that his head was just cut off by this sword.

Seeing gold coin jump over, Baqi Orochi is not stupid, knowing that it can't be hard-wired, and dodge is unlikely, because gold coin is obviously aimed at him and jumped over. However, even though the Baqi Orochi could not evade and block, it could counterattack. When the gold coin rushed down, he suddenly raised his hand and shot a group of gray and black light bullets hitting the gold coin's belly, and then he heard a scream from the gold coin, and the whole person moved towards and fell out in the opposite direction. However, before the eight-pointed snake had time to be proud, he suddenly saw another silhouette emerge from under gold coin, and before he could react, he was already in front of him.

"Go die for me!" I suddenly emerged from under the gold coin, making the Baqi Orochi unprepared, but I was hugged firmly. Of course, I don’t want to embarrass him by holding Baqi Orochi. First, I don’t like men. Second, this guy is not even a man. He is simply a monster. Hugging him is not to take advantage of him, but to give the strongest attack. As I hugged him, a violent white light suddenly lit up on my body, and then the surrounding area became so white that everyone around me became blind in an instant.

In fact, although people nearby cannot see what is happening, they can see clearly in the distance. Some Japanese players watching from afar saw my body suddenly light up, and then turned into a light ball with a diameter of more than two meters, and then it was like an atomic bomb exploding, a large group of shock waves pushed the nearby air with it. The sky was full of smoke and dust swept away in all directions, even Kristina and I started the team mode, and they were still blown away by the shock wave even though they were able to save most of the damage.

"Hey, don’t you bring this?" Matsumoto Masaka, who has never found a chance to intervene since here, suddenly saw the huge ball of light and just pulled his own person and started to dodge, just The light ball expanded too fast, even his speed didn't flash away, and it was all lifted off in the end.

Even Masaga Matsumoto and Akatsuki Kaoru were unable to resist such a shock wave, let alone the Japanese players watching the game. When Kristina’s ultimatum broke out, many spectators were cleared out. Those who came here were just gathered, but they didn’t expect us to be the same as nuclear war today. We don’t need all kinds of ultimatums. Money flies everywhere. I cut off a few hills before and didn’t talk about it. Later, I eliminated the two cities directly. This will bring another big move. This is simply not played by humans. They are ordinary players, let alone participate, even watching the battle. no.

Although the rays of light broke out suddenly, they ended very quickly. It was just a sudden flash, followed by rays of light and then went out. However, the spread of the shock wave was a little slower than that of rays of light, and it took about ten seconds to disperse completely. However, after the shock wave, the ordinary players around were gone.

After about half a minute, a big bag suddenly bulged on the ground not far from the heartbreak, and then a ball of light wrapped Christina, gold coin and Vermilion Bird from the ground. They rose up, and they seemed to be pretty good, there was no dust on their bodies, they should have used protective magic to block the shock wave in advance.

Shortly after they appeared, the ground next to them immediately began to squirm, and then I saw Matsumoto Masaka and Sakurayu Shinhina coming out of the ground almost at the same time, just and Compared with Kristina and the others, the images of Matsumoto Masaka and Sakurayu are much worse. I won't say anything about the dirt, even the armor is skewed, and it is obvious that the impact is quite serious. But the two of them didn’t have time to deal with these things. As soon as they came out, they began to dig desperately all over the ground. Soon the Ying Yu Shen Chou dug out a hand from the dirt beside him, and pulled August to smoke. Pulled out. On the other side, Masaga Matsumoto moved a bit slower than the Sakura Rain God Hina. After digging for a long time, he found Chi Fire Dragon Ji, but it seems that Chi Fire Dragon Ji also used something to block the nearby dirt and smoke, although he was buried. It took a long time, but they weren't as embarrassed as Yingyu Shenchu ​​and August Xun, at least the armor still looked quite clean.

"Bah..." August Xun spit out the mud in his mouth while holding up the Yingyu god young man to get up and asked: "How's it going? How's the battle going?"

"I don't know!" Ying Yu Shen Hina answered very simply, and then when she saw August Xun's questioning eyes, she simply pointed forward, and then August Xun and Chi Fire Dragon Ji, who had just climbed out, looked towards together. The location where I and Baqi Orochi were before.

The bottom of the big pit, which was already much shorter than the nearby area, has now completely turned into a lake, not an ordinary lake, but a lava lake. A large area of ​​orange red lava shows that the temperature of the lake is still high, because the color of the lava will darken when it is about to cool. Such bright orange red only means that the temperature is still high.

Thanks to this lava lake, now Baqi and I have disappeared without a trace. Of course, everyone knows that we are impossible to be burned to death by lava, but we don’t know where we went for the time being.

After Matsumoto Masaka and August Xun came out, Hong Yue and Rose, who had been watching the game, also got out of the ground a little further away. Compared with Masaga Matsumoto and the others, Hong Yue and Meimei are obviously better. It's not that they are stronger, but because they are farther away and have more time to prepare for defense. Besides, the formidable power of the shock wave increases with distance and decays quickly, so don't look at it just a little farther, in fact, the formidable power has dropped. very many.

The only Azure Dragon that was in the air when the explosion occurred. This will also reappear in the sky. The only difference is that the current Azure Dragon is already dressed as a boy in Tsing Yi. It looks like An ancient scholar is average. Of course, if you really want to treat him as a scholar who has no power to bind a chicken, you must be prepared for bad luck. Even if people become human, they will still be Azure Dragon. You can flatten a hill and make one at will. The role from the Great Lakes.

After all the onlookers appear here, it's time for the two protagonists, Baqi Orochi and I, to appear. The originally calm lava lake suddenly heard two lava pillars exploded upward with a boom, and then two silhouettes flew out of the lake, one left and one right, and landed on both sides of the lake bank.

It seemed that there was no damage. I was a stuffed dog as soon as I landed. If I didn't support the ground with eternity in time, I almost fell into the lava lake. Of course, I just got out of it, and it's no big deal to fall in.

The situation of the Baqi Orochi on the opposite side is exactly the opposite of mine. This guy was quite solid when he landed, but when everyone saw him, they were shocked. The Baqi Orochi now seems to have been splashed with asphalt. The entire face and body were burned extensively, and there were black blood scabs everywhere, rotten flesh and various black skin remnants intertwined, and the whole evil spirit was reincarnated.

Probably knowing that his appearance must have been burnt in a mess. As soon as the eight-headed snake fell into the air, a water mirror appeared in front of him. After extending his head and looking at himself, Baqi Oro snake touched his face in surprise. As a result, his face twitched as soon as he touched his face, and then he found that his hands had been burned to a mess, hurry up I stretched out my hand and looked in front of me, and found that my hands were similar to the bones that were about to rot. At least one third hand bones were exposed. The occasional muscle tissues were all piece by piece, and all the muscle tissues were all exposed. There is no skin, replaced by large patches of burn marks.

This is the eight-pointed snake. It’s probably already dead if it’s been burnt for an ordinary person. After all, the piece of his chest is about to be able to see his heart directly. The entire frontal pectoral muscles have everything. It was almost burnt, the gaps between the ribs were clearly exposed to the air, and you could see the inside of the rib cage behind the ribs with a glance.

"Ah..." Seeing all this, Baqi Orochi immediately roared to the sky. It was not painful, but angry.

While the eight-headed snake roars, Kristina said to gold coin: "Do you know what trick the boss uses? How can the eight-headed snake be burned like this?"

gold coin shook his head and said: "The boss usually does missions alone. I don't know what the trick is. However, it should be a skill like high temperature flame, and it should be close to the enemy to take effect. Otherwise, before The boss doesn’t need to hug the eight-pointed snake."

Kristina smiled and said after listening: "It seems that the boss’s hug is really enthusiastic! You see it burned the eight-pointed snake. "

"hahahaha, your analogy is really appropriate."

The two people here are happy, but the eight-pointed snake on the opposite side suddenly did something strange. He actually stretched out his hand to poke in from the lower part of his burned chest, then retracted his arms around the ribs and went deep into the chest. Then he pulled out a silver white ball from his body, with many spikes that looked like a sea urchin. .

When I saw this ball of light, everyone on our side was taken aback.

This time, the people here are not ordinary people, almost all of our guild elites or leaders, and Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird are also high-end existences, so they know a lot. As for Masaga Matsumoto, of course they are not ordinary people, so all the people who are present know this thing, because that thing is the core of the divine force that is extremely important to Divine Race.

"What are you kidding? How come there is a divine force core in the Eight-Different Serpent?" Hong Yue exclaimed when he saw the divine force core. It's not that she doesn't have concentration, but this thing is very awesome. Generally speaking, as long as you carry this thing, it is similar to Invincible. Few people can directly challenge people with the core of divine force.

Although the divine force core is a good thing, and the number is not too small, the Baqi Orochi holds a divine force core in his hand, which makes us quite puzzled.

The eight-headed snake is a Japanese Divine Beast, but the Japanese Divine Race should be a mixed Divine Race based on the Takatenhara gods. Among them, the Leader, Divine King, should be the Great God Tian Zhao that Japanese people often talk about.

According to normal, Amaterasu is the Divine King of Gaotianyuan Divine Race, so the divine force core of Gaotianyuan Divine Race should be in Amaterasu's hands, but now Baqi Orochi is holding one in his hands. divine force core. So, where does this divine force core come from? It won't be picked up, right? If you want to go out and pick up a few hundred dollars, or pick up a cat or puppy, or even pick up a child, I can accept it, but can the core of divine force be picked up casually?

In fact, it is the second one. The key question is-which Divine Race core is the core of the divine force?

Baqi Orochi should be regarded as taking refuge in Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, then which Divine Race is the core of this divine force in his hand? If it's the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, how could it be in the hands of Baqi Osnake? Shouldn't that thing be in the hands of Amaterasu? For Divine Race, the divine force core of this Divine Race is the same as the Imperial Jade Seal in the hands of the emperor in ancient times. Can this thing be taken out and used casually? Therefore, as long as Amaterasu is not dead under normal circumstances, the divine force core of the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race is impossible to others.

So, is Amaterasu dead? It seems that Amaterasu was indeed attacked by us last time. I did go to Divine Kingdom of Gaotianyuan Divine Race once before, and found the divine force of Gaotianyuan Divine Race there. In their Divine Kingdom, the divine force was not as powerful as outside things, but at that time we just beat Amaterasu. It's just a pause, and didn't really kill him. We must know that the Divine Races of various countries have their own characteristics, and the characteristic of Amaterasu is that there are many Avatars. Although the power of speaking of which Amaterasu is incomparable with the Zeus and Dainichi Tathagata we dealt with at the beginning, it must be discussed. In terms of the difficulty of killing, Amaterasu is definitely more difficult than those two.

So, the probability of Amaterasu's failure is infinitely close to zero. Besides, the Takatenhara Divine Race led by Amaterasu is also the Guardian God Race in Japan. If such a big thing happened to the Takatenhara Divine Race, it is unreasonable that the Japanese Matsumoto Masaga would not know the news at all, right? We must know that Masaka Matsumoto is our spy in Japan. As long as there is something going wrong in Japan, he will definitely tell us immediately, but we have not received this notice. That means Masaka Matsumoto himself doesn’t know about this. News. Then, if we use this to speculate, the probability of Amaterasu's death is even lower.

So, if Amaterasu is not dead, how did the core of the divine force in the hands of the eight-headed snake get it?

The core of divine force is not a banknote. You can steal money or you can steal money, how do you steal the core of divine force? Last time we worked hard to get around the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race by bypassing Zeus? It was a feint and an internal response, and a large group of high-end battle strengths from our side were added together. In the end, Vina was half tired, but it was just a few Divines inside the core of the Olympus Divine Race divine force. Soul was drawn out. This is very different from completely controlling a divine force core. What is the ability of the Baqi Orochi to be stronger than our large-scale operations, and directly get the divine force core of the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan without death? This also isn't this too ridiculous?

If the divine force core is not from the Gaotianyuan Divine Race, then the probability is relatively higher. However, even if it is not the divine force core of the Gaotianyuan Divine Race, it does not seem to be so easy to do. ?

God wars are different from ordinary wars. The national war between players is relatively simple, as long as the fight is over. However, Divine Race is restricted by the system and cannot leave the country. This makes it more difficult for Divine Races to develop. Therefore, in general, players need to open up territory in other countries first, and then Divine Race on both sides. Only by taking advantage of the temporary public attributes of this newly-occupied territory to carry out the war of gods. However, in addition to a handful of freelancers, Japanese players are not the followers of Nobunaga Onitou or the people of Masaka Matsumoto.

Matsumoto Masaka is our spy. We know better than anyone else whether he acts. Of course, Nobunaga Onitou will not tell us about anything, but Masaka Matsumoto's first task is to keep an eye on Nobunaga Onitou, so we know a lot about Nobunaga Onitou. It's impossible to keep the war outside the secret, so if it really happens, we will know it. Only free players are left. However, the characteristic of free players is that they are scattered, and it is not possible for a few people to form a team to start a foreign war, so free players are impossible to start a foreign war. In this case, the Japanese players have not launched an expansion war. Since the Japanese players have not expanded, how did the Japanese Divine Race expand? In other words, how did the divine force core of Baqi Orochi got it? If you don't war against the outside world, will other Divine Races actively send their divine force cores?

After much deliberation, we still think that the divine force core of the Baqi Orochi is strange, but anyway, the thing is now held in the hands of the Baqi Orochi, which is impossible to do. fake. Moreover, although the origin of the core of the divine force is rather strange, the existence of this thing is a good explanation of what the power of the eight different snakes was before.

We are all aware of the strength of the Baqi Orochi, but the performance in this battle is just like a chicken blood. It's a tough one. Vermilion Bird and Azure Dragon are all here, plus the Gang Lord power of our guild, this can't completely suppress him. To what extent do you say his strength is strong? If Baqi Orochi has been working hard since he was injured last time, this can indeed improve some strength, but the ratio is too exaggerated. The emergence of the core of divine force just explains this question.

The divine force core can improve the strength of Divine Race. This is something everyone knows. Zeus did the same when playing Olympus Divine Race before. Therefore, it is a normal situation for the Baqi Orochi to extract power from the divine force core to strengthen itself. After all, Divine Beast is also a Divine Race and can also use the divine force core.

"It's strange that that guy has become so powerful, so the problem is here!" Everyone understands the core of this divine force. However, even if we understand, we still have no idea. The core of divine force is a universal cheater. As long as Power of Faith is sufficient and supported by the core of divine force, it is not easy to die. Besides, the Baqi Orochi does not want to die by himself, but wants us to die. This situation is not so wonderful!

"hehe, know the fear right?" Don't you guys want to run away today, just leave it to me and wait for death." Of course the eight-pointed snake on the opposite side noticed when we saw the divine force core The expression is not right, he probably guessed that we know the core of divine force, so he immediately became proud. Although he is the one who has been beaten the worst on the field now, no matter what the divine force core is in hand, he is almost invincible, and he doesn't care about the injury or not. Anyway, there is a divine force core. In the hand, if you just think about the injury, you will be able to recover soon.

The Baqi Big Snake over there just finished arrogantly, and immediately heard Azure Dragon's disdainful voice. "What if there is a divine force core? With a small role like you, you simply cannot control the sudden surge of power. From the very beginning, you act like a fool. How about even holding the divine force core? Isn’t it horribly beaten by us?"

"Yes." I heard Azure Dragon’s words immediately followed, and deliberately stimulated Qi Da Snake said: "That very deformed little snake over there, don't be there to be stunned. The core of divine force is not a rare thing, you can just use it to scare ordinary people. In the world, we have all seen the divine force core in your hand, and we know the ability of that thing very well. That’s right, that thing looks very powerful for the time being, it can greatly strengthen your energy output, but you can’t completely Control it, and that thing is not infinite energy. The core of divine force also relies on Power of Faith to operate. I don’t think your Power of Faith is so infinite that it can’t be used up. As long as we work together to suppress you , Once your divine force core runs out of Power of Faith, we can not only kill you, but also grab a divine force core back easily. Speaking of which would we make a lot of money this time?"

"You, you, you..." The Baqi Orochi was a grassroots bullied in China before, so he didn't dare to bargain with these powerful people, so he could only hold his head down. As for now, even though he has become a Divine Beast in Japan, but within a few days of the good days, there was a problem again. First, he was hit hard by our battle in Fulcrum City, and then I didn’t know where the cat was. The ability of this bickering is naturally Not as much as we quarrel all day long. Therefore, the Baqi Orochi heard my ridicule except for getting angry, but simply didn't know how to refute it. In the end, you didn't know what to say for a long time, and you just decided to do it again.

I don’t know if I was stunned by my anger, or if I planned to do that. After figuring it out, Baqi Dashe didn't continue to think about words and scold us, but suddenly tore the core of the divine force in his hand in half.

The divine force core is almost indestructible for creatures other than Divine Race. Just like the divine force core of our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, with the exception of Vina, others can never destroy it even if they get it, at least it is not so easy to destroy. However, for Vina, the core of Divine Race's divine force is a dough that can be kneaded at will. If you want it to be square, you can make it round.

The divine force core in the hands of the eight-different snake is obviously completely controlled by the eight-different snake, which means that the eight-different snake is the Divine King of the Divine Race represented by this divine force core. Therefore, the divine force core in front of you can be kneaded by the eight-pointed snake at will.

After tearing the divine force core in half, the divine force core immediately becomes two spheres. Divine force is the core feature of divine force. It does not have a fixed shape. If necessary, it can be squeezed into any shape like plasticine. It's just because the divine force core is too important for each Divine Race, so generally no Divine King has a head into the water and dares to rub the divine force core of his Divine Race casually. However, the Baqi Orochi is obviously not in this list. After tearing off the divine force core at will, he divided it in half, and a part of it was pressed directly on the top of his head.

Before, the core of divine force has always been in the belly of Baqi Orochi, then equivalent to is an energy generator, which is similar to the engine of a car, which can provide power for the car. However, the previous Baqi Orochi was a poorly skilled driver, but the engine of this car was too powerful, so it couldn't control this car at all. Now it divides the divine force core into two, which is equivalent to reducing the power of this car by half, so it will naturally be easier to drive. However, the more important thing is actually the other half, that is, the half that he patted on the top of his head.

Vina told me before. If the divine force core is placed in the belly, it does not mean that it has eaten the divine force core, but the divine force core is used as a temporary energy source and can be taken out at any time afterwards. However, if you shoot the divine force core from the top of your head, it will not be used temporarily, but will be permanently strengthened, and not to strengthen your physical energy, but to strengthen your spirit transformation.

When the energy of the divine force core comes into contact with the soul, it will become pure Soul Power to strengthen the strength of a soul. Of course, this requires the permission of the controller of the divine force core. Can the ghost get rid of the most important divine force core of a Divine Race? But Baqi Orochi doesn't need to worry about this, because he himself is the master of this divine force core.

After combining the core energy of divine force with soul fusion, your soul will become very powerful. If putting the divine force core in the stomach is like installing a rocket booster on an ordinary car, then integrating the divine force core into the soul is equivalent to injecting Superman into the driver of the car The medicine directly turned the driver into a superman.

The soul is carried by the body, and it is also the key to controlling the body. The driver is also carried by the car, and the driver is indeed in control of the car. So the soul is the driver of the body. Previously, the Eight-Divine Snake obviously had a divine force core, but it still couldn't beat us, because he thought he was not a good driver, but the car was too sturdy. Now he divides the divine force core into two halves, half of which is used to strengthen the spirit transformation soul, which is equivalent to equipping a sturdy car with a sturdy professional racer so that he can fully display the car. The strength is coming.

So, since doing so has such great benefits, why didn't the previous Baqi Orochi do it like this?

In fact, the reason is very simple, it is because of the permanent problem.

The divine force core strengthening the body is temporary, and the Baqi Orochi can be relieved at any time if he wants, but once he strengthens the soul, it becomes irreversible. After the soul is strengthened, it will irreversibly weaken the divine force core, and the divine force core is a kind of energy converter, which converts Power of Faith into divine force or magic power for users to use. Once the divine force core is permanently weakened, its absorption and conversion rate of Power of Faith will be greatly reduced.

It can be said that what Baqi Dashe is doing now is to consume its future potential in exchange for the improvement of its current strength. This is a very unwise approach. Most people understand it and do not go back. The Baqi Orochi is not stupid, he also understands that it is not cost-effective to do this, and he also knows that it is not good, so he has never done this before, and the result is that we were beaten miserably. Now he figured it out. Where is the future without the present? If he is killed by us now, what future potential does he have? At all times, even the core of divine force is owned by others. What does it matter to him whether it is strong or weak? So, now is simply not the time to think about the future, the most important thing is to be able to pass the present barrier.

Because he wanted to understand, Baqi Dashe did the same. But we are depressed.

Before, Baqi Osaki could not show his strength. The success rate of magic and other things was so low that he had no confidence to use it, so he always only used ordinary attacks to fight, and rarely used magic skills. . The physical control is also messed up, unable to exert one's own strength at all. It is either too hard to hold it, or the strength is too small without formidable power. Anyway, it is very bad. But now is different. Although the future of Baqi Orochi has been weakened a lot, he has really become really strong now. Not only is the energy powerful, but also the manipulation of the body becomes very powerful. Although we haven't tried to fight yet, we all know the effects of divine force core and soul fusion, so even if we don't fight, we probably know what the result will be.

After squeezing half of his divine force core into his head, Baqi Orochi immediately put the other half of the divine force core back into his chest cavity, and watched after us. Suddenly, a circle of white halo appeared on his body, and then he saw that the muscles and skin that had been burned to the surface of his body began to regenerate rapidly. The pectoral muscles full of holes in the chest began to regenerate, refilling the gaps between the ribs, and the epidermis regenerated, quickly returning to a perfect state, and finally even a set of energy-composed armor was simulated. In almost three seconds, the Eight-Different Serpent, which was already similar to the living dead, turned into a mighty War General with full-body armor, and there was no sign of injury at all.

After the transformation was completed, Baqi Orobo looked down at his armoured arm, then tried to make a fist, and then said excitedly: "It turns out that this is the feeling of fully mastering power. . You are right. I was really weak and messed up before. I was such a fool. I knew the effect was so good. I should have integrated part of the divine force core. Hahahaha, now I feel very powerful. Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, and the Purple Moon, let’s let them go together. I will let you know that my big snake god is not easy to mess with."

"hmph, don’t think you have some control now. You can be unscrupulous." I deliberately loudly said: "You have only the ability to control power. You are still at the level of ordinary person with combat experience, so you are still not perfect. If there is only me, I admit We are not your opponents. However, now we are not heads-up. I won’t say anything about the strengths of Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird. The two beside me, Christina and gold coin, should have been taught by you before. Now, there are how many catties and how many taels. You know it in your own heart. We are now five to one. Even if you have perfect control of your whole body strength, you are definitely not our opponent."

"hahahaha, Do you mean that you want me to surrender?" Baqi Orochi asked disdainfully.

"I’m not a brain-dead, how could I make such a stupid suggestion? We all know your strength. None of us on the court is your opponent, but you alone can’t handle the five of us. .If you really want to fight, you will undoubtedly die, and the five of us will also pay a huge price, and maybe even Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird will not survive. Of course, the three of us may also be downgraded. So, I think we are fighting hard now. If the price is too great for both of us."

"You mean don't fight today?" Baqi Dashe heard my voice.

I nodded generously admitted: "Isn’t it stupid to keep on knowing that it’s no good? We didn’t expect you to be here this time, otherwise we won’t just come. With such a bit of strength, and you certainly didn’t expect to be discovered by us so early, so your strength is not fully adapted. Therefore, we will stop the war for the time being. Let’s go back and gather strength and trouble you again. You too You can get time to get acquainted with your own power and continue to absorb Power of Faith to turn yourself into an invincible powerful existence. As for the next victory or defeat, everyone will rely on their ability.” I said here, suddenly I looked at the Baqi Orochi deliberately. He asked in a weird tone: "You don't think you will definitely not be able to beat us next time, do you?"

The latter sentence is of course stimulating the Ochi Orochi. This guy is not bad or bad, but It’s not as smooth as ours, so it’s easy to lose our language, and now I want to force him to do it according to my intentions, which is to abandon this battle.

Actually, I can see the actual situation very clearly. Because Divine Race of Chaos and Order has a core of divine force, our research on the core of divine force can be considered more thorough. At least compared with those guilds without Divine Race, our understanding of the core of divine force can be Much

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