As the strongest of the four Sacred Beasts, the strength of Azure Dragon is recognized as powerful. Even the bosses of Celestial Court dare not easily offend Azure Dragon. However, today Baqi Dashe is the first person to eat crabs, because he really mad Azure Dragon.

"go die for me!" With the angry roar of Azure Dragon, it was originally very sunny in the sky. I don’t know how to make it, suddenly a flash of lightning appeared, and there was a cloud in the sky. When I arrived, I didn't know how lightning appeared. However, although lightning appears abruptly, the formidable power is not bad at all. The eight-headed snake was hit by the thunder head almost before making any reaction, and then a large ball of light flashed on the ground, instantly shining a piece of white snow on the ground, and we had to turn our head and cover our eyes with our hands because of the light. Too strong, if you don't do this, you will definitely be blinded for a while.

The terrifying thunder does not go away in a flash, but it takes more than ten seconds to end in a breath. When we can't hear the thunder and turn our heads to look, the eight-headed snake just stood The place has become a deep well. Previously, Kristina’s big move exploded a big pit, which was already a lot shorter than the ground, but Azure Dragon’s move was even more ruthless. It opened a hole directly at the bottom of the pit, and I didn’t know if it had penetrated the lava below. The layer is still the original crust melted by the high temperature generated by thunder and lightning, anyway, it looks red when viewed from above.

"Damn, is this going into the mantle layer?" Kristina asked in surprise when she looked at the big hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters in the ground.

The gold coin next to me and I also looked at the big hole dumbfounded. Although I knew Azure Dragon was great, we didn't expect it. One move is to make a hole in the earth's crust and penetrate directly into the mantle. This kind of attack power seems to be a weapon against the planet, right? It's almost the same as using anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes, right?

"Purple Moon." As I was staring at the hole, I suddenly heard someone shouting next to me. As soon as I turned my head, I saw Vermilion Bird shouting at me: "Look at your record, that guy is dead No?"

The player has battle data. Although this item will not be displayed automatically, the player can take the initiative to check it. Vermilion Bird Although they are NPCs, because the system weaves a reasonable identity for the players in the game, the NPCs know the abilities of the players, but the explanation given to them by the system is not true.

When I heard Vermilion Bird’s prompt, I also reacted. I quickly looked at the data. I was taken aback. I quickly turned my head and shouted, "Be careful, he's not dead!"

I also participated in the previous battle against the Baqi Orochi, so if the Baqi Orochi dies, I should have a battle hint here, but I just checked the system hint and I didn’t see anything, this In other words, the Baqi Orochi was not dead at all.

Azure Dragon is not very far away from us, so he heard what I called. But he just heard my reminder and was attacked right after that. The ground below us suddenly exploded, and then I saw the humanity of the eight-pointed snake rushing out of the ground, and then quickly flashed past Azure Dragon holding a long spear. Because the distance is a little bit far, and the speed is too fast, I only saw a fire star flashing past. It should have been a trick with Azure Dragon, but there was no gain.

The Baqi Orochi, who had not succeeded in one move, did not give up, but immediately turned around and returned to continue the attack on Azure Dragon. Azure Dragon was azure light flashed all over after seeing the opponent turning around and rushing, and disappeared in the next second. The Baqi Orochi suddenly discovered that the target had disappeared and was looking for it. He was kicked behind his back unpredictably. The whole person was kicked down from the air like a meteor, and hit the ground with a bang, which directly caused dust in the nearby area.

"Vermilion Bird." Azure Dragon One beckoned and immediately called for a reminder. Vermilion Bird responded quickly and raised his hand as a Fireball smashed down. Who knows that Fireball has not landed before the Eight Disciplinary Snake has been in the form of a human from below. Flew out of the big pit, shot the Fireball away from the air, and then passed through one of them and rushed towards us.

The judgment of Baqi Orochi is correct. Azure Dragon is too strong, even for him now, it is not an easy opponent to deal with, so he chose to deal with us miscellaneous fish first. Although some people think that we are miscellaneous fish, some people think it is inappropriate, but as far as the battle strength of everyone present is concerned, we can only be regarded as miscellaneous fish, at best, we are the helpers of side drums. We really don’t have the main attack. What's the matter. It's not that I don't want to attack, but I feel a little bit powerless and unable to get in touch. The Baqi Orochi who doesn’t know how to get powerful energy is now too strong. Vermilion Bird can’t suppress him. Azure Dragon’s big move was not only caught by him, but it was also attacked by an anti-sneak attack. Fortunately, it didn’t get it, otherwise. Azure Dragon's face is lost.

"Be careful." Azure Dragon immediately reminded us loudly when the eight-headed snake came towards us, but the eight-headed snake was too fast and came to us in the blink of an eye.

Originally, Azure Dragon thought we might be unlucky now. After all, he hadn’t seen us make a move for a long time, so he didn’t understand our current strength, but the result made him a little surprised and a little surprised, because When the Baqi Orochi rushed over, Kristina suddenly summon tens of thousands of magic bullets and smashed it at the Oki Orochi.

For Baqi Orochi, the formidable power of this thing is very small. It is probably the same as the ordinary person riding a bicycle in a small hail rain. The face will be smashed and hurt, but at most It's just that the skin is blue and purple, and life-threatening things are still far away. However, although the formidable power of these magics is not large, the quantity is so much that even the speed of the eight-pointed snake can't escape at all.

In fact, let’s not say that it is a big snake, Kristina’s magic shoots simply no one can avoid it, because her magic is not one or two, but hiding the sky and covering the earth. Covered like a big net, no matter how fast you are, when all the routes are blocked, you can only brace oneself with your body.

Although Kristina’s magic did not cause much damage, it did limit the speed of the Orochi Orochi, and after the Orochi Orochi rushed out of the magic rainstorm, I suddenly saw Kli in front of him. Stina's hands were butted in front of her as if she were playing turtle wave qigong, and then suddenly a spinning ball of colored light flew out of the palms of her hands.

This light sphere has a super fast forming speed and a faster flight speed, almost as soon as it appeared in front of the Baqi Orochi, no one saw the flight process in the middle, it was simply a teleportation. The unsuspecting Big Snake put this ball of light on its head. As a result, the whole person felt his head dizzy, and then he was forcibly bombarded and flew backward more than ten meters before it completely stopped.

Just now, this move is Kristina's auxiliary skill. Its attack power is average, but it has dual effects of stun and knockback. The effects of these two abilities are very strong, even the Eight-Different Orochi can't save, so not only the head is dizzy for a moment, even the momentum of the impact is forcibly curbed.

"Go out!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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